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Obkk Ghost Marriage Fic Where After Kannabi Bridge, The Uchiha Decide Kakashi Can Keep The Eye But Only
Obkk ghost marriage fic where after kannabi bridge, the Uchiha decide Kakashi can keep the eye but only if he agrees to marry Obito's ghost in a traditional ghost marriage.
(This also means he officially joins the Uchiha clan. Maybe lean into how he knows very little ab his own clan history, so there's like some minor complexes playing off of that as he ultimately takes up the Uchiha name and traditions, effectively abandoning his own -> which could also play interestingly into his negative views of his father at that age. This also means he moves out of his clan compound and into the Uchiha district— which is actually really good for his mental health)
Kakashi doesn't argue, he sees it as the ultimate atonement actually. He's incredibly dutiful but especially so at that age. He'd take it dead fuckin seriously and be the best ghost bride possible. Instead of constantly going to the memorial stone he has like a proper shrine to honor him in the house where he leaves his favorite foods n stuff
Like little 13 year old widower Kakashi w Rin as his witness rip
I'm not the biggest Rin fan bc her canon characterization feels like that usual boring "girl crush turned martyr" (naruto misogony strikes again rip) and I've yet to find any interpretations that really strike me— with one exception.
I don't remember the fic, and Rin only showed up for part of it, but I remember being rlly taken by her in it. It highlighted her being as struck by Obito's death as Kakashi, with her an official mednin working overtime in the hospital as the war ramped up. Also it gave her a smoking habit!! I can appreciate a well played addiction to cope in text. Idk I just read it and kinda went "woah she suddenly feels like a real person to me"
But like, that for Rin here. She's working triple overtime in the hospital, day and night. The war is getting worse and worse and some nights she comes home w her gloves still stained in the blood of her patients from back to back surgeries where her patients died on the table. They have her listed for eye trauma specifically after her successful transplant for Kakashi, and she's proving to be invaluable for the patients w eye based kekkei genkkai. She wants to go into specifically researching and healing for eye bloodline limits, but is struggling to convince the clans to allow her access to that information.
Kakashi's new home is closer to the hospital that Rin's parents, and stuff w her parents is starting to get... tense. It hurts them, to see their daughter struggling like this. To see her coming home with dulled eyes and bloodied hands. To be waken by her nightmares and then not know how to comfort her.
Rin slowly starts staying over with Kakashi more and more and after a while she's just kind of fully moved in, but neither of them actually really talk about it
Let them be best friends w a kind of codependency on eachother that would be concerning if not for how it's very clearly keeping both of their heads afloat as days go on and things get worse.
Queerplatonic besties Rin and Kakashi sharing the same bed so when they wake up screaming they can help eachother go back to sleep easier. Rin likes it when Kakashi summons his ninken to sleep w them. They sleep easier w eachother bc they feel safer knowing they're there to have eachothers back, just like they would on the field
Anyways, Kakashi moves out of his clan compound and into the Uchiha's. He's neighbors with a little 6 year old Shisui and is kind of picked up by the scruff by a lot of Uchiha who have really weird complex feelings ab Obito's death (many of them feeling bad ab not having reached out before to him / seeing him die so young, and then projecting that onto Kakashi)
Kakashi and sometimes Rin kind of accidentally becoming a babysitter for Itachi both bc of proximity and bc Mikoto is friends with Kushina
On that note -> Minato does not really get the ghost marriage thing. He's civilian born, and the practice is really old and hasn't really been used since like, warring states era. So Minato is kind of weirded out and very "uhhh. Are you SURE this is what you wanna do?" But Kakashi seems set, and like, if it helps him cope???
He is however very supportive of getting Kakashi out of the fucking tomb of his father's house and into the much more populated and lively Uchiha clan compound
Minato makes Kakashi ANBU and designates him as his home guard specifically to keep him off the battlefield. He lowkey does the same to Rin (minus the ANBU part) positioning her in the hospital and making sure she's getting that good good mednin education. If pressed on why she doesn't go out as a field medic, he insists it's because she shows too much promise as a healer to risk— not now that they've lost Tsunade. If Rin can grow to be even half as good as she is, it'll be worth keeping her away from the fighting.
Neither Kakashi nor Rin feel very good about this decision (tho hypocritically, they agree w it when it comes to the other, bc ofc they do)
Rin doesn't die bc I say so and Obito does a comedy spit take when he inevitably learns he's legally married to Kakashi under the eyes of the Sage, Amaterasu and all.
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More Posts from Meowthrasuprema
Reblog if you remember this motherfucker:

O’Brien waited for Winston and Julia to become comfortable, to love, and to be loved before he struck. The goal was to get them to love BB; but being raised in an environment of complete anhedonia, they were not capable of truly loving anything at all.
The best way to get a child to learn how to play a transverse flute is to teach them to play the recorder first. Both are wind instruments, and the finger placements are similar enough; but the recorder is easier because of the embouchure — it is static and is incapable of being altered by small changes in arm position.
Learning to love another human is usually easier than learning to love a godlike figure because you can see, hear, and touch them. So all O’Brien needed to fully convert them was for them to bond with each other; and then transfer the feelings of that bond to the godlike figure.
