memymay - *Akward Silence*
*Akward Silence*

I came here to read fanficion, and now I’m gonna share my own heheheheShe/her - 18 - Make sure to read the welcome post & rules if you want to request

13 posts

Aznad, Aka Az, And Her Long Awaited Backstory.

Aznad, aka Az, and her long awaited backstory.

Part 1: The Beginning.

Part 2 ⭐️

Original Character Masterlist ⭐️

Pencil paper Drawing ⭐️

Digital Drawing ⭐️

Tw: Death, Murder (not shown in scene)

Aznad, Aka Az, And Her Long Awaited Backstory.

To start we have two raven beatskins, Malla and Amman. They were chased out of their home by angry villagers. They did nothing wrong, however, the villagers were rather insistent on blaming them for everything that went wrong. Malla was pregnant at the time, and they were desperately searching for a new home. During their search, they found an old dwarven tunnel and decided to follow it. Doing so they found themselves inside a dungeon. They weren’t planning on settling there, just trying to find some help, maybe some supplies. Amman was no stranger to combat, and could harvest some monster meat if worse came to wear. However, the found themselves lost, but unlike most, the dungeon was giving. when they needed water, they found it, when they needed food, a low level monster would come. They were able to live comfortably, settling in an old house on the 4th floor.

Eventually, when Malla was nearing her due date, the couple stumbled upon an orc camp. The orcs, while reluctant at first, agreed to trade with them. And soon they became good friends. It was through the tribe that they met a young Senshi, who would often sell them vegetable and help teach them to survive. When the time came, the orc tribe even helped Malla give birth. They hadn’t picked a name out, afraid that the assult that left them homeless could have killed their unborn baby. The child was born, though she was a bit underdeveloped and sickly, she was alive. After a week resting at the orc camp, the two settled on a name. It was one that Senshi recommended, Aznad.

They lived a good life for the first few years, senshi would often babysit, taking a young Az with him to the upper levels. Life was truly good, they even had another child, a boy they named Talla. The baby was barely 2 years old when the tragedy happened. They were walking back from a visit to the orcs, Talla was asleep in his mother’s arms. Az, now four years old, was trailing behind her parents. She was enamored with a doll the orcs had made for her. It looked like her, and she had opted to name it Minnie (it was really Mini me). She heard a scream, and looked up to see a group of adventurers running full force towards the group, weapons drawn. She didn’t understand what was happening, until shot an arrow through her mother’s wing.

Her eyes widened in horror. The realization dawning on her as she turned and ran. Not even a few steps behind her, there was one. He was shorter, but she didn’t care to get a good look at him before covering herself with her wings and running as fast as her little legs could take her ‘your body is weak, it gets hurt easy. When your wrestling with the other orc kids, make sure to use your wings. They’re strong and can take a lot of damage’ her father had told her once, after she had sprained her wrist. That, along with the tips the orcs had taught her during hide n’ seek and tag she was able to make it out relatively unharmed. While she would realize for a long long time, the orcs had internally taught her those tricks, knowing that her and her family would eventually targeted.

Back at the camp she frantically rushed towards the chief, who had come out to question her. “Bad men are chasing me, they hurt momma, i- they- they shot at her. Why would they do this?” She broke down, sobbing into the arms of another orc who had come to comfort her.

“Listen hunny, do you remember where you were? Where are your parents now?”

“We -hic- we were heading home when they- they-“

“I’ve already got a group heading that way” one of the orcs commented

“Do you know when the came from?”

“The- i think- we were at the edge, and they came from- i- this direction” she lifted up her right hand, “I was looking at the- the weird lion fountain thing, and they- it was a path on this side”

She didn’t know at the time, but when the orcs found where they were assaulted, they found a path of blood trailing away. The adventures, damn monsters The treated her family as animals, to be hunted for fun.

In the wake of this tragedy, she mostly lived with senshi on the upper levels. The orcs were very very reluctant to let her up there. Even under Senshi’s watchful eye. Way too many tall men and elves up there. How could they know that she wouldn’t attack her like they did her parents. But she was a smart child, wanted to learn everything there was to know. She couldn’t do that with them, at least not long enough to satisfy her. That, and the painful memories were too much, and she just couldn’t live there. She would meet with the orcs when Senshi would deliver them their veggies, but aside from that, it would take years for her to be able to head back to the old marketplace.

