Mcu X Reader - Tumblr Posts
Kate Bishop x gn!reader

Summary: You ask Kate to dance, but you didn't want to dance. But she says yes, so now you have to dance.
Warnings: none, pure fluff
Word count: 656
"will you do the honor of dancing with me?"
She turned her head at your question, seeing your almost kneeling form with your hand extended to her, the person talking to her giving a short goodbye before leaving you alone.
"you want to dance?" the archer asked, emphasizing the first word, a knowning glint in her eyes and an amused smile on her lips.
"ok" she said simply, drawing a step closer to you.
You straightened your posture, retreating your hand, letting it fall to your side. You opened your mouth to respond, but nothing came out, making Kate's smile grow bigger. You definitely weren't expecting this outcome. And as if she was reading your mind she added, "you didn't expect me to say yes, did you?"
"no, I actually didn't" You answered, making her giggle.
"honey I know you hate dancing as much as I do, plus, you are totally incapable of dancing" she accused. Ignoring the warmth in your chest because of the pet name, your blinked your eyes fast and put a hand on your chest, causing Kate to roll her eyes.
Again she advanced towards you, until your chests were mere centimeters away from each other, and extended her hand
"come on, take my hand"
You tilted your head, uncertainty clear on your face, not moving from your position you spoke up
"you know what? I changed my mind"
Her teasing smile now turned into a soft and encouraging one.
"let me guide you, you won't mess it up"
She offered, making the desicion for you and taking your hand in hers, putting them in the air. Grabbing the other hand, she put it on her waist, and placed her own on your shoulder, starting to sway to the rhythm of the music.
It was only a few steps and your hand already left her body for about five times to adjust your hair, an unnecessary move, but the darked haired girl didn't pick up on your real motives, or if she did, she decided not to comment on it. Instead she circled your wrist and put it back in its original place "keep your hand on my waist"
You nodded, her soft voice doing something to sooth your nerves. If she tried to make conversation after, you didn't notice, hyper aware of all the people dancing or looking at you, especially one-
"hey! (Y/N)!" she whisper-yelled, making you raise your head, looking in her eyes.
"are you nervous?"
"uh, kinda? I mean-yes yes I am" you nod your head, blabbering on your words. At this Kate squeezed your hand searching for your eyes, indicating she was waiting for more.
"they're looking at me, at you, all of these people, your mother is looking at us and I'm almost tripping with every step. You shouldn't be seen dancing like this-shouldn't be seen dancing with-"
"(Y/N)" she called, stopping you from your rant, and your dance at the same time.
"(Y/N), stop it's okay. They're not looking at us and even if they are, let them look, we're hot" the archer shrugged, giggling at her own joke before she continued "and without you I would be standing in a corner somewhere, bored out of my mind, so don't stress out, mh?"
The brown eyed girl barely waited for any sign from you and spoke up
"don't look at the floor, look at me, no need to rush and don't focus too much, just follow my steps"
And you started doing just that.
"see? You're doing great. You had the perfect teacher after all" She tried to play it cool.
"you never danced in your entire life!" You replied, rolling your eyes and nudging her nose with your own. Har act broke, looking into your eyes, soft smile on her lips, and you were finally able to forget about everyone in the room but the one that was in your arms.
Kate Bishop Masterlist
MCU Masterlist - General Masterlist
Natasha Romanoff Masterlist

-smut will be marked with ꕤ-
●worst to best way to wake up
MCU Masterlist - General Masterlist
Worst to best way to wake up
Natasha Romanoff x gn!reader

Summary: Natasha wakes up from a nightmare and you help her recover
A/N: I wrote a few years ago so it's not my best work, but I still think it's worth putting it out here
Warnings: mentions of blood and death (fake)
Word count: 742
Red was all Natasha could see.
Red on her hands, red on her on your clothes, red on your face.
How did she get to this point she didn't know, the only thing she knew was that you were bleeding form all over your body, one of her hands cradling your head, the other on your cheek, giving light slaps to wake you up. Tears streaming down her face, crying out your name.
But you weren't moving.
Black was all you could see.
But you heard some noises and felt someone shaking you.
You opened your eyes and instantly went for the lamp on your nightstand before turning to the source of the noise.
Once the room had that glimmer of light you could see Natasha trashing around on the king sized bed, small whimpers leaving her lips, discomfort evident on her face.
She was having a nightmare. A very bad one it seemed.
You put your weight on your elbow, touching her shoulder and lightly shaking her. She suddenly sat up on the bed, eyes fixated on the wall in front of her.
You knew she wasn't totally here, merely sensing your presence.
You copied her position.
"Nat everything is okay now, it was just a nightmare, can I touch you?"
She shook her head, turning to look at you.
"I'm fine, don't worry"
You raised your eyebrows, sighing softly.
"love, You’re shaking, please let me help you"
"it's not the first time I have a nightmare, I don't need any help"
The use of her full name and your sweet but stern tone of voice let her knew you weren't going to let this go.
“How much of that did you hear?” she whispered after a second.
"I only felt you tossing around."
You both knew it wasn't the truth, it was to help her talk about her feelings. She sighed.
“I thought you died, you were in my arms but I couldn't wake you up, blood was all over the place, you didn't answer me I didn't know what to do-"
A couple of tears started to make their way down, and before you could talk she interrupted you "is that invitation still on?"
"of course honey, come here" you wrapped her up in your arms, running a hand down her back.
After a while she raised her head from your neck.
You wiped the tears off her cheeks, cupping one, she had now a relaxed expression on her face.
"Can I kiss you?"
You whispered with a cautious smile on your face, causing her to return it before nodding.
The kiss was light, it was just a mean of showing your presence to try and silence the thoughts in her head. You had no powers that could help and shut the nightmares but maybe-
"I love you"
-maybe another noise can distract her.
It was not the first time you said the three words to each other, it just wasn't a common thing, with both being scared of expressing feeling, but it was definitely much harder for the ex spy, who preferred to demonstrate affection through actions.
She threw one leg over your hips, straddling you, her arms around your neck.
“Love is stupid. I don’t know why you like it.”
The readhead casually commented with a teasing smile, playing with the hair at the back of your neck.