So I wonder exactly how much control the Inner Party had over Winston and Julia’s behavior. As we’ve seen, O’Brien invaded Winston’s mind on numerous occasions. It is heavily implied that he caused the “We will meet in the place where there is no darkness” dream. Could he have also caused the dream about Julia? If so, did he also influence Julia in choosing the place where they would meet; which is exactly the same as the place in the dream?
EDIT: Or did O’Brien get the information about the meeting place from Julia; because he had been following the inner workings of her mind as well?
I was just thinking…
Julia is a whole twenty-six-year-old woman… and she’s in the “Junior Anti-Sex League.” A little odd, isn’t it?
Maybe her position is “junior” in the way there are junior officers in the military; meaning that an officer doesn’t necessarily have to be young, just inexperienced, to hold that rank. This theory (if true) implies that there is either an age limit to join; or that she waited to join until much later than her peers. If the latter is true, why did she choose to join? Maybe she joined out of fear of getting caught for being “disinterested” in Party activities; or maybe she was pushed by others because she was “gifted,” and played the devoted zealot a little too well.
It could also be that so many friends and lovers in her life had disappeared, and she was left so lonely and terrified after, that she needed some community — any community, no matter if it hurt her — for emotional support.
Or she could have been conscripted because sexcrime levels were on the rise, and they needed young, devoted people to “fight.”
The whole thing could be a cub scouts-type situation; in that most of the people in the group are actually of an adolescent age, but there are also a few adults who become “leaders” of the group after having been in it as a child.
So if this is true, Julia was once a “golden child” and worked her way up the ranks, and was eventually chosen because of her zeal and intensity to lead the new generation in love for BB. This makes sense, since Julia canonically is the person at the front of processions, waving banners; which is a job a person of more seniority and responsibility would be assigned. This raises has some implications for her deconversion process: Was she so disturbed by the Party’s brainwashing of children (after having seen and participated in it) that it woke her up? Did she decide to stay as a leader willingly, out of some hidden protective instinct, to make their lives in that hellscape a little more tolerable, perhaps by smuggling them food from the Inner Party?
Or, maybe did she not care at all for the children, and only decided to stay in the group so they wouldn’t rat her out (pun intended) like they do every other adult? Maybe she figured “If they look up to me, and I have control over them by enforcing the things they were taught, they won’t suspect me.”
Anyway… that’s all.
Right! @kingdommyhearts asked me to elaborate on Adrien being autistic so I’m gonna.
Adrien is not great with social ques, and social situations in general, and it’s usually explained as being because he’s been so sheltered growing up but consider; what if he’s autistic:
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Ned: Tem certeza que não está sendo paranoica?
Cat: Cuidado nunca é o suficiente
Okay. I know the general consensus is not this, but if Catelyn had been told the truth about Jon from the get go, she would have treated him better. Relatively. Like, she wouldn't have gave him shit for being a bastard or been ice queen bitch stepmother to him, but uh. there would have been other issues. Just think about how having Catelyn aboard the hide-Jon-train would go for one second. For one second. Okay? We are talking about Catelyn fucking Stark nee Tully. And we are also talking about Catelyn fucking Stark nee Tully before the other four kids came along. Just her baby Robb and Ned and Ned's nephew. (and if you don't think that Ned saving Jon from under Robert's nose on a promise to his sister wouldn't make I-released-the- king-slayer-to-bring-back-my-daughters-Catelyn fall so hard in love with him her head is still ringing fifteen years later you are LYING to yourselves) So think mother gothel. She would have micromanaged the shit out of Jon's life and upbringing. Ned is pretty lax so as security measures go in terms of Jon, but Cat? Winterfell would get turned into FBI headquarters. Vibe checks at the door and retina scanners and Jon and Robb have a praetorian guard on their cradles. Yeah she'd be cool to Jon in public as he grows but in private she's frantically brushing his hair every night looking for whites. Holding him up to the light to check for hints of purple in his eyes. As they get older she namedrops bastard a lot but secretly actively fosters a relationship between Jon and the other kids because Catelyn-Sansa-will-be-queen-of-the-seven-kingdoms-Stark nee Tully knows about the pact of Ice and Fire and having one of the last Targs bouncing around is tickling the politician in her. That being said she institutes a book ban on Targ history and is always on Ned's ass about them playing dragons. When Arya is gets old enough she makes it a point to put her and Jon next to each other at all times. Jon getting a direwolf are goddammed holy blessing to her. When Robert's dump ass comes to visit she's having a conniption about Jon being recognized and nearly locks his ass in the crypts until he decides of his own free will to sit in the cheap seats before she blows a gasket. She hates the Wall idea because who the Fuck is going to watch this kid as well as she's been doing for the past fifteen years? WHO? If she had found out about Aemon being up there she's have blown up castle black. Jon, who has had to deal with this shit since attaining spatial awareness tries to get Benjen to let him take his night's watch vows at Winterfell's weirwood. Man wants OUT. He can't deaal with tiger mom ass no more. When he comes to visit Bran she slips and says something cryptic and weirdly affectionate and it puts his ass in a tailspin all the way to the Wall.
Like, I know people think it'd go more downhill if she knew about Jon but why? Boring. Uninspired. Booooo. Get fun with it.