melodymason1100 - Melody

A person

252 posts

Melodymason1100 - Melody - Tumblr Blog

5 months ago
5 months ago
I'm Very Sorry For Not Posting This Sooner

I'm very sorry for not posting this sooner

I am very happy for Epic Mickey's comeback, But I honestly doubt if Disney really has nothing to do with it. The game still has Disney's name attached to it, it has their properties, and there is most definitely ways for them to profit off of it even if it was made by different studios.

I am sure that there are genuine people passionate about EM working behind Rebrushed, and I'm truly sorry that I won't buy the official game but I don't want to take chances, I think we all shouldn't.

We can still pirate it of course, we can still love the game and the characters, but please do not give Disney any of your time or money as much as we all want to support the game, as much as we missed the brothers, Disney is still compliant in the genocide happening in Palestine and the people's lives are so much more important.

🍉 Educate yourself:

🍉 Do daily clicks the ad revenue is donated to Palestine:

Home – 2020 aims to empower every person & every organization to do Good.

🍉 Other brands to boycott:

I'm Very Sorry For Not Posting This Sooner

🍉 Use No thanks or Boycat apps to detect products sold by brands that support Israel by scanning barcode

No Thanks - Apps on Google Play
Scan barcodes & search serial numbers
Boycat - Apps on Google Play
Make Conscious Choices with Boycat

Or if you're able, please donate to these guys!

🍉 Donate to Care for Gaza, they are a non profit charity that give aid for people in need of cash, diapers, clothing, etc

Go to and type in the amount. Since it’s PayPal, it's easy and secure. Don’t have a PayPal account? No worries.
CareForGaza Supporting Displaced Families in Gaza, organized by Sab by
Hello, my name is Sabrine, i am 25 years old, living in Germany and i am rais… Sab by needs your support for CareForGaza Supporting Displace

🍉 Donate e-sims for people in Gaza so they can stay connected to the internet and Pious Projects sends relief aids for Gaza.

Emergency Relief for Gaza
Emergency Relief for Gaza

🍉 Google doc master list of helpful links for education and donations

BDS BRANDS - Google Docs Take Action - Defund Israel - Google Docs Free Help for Palestine - Google Docs AMP EMERGENCY ACTION FOR GAZA -

Remember that you can make a real difference in this world, you can save the life of someone and you can destroy them. Please do the right thing.

Do not stop talking about Palestine.

Ceasefire now. 🍉

6 months ago

Help My Two Daughters Escape From Gaza War

Hello everyone..

I am Hadeel Mikki from Gaza, Palestine and this is my husband Waseem Mikki, my daughters Mira and Nadia, My mother Tahani Mikki, and my two brothers.

Help My Two Daughters Escape From Gaza War

Donate to Help My Two Daughters Escape from GAZA WAR, organized by MOHAMED E M Mikki
Hello everyone.. I am Hadeel Mikki from Gaza, Palestine and this is m… MOHAMED E M Mikki needs your support for Help My Two Daughters Es

Here is our story - Ever since the morning of the 7th of October, none of our lives have been the same. Everything in our lives has been disrupted. The first night since the beginning of the war, our home got partially destroyed because of a very close Israeli strike.

Despite the damage, we stayed home for another two weeks until suddenly and without preparation, we were told to evacuate our homes and we’d be in danger. From this moment our endless journey of suffering and pain began.

Throughout this journey, we later Knew that our home of three floors where my family and my uncle-in-law family live. My uncle family of 5 members did not leave our home and it has got bombed directly and completely destroyed and all of them were martyred.

Help My Two Daughters Escape From Gaza War

My father-in-law his heart could not bear all this pain and all this grief; so he got sick. He found himself living the darkest of realities and through the scarcity of medicine and lack of medical resources in the hospitals, he passed away.

My husband, Waseem, was very sad, and my daughters missed their grandfather, who used to play with them and bring them toys.

The situation was very difficult for my children, and my eldest daughter, Mira, kept crying and wanted to go and see her grandfather, and she did not realize that he had gone and would never return.

Help My Two Daughters Escape From Gaza War

So we moved in with my husband, children, and I, full of great sadness, with my mother and two brothers, who are the only survivors of my family; They are all that I have left, and I hope that we will all escape with our lives outside of war and destruction, and that my children will survive. We do not want to lose them.