"Oh shut up" you laughed, rolling your eyes. You could tell Nat wanted to say something by the way she opened her mouth before closing it right after. Breaking the silence she murmured seriously, "I think I’m in love with you, and that scares the crap out of me."
"you think?"
"oh shut up" she mimicked your words, hint of her own shyness added.
"well, I know I am in love with you, and that scares me too, but I trust you enough to give you my heart, forever."
She arched her eyebrows, biting her lip to prevent a smile.
"oh yea? is that a proposal?"
"no- I mean I would like to, would love to but this is not the right time, we're both avengers, always busy saving the world, someday when we retire, or- or before, yea even before beca-"
Sweet lips on yours stopped your poorly made up excuse. Once it ended, she had a vulnerable but trusting look, reserved just for you.
"if you prepare a better speech I think the answer might just be yes."
Natasha Romanoff Masterlist
MCU Masterlist - General Masterlist
Wanda Maximoff Masterlist

-smut will be marked with ꕤ-
●Why can't everyone just go away, only you can stay
MCU Masterlist - General Masterlist
Why can't everyone just go away, only you can stay
Wanda Maximoff x gn!reader

Summary: After a bad mission, your girlfirend is there to help you
Warnings: canonical violence, hurt/comfort at it's peak
A/N: I wrote this years ago so I don't really like it, but here it is. Also, I had emo Wanda in mind but it can be any era
Word count: 1518
"How is that cut? Need any help?"
you raised your head form were you were sitting on the quinjet while mending your forearm, to look at the blonde.
"don't worry I got this, I've had worse, anyway."
you signed, smiling reassuringly.
"okay." Clint sighed.
"I'll do your report, we've held the same position so I'll just have to change some words."
He stopped you before you could interject
"you need some sleep"
and without another word, he went to sit in the pilot's seat, leaving you there.
As soon as the team got off the plane, you went straight to your room and locked the door.
Meanwhile, Wanda was with Natasha in the kitchen, preparing dinner for the two of them. They stopped once Steve came into the room.
"hey Steve, already back?"
"the mission ended before the time, so here we are." he answered the assassin's question, while picking up some leftovers from the fridge.
At this, the witch tilted her head "something wrong?"
The captain sighed "I wasn't there, you should ask them yourself"
The two redheads looked at each other, exchanging confused stares.
Wanda decided to give you some space, she knew that once you were okay you would be the one coming to her.
Only this time, it didn't happen. Two days have passed and you were still in your room, which meant you hadn't eaten anything.
The other avengers have tried to get you out, like Tony asking for help in the laboratory, or Thor stating he wanted to play some 'Midgard games'.
But they only got silence in return.
The witch took matters into her own hands.
She went in the kitchen, fixing you a quick meal and grabbing two water bottles, before knocking on your door.
No one answered, so she tried again, this time with her voice.
"(Y/N)? It's me, it's Wanda. Please open the door."
she waited a few seconds, before she resumed talking.
"at least take the food, you can't-"
Her voice died in her throat when she heard the door open.
Having her hands full, she used her powers to open it completely and closing it once she was in.
Your room was always messy...but this, Wanda has never seen all this chaos. Clothes were all over the place and everything that was normally on the shelves was now on the floor.
The rays picking through the blinds being the only thing illuminating the room.
You still wore your dirty and bloody suit, whose blood it was she couldn't tell.
You were sitting on the bed, looking at the hands on you lap. The redhead left the food on the nightstand before sitting beside you. She didn't dare touch you, not knowing what reaction it would have led to.
“I didn’t want you to see this.”
You suddenly said, breaking the agonizing silence in the room.
"honey it's okay, I don't care about the mess, I only care that you are fine."
She put her hand on yours, only for you to swiftly getting away.
"well I am, if you didn't know I can heal my body, so even if I get hurt it doesn't matter."
You replied a little harshly. You noticed your tone and looked at Wanda for a brief second but couldn't bring yourself to say sorry, you just didn't want to talk and make everything worse.
Your girlfriend, thankfully, understood the venom in your voice wasn't aimed at her. She couldn't read your mind, no, but she could distinguish volumes and velocity of your thoughts, and with time she was able to associate them with your feelings and emotions.
Loud and messy cries was all the scarlet witch could hear, which only meant one thing, you were scared.
So she tried with the sweetest voice she could master.
"angel, do you want to talk about it?"
You jumped off the bed and started pacing around the room, fidgeting with your fingers.
"I-I had to hold position, but-but there was a bomb. They put a bomb where we were supposed to stay and then, I-I tried to reject- Clint was busy-"
Your poorly formed speech stopped once you felt warm hands on your cold cheeks. You were starting to have a panic attack, sign the sokovian knew all too well.
"please look at me, shh it's okay. You don't have to explain. (Y/N)-"
She took one of your hand and put it on her chest, to let you feel it rising and her heartbeat.
"you're okay love, just follow my breathing, the mission went well, Clint is fine, you are fine, you are here with me you hear me?"
She kept looking into your eyes, searching for any reaction.
At this point you didn't know if she was using her powers or it was her aura, all that mattered was that in minutes you calmed down. As slowly as one could, you loosely wrapped your hands around Wanda's waist.
Once she sure it was okay to move, she made the final step and wrapped you up in a hug, her chin on your head, resting on her chest, while the sokovian run her hands through you hair.
As she tried to move the two of you to bed, the witch heard your arms tighten around her middle, and your flebile voice whispering- "Can we just stay here for a moment?"
"I’m not going anywhere."
After probably half an hour you raised your head and without a word, connected your forehead to hers.
Once you opened your eyes, you found her already looking at you with a smile.
"hi" Wanda nudged you nose with her own, before connecting your lips in a long but simple kiss, neither of you moving, only slightly smiling.
The woman took your face in her hands
"can I mend your cuts?"
At your nod, the readhead took your hands and brought you to the bathroom and sat you on the sink.
While she was looking for the first aid kit you started fidgeting with your hands.
"something wrong baby?"
She tilted her head, preparing the alcohol on the wadding.
"it's just-" you hesitated for a moment, softly laughing
“I’ve never had someone taking care of me before.
I'm sorry for reacting that way...and for locking myself here"
"it's okay, you won't have to worry about doing it all by yourself anymore, even when you feel like no one is there, I'll always be here, ready to help you, got it?"
