mayu-hane - Anime is for life
Anime is for life

French girl with an awful english.

52 posts

Happy Birthday Sabo

Happy Birthday Sabo
Happy Birthday Sabo
Happy Birthday Sabo
Happy Birthday Sabo
Happy Birthday Sabo
Happy Birthday Sabo

Happy Birthday Sabo šŸ˜šŸŽ©šŸ”„


Happy Birthday Sabo
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More Posts from Mayu-hane

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3 years ago

What Are My Ships 2.0

So, a while ago I did a post on my then viewpoints and opinions of ships within the BnHA/MHA fandom, and needless to say my opinions have changed since then, so this is sort of an update to the last time I did a post of this nature. Like last time, Iā€™ll be going from my OTPs to my Favorites, Likes, BrOTPs, and then my NOTPs. However, whereas before I was mostly talking about the ships I liked, I want to expand this one to give an honest opinion on all of the ships, or at least the popular ones. Also, if I say I donā€™t like your ship, that doesnā€™t mean I donā€™t like you or your fellow shippers. I just donā€™t like the idea of those two characters together. Frankly, I wouldnā€™t even really say Iā€™m anĀ ā€œAntiā€ to any ships except anything involving an adult and an under-aged character, and anything involving Mineta because fuck Mineta.


So before I get into this one, I want to clarify the meaning of OTP as I use it. When I say my OTP, it means one of two things: Either A) This is the only person I ship with this character, and I donā€™t care for them being with anyone else, or B) I do like them in other ships, but nowhere near the level of this particular ship. I usually ship in accordance to the canon of the work. I look for evidence in the text itself, and I build my appreciation for relationships based on the evidence provided. Though Iā€™m just as capable of crack shipping as anyone else, I tend to prefer the ships with a lot of canon content.Ā Furthermore, my OTPs are usually a pairing that as far as the text itself is concerned, they donā€™t really seem to have any other legitimate love interest. Bakugo for example only really has shipping fodder with Kirishima. Bakudeku is more of a rivalry, and Kacchako is really stretching for something that isnā€™t there. Bakugo shows absolutely no interest in the girls of his class, and Bakudeku is so abusive and toxic that itā€™s firmly off my radar. So, since Bakugo doesnā€™t really like anyone other than Kirishima, as far as Iā€™m concerned, Bakugo only has one actual love interest. The same could be said for Kirishima. The only characters other than Bakugo he has canon reasons to be shipped with are Tetsutetsu and Ashido. However, Tetsutestsu is very clearly being shipped with Kendo, and although Ashido and Kirishima are old friends, Ashido isnā€™t around for Kirishimaā€™s emotional growth moments. Kiri isnā€™t thinking about Ashido when he reassures himself of his worth. Kiri isnā€™t making excuses to be around Ashido. Kirishima has little to no romantic dynamics with Ashido, theyā€™re just two kids who went to the same middle school. So, like with Bakugo, I donā€™t really consider Kirishima to have any other truly viable love interests. And sure, I was using my main OTP as an example, but I apply this same logic to most ships, except for crack ships.



So I just explained why I donā€™t ship them with other characters. But bashing other ships is not an argument, itā€™s just hating on other pairings. So rather than just gushing about my feelings about Kiribaku, itā€™s better to explain why I ship them. Kirishima and Bakugo have equal and opposite character flaws. Kirishima is a friendly character that lacks self-confidence. Bakugo is an overly confident character that isnā€™t very friendly. The appeal of Kiribaku is that they both grow from this relationship, which is like writing 101 when writing a good romance. The couple need to both get something out of the relationship. Kirishima is friendly enough to get Bakugo to warm up and be more of a team player, but Kirishima also has enough of a backbone to call Bakugo out when heā€™s being an asshole. Heā€™s able to appreciate Bakugo for the person that he is, but he wonā€™t allow Bakugo to mistreat him. He forces Bakugo to recognize him as an equal, and Bakugo responds by addressing him by his name. Something which is very clearly a sign of respect, as he also does this on one occasion with Uraraka during the tournament arc. Kirishimaā€™s friendliness and determination to be close to Bakugo earned Bakugoā€™s trust and respect, and he rewarded Kirishimaā€™s determination by treating him way better than he treats anyone else. Kirishima on the other hand is a character who is deeply insecure. Dying his hair red, spiking it up the way that he does, modeling himself after heroes he idolizes, Kirishimaā€™s character is clearly someone who doesnā€™t have a lot of confidence or self-esteem, thus why he models his behavior after others who he views as role models. Where Kirishima would doubt himself, Bakugo is self-assured enough to put Kirishimaā€™s mind at ease. And speaking from experience, Bakugoā€™s method works. Like Kirishima, I too have struggled with insecurities, and Bakugoā€™sĀ ā€˜fuck what everybody else thinks, do it cuz you like itā€™ methodology actually helped me get over my own worries and doubts. I actually was able to get over my fears of self-doubt because of the things Bakugo has said. And Iā€™m a stronger person for it, just like Kirishima.



