Masquenoire - /ˈseɪdɪst/
Send me a ✧ and my muse will tell yours the first thing they notice when they look at them

As much as he hated being incarcerated at Arkham, there were one or two sunny places to be found within the depressing asylum walls. One of those places was the library, at least on those rare days when staff allowed him inside to read during leisurely periods. It was one of those small comforts Roman was glad to get, lowering his chances of acting out lest he ended up on ‘time out’ for the foreseeable future. Sliding his fingertips over countless worn spines, Roman selected a book - Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen, ignoring the puzzled glance a nearby orderly shot him. Of all the books he might have expected ‘Black Mask’ to choose, an old romance novel probably wasn’t one of them. Roman didn’t give a fuck what anybody here thought and sat down on the most comfortable chair avaliable, flipping through the pages as he began reading the familiar words... He sighed. He’d read Pride and Prejudice more times than he could count but there weren’t many other novels he felt like reading today. Perhaps he could sneak one back into his cell for later, when it all got a bit too boring and he had nothing else to do? Roman’s eyes flickered over the text; the orderly assigned to babysitting him seemed satisfied his patient was busy so he wasn’t a concern. Probably wouldn’t say anything anyway; Arkham didn’t hire orderlies to think. Turning over the page, a flurry of movement from the corner of his eye caught Roman’s attention. One of the staff working here, a woman he thinks he’s seen before, is currently hard at work. He’d never managed to get a good look at her face until now, Roman blatantly ignoring his book as he watched her perform her librarian duties. What was her name again? Kraven he believes he heard one of the inmates mention, but not so craven she couldn’t handle working in a shithole like Arkham Asylum. She moved closer, fully revealing herself at long last and Roman had to admit, the library could do a lot worse not having somebody like her here. Briefly he studied her appearance, the love and dedication in which she handled her books, even the ones that hadn’t been treated so kindly by his fellow inmates. "Miss Kraven, I presume? Or is it Mrs? I hope you can forgive the impertinence but I just wanted to say you have beautiful hair. That particular shade of red is quite stunning.” Roman inquired politely before returning to his book. He’d always liked the colour red, especially how it reminded him of other beautiful things such as fire and blood.
the-arkham-librarian liked this · 2 years ago
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somebody went a little too hard writing the dialogue for cartoon tie-in comics

🧲 @dimxndsareforever
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“What’s not to like about you, Miss Claridge? You’ve got a killer personality that’s matched only by your stunning good looks and eye for fashion. Any man worth his salt would be honored to have your attention...” Roman said with a knowing smile, raising a glass of wine and toasting his companion before drinking from it. The rich, intense flavours of the deep red liquid exploded upon his tongue, causing the man to savour his beverage. Marsha truly had exquisite taste, just one of her many qualities he enjoyed while spending time in her company. Speaking of company, that wasn’t the only thing of hers he courted. Marsha Sinclaire was one of the only proprietors he trusted when it came to clothing in Gotham. Paragon by name and Paragon by nature, the majority of his suits came from her business and Roman was satisfied with nothing less. She accepted nothing less than the absolute best and it was plain to see from the quality of her wares. He could trust her to obtain the finest materials, to have his outfits showing him at his very best. As he deserved. They both deserved nothing less than everything they were entitled to. He hummed, sipping another mouthful of wine thoughtfully while thinking back to how long they must have known each other by now. Marsha was already a rising star in the city by the time he’d started making ripples, famous for her love of diamonds and prestigious good fortune. It had taken the people by storm, how such a beautiful woman could be widowed so soon into her loving marriage but as everybody learned sooner or later, fate could be ‘funny’ like that in Gotham. ”I mean what I say, Marsha. Truly I do. Your success is a story shared by few and it’s all because of your own ambition you stand where you are now. I like a strong woman who knows what she’s doing but more importantly, I like it when she knows what she wants out of life and isn’t afraid to take it.” He smiled that same smile again, as though sharing a private joke with the woman sitting before him. She understood him perfectly and they were more alike then most people knew, in more ways than one.
In the spirit of Sinday, feel free to send 💞 + any dirty questions you may have for them on anon, and they HAVE to answer honestly!
CAN THEY USE CHOPSTICKS. He can what with having been brought up in an environment where fine dining was more about the social etiquette than actually enjoying exotic cuisine. His parents were strict when it came to table manners, insisting on eating ‘properly’ like the wealthy upper class they aspired to join. Roman doesn’t presume to be a gourmet but years of conforming to his parent’s expectations had made it difficult to break away from the habits they instilled in him from an early age.
WHAT DO THEY DO WHEN THEY CAN’T SLEEP. On sleepless nights, Roman will decide ‘fuck it’ and get up to continue more work or drink his problems away. If he’s too tired to do anything more strenuous than paperwork or make a few phone calls, he’ll grab a bottle of something strong and down a glass or two, watching the people and traffic passing by his view of the city streets below.
WHAT ORDER DO THEY WASH THINGS IN THE SHOWER. Starts underneath his arms. Roman turns on the shower and only gets in once it’s at a comfortable temperature, lathering up a bar of soap in his hands before starting around his middle and working his way downwards. He doesn’t like wasting time, instead preferring to wash up quickly so he can focus on other tasks such as shaving or clipping his nails. He leaves his face and neck for last, finding it easier to take care of in front of the mirror ever since the accident which cause his mask to melt into his flesh.
WHAT’S THEIR COFFEE ORDER. Black OR espresso since he’s not fond of overly creamy or sweet-tasting coffee. The sharper and more bitter it tastes, the better and Roman will most definitely add shots of whiskey and other liqueurs to his drinks not only to enhance the flavour but to keep him focused and alert during longer working periods. It’s more efficient at keeping his energy levels high than drinking alcohol on it’s own even though mixing it with caffeine is decidedly unhealthy.
HOW DO THEY ACT AROUND CHILDREN. Would treat them normally and talk to them like adults, albeit more restrained. Roman is keenly aware of the fact he’s a violent criminal and there’s no good reason for a child to be anywhere around him even if they are one of the few types of people he refuses to (actively) harm. He finds them unsettling, prone to crying and getting upset over stupid things which both annoys him (and makes him feel bad since he’s probably the one who made them cry to start with...)
WHAT WOULD THEY WATCH ON TV WHEN THEY’RE BORED AND NOTHING THEY REALLY LIKE IS ON. He’ll turn on the news even if it’s the most boring channel going. Roman likes hearing about big events as soon as possible in case there are new opportunities in it for him so he’ll endure endless renditions of the Wayne’s deaths, how Batman caught yet another villain and sent them to Arkham or simply admire how stunning the female reporters are looking tonight. It’s always a nice change of pace from Gotham’s typical doom and gloom.
TAGGED BY. @arkhampsychiatrist (Thank you Ciar! ♡)
TAGGING. @caestusvulpes, @janusflipped, @sanguine-salvation and anybody who’d like to do this?
✪ = I wanna kill you // im late but from jason
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“The feeling’s mutual, you little shit.”