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52 posts

"I Think We're Gonna Have To Kill This Guy, Tim"

"I think we're gonna have to kill this guy, Tim"

"I Think We're Gonna Have To Kill This Guy, Tim"
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More Posts from Midnightlizard

6 months ago

Nia Nal Masterlist

Nia Nal Masterlist

-smut will be marked with κ•€-

●You're my responsibility

Supergirl Masterlist - General Masterlist

Tags :
11 months ago

Other side

Kara Danvers x gn!reader

Other Side

Summary: You and Kara have been dating for a couple of weeks and you've never been very affectionate in public, or in general. So when one night you get drunk, everyone is surprised when you can't keep your hands to yourself. Especially your girlfriend, who can't stop blushing

Warnings: alcohol intake, nothing else, just fluff

Word count: 1580



It had been a while since the Superfriends got all together, unable to find a day where everyone was free to hangout.

So, when the opportunity finally made itself present, you decided to spend the night at the alien bar.

All the gang was there, except for Kara and James who got caught up in work, but should be here soon.

"what's gotten into you?"

You raised your head from the shoulder it was leaning on to look at your best friend.

"what do you mean?" you slowly squinted your eyes, and Lena laughed at that.

"I haven't seen you drunk in years, and as soon as you drink again, you become the clingy soft friend I met in college" and to emphasize her words, she raised the hand you were holding, fingers linked together.

"Winn lost at beer pong so now he has to pay for my drinks" you explained "of course I'm taking advantage of it"

"and I'm not clingy, because I'm drunk" you clarified after a second, laying your head back on her shoulder "I always show you my love"

And if the ceo had a witty remark to make, she was stopped just in time by the brown haired man, calling your name.

"I want a rematch, you in?" it was only thanks to the alcohol in his system that he didn't notice the position you were in.

"you really think you're going to win, schott?" an uncharacteristic playful, loud voice coming out of your mouth "but if I win, again" you got up to get closer to the man "you'll pay for my drinks next time we go out too" you raised your hand, which was instantly shaken by Winn.


While the two of you were playing, Kara and James entered the bar, finding their friends at their usual table. As soon as they reached the table, your girlfirend noticed two heads missing

"where are (Y/N) and Winn?" she asked the group, causing James to look around.

"they're playing beer pong" answered Alex, leaning slightly into Maggie's side, stealing one of her fries.

"you should be careful with (Y/N) by the way" added the police officer, an amused glint in her eyes, but she missed Kara's confused face, to scold her girlfriend for stealing her food.

"what do you mean careful?" she furrowed her eyebrows, and turned to look at Lena when the woman opened her mouth.

"they tend to be a little..different, when they're drunk" she knew she could have explained it way better, especially since she has known you longer than everyone else, but she also wanted to keep the surprise.

And Lena knew the blonde didn't have to wait for long when she saw you approaching, with a wide grin on you face.

"hi baby" you whispered with a light slur to your voice, sneaking your arms around her from behind, resting your hands on her stomach. No one was able to hear what you were saying, except for the kryptonian of course, but your actions were enough to make everyone either laugh or hang with their mouths open. "I missed you"

"uh, hi (Y/N)" James spoke up quietly, as if he didn't know if it was really you

"hi man!" you greeted, raising one hand to high five him, the ohter still laying on your girlfriend. Time was moving a lot slower for you so when James spent a second too long to reciprocate, you turned to the blonde who was carefully watching your every move.

"I'm going to get something to drink, do you want anything?" you took a step back when you felt her moving aroung in your hold, making your hands drop to your sides.

"don't you think you've had enough?" she let her gaze shift between your eyes, noting the slight emptyness in them "why don't you sit down, I'll go get something myself"

Although your steps were secure, as was your balance, Kara still didn't feel like letting you walk on your own with your hands full of liquor, especially since she has never seen you act so 'unserious', or 'different' as Lena described it. And she definitely wouldn't let you drink anything else.

"oh no don't worry, Winn's paying for my drinks" you cheerfully rebutted, not realizing she wasn't worried about the money. That made the woman look at a Winn who was just as intoxicated as you, now groaning at what you said.

"besides" you resumed talking, putting your fingers under Kara's chin so she could look at you, and you missed the way her cheecks turned a bright pink at the touch "I want to treat my girlfriend" you winked, or maybe you just tried to close your eyes, but the action was definetly intentional.