Our future has become unknown, our present is unbearable, unlivable by human standards. We’re stuck in a harsh reality each moment. We live in a constant state of sounds of explosions, bullets raining down on us, artillery shells, and warplanes dropping destructive missiles on us every day.

In addition to our ongoing suffering to this day: lack of resources, humanitarian aid, medicine, and food. We can barely find food for my girls, as they eat one meal during the day and spend the rest of the day crying.

This is my daughters enjoying a life before 7th October.

Help My Two Daughters Escape From Gaza War

But now my princess Mira stay alone all the time remember her previous life, her school, her friends, our beautiful life, and all places we were visited with Mira and Nadia as a beautiful family and still cry I need my school, I need my friends, I need my toys.

Help My Two Daughters Escape From Gaza War

This is the cry of a mother and father. We hope that our children will be given the opportunity to live in peace and security and have access to food and a safe life like the rest of the children of the world everywhere.

Now I am pregnant in the 4th month , and I don't know how I will get the baby, there is no hospitals , no pregnancy care , no food , no clean water, so I am worried about this pregnant with these circumstances.

Maybe this fundraising effort is like a beacon in the darkness, our sole source of hope that we hold onto tightly. I urge the world to listen to my plea and the sorrowful cries of my Gaza kin. We desperately require the helping hand that can dry our tears and lead us to safety.

Your contribution is more than just money; it's a chance to reconstruct life and illuminate a brighter future. Join us in shaping a tale of hope, as we rely on your support to begin afresh.

The purpose of the fundraising campaign

The objective of this fundraising drive is to secure the passage of my family, comprising my husband, two daughters, mother, two brothers, and myself, through the Rafah Crossing to Egypt. Presently, this journey necessitates £5000 per person. This campaign stands as our sole opportunity for survival, and I earnestly implore your aid during this pivotal juncture. Rest assured, I will furnish you with a detailed breakdown of the expenses, vowing transparency, and lucidity throughout.

Donate to Help My Two Daughters Escape from GAZA WAR, organized by MOHAMED E M Mikki
Hello everyone.. I am Hadeel Mikki from Gaza, Palestine and this is m… MOHAMED E M Mikki needs your support for Help My Two Daughters Es

Breakdown of Expenses

• Rafah/Egypt crossing: €5000 per person (a total of €25,000 for five adult family members)

€2,500 per child (a total of €5,000 for two children family members)

• Minimum living costs: €5000

Thank you for your kindness and support.

Hadeel Mikki

6 months ago
melodymason1100 - Melody
6 months ago
Boss Is Asleep, Cannot Stop Me From Frogposting

Boss is asleep, cannot stop me from frogposting

6 months ago

Reblog the writers’ fortune cookie for luck!

Reblog The Writers Fortune Cookie For Luck!

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6 months ago
Dina ( @zinaanqar ) Reached Out To Me To Illustrate Her Family's Campaign So It Could Reach More People.
Dina ( @zinaanqar ) Reached Out To Me To Illustrate Her Family's Campaign So It Could Reach More People.
Dina ( @zinaanqar ) Reached Out To Me To Illustrate Her Family's Campaign So It Could Reach More People.
Dina ( @zinaanqar ) Reached Out To Me To Illustrate Her Family's Campaign So It Could Reach More People.

Dina ( @zinaanqar ) reached out to me to illustrate her family's campaign so it could reach more people. Please reblog and donate if you can.

Their gofundme is very close to its goal, so please share and donate!!!

Donate to Helping Ahmed's Family: Escaping War to a New Life, organized by Abdallah Alanqar
Hello,, I'm Ahmed Alanqar, 34 years old, married to Dina Alanq… Abdallah Alanqar needs your support for Helping Ahmed's Family: Escaping
6 months ago

it makes me so fucking angry. Why do palestinians trying to escape genocide have to ask how you are. Why do they have to apologize for sending asks. Why must every message stast with saying they wish the reader well, they they hope you're doing okay, that they're so sorry to bother you. Do these people have to act nice and sweet for anyone to care? Do they have to make sure you're doing well before they have the right to ask for anything? Its horrific.

