match-your-steps - sometimes I say words
sometimes I say words

I did introduce myself as an artist but this is pretty gosh darn heavy on the text posts

749 posts

Just Taught My Little Sister How To Read Ratings On AO3. Ah Sibling Bonding

Just taught my little sister how to read ratings on AO3. Ah sibling bonding

  • match-your-steps
    match-your-steps reblogged this · 2 years ago

More Posts from Match-your-steps

4 years ago

I don't claim to be a Star Wars trivia expert because I absolutely am not. I mean, yeah, I've seen all the movies except episode 8 and whatever clone wars was (was it a movie? I do not know) and have been exposed to a decent amount of Star Wars lore, but I am definitely not a trivia expert.

I have met people who claim to be Star Wars trivia experts.

why have almost none of them ever heard of Jedi Academy (the game, not that comic book series)

Like seriously, I don't know if it's a true masterpiece, but it sure gets close.

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4 years ago

are you ever writing a paper and you're just like "I have no idea what point I'm trying to make but I sure do have evidence for it"

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4 years ago

A few things about the video I had to make about the 1980s farm crisis in the United States in ninth grade:

all the examples my teacher showed us had country music in them

he told us to choose music appropriate for the video (in tone, etc.)

I do not regularly listen to country music, nor did I then

I went "hmmm music that could fit this video and I actually know anything about"

and then I picked two Howard Jones songs

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4 years ago

Every year, my family watches It's a Wonderful Life around Christmas time. A tradition. The original is in black and white, but we happen to have a digitally recolored version. This year, I asked which version we were going to watch and was told "black and white." I wanted to know why- I mean, why not color? My sister replied we were watching it "the way nature intended"

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