The super rapidly blinked her eyes and when she came back to her senses you were already gone, Winn on your tail.

"don't worry, they know when to stop" vocalized Lena when Kara sat down next to her.

And she tried to listen to her friend's words, to believe you did know when too much was too much, but she couldn't help the pang of worry in the pit of her stomach as her gaze went back to you and the loud conversation you were having with her coworker, while waiting for the drinks.

As Lena predicted, after the beer you just ordered, you stopped drinking completely, and even refused to play another game with Winn when he offered.

"are you sure you're alright (Y/N)?" your girlfirend whispered in your ear after a minute of you silently staring in her general direction

You slightly leaned back to able to look at her, and flashed her a sweet smile "of course I am. You're just so pretty you make it hard not to look at you" you uttered out, removing a strand of blonde hair that fell in front of her glasses.

"uh- oh, thank you" she whispered, but she wasn't sure you were able to hear her.

And if she had any braincell still working properly in her system, it stopped working when you landed a soft kiss at the corner of her mouth, her infatuated red cheeks resembling your alcohol induced ones.

The rest of the night had the same light touches from you, with your hand resting on her thigh or a kiss to her face when she said something funny or smiled sweetly;

and the same hesitation from Kara in accepting said touches, loving the attention but not knowing when was the alcohol doing the decision for you.

Then it was time to go.

"give me your car keys" the blonde softly ordered as soon as you two stepped out of the bar, stopping in front of you, careful so that you wouldn't bump into her with your slow reflexes.

"why do you need my car keys?" you asked, but still held them in the air for her to take.

"because I'm not letting you drive like this" she answered, putting them in her back pocket "come on, I'm taking you home."

"do you need my house keys too then?" you tilted your head to the side, but she shook her head.

"no I was, I was thinking you should sleep at mine, actually." she started walking to her car "in case you start feeling bad in the middle of the night"

While trying to guess why you should feel bad at your own house you felt your hand being pulled, and found Kara back by your side.

"come on, let's go home"

The car ride was silent, the kryptonian did try to make conversation, but a couple of failed attempts later she focused on your breathing, noticing you fell asleep, probabaly as soon as she started driving.

Once she parked her car and turned the engine off, Kara tapped on your shoulder a couple of times, whispering your name.

You let out a little sound, and raised your head from the window "mh?"

She couldn't stop the smile that formed on her lips, leaning in to lay a kiss in between your eyes. "we're here" she whispered, never taking her eyes off yours.

When you entered her apartment she closed the door behind her, putting her bag on the nearby couch. As she raised her arms to take off her jacket you stopped her, grabbing the beige material yourself.

She let her hair down from the ponytail it tied was in, and feeling hands on her waist she turned around, automatically putting hers on your shoulders.

"what's going on with you?" she laughed lightly, and started running a hand through your hair when you crouched down to lay your head in the crook of her neck.

"I'm drunk" as if the reporter didn't know already "and I'm tired. Lena was right"

"yea I can see it" she didn't know what you meant when you mentioned the brunette, but she let it go "you've been stuck to me all night"

You raised your head, the grip you had on her shirt now faltering. "was it too much?" you could feel yourself sobering up a bit

"oh no (Y/N) it was okay" she took your face in her hands, her cheeks red at the memory "I was just surprised"

She laughed at the sound of relief you let out, hiding your head back on her neck.

"come on, enough of tonight." she whispered, pulling you to bed "let's go to sleep"

Kara Danvers Masterlist - Supergirl Masterlist

General Masterlist

Tags :
1 year ago

Kara Danvers x gn!spidey! reader

Love square

Kara Danvers X Gn!spidey! Reader

Summary: Kara loves the reader, but they're in love with Supergirl. None of them knows who the other secretly is. (it's basically the miraculous plot if you've ever seen it)

Warnings: nothing really. Reader has Spiderman powers but the superhero name (Y/S/N) is not specified

Word count: 5080



It was a quiet night out in the streets, you already swung over the city a couple of times looking for people getting robbed, attacked or even murdered. But to everyone's luck, except maybe yours, National City was very peaceful tonight.

Hanging from a streetlight, you were pondering ending your patrol and just going back to bed, until you noticed something small moving out of the corner of your eye.

It didn't trigger your senses but you still decided to get on the ground to check it out.

What seemed to be now a small animal shierked away from the sudden movement, hiding under a bench.

Looking through the cracks of the wood you saw a pair of yellow eyes looking back at you.

