metalgf2000 - Love n' stuff!
Love n' stuff!

Positivity blog started December 2020 🌟 Come relax for awhile 🌟 Comet / 24 / they-them

834 posts

Metalgf2000 - Love N' Stuff! - Tumblr Blog

9 months ago
I Think R/BenignExistence Is My Favorite Subreddit I Love These Pleasant Little Glimpses Into Strangers'
I Think R/BenignExistence Is My Favorite Subreddit I Love These Pleasant Little Glimpses Into Strangers'
I Think R/BenignExistence Is My Favorite Subreddit I Love These Pleasant Little Glimpses Into Strangers'
I Think R/BenignExistence Is My Favorite Subreddit I Love These Pleasant Little Glimpses Into Strangers'
I Think R/BenignExistence Is My Favorite Subreddit I Love These Pleasant Little Glimpses Into Strangers'
I Think R/BenignExistence Is My Favorite Subreddit I Love These Pleasant Little Glimpses Into Strangers'
I Think R/BenignExistence Is My Favorite Subreddit I Love These Pleasant Little Glimpses Into Strangers'
I Think R/BenignExistence Is My Favorite Subreddit I Love These Pleasant Little Glimpses Into Strangers'
I Think R/BenignExistence Is My Favorite Subreddit I Love These Pleasant Little Glimpses Into Strangers'

i think r/BenignExistence is my favorite subreddit 🥲 i love these pleasant little glimpses into strangers' lives

9 months ago

Advice I gave someone today was: 'do it stupid.'

She wants to learn photography. Do it stupid. Take a million photos. Don't think about why they're not good. Enjoy the process of taking photos.

Pick out tge ones you like the most and figure out why you like them. Is it because the subject is centered? Is it because you caught them doing something cool? Is it because the light made cool shadows?

Do it stupid. If you try to do it smart, youll get stuck. If you think too much you'll never get to doing. Do it stupid.

9 months ago


9 months ago

Four things that are 100% true and you should think about if you haven't already:

You don't have to be a boy if you don't want to

You don't have to be a girl if you don't want to

You can be a boy if you want to

You can be a girl if you want to

This isn't a joke. This is reality. Have you considered these facts? If not, maybe take a moment to think about it. How's your gender doing? If you don't like it, it can be changed. Hell, even if you do like it, maybe you'd like something else more?

9 months ago
metalgf2000 - Love n' stuff!
9 months ago
Andrea Gibson,Lord Of The Butterflies

Andrea Gibson, Lord of the Butterflies

9 months ago

you don't have to earn love and kindness.

it's something you deserve just for being alive.

9 months ago

Tags :
9 months ago

Little reminder that you are not a bad person because of your intrusive thoughts. Your intrusive thoughts do not represent you, they do not define you, they are not you. By definition an intrusive thought is one that is unwelcome and involuntary. You are not bad, mean, or evil because of your intrusive thoughts.

9 months ago

It’s crazy how low self-worth fucks with peoples lives

9 months ago

reminder that 30 isn’t old, it’s very normal to not accomplish everything in your 20s, and that it is never too late to learn that thing you’ve always wanted to learn. you’re always growing. that’s a good thing. 

9 months ago
Shoutout To My Favorite Piece Of Graffiti I Found On A Wall Somewhere

shoutout to my favorite piece of graffiti i found on a wall somewhere

9 months ago
metalgf2000 - Love n' stuff!
9 months ago
metalgf2000 - Love n' stuff!
9 months ago
Franz Kafka, Letters To Milena // Alain De Botton, Essays In Love // Eden Robinson, "Writing Prompts
Franz Kafka, Letters To Milena // Alain De Botton, Essays In Love // Eden Robinson, "Writing Prompts
Franz Kafka, Letters To Milena // Alain De Botton, Essays In Love // Eden Robinson, "Writing Prompts
Franz Kafka, Letters To Milena // Alain De Botton, Essays In Love // Eden Robinson, "Writing Prompts
Franz Kafka, Letters To Milena // Alain De Botton, Essays In Love // Eden Robinson, "Writing Prompts
Franz Kafka, Letters To Milena // Alain De Botton, Essays In Love // Eden Robinson, "Writing Prompts
Franz Kafka, Letters To Milena // Alain De Botton, Essays In Love // Eden Robinson, "Writing Prompts
Franz Kafka, Letters To Milena // Alain De Botton, Essays In Love // Eden Robinson, "Writing Prompts
Franz Kafka, Letters To Milena // Alain De Botton, Essays In Love // Eden Robinson, "Writing Prompts
Franz Kafka, Letters To Milena // Alain De Botton, Essays In Love // Eden Robinson, "Writing Prompts

Franz Kafka, Letters to Milena // Alain de Botton, Essays in Love // Eden Robinson, "Writing Prompts for the Broken-Hearted" // Chloe Liese, Always Only You // Anne Carson and Euripides, An Oresteia // Two—Sleeping At Last // Studio Bones, SK8 the Infinity // Trista Mateer, "is it okay to say this?" // @moodylilac // D. H. Lawrence, "The Rainbow"

9 months ago

Find meaning. Distinguish melancholy from sadness. Go out for a walk. It doesn't have to be a romantic walk in the park, spring at its most spectacular moment, flowers and smells and outstanding poetical imagery smoothly transferring you into another world. It doesn't have to be a walk during which you'll have multiple life epiphanies and discover meanings no other brain ever managed to encounter. Do not be afraid of spending quality time by yourself. Find meaning or don't find meaning but "steal" some time and give it freely and exclusively to your own self. Opt for privacy and solitude. That doesn't make you antisocial or cause you to reject the rest of the world. But you need to breathe. And you need to be.

Albert Camus, from Notebooks 1951-1959

9 months ago

ten years ago you were so scared of such different things, but you survived them anyway. the same goes for five years ago and two years ago. everything that has ever felt like a hurdle, you’ve passed through. so be afraid, identify your fears, and then allow yourself to remember that in just a little while, this will be another thing that you have overcome.

9 months ago
If I Think About This Too Much I Will Sob My Heart Out

if i think about this too much i will sob my heart out

9 months ago
metalgf2000 - Love n' stuff!
9 months ago

Happy Pride!

9 months ago

i believe you can always get back to yourself. you can always soften into being again. no matter how long you might be stuck in a pattern of unhappiness, of being jaded, of feeling guarded from the world in some way. there is always a path back. give yourself a chance to find it.

9 months ago

Did you eat? (I love you) I bought the bread you like (I love you) I noticed you were upset so I brought you tea (I love you) I made this for you (I love you) I know you have a lot of work and can't talk now so I will leave this thing you like around (I love you) I did your chores (I love you) I will sit by in case you need anything (I love you. I love you. I love you)

9 months ago

You will not stay stuck in the same patterns forever. You are capable of change. It might be small and you may not be able to see the change day to day, but over time things will get better.

9 months ago

i think that sometimes the best thing that you can do is remind yourself that there are beaches. lakes, rivers, and ponds. there are forests. little woods and meadows. there are canyons. gullies and mountain cliffs. there are rainy days. dry spells and scorching blue skies. that the world turns. changes as much as it repeats. that feeling slow today won't stop tomorrow's high tide. won't make july's blackberries any less ripe