If youā€™ve been following my page for a while now, you may already know that I love me the relationship dynamic I tend to refer to as Sunshine and Stormcloud. That is to say, when a happy optimistic and friendly person dates a grumpy, sad, or otherwiseĀ ā€œdarkā€ character. Unlike Kiribaku, these two donā€™t really have to fight off other suitors. If either of them is shipped with Nejire, Mirio with Midoriya, or Tamaki with Kirishima, these ships are all small fries compared to this ship. So small that they really donā€™t pose any threat. These two have a great dynamic, and both motivate the other to succeed. This is also just a super cute healthy supportive couple. Mirio has never once said anything about Tamakiā€™s anxiety. He just accepts that itā€™s part of him, and I would not be surprised if Mirio has helped Tamaki through panic attacks in the past. This pairing is just so wholesome and cute, I love it.



Okay, yes. Endeavor is a total trash mammal abusive dickbutt. But guess what? So was Bakugo, and now heā€™s won 3 popularity polls in a row. I sort of view this ship as the adult version of Kiribaku. Especially since Horikoshi has drawn some not so subtle parallels between Endeavor and Bakugo. And the overall relationship dynamics are similar. An overly-confident and proud asshole learns to care about other people through meeting and befriending a happy-go-lucky and friendlier young man who earns his respect. Now, Iā€™m sure there are people who donā€™t think Endeavor deserves redemption, but I for one have always been a supporter of theĀ ā€œLove redeemsā€ trope when done right. And Hawksdeavor is doing it right. Because although Endeavor has a past of abuse and general assholery, that abuse was never targeted at Hawks. This is not an abuse victim falling in love with their abuser. It is a neutral third party helping to rehabilitate an abusive asshole into a hero deserving of the title. Itā€™s also worth confessing that I have not been a victim of abuse, so I might have an easier time forgiving Endeavor and wanting him to grow and change than someone who has been hurt by a parent or anyone else in the way Endeavor abused Shoto. And I want to make it clear, I like the ship. That doesnā€™t mean Endeavor is anywhere near done repenting and groveling for Shotoā€™s forgiveness because child abuse is a serious issue, and Endeavor does need to work for his redemption. But, I am at least willing to humor his attempts and give him the benefit of the doubt to at least let him try and repair the damage that heā€™s caused his family, because heā€™s at least putting in the effort to be better, and thatā€™s worth at least something to me.



I like Tododeku. I do. But I love the weird ass dynamic between these two. Plus itā€™s an interesting yin-yang personality difference you donā€™t see a lot. The monotone emotionally distant partner and the constantly screaming overly passionate partner. Itā€™s a bit goofy, but I like it. Their quirks can also fight against each other or work together for something much stronger, which I think is a great metaphor for a couple learning to work together and being stronger as a unit.


DAVE MIGHT Okay, full disclosure, I havenā€™t actually seen the BnHA movie. But itā€™s cute as hell, and I ship it. Sadly, I donā€™t have much to say, since I donā€™t know much about their dynamic, but anything that gives the story more gay is good in my eyes.



Yes, I have straight ship. But in all seriousness, this one is only an honorable mention OTP, not because I ship it with much enthusiasm. It just doesnā€™t really have any other viable competition for either member, which qualifies it as an OTP.




I know full well that Deku probably wonā€™t end up with Todoroki. Despite him and Uraraka having about as much chemistry as a soggy slice of pizza, itā€™s pretty clear that Izuchako is the canonically viable ship. Too bad theyā€™re boring, bland, and completely unremarkable as far as romances go. Theyā€™re cookie-cutter standard, vanilla-flavored, and and just generic.Ā A big part of that of course is Urarakaā€™s complete lack of defining character traits, more on that here. At least with Todoroki, thereā€™s more going on in their relationship. They have a more interesting dynamic for starters. On top of that, Todoroki is a three dimensional person with a fully realized personality, wants, hopes, dreams, fears, flaws, and backstory. And Uraraka isā€¦ cute. And Nice. Andā€¦ nice. To quote a show from my childhood, I could stand in a puddle of Uraraka and not get my feet wet, thatā€™s how shallow her character is. Which means that Todoroki is not only more interesting, but due to being his own character, he offers contrasting or complimentary viewpoints, life experiences, ideologies, and character traits to clash or mix with Dekuā€™s to create a more rich and interesting narrative. The girl doesnā€™t even have interests. When a character is so hollow that you canā€™t even name more than two character traits before you start having to use synonyms, youā€™re not exactly creating the next Prince Zuko. And sure, I was nicer to Izuchako in my first post, but I also hadnā€™t yet realized how completely shallow and flat Uraraka was as a character. So yeah, Tododeku is a major step up in my own opinion.