End of Part 1

More Posts from Memymay

9 months ago

Ok so I’ve seen a lot of cotl stuff bout the new goat. But what’s bothering me is I often see nari as a dog- I’m not trying to be mean or shame them, my world building brain is just thinking. So if a goat is related to a lamb, then the goats nari should be related to a cat. Like maybe another species that’s more playful and calm. I’m thinking an orange cat. I might add a drawing here someday, but I’m sick as fuk rn 🥲

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8 months ago
If Youre Here, Then You Wish To Know More About Me! I Tend To Get Off Track, So Ill Keep It Short.
If Youre Here, Then You Wish To Know More About Me! I Tend To Get Off Track, So Ill Keep It Short.

If you’re here, then you wish to know more about me! I tend to get off track, So I’ll keep it short.

Now my name isn’t May, the user Memymay was something I came up with a while back. I don’t like my real name it’s not me. It’s also overused, there’s 8 other people in my family with that name, and my best friend has the same name. And people irl don’t really call me what i want. It falls out in about week…

I’ve had many other users, and for this blog it was a tie between Memymay and Anxious Rose. Might add a ask here (⭐️) to see what you guys prefer

People don’t like when I call them this, but here are my labels



General anxiety

Severe social anxiety



ADD (non hyper version for ADD)

PMNDD (my hormones are out of wack)

Pansexual (I think im more demisexual, you know where you only developed romantic feelings after you already have a connection with someone, but nobody knows what that means so I just say im pan)

Dermatitis graphitis (my skin is the biggest drama queen you’ll ever meet.)

Elmo i think? Or goth? I like to wear edgy black shit and have no idea what the style’s called.

Legally blind (im not officially legally blind cause it’s treatable with my glasses, but without them, i am indeed legally blind)

Mommy issues

I think that’s it TvT

I put this here not to get sympathy, but rather to let people to know what I’ve been through and that they can relate to me in one way or another. Being lgbtq with mental health and physical issues, i like to be open about things. I don’t know what it means to overshare. I’ve gone through therapy and im pretty good with my trauma. So I tend to just blurt out depressing shit about my past without realizing it’s inappropriate. I can talk about it casually because im better now.

Anyways yeah, that’s some stuff about me. I’ve always liked having an online presence and developing a nice kind supportive community. If anyone needs to talk or just trauma dump im open. Better to tell me, a stranger on the internet, then to keep it up and let it build. I’m here to read and write fan fiction. but im not opposed to making friends!

Oh right some of my talents, im good at practically anything art, drawing, crafting, animation (while i like it im not exactly good at it) and all kinds of other stuff, along with psychology, specifically criminal psych. I just find the human mind so fascinating.

If Youre Here, Then You Wish To Know More About Me! I Tend To Get Off Track, So Ill Keep It Short.
10 months ago

~ Mychael ~ Mushroom Oasis Oneshot ~

Reader who’s legally blind / has really poor eyesight

fluff, comfort - NB reader - No TW’s

Reader Insert Masterlist ⭐️

~ Mychael ~ Mushroom Oasis Oneshot ~

(For those of you who don’t know, you can still have sight while being legally blind, for this MC is going to have glasses. I’m legally blind without my glasses, and I’ve had this idea in my head for a good long while, enjoy!)

“Mychael… is that yours…?” You asked, staring at the tail now tightly gripping your cup. Your eyes slowly gazed up to look at Mychael, head now hanging low in his hands. It hurt to seem him like this, he was so cheery just a few moments ago.

“I… I’m sorry (y/n)” he spoke softly, “I-“ he paused, debating his next words, “I should be honest…” he slowly tilted his head up, pulling his hair back to reveal his two sets of eyes.

You stared in shook, looking from one set to the other, and taking in his expression. His brows were knit, and a small frown adorned his face… he was scared. He looked away from you, avoiding your gaze and looking around the room. His dark eyes were downcast, and his eyes were teary.

“Please…” his voice was low, almost a whisper, “I know… I…” he stopped and took a deep breath to steady himself, before closing his eyes and speaking again, “I know its a lot… but… this is what i really look like. Who I really am…”

“I know what I look like, just please,” he finally turned his gaze back up to you, eyes pleading, “Please don’t be scared…” he begged.

