mic0nee - Untitled

263 posts

Designing Weapons For The #valkaries But I Still Dont Know What Element Or Elements To Make The Twin

Designing Weapons For The #valkaries But I Still Dont Know What Element Or Elements To Make The Twin

Designing weapons for the #valkaries but I still dont know what element or elements to make the twin swords errr #concept #artideas #art #newart #comingsoon #cantfigureitout

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A Boy Left His Bike Chained To A Tree When He Went Away To War In 1914. He Never Returned, Leaving The

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11 years ago
mic0nee - Untitled
11 years ago
mic0nee - Untitled
12 years ago
Four 19th Century Scottish Snuff Mulls:Silver Mounted Horns, Capped With Citrine, Agate, And Carnelian.

Four 19th Century Scottish Snuff Mulls: Silver mounted horns, capped with Citrine, Agate, and Carnelian.

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