"good" she added after you nodded, booping your nose, causing you both to giggle.
"Can I kiss you?" she asked, once silence settled in.
"when have you ever asked?"
So she did.
As you were enjoying the kiss, you suddenly felt the cut on your forehead burning, causing you to pull away.
"ow, what the hell?"
"sorry baby, I have to disinfect it or it's going to get worse" she looked at you sympathetically, which was enough to convince you.
After a short while, you raised your hands, bringing them on the edge of her jeans and opened your legs, to bring her closer. Once she was done she kissed the top of your head.
She grabbed the end of your shirt and slowly started to undress you, only leaving the pants on.
"take a bath love, I'll be right outside, okay?"
After you got out of shower, you found some pants with your comfort hoodie on the sink, while your suit was nowhere to be found.
When you came back to the bedroom, you found your girlfriend wearing one of your sweatshirt. A smile made its way to your face.
"I kind of wanted to ask you to stay here because I don’t wanna sleep alone tonight, but it looks like you have already decided" you finished with a shrug.
She blurted out a laugh, coming in front of you.
"I didn't want you to sleep alone, and I also missed you, so it's a win win."
The readhead mormored with a blush on her cheeks.
With the grip she had on your hands, Wanda dragged you to bed and made you sit on the edge. "come on, eat something" she encouraged you, putting the plate on your lap. It was nothing too sophisticated but you still ate it within minutes. And once a water bottle was offered to you, you quickly drank it all.
When she was sure you took full care of yourself, well you both did, she laid in bed, getting behind you.
You instinctively turned around and closed your arms around her waist, laying your head on her chest, while she ran her hand through your hair.
“I love you.”
“I know.”
The remark caused you to scoff and her to laugh, before continuing with her speech.
"and I love you, always and forever."
She laughed again when you nuzzled your head in her neck, not knowing how to take direct words of affection.
"goodnight, my love"
This time as a response she heard your breathing even out, meaning you were already asleep, her not being too far from you.
Wanda Maximoff Masterlist - MCU Masterlist
General Masterlist
Natasha Romanoff x gn!reader

Summary: Certain rumors start to spread all over the city
A/N: something short and old while I finish another fic
Warnings: none
Word count: 727
One could say that the avengers were some sort of celebrities, with the massive parties Tony threw to gain sponsors and the avenger's compound being the tallest building in New York.
So, when rumors about them started, they never took long to spread all over the city. Especially the romantic ones.
The current one was that the golden boy, captain America, was in a relationship with the black widow. How or why did people get this idea? It's a mystery.
Truth is, you were the one dating Natasha, but you mutually decided that it was safer not telling the whole world, and funnier keeping it a secret to your teammates, seeing how long it takes them to figure it out. You two have been together for almost seven months now, and only Clint and Wanda seemed to catch up, fairly quickly too, noticing small changes in their best friends.
- - - -
"honestly this rumor is so stupid, how can people think Cap and Nat are a couple?"
Pietro rhetorically asked, breaking the silence from the spot he was sitting on the couch, in between you and Wanda. Making you both look at him.
The witch stopped her reading to lean against her brother and look at his phone, a fan 'theory' on display.
She returned to her position to ask with curious eyes directed at him, and a teasing smile just for you. "you don't see them together?"
He shook his head. "nah, they're just so, different" he stopped for a second, eyes not moving form the screen. "I honestly don't see anyone being in a relationship with Natasha...maybe except for one person."
At this last sentence you perked up, narrowing your eyebrows. Did he find out but didn't tell you? "and who is this person?"
The blonde raised his head to look at you with a cheeky smile, while winking at you. "well me, of course."
What he got in response was your dumbfounded silence and Wanda's laugh.
"what? Why are you laughing?"
"I'm sorry, it's just" she waved her hand around dismissively, her laugh only increasing once you rolled your eyes. "it's just, you're the last person I imagine her to like" she quickly came up with an excuse.
"and why is that? I am awesome in many ways, tell her Y/N" he started, turning to look at you "tell my blind sister how much of a catch am I"
"oh...oh yea, sure, you are a catch, a pretty good one" it was so hard trying to keep a straight face, but thankfully he didn't notice.
"I'm sure everyone will be lucky to have you, and maybe Natasha will realize that quickly." Wanda started laughing at the face you made but once again, Pietro did not notice.
"what will I realize?" said woman stepped into the room, nearing the couch. the voice instantly made you smile, but it made the man beside you freeze in his place.
"nothing!" he exclaimed, clearly embarrassed, speeding out of the room.
"why were you talking about me?" the redhead changed her question once she sat next to you, slightly leaning on your side, making you wrap your arm around her shoulder.
Knowing you wouldn't answer, Wanda did it for you. "Pietro may have mentioned how much of boyfriend material he was, and how much of a boyfriend material he was...for you" she finished with a teasing smile.
Tha assassin raised her eyebrows "that is the thing I will realize?" she turned her head to you, wanting to see your reaction "he is a good catch, to be honest"
"you listened to the whole conversation?"
Wanda interrupted, noticing how Natasha used the same words used before.
"I wasn't spying, but I have a good hearing, and he talks loudly so-" she shrugged. she returned to look at you with mischief clear in her eyes, enjoying your slightly annoyed face.
"Do you think Pietro and me would make a great couple? Or me and cap? yea I see it happening, we also kissed on a mission. did you know we kissed on a mission, I don't think I ever told you, or maybe they were two?" The read head continued her rant until you groaned loudly, putting your head on her shoulder.
"stupid rumors" the sound came out muffled, but was still heard by the other two women, causing them to laugh.
Natasha Romanoff Masterlist
MCU Masterlist - General Masterlist
Christmas help
Kate Bishop x gn!reader

Summary: basically the plot of Hawkeye, but with reader as Kate's partner
Warnings: Hawkeye spoilers, angst with a happy ending, some curse words
Word count: 5256
"okay I know it may sound crazy, but you have to believe me"
"why wouldn't I believe you?"
"well, because this is really crazy"
"Kate honey, we've been together for a while, I think I’m used to your level of craziness." You shrugged your shoulders.
