Concept - Tumblr Posts

Concept: A gender reveal party but AFTER the kid is born.

Like when the kid is 6 or 12 or 18 or 24. When the kid has decided what their gender is or isn’t.

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5 years ago

Video Game Idea.

A game that is marketed as your standard fishing game and for the first 20 minutes or so you catch normal fish like bluegill and bass and what have you. But the further you go into the lake you start to catch fish with mutations and it gets more and more intense until you’re pulling in Eldritch horror monsters and sometimes severed human limbs. You realize you don’t recall how you got to this lake in the first place and the objective becomes to find your way back to shore. You have no real weapons but you can throw the creatures you’ve caught far away from the boat as a means to distract whatever is underneath you, bumping into the boat sometimes. Additional items for the game.

A fishing pole with a radar that starts out with just beeps but later includes noises with hidden messages.

A GPS that displays texts and story elements.

You meet other boaters, all from various backgrounds, countries, and time periods. Some are friendly, others want to sacrifice you to the lake monsters.

You can also take the route of sacrificing others to the lake monster.

Or you can assemble a party and work to keep them safe.

The more fucked up looking the fish you catch, the closer you’re getting to a boss fight, which is usually running from something you can only see part of in the water.


And that’s my game idea.

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8 months ago
I Keep Forgetting Im Like Dead On Here LOL-

I keep forgetting I’m like dead on here LOL-


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5 months ago
ALMOST FAMOUS (2000)dir. Cameron Crowe
ALMOST FAMOUS (2000)dir. Cameron Crowe
ALMOST FAMOUS (2000)dir. Cameron Crowe

ALMOST FAMOUS (2000) dir. Cameron Crowe

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5 months ago
unflded - * 𝙸𝙽 , 𝙲𝙾𝙽𝚂𝙾𝙻𝙰𝙱𝙻𝙴 .

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5 months ago
unflded - * 𝙸𝙽 , 𝙲𝙾𝙽𝚂𝙾𝙻𝙰𝙱𝙻𝙴 .

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5 months ago

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1 year ago

just hear me out, alright? Hobie brown with Y/N who has a 90's grudge aesthetic, and is really into like hand-made pins, and chains, and jewelry. Like you'd make him little pins, and put them on his jacket and your hands would kinda fumble and touch each other- or like you make him wallet chains out of pop-tabs and you never see him without it on ever again. or or- making him mosh bracelets with cut up jeans and spare studs, and now every time you see him, he's wearing it along with the rest of the leather ones on his wrist.

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Bioshock Infinite Concept Art
Bioshock Infinite Concept Art
Bioshock Infinite Concept Art

Bioshock Infinite Concept Art

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