6 months ago

idk man but something about Stanley "taught himself extremely advance physics/math/probably many other things while running a relatively successful business" Pines and Stanford "is wanted in almost every dimension with a judicial system of some kind" Pines is sooo fucking funny to me

6 months ago
6 months ago

I know you have all probably seen the esims for gaza posts circulating. Some of you have probably looked at them and thought maybe you should help out, but have weighed up the daunting process of signing up for something you're unfamiliar with vs. the gut-wrenching scale of the things people are going through on the ground right now, and you've put it off or questioned whether it will make enough of a difference vs. some other future kind of activism you could put that $6+ towards. I'm not calling you out or scolding you, it is natural to feel conflicted and ambivalent about the multiple calls for aid that you are seeing on social media.

but consider this: what would you do if you suddenly had to leave your home? how would you cope? how would you begin to plan where to go next, or figure out what to do to take care of yourself? most likely you would reach reflexively for your phone.

telecoms access is not a petty luxury in 2024. a loaded esim means the ability to call family members and find out where they are and whether they're safe, and whether they need anything you can provide for them. it means access to maps and regular updates on the situation unfolding around you. it means you can look up whether it's safe to drink rain water, or how to tie a type of knot you've never had to think about before, or how to treat an injury without medical supplies. it means the ability to tell people outside the situation what you are seeing, what you are feeling, what you are thinking. it is an absolutely crucial resource. and it starts at $6 for 7 days.

many many people have observed that internet access is changing the way the world understands genocide. internet access is life or death, and it is shaping modern history in front of you. and it starts at $6 for 7 days.

please, please visit and spend 5 minutes and $6 to change the way this plays out for everyone.

6 months ago

The Story of Salahaldin Ahmad Khalil Hor and His Family: A Journey of Struggle and Hope

Hello everyone

I am Salahaldin Ahmad Khalil Hor, 38 years old, and a father of three daughters. My life and the lives of my family have changed drastically because of the war, and I am writing to you today hoping for your support and assistance during this difficult time.

Donate to A family seeking a safe haven amidst harsh conditions, organized by Salahaldin Hor
The Story of Salahaldin Ahmad Khalil Hor and His Family: A Journe… Salahaldin Hor needs your support for A family seeking a safe haven amids

The Story Of Salahaldin Ahmad Khalil Hor And His Family: A Journey Of Struggle And Hope

My Family

My family consists of five members: my wife, Sundus (34 years old), and my daughters, Maria (10 years old), Farah (8 years old), and Maryam (3 years old). We used to live a simple life filled with hope and ambition.

The Story Of Salahaldin Ahmad Khalil Hor And His Family: A Journey Of Struggle And Hope

The Beginning of the Crisis

When the war broke out, we had to leave our home in the north. The family was split, with half of us staying in the north, suffering from famine and displacement, while the other half moved to the south. But even in the south, we were not safe. The house we sought refuge in was bombed, and Maria and Maryam were injured by shrapnel.

The Story Of Salahaldin Ahmad Khalil Hor And His Family: A Journey Of Struggle And Hope

Daily Challenges

I studied accounting and obtained a master's degree in accounting and finance, aiming to advance my career and achieve my personal aspirations. However, the war prevented me from completing my thesis and destroyed my dreams of development. Our home was completely destroyed due to this brutal war. I lived in Belgium for six months, but I chose to return voluntarily to be with my daughters and not leave them alone in this ordeal.

The Story Of Salahaldin Ahmad Khalil Hor And His Family: A Journey Of Struggle And Hope

hope and Prayer

Now, I am searching for a shelter for my family and me. My greatest wish is to reunite with my daughters and wife and start a new life together. We seek your help to overcome this ordeal and return to our normal lives. We need your support to provide medical care for our family members, continue our education, and build a better future.

A Call to Humanity

Please, I need to raise the necessary funds to leave the country and save my small family. Your support will be the hope we need to start anew, far from war and destruction. Any help you can offer, whether financial or moral, will make a significant difference in our lives. We ask you to share our story and help us raise the funds needed to evacuate to a safe place and find peace.

From the depths of our hearts, we thank you for any support you provide. We will never forget your kindness and generosity in these difficult times.