"no-ugh" She removed one hand from her pocket to grab your wrist and pull you into a less crowded street, which was hard considering it was Christmas time. "this time, it was crazy for me too. I avenger"
At this you widened your eyes. A thing that not many people knew, your girlfriend being one of them, is that you were the newest avenger, fighting crimes for almost five years now, but the other avengers agreed that with you still being a student it was safer to hide your identity. You trusted them not to tell random people who you were, but the thought did cross your mind.
"excuse me, you met who? Who did you meet?" You might already knew the answer by the excitement on her face, but you still wanted a confirmation.
"I met Hawkeye" she whisper-yelled "you could say we're partners now"
"partners...with Clint?"
"yea I figured he's not the most social person in the world but we, wait" she suddenly stops, confusion on her face "how do you know his name?"
"you remember the whole ultron thing? all the avengers' informations got leaked, i read his name" You shrugged. Thank god for those drama classes and quick thinking. "how did you meet him?" you changed the subject, and she seemed to fall into your trap.
"do you remember that charity thing my mom hosted right? turns out there was a big illegal auction and, you know Ronin? yea his suit was there and the tracksuit mafia wanted to buy it but I stole it before they could, I didn't want it I didn't know it was there, I was there just because my mom forced me to go, you know I don't like the parties my mom throws-"
"Kate" you stopped her messy rant, repeating your question. "how did you meet Clint?"
She nodded, collecting her thoughts before speaking again. "Clint knows Ronin wants his suit back, but we first have to take down these people, and it's better if we do it before Christmas because he made a promise to his family to be celebrate it with them."
You sighed, that was typical of Clint, he wouldn't leave if he knew a civilian was in danger. You never heard of this tracksuit mafia, but if it wanted Ronin, it's not something to joke about.
"that's why you have those cuts on you face?"
"yea we got into -a kind of- a fight, after kidnapped, well he did. I just followed him." she responded hesitantly.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, but I had to help him. And yes I should have told you but that's why I called you. I wanted to spend a little time with you while I grabbed something to eat." she raised the bag she was holding.
"let's go home, you need to take care of those wounds" you said, knowing she doesn't know how to do that.
"wait let's go to my aunt's place, I told Clint I would bring some food."
- - - -
"Clint? I'm back!" Kate called, closing the door after letting you in "oh right he can't hear" she continued once she didn't get a response.
Said man raised his head from the newspaper he was holding when he saw movement. Once your eyes locked, his seemed to widen. With you being behind Kate, you were able to shake your hand and put a finger on your lips, hoping he would catch the signal.
"Kate why did you bring a friend? You know this is dangerous, they need to go home." Thank god he caught it.
"no no listen, I mean-" she took a notebook from the table and started writing on it 'they're my partner, (Y/N), I trust them completely and they can handle themselves'
Clint stared at the words for a moment, before rolling his eyes while nodding.
"woah..okay thanks, I thought it would have taken more convincing..." The brunette muttered under her breath. Well...he's better at doing his job than being an actor.
While she went to put the groceries in the kitchen, you signed to Clint 'I'll explain later'
He didn't have time to reply when his phone started ringing. Kate re-entered the room to help him, but you were already by the man's side, signing what Nathaniel was saying.
"uh yeah it's...tonight is movie marathon night, that's right, um I really wish I could be there with you" You and Kate exchanged looks, you could see a glimpse of guilt and worry in her eyes before he continued.
"I think I'll be back in the next day or so in time for our ugly Christmas sweater party. I'll be there buddy"
There was silence on both ends after that, before Nathaniel spoke again, "I love you dad"
You started signing but Clint beat you to it and responded with 'I love you more'.
When the call ended he nodded as a thanks and went into another room. Kate turned to look at you "I didn't know you knew sign language"
You put your hands in your pockets, a light nervousness clear in your voice "well, yeah because I never told you, I was mute for almost five years when I was a kid. Selective mutism to be exact."
She forrowed her eyebrows "I didn't know that either- why didn't I know that?"
You sighed, shaking your head "it's just a small part of my past, one I would prefer not to remember, that's all" before she could respond, you interrupted. "let me mend those wounds."
- - - -
"you want to go to your mother's house? And you want me to come along?" after taking care of kate, you repaired Clint's hearing device, Tony taught you how to, since you and him often had missions together. And now the adult archer was able to listen to your conversation.
"yes, (Y/N). Clint knows what we're looking for and I know all the passwords, we need you to alert us if my mom comes back before the time, entertain her until we are done."
"I don't know Kate...your mom doesn't like me. With what excuse am I into her house? 'oh hi miss Bishop I was just waiting for your daughter and instead of knocking I decided to just break into your house, but oh! would you like a cup of tea? a long cup of tea?' you don't even live there" you tried to explain your point, hoping she would see it.
"they're right Kate, we can't bring them into our mess, it's already bad enough that you are. I can't protect both of you." she was about to rebut but eventually closed her mouth, nodding her head.
"I'll let you two to your mission then." you announced, rising from your spot on the couch. Kate raised too, accompanying you to the door.
Once you arrived, you took her hands in yours, raising you voice just a bit so that clint could hear what you were about to say but not enough to let the girl in front of you notice "call me if you need anything, okay? I'll be ready"
"God I hope I won't need any more help" she mutterd making the both of you chuckle.
"I'll se you soon. Don't be too reckless, follow Clint's orders, please" and to prevent one of her stubborn comebacks, you put your lips on hers, kissing her softly.
"bye kid." shouted the man from the other room after a few minutes, effectively scaring the two of you.
"uh yea, bye Mr. Clint! bye Kate" you got out of the apartment. "I'll text you later, promise" she made a kissy face before shutting the door.
- - - -
You don't know how much time has passed since you last saw your girlfriend, trusting Clint to take care of her you decided to catch up on sleep all day. But it was now nighttime and you were doing a report of your last mission to give Fury as soon as it was completed.
Truth be told, it was more of a distraction, you were worried for the two of them but at the same time you knew how distracting and dangerous a sudden phone call could be. So you just had to wait and hope for the best.
A few minutes later you finished your report, your phone started ringing, '<my archer3' on the screen. Needless to say, you instantly responded. "Kate? oh my God, are you okay? Clint-"
"(Y/N)-" a word was all that it took to make you stop. Her voice...cracked. Her voice never cracks, always so confident and steady. "can I, can I come over? Please" if you weren't so on alert you wouldn't have heard her last word.