"come here kitty, come come" you knelt on the cement, trying to get it to come to you. Surprisingly enough, it slowly advanced, coming out to sniff your outstretched fingers.

"oh sorry baby I have no food with me" but thankfully the cat didn't seem to mind, as it started headbutting your hand in search of cuddles. Now that it was under the light you could see its black fur and white spots, that made it look like it had socks on and a mustache.

"ahw look at you, you're so cute!" he wasn't wearing a collar, but you could tell he was a boy.

Between finding the best place to pet him and thinking how you could sneak him into your apartment at this hour without anyone noticing, you suddenly felt a shiver run down your spine and heard a gunshot a second later.

"sorry baby, got to go" you hurriedly said, and the cat almost seemed to miss your touch as you sprung into action, shooting a web at the nearest building and launching yourself into the air, swinging towards the sound.

When you arrived, not too long after, all you could see was a big red cape twirling around and three men around it.

There she was, the girl of steel, in all of her glory, fighting bad guys and not breaking a sweat. They didn't seem too dangerous and you both knew she could handle them herself. But that way you wouldn't get a chance to flirt with her.

You silently crawled the walls, as to not alert the men, and with every bad guy she sent flying into the air, you trapped them with your webs.

"what took you so long?" she asked, removing dust from her hands.

"I was with a kitty! I came as soon as I heard" you leaned close to her face "why, you missed me?"

"not a chance spidey" she put a hand on your cheeck and turned your head the other way. "where is the woman?" she took a step back, searching around. When her gaze turned to you, she saw your head tilted to the side in confusion, and decided to explain.

"there was a woman with them, they were trying to rob her, I jumped in but she must have escaped. Did you not see anyone on your way here?"

Even tho she couldn't see it, you smiled and shook your head "sorry beautiful, but you're the only woman I see" that made her groan out loud, though you knew she wasn't seriously bothered by it.

Since the moment you two met, you were instantly drawn to the blonde, to the confidence in her steps and the undeniable sweetness of her heart, and the fact that she was gorgeous was definitely a plus.

And from the first moment you decided to make it clear, you were never one to hide your feelings no matter the nature, hence the constant flirting.

Unfortunately, she never seemed to return the sentiment, turning you down every single time claiming she already had someone in her heart.

"I need to take them to the police station" she replied, ignoring the flattery "wanna help me bug?"

"You know" you started, already attatching two of the men on your back "for someone who insists on refusing me, you sure like using pet names"

You didn't give her time to reply when you gave her a mask covered kiss on the cheeck "race you there sweetheart" and with that, you started swinging, leaving her to scoff and pick up the remaining criminal.

The rest of the night went by smoothly, with only a couple of people speeding at a red light, but you weren't a traffic vigilante, so you didn't intervene.

- - -

It was almost five a.m. when you got back to your apartment. You went to check on your phone, not really expecting anyone to text you during the night. Much to your surprise, someone did.

Two hours ago, almost at the time you met supergirl, Kara texted you. It was nothing really, she just said how excited she was for your lunch plans for tomorrow, but it still made you laugh that she felt the need to say that in the middle of night.

Throwing your phone back on the nightstand, you took your suit off and got into bed, trying to get as much sleep as possible, to not look like a zombie in front of your friend.

- - -

Turns out, she looked just as sleepy as you. In fact, as soon as you two sat down at noonas, she let out a big yawn, covering her mouth with her hand "sorry, I didn't get much sleep last night" she apologized, light blush on her cheeks.

"oh I believe it" you said, picking up the menu "with texting me in the middle of the night and stuff"

Had you not been so focused on what to order, you probably would have noticed the darker shade of red that took over her face. "yea I was uhm, I couldn't sleep and I was thinking about it"

"We could have met another day, I wouldn't want you to fall asleep on me" you stated jokingly but she instantly started shaking her head.

"No! No, I mean, we haven't seen each other in a long time and I wanted to see you. Besides, I'm fine, really"

You almost wanted to laugh at her eagerness, she always managed to look cute without ever trying to. While on the other side of the table, Kara felt so embarrassed she wanted to fly away and never come back.

You resumed talking after the waiter came for your orders "You wanted to see me? You need something?"

yea to be your girlfriend.

"No it's, it's about next week's game night" she seemed to take a breath, pondering her next words "I was wondering if you could come earlier to uh, to help me prepare"

You squinted your eyes at her request, she never wanted any help setting things up, and she always ordered take out so it's not like she needed help in the kitchen.