Finally gathering your senses, you turn your gaze to flick between his eyes, tail, ears, and horns. You weren’t scared, as much as fascinated. He was like the fae your grandmother would warn you about, like the fairies, elves, and dragons in your story books.

However, this did not reach Mychael. His perception clouded by fear, he took your silence as a bad sign. he dropped his head on the table, quietly muttering out a sentence that was barely audible, being muffled by the table. “I can hide my face, if that’s what you want, just… I…” he let out a staggered breath, not knowing what else he could say. Slowly he peaked up through his hair to see your face.

You were smiling

A soft reassuring smile, one that slightly eased his growing anxiety.

“There’s nothing wrong with how you look.” You said plainly, meeting his eyes as he picked his head off the table. He was preparing for the worst, and hopping for the best. But even so, your reaction was the farthest from what he expected. Not even in the “good ending” he had hoped for.

“R-Really!?” He asked, face lifting from disparate to a slight hopeful look, “even though I look like this?”

You reached up to grab your glasses, taking them off and setting them on the table.

“There,” you said, smiling fondly, “now I can’t see you, problem solved.”

“That’s not-“

“Mychael.” You interrupted, “You have treated me better than most of the people I know would have. And im a stranger. Your kindness means more to me than what you look like.”

You reached out to put your glasses back on, and laid your hand on his, “I’ve spent most of my life with eyesight so bad, im considered legally blind. Only recently did I finally get the right prescription. I know there are mean people, and there are nice people” You gave his hand a small reassuring squeeze, “I’d much rather spend my time with someone as thoughtful, kind, caring, and sweet as you over most.”

Mychael stared at you in disbelief as a few small tears streamed down his face. He couldn’t have hopped this would happen, not even in his dreams, yet here he is.

“And besides,” you continued, “you’re pretty in your own way. Like the mystic, natural beauty of nature infused into a person. Unnatural yes, but ugly…?” you paused, staring deeply into his eyes,

“That’s the farthest thing from what you are.”




And that was it, he decided then and there, that you had to stay. Those words, he could feel the meaning behind them. He could see the warmth in your eyes, and the honesty in your voice.

You were perfect.

And hopefully, you’d forgive him for being selfish, just this once.


Damn…. I kinda got carried away 😅. Started to feel more like I was talking to my past self rather than writing a fanfic, but I hope that emotion just made it better 🥰

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8 months ago

Hello, I’m May! I came here to read fanfiction, and ended up posting my own. I daydream a lot, so I have an abundance of Reader Inserts, Original Characters, and Original Stories. I might also share a drawing or two.

!! Don’t forget to read the Rules !!

Hello, Im May! I Came Here To Read Fanfiction, And Ended Up Posting My Own. I Daydream A Lot, So I Have
Master List

Reader Inserts ⭐️

Original Characters ⭐️

About Me ⭐️

Rules ⭐️

Hello, Im May! I Came Here To Read Fanfiction, And Ended Up Posting My Own. I Daydream A Lot, So I Have
9 months ago

Warning this was written when I was half asleep T^T

Sooooo like everyone else, I’ve been hyperfixated on dungeon meshi. And I made an OC! I keep forgetting to post her (she’s not done yet 😅) but sines I’m a terrible procrastinator I’m likely not gonna ever finishe it. Anyway here’s Azand (Az-nad) or Az for short. I’m tired so I’ll save her story for another post.

Original character Masterlist ⭐️

Warning This Was Written When I Was Half Asleep T^T

Long story short she’s basically senshis adopted daughter (she dosent call him dad or anything but he prettymuch raised her) she’s a raven beasts in. She’s very smart, but her hyper childlike manners often mask that. She wants to learn, her trama comes happened cause her family “didn’t know” so to cope with that she wants to learn everything she can. So she can use that knowledge to protect. Yes she can fly, but isn’t that good. She can do tricks in air while going fast, but struggles to stay mid air in the same spot for too long. She can’t carry much, she’s got chillchuck and Marc’s but a trying heavier is too much. Her weapon is a pair of throwing knifes, latter she learns her feathers can harden for protection and even later after that learns she can use her feathers as knifes. Autistic. Very autistic. Likes shiny things. She likes friends and shiny things. She give friends shiny things cause shines things make her happy so they’ll make friend happy. Too tired to continents. Anyway enjoy half finished drawing

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