"of course you can baby, where are you? You want me to pick you up?"
"no, there's no need, I'm almost there" you internally took note of her now slightly relaxed tone.
"okay, I'll wait for you"
- - - -
As soon as you opened the door she entered the house, throwing the bow on the couch. While she was pacing around, fidgeting with her hands you took in her appearance. Her clothes were dirty and she looked sweaty, but most of all exhausted.
You stepped in her personal space, taking her cheeks in your hands to make her look at you. "Kate, how about you take a shower, there are some clothes on the sink, and then you can tell me what's going on, how does that sound?"
Her gaze shifted between your eyes, before sniffing and softly nodding her head.
- - - -
Once she got out of the bathroom, wearing her pants and your sweater, she found you sitting on the couch and her now clean bow was on the armchair. Sensing her presence you raised your head from your phone, smiling.
"Hey, take a slice of pizza, I ordered it today, I can heat it up if you want"
The archer ignored the food on the coffee table, instead taking the phone from your hands, putting it in her pocket. She sat beside you on the couch, putting one of your arms around her shoulder, while she laid her head in the crook of you neck, sighing.
Combining your free hand through her damp hair, you remained quiet, waiting for her to talk.
"me and Clint fought, well kind of-" she took a deep breath before recollecting her thoughts. She told you everything that happened, from the fight on the roof to the meeting with the masked assassin in her apartment.
"wait, Natasha's sister? are you sure?" she took her head off her shoulder to look at you, nodding. Natasha rarely talked about Yelena and they were mostly just little comments, but still, a desire to kill her sister's best friend was not something you expected from the blonde.
"I tried to contact Clint multiple times to inform him but he never answered, I guess we really are not partners anymore" she began looking at her hands, but she raised her head again once she felt a kiss to her forehead.
"it's okay, we'll figure something out, he may look like a grumpy man tired of his job, but he wouldn't let a teenager in danger, knowing he could be of help."
You tried to reassure her, and it seemed like it worked, judging by the chuckle that escaped her mouth. "when you talk like that it seems like you personally know him."
"I'm...good at reading people, I guess" after a few seconds of silence you focused on her breathing, noticing how regular it was, lowering you head you confirmed your suspicions, she fell asleep.
Being as careful as possible you picked her up bridal style and brought her to you bedroom. When you laid her on the bed she unconsciously wrapped her arms around your neck, as to keep you there.
"I wasn't planning on leaving you here, anyway" you laid next to her, taking her back in your hold, now with her head on your chest. "goodnight, love" you softly kissed her hair and waited for an eventual sign. Receiving back none, you cautiously took you phone from her back pocket to contact the blonde avenger.
'I'm not takings sides'
'but you saw how helpful she can be'
'I can look after her while you do your thing'
You thought for a few seconds about your next words.
'just tell me if you need my help, please'
You sighed, putting your phone on the nightstand you closed your eyes, and thanks to Kate's light snores you were soon able to fall asleep.
- - - -
The next morning Kate decided to go to her mom's house to reassure her, and you were still in your house, since you didn't have any information on the situation there wasn't really much you could do, you found yourself waiting for your girlfriend's messages.
From Clint, nothing. But recently he read the texts you sent him, that'll do for now.
- - - -
It's been two days now and you were once again sitting on the couch watching a movie in complete silence. That was until someone knocked, no, literally broke into your apartment.
You jumped from your spot ready to attack the intruder but your favorite scent and two arms around your shoulders stopped you.
"I talked to him! I talked to him! We're good"
You grabbed her waist to tear yourself away from the jumping girl in front of you, bright smile on her lips.
"Kate, oh my- how-what- it's been two days, mind texting me sometimes?" she opened and closed her mouth before pouting.
"I texted you, they were just a random letter, but-but I did" she tried, ending the hug with her hands on you shoulders.
- - - -
"So, what's the next step?" the dark haired girl shook her head, putting her glass on the coffee table, picking up a slice of pizza instead.
"I can't tell you that, it's reserved." she responded with a professional exterior. You open your mouth in amusement and unbelief which made her throw her head back laughing. "I admit I shouldn't have told you anything at all, but you're my partner and I always want to tell you what happens in my life" she ended on a shy note, looking at the food.
You took a bite from her pizza before she could "come on, what could I do? call the bad guys and tell them your plan?"
"(Y/N) stop, I can't tell you, Clint told me not not to"
You furrowed your brows "he did?"
She surrendered with just a look.
"okay he didn't exactly say not to tell you, but it's better if you don't know. I want to keep you safe and- and stop eating my pizza" she put the palm of her hand on your forehead, pushing you away with a fake annoyed face.
Once she finished eating she rose from her seat. "I'll take a shower and we'll go to bed?"
"yes please, you really stink" you got a punch on the arm as a response.
"shut up, says the one who hugged me all night" she grabbed your cheeks, kissing you quickly, before exiting the room.
While you were putting away the pizza box you heard the ring coming from your phone. You took it from your pocket to read the message.
'eventually, are you free tomorrow night?'
You smirked.
'hello to you too, Barton'
'eventually yes, I am free tomorrow night'
- - - -
"Clint the tracksuit are here" Kate stated through her earpiece. She just got down the building thanks to the rope, trying to chase Yelena.
The avenger exposed himself to the window, looking around and muttered angrily "(Y/N) where the fuck are you?-"
"right here, what do I do?" you responded energetically, barely missing the arrow that was aimed at your face.
"woah! you should really recognize the voice, before randomly shooting, you know?" you took the arrow stuck on the wall, handing it to the man.
"you're late."
"technically you didn't give me a time so I can't be late, you just said tonight"
"(Y/N)." and his stern tone made you drop the jokes.
"right, okay. What do I do?" you repeated your question.
"I need you to help Kate, and if you take down the enemies on your way it would be appreciated." he didn't wait for an answer and marched out of the room.
You shook your head, making little jumps to accommodate the adrenaline in your body. You got down from the window, landing without a problem thanks to your powers.
You scanned the area, finding your girlfriend talking to Jack. Running towards her you landed a flying kick in the ribs to a man behind Kate, probably planning on hitting her with his metal bat.
