21 posts
Mello028 - Nice To Meet 'cha, I'm Mel - Tumblr Blog

Absolutely enjoyed every single part of it! Very lovely

Do this and then reblog with your color!
I know this site isn't the best to spread awareness but please read this to know what's happening in Indonesia right now in short word: nepotism.. they're changing the laws only to their favor, when people protests about this, some have gotten beaten up and many were kidnapped. reporters are also silenced, the people in power are scums and may the world know their sins too.
coming for you

This is Money Snake. She only appears every 312 years.ย
If you reblog her picture within the next twenty-five seconds you will have good luck and fortune for the rest of your life.ย

LAST ONE I SWEAR (for now, i think)

I think the food's gone a bit off... ๐ด๐๐ป
Devious Dining, the third prompt for Drawtober!
A compilation of doodles of Mychael that i did in the past few days... i keep forgetting how flippin tall he actually is
First doodles, he looks so soft <3

POV: You gave him some sparkles!

Some colored pieces! Only the best for the boy! (Cant wait for day 2 ^u^)

I just wanna give him a hug djwbksbwkd

Tempted to make seperate accounts for each little interest i have... maybe in the future when my workflow is higher more consistent but for now, this is just gonna be my pile of miscelanious things that i like
the fear of sharing your work not because you're worried people will hate it or mock it or think it's terrible...but instead that it will elicit nothing from them. that it will be unremarkable. that it won't matter to anyone but you
Deus Ex Machina?!
Can it be sburb please?
First thing you see after you zoom in is how you die

How you dying ๐
game night with the stridersย original sound
This is the nicest person in tumblr to me <3

First pixel gif

Just a pic, it's gonna be the cover of my next book that I'll be posting at Wattpad