Taking your silence as an answer, she started fidgeting with her hands. "Yea you're probably busy sorry, don't know why I-"

Kara stopped mid sentence, feeling your hand on hers. "No it's okay hun of course I can, I was just confused." she just nodded, raising her free hand to adjust her glasses.

When your food arrived, you removed your hand and the blonde immediately missed your warmth.

Nothing special happened after that, except for Kara blushing one too many times for her liking.

Once you two finished she had to excuse herself to run back to the office, before Cat would notice she's late. She went to reach for her purse but you stopped her, wrapping your hand gently around her wrist.

"Today it's on me beautiful"

If she hadn't felt her knees buckle at the petname and at your smile, she probably would have been more stubborn; instead Kara just hangs with her mouth open and nods, quickly running away.

- - - -

As soon as she entered the building, she was told by an intern that Cat was looking for her, so with a heavy sigh she ran into her office.

"Is the article I asked you last week-" she asked as soon as Kara got in, sending the blonde a slight glare "finally ready?"

Kara pushed her glasses up "Yes miss Grant, I just need to fix the layout" and she was about to add something, but the breaking news report displayed on the big screens behind Cat caught both of their attention. It was about a bank robbery (Y/S/N) alone just thwaterd.

With an intrigued glint in her eyes, the CEO turned her head to face her employee. "amusing, isn't it? Just a few months ago we all thought they were just Supergirl's side kick, turns out they're equals."

Hearing a scoff coming out from the blonde, she raised an eyebrow "you don't think so, Keera?"

"Of course they're a hero and they're saving people but they're definitely not like Supergirl" taking her boss' silence as a question she continued, and the words left her mouth before she could ponder them.

"Supergirl is serious and wants to get it over as quickly and as efficiently as possible, but they always plays around and get distracted constantly, and they're not serious at all."

"You seem to know a lot about them" she leaned forward, with her arms on her desk, and not caring about the blonde's stuttered excuse, she shrugged her shoulders "well considering you and supergirl are basically best friends"

Kara found a way to get out of this situation "yea she talked to me about them a coup-"

"I want to interview them. Give your current article to Jim or Finn," who was probably Winn "and get me that interview as soon as possible. They've never been in a real interview so it will be a scoop."

Knowing she couldn't even try to argue with the CEO, she nodded her head "you'll have it miss Grant" and got out of her office.

- - -

"what do I do Alex? It's not like I can go as Supergirl and ask them, they'll know something is up and will probably figure out who I am."

Unlike for (Y/S/N), where no one knew who they were, a lot of people knew who Supergirl was, and Kara thought it would be better if no more people knew about her other identity, and that meant hiding from you too, both of you.

"You're giving them a lot credit, I thought you thought they were dumb?" Alex asked with a small smile on her lips.

The kryptonian raised her head from the couch of her apartment, where it was previously buried, and looked at her sister with a frown. "They annoy me because they play around too much and constantly flirt with me but I never said they were dumb, they're actually really smart, and a good hero."

Alex has worked a lot with you so Kara knew she was just joking, but for some reason she still felt the need to defend you. The agent looked at the blonde before suggesting her idea "what if I ask them? They know you're my sister and it wouldn't be weird that I want to help you with your super demanding boss."

"mhh yea, that could work." a soft smile appeared on her lips "Thanks Alex"

Alex just nodded, waving her hand around dismissively. "More importantly," she started again, with a glint in her eyes that made Kara fear of what she was going to say "how did it go with (Y/N)? Are you two a thing yet?"

She started laughing as soon as she heard her sister's loud groan. "ugh I knew you were gonna ask that"

"you didn't tell them, did you?" Alex leaned her arm on the backrest of the couch, leaning her head on her arm.

"I mean I tried to" she glared at her sister's laugh, but she knew she couldn't really blame her "I just, stutter so much around them they must think I'm stupid"

"Ahw I'm sure they don't Kara" she stopped her teasing to reassure the kryptonian "first of all, you two are friends before anything else, second of all they're such a sweet guy they'd never think of you like that"

She stopped for a second, seeing the hopeful gaze in her sister's eyes "and most importantly, I'm sure they like you back, with all the pet names they give you."