You suddenly kneeled on the ground to avoid the bow, once again, aimed at your face. "I'm on your side, not need to attack me" you pointed a finger to her face. There was no need to change your voice, since the mask already did it for you.
"what are you doing here?"
You tried making up an excuse "uh well, Hawkeye called, said he needed my help."
She furrowed her brows, probably because he didn't tell her anything. "is that guy on our side? I saw you talking to him" you pointed in Jack's gerenal direction, even tho he was not there anymore.
"it's hard to explain, but yea he's with us" she got the words out after a short minute. You both got into action.
- - - -
After half an hour of fighting you find yourself on the ground, a man's hands on your neck, making it impossible for you to breathe.
You used you knee to hit him in the stomach, causing him to growl out in pain, giving you the opportunity to throw him on his back.
As you straddled him and gave him a punch to the side of his head, you heard Kate screaming, and instantly after, you felt a metal bat colliding with your head.
"oh my God!" the archer exclaimed running to you, after defeating your aggressor. The blow only brought you a sense of disorientation thanks to the mask's protection, but what you didn't know was that the voice changer mechanism was now broken.
"are you, are you okay?" she kneeled beside you, using one of her hands to support your shoulders.
"yeah, go back to the fight, I'll be fine in less than a minute." Kate's concern stopped for a second to let confusion settle in upon hearing your voice.
"your voice" even tho it was just a whisper, you were able to hear her, making you jump on your feet and far from the girl.
"see? All better now, let's go back" you said in an horrible fake voice, turning your back to distance yourself.
But Kate obviously didn't fall for your trick. So she called after you. "(Y/N)? Come back here, (Y/N)."
You slowly did as she said, suddenly hoping for a group of enemies to find you, but it seemed like they were on a coffee break.
The brunette took a few steps forward, until your bodies were only centimeters apart. Knowing it was useless to try and defend yourself, you let her put her hand on the base of your neck, to pull your mask off, revealing your face.
“You’re a superhero?”
"well, 'superhero' is a term used in comic books or movies, we don't really use that word in real life" seeing the roll of her eyes and her clenched jaw made you stop. You sighed. "yes."
"why didn't you tell me? You don't trust me enough?" you immediately shook your head, putting your hands in front of you. "of course not, love. It's not a matter of trust-"
"then what is it?" she looked away and sniffed, like she was about to cry. "and don't tell me it's because you wanted to protect me, or maybe it is? Maybe you think I'm so weak that I can't even protect myself?"
You closed your eyes tightly and pinched the bridge of your nose. She was just putting words in your mouth, making you snap.
“Here? You want to do this here?” you opened your arms wide as if to remind her of the situation you both were in.
She sniffed again, soflty nodding her head. "yeah, you're right, let's not talk about it anymore mh? Let's not talk about anything, anymore."
"come on, Kate you know that's not-" you tried grabbing her arm but she was already out of reach. You let out a loud puff, throwing your mask on the ground in frustration.
After a couple of minutes you hear steps behind you and you quickly grabbed your mask from the floor putting it back on, only to realize that the steps belonged to Clint.
"how is it going here, why is not Kate with you?" he was trying to avoid showing it but the worry on his voice was evident.
As much evident as your own trembling voice when you turned to look at him. "I don't know, she left. She found out and she just left. I couldn't get her to calm down and let me explain."
The man put a hand on your shoulder, trying to calm you down. "(Y/N) stop. You're an avenger. You must put the safety of the civilians before your personal business." it was a stern thing to say, but he knew you needed an emotional slap to get back on track. He continued after seeing you nod. "when did she separate?"
You shrugged your shoulders "three to four minutes ago. Three minutes and twenty-five seconds." Clint smiled lightly seeing your somewhat normal behavior.
"Go help her kid. I'm rooting for you." you raised your eyebrows with a smile, even though he couldn't see your face.
"you are rooting for me? I'm must be fucked then." he jokingly pushed your shoulder with a muttered 'shut up'
- - - -
As you left Clint on his own, not knowing that soon after he met Yelena, you went to look for your girlfriend and heard her screaming from the other side of the road.
She was standing on the ground, with a really big man in front of her. He was leaning to give her another punch but your voice stopped him. "hey. You want to fight someone so bad? Fight me you coward"
Your courage flew out the window when he turned around, showing you his face. Kingpin. Clint told you something about him but seeing him in front of you was even worse.
"oh? Look who we have here to join us." he started with a smile full of malice "Listen kid, I'm not interested in you-" he stopped again, felling something touching his back.
What touched him was actually one of Kate's arrows.
She suddenly looked at you, with both fear and determination strong in her gaze. With a quick look at the arrows lying around in the shop, you knew her plan.
As soon as Kingpin turned to face the girl you jumped on his back, with your arms around his neck and your hands covering his eyes, Kate sprung into action and put the arrows down following her scheme.
Kingpin though, had no problem in grabbing you by the jacked and throwing you across the room, your back hit the wall and then your face met the floor making you growl out in pain.
This continued for some time, with you taking his hits, and Kate arranging her arrows on the floor. Running to hide behind some boxes, she called after you. "watch out!"
With the last breath of air you had left, you gave him a punch under his jaw, effectively causing him to release your neck. You used the time he spent looking at all the arrows laying around to get out of the building, but close enough to be able to look after Kate.
Then, there was a big glowy blue light and the man was the center of it. After a few minutes of silence you thought it was over, Kate thought it too, but you suddenly saw him coming at you.
You gulped, preparing to use your powers but before you could, a car hit Kingpin against the wall of the shop. You relaxed your arms, seeing Kate's mother exiting the vehicle.
You stayed on the side while they talked but you could hear what they were saying.
"is that what heros do? Arrest their mother on chirstmas." Those were the last words Eleanor spoke before a police agent took her away.
You looked to your side, suddenly noticing that kingpin was not there anymore. You wanted to go look for him but you averted your gaze when the archer marched towards you.
"go back to your house and mend those cuts I know you rarely do...god I should have known" she closed her eyes in realization "and all the little information you let slip out about Clint, you even repaired his hearing device for fuck's sake" she threw her hands in the air, shaking her head.
"Kate, I'm sorry. I-" you stopped when she held one finger up. "stop, I don't wanna hear it, I don't want to hear anything from you, I can't even look at you anymore."
