Time For A Witchy Checkup
Time For A Witchy Checkup

Hey you! Stop scrolling for a moment, it’s time for your checkup. Take a moment to check each of these things and fix any problems you might find.
Wards and Shields
Are your special spaces still warded properly? Are the barriers still strong? Are there any holes or damages?
Are your personal shields still there? Do they need refreshing? Are there any gaps in coverage? Can you still do your work through the barrier?
Altars and Tools
Are the altars clean and organized? There’s no dust?
Are there any offerings that have been sitting out that need to be refreshed or disposed of?
Is there any unusual energy in any of your consecrated items?
Does everything feel charged and ready?
Your Body
Have you taken all of your meds that you need today?
Have you been eating/hydrating properly?
Getting enough sleep?
Does your body need anything from you right now to feel a bit better?
Entities and Other Things
Are there any regular offerings you give that you could/should check off?
How are things with your familiar? Your companions? The local land wights? The spirit(s) of your house? Do they need anything from you to keep the relationship strong, if you have one?
Are there any unexpected entities hanging around/taking up anchors? (Give your knickknacks a good check for this, as well as any old toys and jewelry.)
Do you have any promises, dedications, or oaths you’ve taken up? Have you been maintaining your end of the deal/is there anything you can do to be progressive about it?
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More Posts from Merwytch

Stumbled on the most amazing teacup on Etsy today - it’s designed specifically for tea leaf divination and is absolutely gorgeous! It’s a bit expensive but it’s definitely going on my witchy wishlist!
You can find it here.

dysphoria & witchcraft masterpost
dysphoria be gone
i am not trapped in my body
ward off & heal from misgendering + to keep from dissociating from dysphoria
i am full of masculinity
protection from dysphoria and trans positivity
my body is an agender body
i am free of dysphoria
i am in control of the severity of my dysphoria
i will not feel dysphoria
i control my dysphoria
protection against dysphoria & transphobia
i am not misgendered
i will not be misgendered today
non binary sigil
shapeshift sigil
increased femininity
confidence in gender expression
my gender is validated
i do not have gender dysphoria
i am immune to gender binaries (for dysphoria in non binary people)
dysphoria candle
anti dysphoria emoji spell
to alleviate gender dysphoria
dispelling dysphoria
gender (& sexuality) affirmation bottle
magic clothing
glamour to prevent misgendering
a masterpost for trans witches (not all spells are for dysphoria though)
voice dysphoria glamour
to stop chest dysphoria
menstruation dysphoria tea
hope this is helpful and you can always add some more if you’ve got anything helpful!
- mod ivy ✨
A Ritual for Yule
Winter Solstice is a time of new beginnings. It’s the darkest time of the year, but it also marks the time where the light begins to grow. Rituals dedicated to new beginnings - such as personal growth, business, new love - are particularly powerful at this time. In the darkness we sow the seed and nourish it so it can burst forth strong in the Spring.
Here is my ritual for Yule.
You will need:
green altar cloth
red fruit or flowers, pomegranate is perfect but whatever you can find will suffice
charcoal and banishing herbs, such as dragon’s blood, garlic (beware, stinky!), nettle, dandelion, rosemary, juniper, sage
paper and pen
bayberry candle if you can mange it, otherwise a green candle will suffice
a chamomile tea bag - empty the contents and grind to a powder. If you don’t have chamomile, mint can be used instead (which is what I’ll be doing as my pantry is more bare than I thought!)
vegetable oil
Open a circle if that is your custom.
Cover the altar with a green cloth to represent the growth you intend. The red represents the life blood, and pomegranate represents Persephone, the goddess of the Spring.
If you like to work with deity, call upon Persephone as she is the Queen of the Underworld and the Spring. She will help destroy what no longer serves you and grow your intentions in the Spring. Hekate is another great option, as is Hades or Osiris.
First, you will banish bad habits or energies you no longer want in your life. Take a moment and really think. Write each thing down on a slip of paper.
Now light the charcoal and the banishing herbs. Throw each slip of paper into the fire, one at a time, and say “I call to the darkness of this night, banish _______ from my life”. When you have finished, with all your bits of paper, say “the night takes and I am released.”
Now you have made some space, best fill it with some sunshine!
Take your candle and cover it lightly with the vegie oil and roll it in the chamomile. Chamomile is a herb which protects against psychic attack, is considered lucky and to attract fortune of all kinds.
As you do this, say “With this herb and with this light, I set my intention this dark night: into my life love and luck will come, growing now as does the Sun. May happiness and love increase for all I see. This is my intention, So Mote it BE!"
Winter Solstice is an excellent time to undergo a vision quest to find your magical name, a totem animal, a mantra, or other empowering insights. While your circle is open you may wish to ask for messages from your deity or guide, or to send healing energy to the planet.
When your candle is burned down, close your circle. Cast your ashes into the garden and bury them - they are gone!
Yule is also a time for friends and family, and a nice warm glass of mead. Yum! A great way to ground yourself, if you want my opinion. Happy Yule xx