"that doesn't mean anything, they call everyone by a nickname"

"you're the only one they call beautiful or pretty or honey or sweetheart or-"

"okay I get I get it" the flustered blonde hid her head between the pillows of the couch, face red from the tip of the nose to the top of the ears, just by thinking of all the times you called her any of these names.

"I mean...(Y/S/N) uses those on me too" the kryptonian resumed, and for some reason the blush didn't leave her cheeks.

- - -

Two days later, you sprinted from your house all the way to the D.E.O. and landed on the balcony, running to find Alex.

You started looking around, the big screens that often showed info about the mission were turned off with no one around, but that's not what caught your attention. Supergirl was nowhere in sight, she must have been called in too right? Unless she couldn't come.

When you noticed dark brown hair sitting at a chair from afar, you got into the director's office, probably breaking the handle with the sheer force you used.

Alex turned her head to look at you.

"What's going on Alex? Where's Supergirl? Is she okay?" The agent got up from her seat to face you.

"Calm down (Y/S/N), she's fine nothing happened" she reassured you "I just need your help with something"

Even though she couldn't see your face, frustration could be heard from your tone. "Nothing happened? You sent me a 911 signal" your shourlders slumped.

"yea because I need your help now"

You loudly groaned, though you were mostly grateful nothing serious happened, especially to Supergirl. "What do you need short Danvers?"

Making fun of her was a privilege you could only have while wearing your suit, given you were normally afraid of her.

Knowing you had the upper hand with your powers, and that it was all just playful teasing, she let it go, voicing her need. "My sister needs to get her boss an interview with you and she knows I work with you and supergirl so she asked for my help"

You opened your mouth to agree but closed it right after, thinking you could get something out of this too. "If I agree to the interview-"

"oh my god" Alex rolled her eyes "I'm not getting Supergirl to go on a date with you"

You loudly laughed at that, everyone knew where your head was at. "that's not what I was going to say!" you took a brief pause "but if that's what your offering..."

She crossed her arms, raising her brow, successfully shutting you up.

"I want to know who she-"

"definitely not" she interrupted you.

"oh come on, why not?" you move your hands in the air "you know who she is, John knows who she is, even Winn knows!"

"It's just safer this way spider, don't argue with me" her excuse didn't really hold up but you let it go for now, it should be Supergirl's call after all.

"fine" you rolled you eyes. And besides, "when's the interview?" you couldn't say no to Kara.

- - -

The next day you were on the roof of CatCo, your legs dangling off the edge.

"oh good you're here" you turned around at the sound of Kara's voice.

"your sister said you needed me" you got closer to her.

"yes hi" she replied quickly "but I will not be the one doing the interview, my boss Cat will" she glanced at the door. "but I need to tell you a few things first"

With a confused look, not that she could see it, you shrugged your shoulders, letting her go on "okay first" she took a big breath, speaking rapidly after that "do not let her drag you into her office, she will have the upper hand and you will not be able to withold information. Second, do not answer any personal life question, no matter how useless you think they are, she could always use them to find out who you really are. Third, don't even think-"

"with all due respect, my lady" you stopped her rant with your hands on her shoulders, and she regained her breath with a slight glare. The reason for it was unkown to you. "I am the superhero between us, so I know what I can and can't say"

And she didin't have time to rebut when she suddenly heard heels clicking their way up the stairs, making her jump away from you.

"Keera, glad to see you were able to do what I asked"

"isn't it Kara?" you spoke loudly, faking innocence, wanting to correct the older woman without being too obvious.

The woman gave you look, but didn't say anything. "can you leave us alone?" she turned to the reporter "I'd like to interview them alone"

- - -

The interview went well, you think, you didn't say anything about yourself and ended up following Kara's instructions. You thought about telling her how it went, but as you got to her desk you noticed her bag and jacket were gone.

"where did Kara go?" you stopped Winn is his steps, knowing he wouldn't be surprised by your presence.

"oh she went home early. She had a thing with (Y/N)- a friend" he corrected himself, thinking you wouldn't know them.

You forrowed your brows, but when your eyes landed on the clock hung on the wall you felt a shiver run down your spine. You were very late. You should have been at Kara's huose over half an hour ago.

You let out an exasperated sigh, "great- uh, I have to- I have to go now. I''l see you at- the DEO...soon?"

Winn only looked at you weirdly but he didin't have time to respond before you patted his shoulder and jumped out of the window, drawing some curious looks.

If Winn didin't know about your crush for supergirl, he'd probably thing you were jelous of yourself.