I wasnā€™t always the biggest fan of this ship. When the show started, I didnā€™t really see it. Truth be told, I still donā€™t really see textual evidence to support this ship, but damn if it isnā€™t cute. Iā€™ll be the first to admit this is a ship I started shipping because I saw shipping fanart and thought it looked cute. I like the best friends to boyfriends idea that comes with them, and I think theyā€™re cute together. Plus their hero costumes totally go together.



Yes, another straight ship. See I do have them every once in a while. I canā€™t really say much about this ship compared to last time. I think itā€™s cute. Kami makes Jiro laugh. Theyā€™re in a band together. And they both strike me as laid-back types. Like they could just hang and thatā€™d be enough for them. Like thereā€™s a reason Jiroā€™s considered an honorary Bakusquad member. Sheā€™s really chill and down-to-earth, which seems like a good fit for this sparky doofus.



A lot of fans refer to them as Erasermic 2.0 and Iā€™d say sure, with the exception that Kaminari isnā€™t as annoying as Present Mic. For the most part, I like their dynamic. Itā€™s cute, and I could see it building up to something interesting. Perhaps whatā€™s more curious is the fact that ShinDeku basically fell off the face of hte earth once this ship came around. Because I see way fewer things of Shinso x Deku than I do Shinso x Kami, so something that popular is probably popular for a good reason.




Iā€™m honestly only including this cuz itā€™s a popular ship, and apparently probably where the canon ships are heading. Too bad I didnā€™t even realize they were being shipped together until I literally saw a promotional thing with them together thatĀ said that this was apparently one of the biggest ships in the fandom and I didnā€™t get the memo, cuz I had no idea these two were a thing in fanon or canon at all. At literally no point have I ever seen anything even resembling intimacy or even genuine affection between the two. They work well together, and theyā€™re good teammates, but as a romantic pairing they came completely out of left field. If you ship them, well good for you, but I donā€™t really see why. Well at least itā€™s not abusive or toxic and it doesnā€™t involve Mineta so you do you.



I wonā€™t lie, as a gay man, lesbian ships tend to go right past my radar. The only times Iā€™ve ever gotten really invested in shipping lesbian characters was when there was heavy canon backing to support the ships. But without canon support, I donā€™t really go looking for it. And frankly, I donā€™t see it with this or any lesbian pairing in this series.Ā  Thereā€™s no romantic spark as far as I can see. But I guess at least within fanon, I see this ship a lot and itā€™s fine. It works. Lesbians deserve representation too, so I get it. People look for themselves in media. I donā€™t judge on that front.Ā I mean, a big part of my disinterest is that the girls are secondary characters. I think Hagakure gets two lines per arc. But for me personally, Iā€™m just not really invested in the lesbian ships of this series. But of the lesbian pairings that are even a little bit viable, Momojiro i guess is at the top. MomoKendo is the only pairing Iā€™ve come close to actually shipping, but itā€™s pretty clear who Kendo is going to end up with.



I like Hatsume. I think sheā€™s a fun character. I wish theyā€™d use her more because she actually has a personality. And itā€™s actually enjoyable to be around. But these two are basically just a couple because Iida has gone from Dekuā€™s best friend to background student ever since the stain arc ended. Honestly, this ship is more of a comedic duo. the Comically Serious with the Comically Wacky. And itā€™s fine.



Bascially the same thing I said last time. Theyā€™re cute, theyā€™re two smart cookies, and they work well together. They havenā€™t really done anything new together in a while, so itā€™s a pretty dormant ship right now.



The ship is fine, I just donā€™t particularly like it. It works, but itā€™s not really something I actively ship. Mostly I just donā€™t like Present Mic, I think heā€™s annoying and his tiny mustache is unattractive. I donā€™t really have a problem with this ship. I donā€™t particularly care for it either. It exists. Iā€™m okay with its existence.



