77 posts
So I Just Finished Rereading 1984 And One Of The Things That Stood Out To Me That I Didnt Remember Quite
so I just finished rereading 1984 and one of the things that stood out to me that I didnt remember quite as much from the first time i read it is the agony of newspeak? like i dont know quite how to put it. but every time it’s mentioned i just get this awful sadness because its so aware of the beauty of language but it has no appreciation for it. its so aware of the way that the language/s you speak change and contribute to how you think and feel and express yourself and the whole concept of newspeak makes this plainly clear yk. but its just so destructive the whole point of this new language is to destroy peoples very capacity to create art, their capacity to be human and its so awful and sad.
anyways after more thought i dont even know if newspeak should be considered a language? like all languages shape the way you think about things based on what words exist but newspeak is just on whole other level. like all languages have synonyms and superfluous words with different shades of meaning and words that aren’t strictly necessary but allow and contribute to the creation and appreciation of beautiful things but newspeak is created to directly destroy all of this. like this is a language created to dehumanize everyone who speaks it and it’s horrifying.
i dont even know what im getting at anymore languages are so cool and gorgeous and i love useless highly specific words and we shouldnt get rid of them. make more words.
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O’Brien waited for Winston and Julia to become comfortable, to love, and to be loved before he struck. The goal was to get them to love BB; but being raised in an environment of complete anhedonia, they were not capable of truly loving anything at all.
The best way to get a child to learn how to play a transverse flute is to teach them to play the recorder first. Both are wind instruments, and the finger placements are similar enough; but the recorder is easier because of the embouchure — it is static and is incapable of being altered by small changes in arm position.
Learning to love another human is usually easier than learning to love a godlike figure because you can see, hear, and touch them. So all O’Brien needed to fully convert them was for them to bond with each other; and then transfer the feelings of that bond to the godlike figure.
So I wonder exactly how much control the Inner Party had over Winston and Julia’s behavior. As we’ve seen, O’Brien invaded Winston’s mind on numerous occasions. It is heavily implied that he caused the “We will meet in the place where there is no darkness” dream. Could he have also caused the dream about Julia? If so, did he also influence Julia in choosing the place where they would meet; which is exactly the same as the place in the dream?
EDIT: Or did O’Brien get the information about the meeting place from Julia; because he had been following the inner workings of her mind as well?
I was just thinking…
Julia is a whole twenty-six-year-old woman… and she’s in the “Junior Anti-Sex League.” A little odd, isn’t it?
Maybe her position is “junior” in the way there are junior officers in the military; meaning that an officer doesn’t necessarily have to be young, just inexperienced, to hold that rank. This theory (if true) implies that there is either an age limit to join; or that she waited to join until much later than her peers. If the latter is true, why did she choose to join? Maybe she joined out of fear of getting caught for being “disinterested” in Party activities; or maybe she was pushed by others because she was “gifted,” and played the devoted zealot a little too well.
It could also be that so many friends and lovers in her life had disappeared, and she was left so lonely and terrified after, that she needed some community — any community, no matter if it hurt her — for emotional support.
Or she could have been conscripted because sexcrime levels were on the rise, and they needed young, devoted people to “fight.”
The whole thing could be a cub scouts-type situation; in that most of the people in the group are actually of an adolescent age, but there are also a few adults who become “leaders” of the group after having been in it as a child.
So if this is true, Julia was once a “golden child” and worked her way up the ranks, and was eventually chosen because of her zeal and intensity to lead the new generation in love for BB. This makes sense, since Julia canonically is the person at the front of processions, waving banners; which is a job a person of more seniority and responsibility would be assigned. This raises has some implications for her deconversion process: Was she so disturbed by the Party’s brainwashing of children (after having seen and participated in it) that it woke her up? Did she decide to stay as a leader willingly, out of some hidden protective instinct, to make their lives in that hellscape a little more tolerable, perhaps by smuggling them food from the Inner Party?
Or, maybe did she not care at all for the children, and only decided to stay in the group so they wouldn’t rat her out (pun intended) like they do every other adult? Maybe she figured “If they look up to me, and I have control over them by enforcing the things they were taught, they won’t suspect me.”
Anyway… that’s all.
Just got a really lovely comment on one of my fanfics from a Brazillian reader who used google translate to read it. Can I just say transformative work is so fucking cool when it comes to facilitating multinational interactions? I’ve been on ao3 ten years and have had fics fan translated into German, Russian, and Chinese and I’ve read many fanfics mangled through Google translate because it was worth it to me to try and parse the story. I’m learning Japanese and getting occasional practice in reading doujinshi. People from so many different cultures who may not speak any of the language they’re taking content in from feeling motivated to work to understand it anyway because they’re such big fans of the same thing… it’s so cool.

Getting the sharingan? No problem. But one tomoe is overrated, why not directly two.
Oh, "sharingan sharing" is clan-exclusive? Too bad. Also, never asking that sharingan back? And, the two sharingan can "harmonize" (the italian translation use a similar word) and let Obito and Kakashi share sight, hearing and mind? Yeah, Obito absolutely has no feelings for Kakashi, no way that is the reason for him to make a self-destructive choice, what a foolish theory.
Honestly, I don't know (no really, Madara, what do you mean Obito "passed through" the rocks???? Before he get his Mangekyou sharingan????).
A dimension that is accesible only by two people? How that is even possible,only Kaguya could travel between dimensions, apparently five and Kamui it's not one of them. Obito, what the fuck.
Obito: So you know the whole worm question thing? When people ask if their partner would still love them if they were turned into a worm?
Kakashi: Yeah?
Obito: Do you ever think of how convenient that could be for certain people, if it happened?
Kakashi: What do you mean?
Obito: Okay, say that me and you were dating. And somewhere along the line, you cheated on me. And I found out, but you didn’t know that I found out.
Obito: And one day we’re out together and we have the worm conversation. And I assure you that I’d always love you no matter what you are.
Obito: And then a witch or something comes down and decides to test our relationship by actually turning you into a worm.
Obito: And you’re terrified because even though you’re a creature now, you still have your human brain and you’re aware of everything going on.
Obito: But at the same time, you have trust in me, because you’re sure that I’m still going to take care of you.
Obito: But then, while I’m holding you in my hand, I casually bring up that I know you cheated on me. And your tiny little heart starts to pound. So I take you with me to your secret lover’s home, and make you watch while I erase him from existence.
Obito: And then I go out into the woods to bury him. And I take you off of my shoulder and throw you into his open grave. And I explain that this is the best way I can love you; leaving you to feast on that person’s soon to be rotting body. And then I finish the job and leave you alone with the person you jeopardized our relationship to be with. Hoping that you feel it was worth it, to do that to me.
Obito: Wouldn’t that be poetic? Wouldn’t that be a thing of beautiful, divine justice?
Obito: Anyways … want to go get some ramen with me? My treat!
Kakashi: …
Rin and Minato, standing nearby: …
Itachi, having come with the medicine that Obito forgot to take that morning: …