- - -

After picking up the backpack you left in one of the allies near Catco, you quickly put on some clothes, hiding your suit. You run up the stairs to Kara's apartment, frantically knocking on her door, still breathless and with your hair messy.

She had been pacing around the room for quite a while now so she quickly opened the door to your apologetic smile. "I'm so sorry I'm late love, I had a work thing and I thought about getting you something but it would have just been worse so I didn't"

You tried to explain, but to be honest her mind was still on how cute you looked with your cheeks flushed and how you breathlessly called her "love".

"oh it's fine. It doesn't matter now" she said letting you in, closing the door behind you.

"why? I thought you wanted help with something?" you shrugged your coat off, standing in the middle of the room. Hearing footsteps behind you, you turned around, your eyes meeting Alex's.

"hi, I didn't know you were coming here earlier too" you said, going in for a hug.

"she didn't come here early" Kara answered with a light edge to her tone, going into the kitchen.

"did you forget?" Alex whispered, and her tone wasn't as harsh, but it did sound like she wanted to scold you. It couldn't have been that serious, right?

You shook your head "no I told her I got caugth up in-" James knocking on the door stopped you, and soon after everyone else was there.

- - -

The night was going on smoothly, except for the fact that Kara didn't seat next to you like always, and she was persistent on avoiding your gaze, even tho you could feel her looking at you from time to time. She seemed to fidget more with her hands than usual, so you were sure something was up.

Thinking that asking Alex was not an option, you leaned towards Lena, whispering in her ear when it wasn't her turn to play.

"you know what's wrong with Kara?" she subtly turned to look at you, her lips in a thin line, she didn't need to look at her best friend to know what was going on inside her head.

"she's been like this all night, did she tell you anything?" you pleaded

Said blonde jumped up from the couch, claiming she was going to get another round of snacks and went into the kitchen. The Luthor gave you a nod, silently prompting you to follow the kryptonian, and as you got up to do so, you felt another pair of eyes on you.

You quietly made your way over, Kara's back facing you while she got herself a glass of water.

"uh are you okay?" you uttered, leaning on the counter so you could see her face "I noticed you were acting a bit..strange" you lowered your head, but she was once again avoiding looking at you, using her glass as a distraction.

"did something happen at work?" you met Cat, so you woulnd't be surprised "or-" you gulped, you'd hate to be the reason why she was acting like this "-are you mad I got here late?"

She slammed the glass back on the counter letting a few drops spill out, surprising herself when it didn't break. Kara took a deep breath, before replying "I'm not mad at you, (Y/N)" but it was really hard to believe it.

"okay, then what is it?" you got closer, putting your hand on hers, so she would look at you, and she did. The reporter raised her head, her eyebrows furrowed and her mouth agape, as if she was thinking on what to say. But when nothing came up she resumed to looking at your conjoined hands.

Kara could feel her wrist burning from your hold, and all the whispers and heartbeats she could hear from the other room prevented her from thinking.

"come with me"

You followed her closely, making up a stupid excuse on why you're exiting the apartment, even if none of your friends seemed surprised.

Kara brought you all the way to the roof, and still hasn't uttered a word. And you let her, giving her time.

But after a minute of silence and her pacing around you got in front of her, making her almost bump into you.

"Kara" You called "it's just me. What's going on?"

You smiled in reassurance, but she just forrowed her brows, letting out a big sigh. That wasn't much you could do to help her if she didn't talk unfortunately, you could only look at her.

Look at how her hair was slowly coming out of her ponytail due to the wind, how her eyebrows were so close together you were surprised she hasn't got a headache yet, and how her eyes seemed darker under this light.

And this sight was so familiar, but it didn't feel like you were looking at Kara, not really.

"I know what you want to tell me" you breathed out, and the fact she was looking at your lips is probably the only reason why she was able to hear you.

"you do?"

"yea" you smiled, shaking your head in disbelief "I can't believe I was so blind"

She felt her cheeks heat up, but her heart fell right out of her chest with your next words.

"you're Supergirl"

The super profusely tried to deny it, claiming you drank too much or had a wide imagination. Even going as far as commenting "I wish"

"oh" you raised your brows "so you don't have super strength, laser eyes, ice breath, and you can't fly?"

"no oh my god I could never be her" she let out a shaky laugh, adjusting the glasses on her nose, you couldn't believe they deceived you for such a long time.