Okay, I know I bashed this ship pretty hard in my discussion of Tododeku but that doensā€™t mean i hate it. It means Iā€™m frustrated with it. It has the potential to be good, but it settles for bland mediocrity. Thereā€™s nothing here in this boy meets girl will they wonā€™t they main boy must date main girl cishet ship that hasnā€™t been done to death by a thousand other shows. Itā€™s boring. And yeah, most of that fault lies with Uraraka not being a real person. And before Izuchako shippers get all defensive, honestly answer me this: Name one of Urarakaā€™s hobbies. Tell me something about her. Give me any indication that she has any character trait other than sweet, nice, or friendly. Sure okay, she can get competitive, but she gets that way. As in, itā€™s not an inherent trait. It has to be turned on. And okay, sheā€™s selfless enough to want an easier life for her parents. The problem with Uraraka is that sheā€™s forced to remain this perfect porcelain figure. And a lot of my problems with this ship could be fixed by fixing my problems with Uraraka. Make her a real character. Give her a story arc. Give her interests and hobbies, superstitions, quirky behaviors. Anything. Just donā€™t treat her like a trophy to be handed to Deku when he saves the day. Believe me, I want this ship to be better. Because this is the flagship couple of the series. So they should be better written. But they arenā€™t and thatā€™s upsetting.




Let me tell you, as a huge fan of this BrOTP, it was SO vindicating to see them working so well together during the drill against class 1-B. I genuinely believe that after Kirishima (and possibly now Kaminari) that Jiro probably has the best chance of being called Bakugoā€™s best friend, and I love that. These two feel like theyā€™d just get along due to their punk/emo/goth vibe, and shared aloofness. I feel like Jiro is good enough at keeping her cool that she is one of the few characters who could just stonewall Bakugoā€™s angry yelling and just reply with a sarcastic quip about him throwing a tantrum without even looking up from her phone. They just seem like theyā€™d get along once Bakugo starts to respect her more, and I look forward to that day.


My opinions on my NOTPS really havenā€™t changed, so Iā€™m honestly just going to copy and past them. If youā€™ve read them before, then itā€™s unnecessary extra reading, and if you havenā€™t, then it can still look like a fresh opinion.



This ship straddles the line for me, as I do like this pairing, but only as a Friend!Ship. I like the idea of Bakugou sort of bringing Urarakaā€™s more competitive nature to the surface, and the two becoming sparring partners. Itā€™s just the romantic angle Iā€™m less keen on. The main contention I see for this pairing as a romantic couple is that Bakugou didnā€™t hold back against Uraraka during the Tournament Arc, but I personally prefer to look at it as a great parallel to the battle between Neji and Hinata Hyuga during the Chunin Exams in Naruto, an anime which was a major influence for Horikoshi. In both fights, a genius and prodigy who stood as an elite among the young recruits was set to fight the primary love interest who was significantly weaker than him. In both fights, both Neji and Bakugou completely refused to hold back and wiped the floor with their opponent. The main difference came in how the fights ended. When Neji moved in for the attack as Hinata was defeated, multiple supervising teachers had to restrain him from killing her while she was barely able to remain standing. Comparatively, the instant Bakugou noticed that Uraraka was collapsing in defeat, he stopped his attack. Heck, part of me even expected Bakugou to retrieve her tournament jacket and give it back to her, but I suppose that would have been a little out of character. My point with this story is that Bakugou had the mindset of a true feminist. He didnā€™t show mercy because she was at a lower skill level or because she was a girl. He fought her as if she was a legitimately threatening villain, and when the threat was neutralized, he no longer needed to keep fighting. I choose to read this as a recognition of her as a hero in training and even the building block upon which to build further respect between them. So, I can understand why people might ship this pairing, especially since Bakugou doesnā€™t really have anything even resembling shipping fodder with any other female character, as he doesnā€™t really tend to talk directly to the girls in his class. Still, for me, I think these two are much better off as friends who push each other to improve, but if this ship is your jam, I donā€™t see anything too problematic with it.



This is probably the only ship Iā€™d come close to calling myself an Anti for, but in truth, I donā€™t have a problem with people who ship these two, I just find it too problematic for me to really have any kind of favor for it. My problem with Bakudeku is that itā€™s mutually toxic. Midoriya shows very clear signs of abuse, whether it be verbal, physical, or mental, as he flinches at the sound of Bakugouā€™s voice, and immediately backtracks when talking to Kacchan in an attempt to stop him from getting angry enough to provoke an attack. However, Midoriya is just as bad for Bakugou, as it has been said numerous times that Bakugouā€™s pride is the direct result of endless praise and affirmation as a child from teachers and peers. Midoriya is a contributor to this problem, as even now, he continues to remark on how amazing Bakugou is, thus feeding his pride and inflating his ego. While it is possible for these two to grow past their rivalry and even enter something of a friendship, I donā€™t like the idea of such a toxic, abusive, and cruel dynamic taking any sort of romantic shape, as it would be damaging to both boys. Granted, some people enjoy darker pairings and others enjoy it for the idea of the redemption and reconciliation, but this pairing simply is not for me. If you do like this pairing, good for you. I am by no means trying to sway peopleā€™s opinions to resemble mine. I am by no means saying you canā€™t like this ship or that you shouldnā€™t, Iā€™m just explaining why I do not.