She turned her head but you noticed the tears that begged to be let out, and you felt even worse than you already did. You tried to grab her arm but she took a step back.
" don't. I've had enough of being betrayed." that's all she said, before going away a second time, probably to look for Clint.
You sighed taking your phone and opened the chat with the avenger.
'she's coming to you'
'take care of her cuts please'
'merry Christmas'
You shook your head, blinking away the tears, going back to your house.
- - - -
It was now 4 a.m. in the morning and you didn't sleep, too busy replaying the events of the night in your head. You should have told her sooner, you trust her with you whole heart and you know she can protect herself, the worry just seemed to always win.
Suddenly you hear three knocks on your door.
"it's becoming a habit" you murmured as you went to see who it was.
"hi" there she stood with a timid smile on her lips.
"hey, come in" you closed the door after letting her in.
You were not going to lie, the other side of you was kinda angry at the archer, you just wanted her to let you explain. You crossed your arms.
She took a deep breath "okay. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have reacted that way, it's just been a stressful week, you didn't tell me about you being mute and-"
"I said it's something I don't want to talk about."
"I know I know, and I completely understand, I'm just saying that so many things came together and-"
You sighed, you both said sorry and you both explained yourselves so there was no need to keep going. "I forgive you"
"Clint told me how important it is for some heros to keep their identity secret"
"Kate I said it's okay"
"and normally I wouldn't mind because I understand but-"
With her hands in yours you shut her up, with the help of a kiss "I said I forgive you". You pull away from her, chuckling. "God it is so hard to get you to listen."
“I still hate you, ya know?”
You playfully rolled your eyes. "and for what?" you knew from the look in her eyes it was not going to be anything serious, and you almost wanted to laugh at her attempt to keep her frown. "well you are an avenger, every time I talked about Clint or about a theory you always listened to me without saying anything."
You burst out laughing and it only got worse when your girlfriend slapped your chest, keeping her hand there as a barrier when you brought you lips centimeters away from hers.
"don't, don't kiss me you don't deserve it" she whispered with her eyes almost closed.
But once you put your mouth on hers she couldn't help but smile, humming. One of her hands cupped your cheek, the other on the back of your neck, while your hands held her waist. She detached when she needed to breathe. The pout now was completely gone as she looked in your eyes.
"am I forgiven now?"
"mh, almost" she teased, brushing her lips with yours, hinting at another kiss.
But you were planning something else. "I got a proposition for you then" she furrowed her brows in response, slightly upset you didn't give her what she wanted.
“Wanna help me make a new super suit?”
This was even better then a kiss, she put her hands on your shoulders, squeezing them, clearly excited. "wait, really? Can I really do it? Oh I have a lot of ideas if I can"
You looked between her eyes, smiling. "of course you do, you make sure to share every possible design you can think of"
"and now you can use them!" she said matter-of-factly. "but we better get to sleep now, we have places to be."
"where do we have to go?" instead of answering, she kissed you again, pulling you to your bed.
- - - -
"dad! dad you're here!" an excited Nathaniel screamed, running to jump into his father's arms, followed by Lila and Cooper. Laura was a few feet away, enjoying the scene with her arms crossed.
"merry Christmas buddy, all of you" he whispered, kissing every kid's head. Then he raised his own to look at his wife.
"I hope you don't mind, I brought three strays." "uhm, excuse me" you entered the house with a fake hurt, and loud, tone. "I am not a-"
"(Y/N)!" Nathaniel interrupted you, moving away from the avenger only to hug you. You picked him up, and he wrapped his legs and arms around you. "hey little boy, merry Christmas" he chuckled in response "merry Christmas (Y/N)" depositing a sloppy kiss on your cheek.
A bark distracted the happy scenario, making everyone but you and Clint turn to the door. "sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt, I guess pizza dog is hungry." she stood still with a shy smile. You playfully rolled your eyes, taking her hand with your free one.
"come in, you idiot, only you are missing"
- - - -
After that rather clumsy and shy enter, she met everyone, already seeming to get along with Lila. You played some family games, with joyful bickering between the different teams. Once it was time to prepare lunch, Laura instantly scolded you when you went into the kitchen to help, playfully shoving you away and demanding that you needed to rest.
So you were now in the living room while the baby of the house slept on your lap. You felt the couch dip and a little weight on your shoulder. "how are you feeling?" you asked, seeing her yawning and nuzzling her head deeper into your neck.
"mh, tired" she murmured.
Your lips turned into a smile, leaving a kiss to her temple "merry Christmas, my love"
Kate Bishop Masterlist - MCU Masterlist
General Masterlist
Hey there! So I’m relatively new to this whole thing but I really want to start posting. The only problem is I don’t quite know where to start so I thought I just ask what you’d like to see from me in the future :)
peace | p.p.

word count: 4.3k
warnings: major nwh spoilers!!, symptoms of depression, slight angst, me wanting someone (peter) to give me a charm bracelet, taylor swift references
summary: peter reunites with you and tries to get you to remember him after all that happens
Life after Dr. Strange’s spell was rough for Peter, to say the least. Although he still fortunately had his birth certificate and driver's license, it was hard to find a job or a place to live when you had no credit and no G.E.D. So he resorted to being a freelance photographer at the Daily Bugle to pay the bills, staging pictures of him as Spider-Man, and getting the only clear pictures of Spider-Man to be found for any paper. Peter was also living in a crappy small apartment in the bad part of town with the little money he made. It wasn’t much, but it was something.
Peter also had to deal with the fact that he literally had no one in his life. It was difficult for him to adapt to being alone, he often found himself turning to tell a stupid joke to you, point out a good person in crisis for MJ to draw, or even a take out place for May to try, and find himself completely alone.
Peter was used to his constant sadness that came with the loneliness by now too. The first couple nights he cried himself to sleep, all of the grief and guilt about his aunt and the loneliness being too hard to deal with. All of the late nights alone with his thoughts made his mind go to dark places. Thinking about how he was always alone in his life. People kept leaving him; his parents, Ben, Tony, May, his friends, you. Was Peter just meant to be alone? Did he deserve to be alone?
Peter shook his head, snapping out of his train of thought. It was probably best not to go down that road again. He rubbed his eyes, closing his G.E.D. prep book. This was depressing. His life was depressing. Peter needed to do something. He needed some fresh air.
