Ace - Tumblr Posts

Just added pride badges to my Etsy!
Btw my pride stuff is on sale


'was learning 'bout body atonomy but then I drew over it and drew the ninja! Couldn't fit all of 'em tho, sorry 'bout that. But i'll draw them maybe sometimes in the future!

My persona! not sure if I'm going to keep it but it'll do for now.
y’all should follow them >:3

can y'all see the big difference?? Like, the Luffy one was made right before Ace and Sabo's. It's been a while since I drew digitally, but I had fun! My dad gave me an ipad and the pen to draw soo,
You know how long it took me to do Ace and Sabo's?? 14 whole hours. I normally finish after an hour but this one took 14. A WHOLE 14. but I'm glad how it turned out.

Quite proud of this one! Took 2 days- but hey! The final looks so cool. :D
I'm going to try to write for Ace's birthday so I'll focus more on writing so no drawing for next week, unfortunately.

Queerplatonic Relationships: An Introduction
Image text below the cut.
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As an aro ace person I would like to apologize to all allo aros and they way they have been treated, like you said you're not gross for feeling sexual attraction. You're a not a bad person for being allo aro. You're all valid as f*ck and deserve to be treated better and to be respected! I wish you all a good evening want you to know that you're appreciated and loved <3
Having said that I would also like to adress my fellow aces.
So some of y'all have been acting like real @ssholes and decided to treat allo aros like sh*t.
This needs to stop.
Slutshaming is never okay. Someone else's sexlife is none of your bussiness so stay out of it.
Having sexual attraction is not gross and doesn't make you a bad person. Some of our fellow aces also feel sexual attraction. Just because it's not your thing doesn't mean you get to shame other people for it.
We're all aspec people, we're all living in a heteronormative society which can make things rather hard, we're all already treated like sh*t by most straight ppl and even a lot of queer people, together with agendered people we are the A in the queer community. So why can't we just stick together and stand up for each other? We might not be exactly alike but we still have a lot in common so don't go and be an @sshole just because you're insecure :)
They shouldn't have to even ask to be respected, they should just be respected! Honestly y'all be better than this.
I love aces to death but some (emphasis on some) have a habit of treating allo aros like crap because of our sexual attraction. We aren’t gross or dirty for liking people sexually and we’re certainly not whores or hoes (yes I’ve had an ace person call me those things in the past). I’m not blaming the entire ace community for this because I realize it’s not all of your faults but a lot of you guys just stand by in these instances. Please treat us (allo aros) better.
friendly reminder that anyone on the ace spectrum can use the ace flag of that's the one you prefer. you aren't required to use the flag specific to your label if you don't want to.
friendly reminder that anyone on the aro spectrum can use the aro flag of that's the one you prefer. you aren't required to use the flag specific to your label if you don't want to.
friendly reminder that anyone on the aroace spectrums can use the aroace flag of that's the one you prefer. you aren't required to use the flags specific to your labels if you don't want to.
if you're grayromantic but want to use the common aro flag? go for it. if you're cupiosexual but want to use the common ace flag? do it. if you're demiromantic abrosexual but want to use the orange-blue aroace flag? that's your decision. these flags exist for the entire community to use if they wish. you are just as aspec as anyone else on the spectrum.
Cisgender Aromantic
Heterosexuals and
Asexuals are Queer!

Support trans dudes, they deserve it
[ID: Ten graphics with a variation of the trans man pride flags, along with a heart shaped aromantic flag, asexual flag, gay flag, bisexual flag, straight flag, polysexual flag, pansexual flag, omnisexual flag, polyamory flag and queer flag. The graphics says, in order: Support aro trans boys, support ace trans boys, support gay trans boys, support bi trans boys, support straight trans boys, support ply trans boys, support pan trans boys, support polyam trans boys and support queer trans boys. End ID]
To all the LGBTAQ+ Muslims, you are not dirty. You are not a walking contradiction. You are beautiful and incredible. I want all my Muslim brothers, sisters and friends to know this that Allah has created you the way you are, and you are a child of his.
He loves you for who you are and what you do. You are a perfectly valid human and deserve every bit of happiness this world has to offer. This year we celebrate Eid-ul-fiter in the month of Pride to acknowledge our existence and embrace our identity.
Non Muslims are highly encouraged to reblog this post.
Islamophobic people, terfs, Nazis, Trump supporters and any lgbtaq+ phobic people DO NOT INTERACT.
Queer Native Americans and indigenous people are beautiful and deserving of affection and respect. Queer BIPOC make the LGBTQ+ community better by being in it.

Hey it’s ace week and you’re local ace has something to say! I’ve been out as ace for 3 years now and it’s still a big part of my identity that I’m proud of so here’s a lil something for those who need it!
samee 😭
it's unreal how much I actually relate to tori spring.

Happy Birthday Sabo 😁🎩🔥

I legitimately did not know that the phrase "Netflix and Chill" had a sexual connotation to it until like 1 maybe 2 years ago. Like dude I just thought that it meant what it said?? Why all of you allosexuals gotta be so confusing-
Aroace culture is not knowing what it meant to "Netflix and Chill" until someone spelled it out to us
what do you mean it's not what the name says literally???? i legit just wanna chill and watch She-Ra!!!!
Aroace culture
Happy ace week please give me cake. 🥺🥺🥺