You started walking around, getting closer to the edge "mhh you're right, I just thought because you're blonde you might be her" you reasoned, pointing to your hair.

"not the only blonde in National City" she replied and shrug her shoulders, hoping you would just drop the subject, the idea of expressing her feelings long gone.

"such a shame" you were able to see Kara turning on her heels in your peripheral vision "I really hope the real Supergirl comes to my rescue then"

She couldn't have spun her head around faster, but you were already out of sight, falling down the building.

The kryptonian shouted your name, jumping off the edge using her powers. When she couldn't see you anywhere she started panicking even more.

"(Y/N)? (Y/N) where are you?"

"behind you, beautiful" You were smirking with your arms crossed, your feet glued to the wall, steadily keeping you in place.

"what were you thinking about, jumping like that, you could have died, how are you even-" she said it all in one breath, stopping only when a look of realization took over her face.

"I've never seen Kara so pissed at me, it's new"

She let out a big groan, and not sparing you another glance, she got back onto the roof, you following after her.

"were you ever planning on telling me?" she squinted her eyes

"I mean, were you? You and your sister always made sure to tell me how I should keep my identity a secret"

"that's different, I didn't know it was you" she knew she wasn't making any sense, but her brain wasn't working properly at the moment, her heart still hasn't recovered from the scare you gave her, and she had so many things to process.

"come here" you took both of her hands in yours, bringing her closer to you. "I know who you are and you know who I am, doesn't that just mean we can trust each other more?" you offered, running your thumbs along the skin, effectively calming her down.

"I've always trusted you, even when I didn't know who was hiding behind the mask"

"oh, oh I'm sorry" her smile turned into a face of confusion "is it Kara or Supergirl talking? because I know Supergirl would never say something so sweet to me" that earned you a slap to the shoulder.

She rolled her eyes "shut up I take it back, we both think you're annoying"

But you didn't laugh with her, something else occupying your thoughts.

"do you like me, Kara?" you took a step closer, and she didn't have it in herself to take a step back. "you always say it's useless to flirt because there's someone else in your heart and I never asked, but now I'm asking you" you took a brief pause "do you like me?"

She sighed, knowing she couldn't lie to you anymore, so she slightly nodded, curling her eyebrows.

"but you like Supergirl"

"you are Supergirl" you answered matter of factly, but you had a feeling you knew what she was getting at.

"I like her because she has the biggest heart I have ever seen, she' s passionate about her job, both of her jobs, I love how her cape bounces around as she walks and how she can't seem to keep her glasses from falling off"

You brought your hand up her chin, making her look at you, while your other hand adjusted said glasses.

"I've always liked you Kara, all of you, I just thought of this part of you too much of a friend to notice"

Kara was totally hanging from your lips at this point, not only because she was looking at them.

You leaned your head down as she circled the hand that held her face.

"can I kiss you?" you murmured, making her nod vigorously.


It only took you half a second to close the distance, and you instantly felt Kara reciprocating the kiss, moving her lips against yours in an almost desperate demeanor. Her other hand gripped your shirt to pull you closer and when she felt you fingers on her sweater she gasped lightly.

you broke the kiss after a minute with a bite to her bottom lip, making her let out another small sound and left her chasing after you.

She blinked quickly a few times after she recovered, a deep blush still present on her cheeks. "I like you, too" the blonde replied breathlessly and slowly lowered her hands, not sure what to do with them.

"yea i guessed that" you teased, stealing another kiss.

Soon after that you two decided to head back, after Kara told you everyone knew she was planing on telling you today, and thanking you for the interview.

When you got back into the apartment everyone suddenly stopped talking and looked at you.

"so, did you two kiss?" it was of course Winn who broke the silence, voicing all of their thoughts. You looked over at Kara, and seeing her flushed face, you decided to answer, nodding.

"and I know she's Supergirl" you added, trying to ease the mild akwardness

"and I know you're (Y/S/N)" she retorted, not realizing what she said until she heard gasps all over the small apartment

"Kara!" you tightened your grip on her hand for a second, but she could see you weren't really annoyed. Various confused questions followed your statement, Alex's voice sounding above them

"so, the person who likes to make fun of me and never does as I say" she crossed her arms, letting her lips curve into a smirk as she watched you get behind the krytponian, now aware of the strenght she possessed.

"you know, you should probably focus on something else" you spoke up from behind Kara's shoulder, while gripping the end of her sweater "why don't we go back to the game, you were winning right? isn't it right Kara?"