Thank you,

Salahaldin Ahmad Khalil Hor

Donate to A family seeking a safe haven amidst harsh conditions, organized by Salahaldin Hor
The Story of Salahaldin Ahmad Khalil Hor and His Family: A Journe… Salahaldin Hor needs your support for A family seeking a safe haven amids
6 months ago
25 Years Of Ads Peeled Away

25 years of ads peeled away

6 months ago
*September 1st On Tumblr*
*September 1st On Tumblr*
*September 1st On Tumblr*
*September 1st On Tumblr*

*September 1st on Tumblr*

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6 months ago

Please support my campaign We are on the way to saving families and children🍉🙏

Please Support My Campaign We Are On The Way To Saving Families And Children

Dona a Urgent aid ! Help to fight starvation for an extended family, organizada por Mahmoud Ayyad
I am Mahmoud Ayyad, 26 years old, a Palestinian young man fro… Mahmoud Ayyad necesita tu apoyo para Urgent aid ! Help to fight starvation fo

Please donate and😭 participate to save the rest. Support, support.🙏

Please Support My Campaign We Are On The Way To Saving Families And Children

#tumblr followers

Please Support My Campaign We Are On The Way To Saving Families And Children
Please Support My Campaign We Are On The Way To Saving Families And Children

Children are living the most difficult times in this difficult environment. Please support, participate and donate.🍉😭

a photo taken for my sister wh has been suffering lots of chronic disease, specifically Spinal Muscular Atrophy ( SMA).

please help my family move to safety and peace till these black days end.

6 months ago


A total of $2578 USD has been raised for the PCRF, and 69 commissions have been requested. We also have several new additions to the team!

Keep the commissions coming! Please share/rb if you can!

Check out our comprehensive info doc here for step by step instructions on how to get a commission, faqs, and more.

You can find all of our links and information at our carrd here. Please send any enquiries you have to our email

6 months ago

i'll keep this brief to spare your dash:

27 person family, trapped in gaza

injured and sick members, young kids, and elderly

displaced 8 times, currently separated & sleeping on the streets

less than $1k USD to reach their next goal

verified / donate here

art raffle by @horreurscopes (physical prints!)

I'll Keep This Brief To Spare Your Dash:
6 months ago

Decided to redraw that lovely Bill Cipher Circle (does it have a proper name?) to act as a cover image for my Bill Cipher playlist…

Decided To Redraw That Lovely Bill Cipher Circle (does It Have A Proper Name?) To Act As A Cover Image

+ sticker-friendly colored version! ↓

Decided To Redraw That Lovely Bill Cipher Circle (does It Have A Proper Name?) To Act As A Cover Image

Click for Quality!

Decided To Redraw That Lovely Bill Cipher Circle (does It Have A Proper Name?) To Act As A Cover Image
Decided To Redraw That Lovely Bill Cipher Circle (does It Have A Proper Name?) To Act As A Cover Image

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6 months ago

And I'll say this over and over again:

Please understand that Israel has information on where everyone is in Gaza.

They know the names and ages of everyone in a specific building.

I made a post about this before but the noise you constantly hear in the background of videos coming from Gaza is the sound of the zanana, a type of Israeli drone that is watching every move Gazans make.

This is just one way Israel keeps the entire population under constant surveillance. They also use quadcopters and AI to identify their targets.

So when they falsely claim to be targeting a Hamas member and kill a dozen children in the process, they do so knowing.

That's not collateral damage, that's intentional.

After all they killed 4 day old twins in a precision strike. They snipe children in the chest and head. They killed 6 year old Hind knowing she was alone. They aren't oblivious or are making mistakes. Would you call well over 15,000 children deaths in the span of 10 months one giant mess up?

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6 months ago
7 months ago
An Unofficial Guide To Hermitcraft For Season 10!
An Unofficial Guide To Hermitcraft For Season 10!
An Unofficial Guide To Hermitcraft For Season 10!
An Unofficial Guide To Hermitcraft For Season 10!
An Unofficial Guide To Hermitcraft For Season 10!
An Unofficial Guide To Hermitcraft For Season 10!
An Unofficial Guide To Hermitcraft For Season 10!
An Unofficial Guide To Hermitcraft For Season 10!
An Unofficial Guide To Hermitcraft For Season 10!
An Unofficial Guide To Hermitcraft For Season 10!

An unofficial guide to Hermitcraft for Season 10!

An Unofficial Guide To Hermitcraft For Season 10!

Be sure to check out Skizzleman and Smallishbeans, this season's newbies!

A big thanks to several anonymous contributors, @sudden-memory-loss and @cerealisafunbath for helping with some of the quotes and blurbs!

Transcript / Accessible version here

Get the art as stickers here :)

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7 months ago
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7 months ago
If You See This On Your Dashboard, Reblog This, NO MATTER WHAT And All Your Dreams And Wishes Will Come

If you see this on your dashboard, reblog this, NO MATTER WHAT and all your dreams and wishes will come true.