Said woman smiled at your antics, playfully rolling her eyes "let them go Alex, you can torture them another day"

"no she can't" you tried to argue, but the brunette was already off to get another bear from the fridge.

You suddenly felt the sweater slipping away from your grip, and lowered your head to find Kara now looking at you, with a small smile on her lips.

"come on, let's go play" she pulled on your hand, making you follow her.

She did seat next to you now, still stealing glances when she thought you wouldn't notice, and instantly looking down every time you caught her.

Kara Danvers Masterlist - Supergirl Masterlist

General Masterlist

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1 year ago


Natasha Romanoff x gn!reader


Summary: Certain rumors start to spread all over the city

A/N: something short and old while I finish another fic

Warnings: none

Word count: 727



One could say that the avengers were some sort of celebrities, with the massive parties Tony threw to gain sponsors and the avenger's compound being the tallest building in New York.

So, when rumors about them started, they never took long to spread all over the city. Especially the romantic ones.

The current one was that the golden boy, captain America, was in a relationship with the black widow. How or why did people get this idea? It's a mystery.

Truth is, you were the one dating Natasha, but you mutually decided that it was safer not telling the whole world, and funnier keeping it a secret to your teammates, seeing how long it takes them to figure it out. You two have been together for almost seven months now, and only Clint and Wanda seemed to catch up, fairly quickly too, noticing small changes in their best friends.

- - - -

"honestly this rumor is so stupid, how can people think Cap and Nat are a couple?"

Pietro rhetorically asked, breaking the silence from the spot he was sitting on the couch, in between you and Wanda. Making you both look at him.

The witch stopped her reading to lean against her brother and look at his phone, a fan 'theory' on display.

She returned to her position to ask with curious eyes directed at him, and a teasing smile just for you. "you don't see them together?"

He shook his head. "nah, they're just so, different" he stopped for a second, eyes not moving form the screen. "I honestly don't see anyone being in a relationship with Natasha...maybe except for one person."

At this last sentence you perked up, narrowing your eyebrows. Did he find out but didn't tell you? "and who is this person?"

The blonde raised his head to look at you with a cheeky smile, while winking at you. "well me, of course."

What he got in response was your dumbfounded silence and Wanda's laugh.

"what? Why are you laughing?"

"I'm sorry, it's just" she waved her hand around dismissively, her laugh only increasing once you rolled your eyes. "it's just, you're the last person I imagine her to like" she quickly came up with an excuse.

"and why is that? I am awesome in many ways, tell her Y/N" he started, turning to look at you "tell my blind sister how much of a catch am I"

"oh...oh yea, sure, you are a catch, a pretty good one" it was so hard trying to keep a straight face, but thankfully he didn't notice.

"I'm sure everyone will be lucky to have you, and maybe Natasha will realize that quickly." Wanda started laughing at the face you made but once again, Pietro did not notice.

"what will I realize?" said woman stepped into the room, nearing the couch. the voice instantly made you smile, but it made the man beside you freeze in his place.

"nothing!" he exclaimed, clearly embarrassed, speeding out of the room.

"why were you talking about me?" the redhead changed her question once she sat next to you, slightly leaning on your side, making you wrap your arm around her shoulder.

Knowing you wouldn't answer, Wanda did it for you. "Pietro may have mentioned how much of boyfriend material he was, and how much of a boyfriend material he was...for you" she finished with a teasing smile.

Tha assassin raised her eyebrows "that is the thing I will realize?" she turned her head to you, wanting to see your reaction "he is a good catch, to be honest"

"you listened to the whole conversation?"

Wanda interrupted, noticing how Natasha used the same words used before.

"I wasn't spying, but I have a good hearing, and he talks loudly so-" she shrugged. she returned to look at you with mischief clear in her eyes, enjoying your slightly annoyed face.

"Do you think Pietro and me would make a great couple? Or me and cap? yea I see it happening, we also kissed on a mission. did you know we kissed on a mission, I don't think I ever told you, or maybe they were two?" The read head continued her rant until you groaned loudly, putting your head on her shoulder.

"stupid rumors" the sound came out muffled, but was still heard by the other two women, causing them to laugh.

Natasha Romanoff Masterlist

MCU Masterlist - General Masterlist

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11 months ago

I see you people in my ask box asking for Amelia fics and I'm having sm fun

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