He put his jacket on, making sure to have his web shooter in his pocket just in case. This neighborhood was so sketchy. And mindlessly, Peter walked out of his building, not even realizing where his feet were leading him until he found himself right outside the coffee shop that his friends regularly hung out at. Holy Grounds. You all would spend countless hours doing homework and joking around there until MJ had to close the store.
It was where you and Peter had your first date when you were awkward seventh graders being supervised by his Aunt May and Uncle Ben in the back corner. It was where you two had your first kiss. It was where Peter first met Ned in freshman year after he accidentally spilled coffee on Ned. It was where Harry decided to throw an impromptu New Year’s party that ended in Peter reluctantly kissing Harry at midnight when Harry complained he had no one to kiss. It was where the six of you first hung out all together besides school for the first time.
It was the home of so many of Peter’s memories.
As he looked through the windows, Peter saw your group sitting at the counter. MJ was leaning on the counter, probably complaining about the customers while Gwen was listening and also likely coming up with new songs for her band “The Mary Janes” in the back of her mind. Harry was sipping something out of one of the cafe mugs, while Ned was watching and laughing when Harry spit it back out almost immediately.
And you. You, Peter noticed you were sitting on the end closest to the door next to Harry, quietly, fidgeting with your rings and a bracelet, an anxious habit you had. As he looked closer, Peter noticed that it was the charm bracelet he got you for your birthday, that had charms of your favorite things and memories you had made since you’ve been friends.
Peter couldn’t help but wonder if Peter Parker wasn’t totally forgotten in your mind.
That thought quickly dissipated as he watched you. He couldn’t describe the look on your face. You looked something between sad and confused as you twisted it between your fingers, not paying attention to your friends around you.
Peter hadn’t planned to see his friends and give them his speech until two more weeks, just enough time that he would be settled into his new life, and so he would have enough time to craft his speech to make him not sound like a lunatic. But seeing you like that made Peter rashly decide to go in and introduce himself.
He might not be able to make you remember him, but he could be your friend again.
He walked into the store, hands in his pockets, messing with the notecards that contained his speech. Peter kept them in his jacket just in case something caused his plan to change. But the text he had memorized was ignored as you looked at Peter as he walked into Holy Grounds, looking like you recognized him but couldn’t quite figure out from where. You narrowed your eyes, but shook your head and took a drink of your latte.
Doubt treaded Peter’s mind. Would this even work? A few simple sentences was supposed to be enough to counteract a spell made by one of the multiverse’s most powerful wizards?
He took a deep breath, like May taught him to do when his thoughts got overwhelming. Okay, even if he couldn’t get you to remember him, he could at least try to rebuild what you once had. You were best friends and then a couple for years, if it could happen once it could happen again. You could make new memories and have a new love.
Yeah, Peter thought. Either of those could work.
Peter took a leap of faith and stepped closer to you. “Hi, I’m Peter Parker.”
You smiled at him, nose scrunching slightly. “Hi Peter Parker,” you said. “They don’t put your names on the cups here.” You paused, stifling a laugh. “And I don’t work here.”
“Oh I know,” Peter said. “Actually, I didn’t know they didn’t put names on the cups, but I did know you didn’t work here, which now that I think about it sounds kind of creepy because you don’t know me, but that’s not the point, or even why I introduced myself.” Peter took a deep breath and started talking at a more normal speed. “Sorry, I ramble sometimes.”
You smiled softly. “You don’t have to apologize for talking. What were you gonna say?”
Peter couldn’t help but smile too. God, he missed you so much. “I was saying that, uh, I introduced myself to you because I wanted you to know my name.”
Peter heard MJ snort and whisper something to Gwen, who practically cackled. Peter could only assume it was some sort of insult. You hit MJ slightly with your hand across the counter, giving her a ‘knock it off’ look. It was almost like old times.
You turned back over to Peter, smile back on your face. “Ignore her, she's mean to everyone.”
“It’s okay. Anyways I was wondering if I could maybe talk to you?” At that, Peter noticed all of his friends looking towards the two of you. He stiffened up at all the eyes.
You bit your lip, fiddling with the bracelet again. “Um, I think my friends might kill me, or you, if I leave now.” Peter sighed, but at the sight of his fallen face, you quickly followed up with, “But I should be free at 4, if that works?”
Peter nodded, vigorously, grin back on his face. “Yeah, that’s good, yeah. Meet you here?”
You nodded. “Sounds good. See you then.” Peter nodded too as you both kept eye contact.
Harry leaned his head on your shoulder, also looking at Peter. He waved slightly at him. “Bye Peter Parker.”
Peter chuckled slightly. “Bye,” he said, feeling hopeful for the first time in a while as he walked out.
As Peter walked out of the cafe, you heard your friends snickering at him. “He was so dorky,” MJ chuckled. “‘I’m Peter Parker.’ What was that?”
“Knock it off you guys,” you said, in a firm tone. “He was sweet, and trying. Besides, there's something,” you paused, messing with the web charm on your bracelet, trying to find the right word, “familiar about him.”
“Maybe that’s why he wanted to talk to you,” Gwen suggested. “He would’ve had to know you if he came in here, just talked to you, and didn’t order coffee in a coffee shop.”
“Or he’s just a perv who wants to take advantage of you,” Harry said casually, shrugging his shoulders.
“Aw, bub,” you smiled, putting your arm around him. “Thank you for looking out for me Har, but I think if he was actually a perv, he wouldn’t have made plans to meet me at a public place, in front of my friends.”
“Perv or not,” Ned remarked, putting his hands up, “Y/N’s right. That dude looks really familiar.”
“I think so too,” Gwen said. “Maybe he goes to Midtown. Or maybe he went to your middle school and wanted to catch up?”
You shook your head. “I don’t think that’s it.” You sighed. “I don’t know. It’s just, recently I’ve felt like there’s something missing in me, you know? Like I have trouble remembering things, and I feel like there’s a hole in my chest, like I’m grieving but I don’t know why. But when he came in and started talking, that hole and that feeling went away. I felt more whole than I have in weeks, for whatever reason.” You stopped, feeling the pitiful glances of your friends. “I don’t know, maybe I’m just being crazy.”
“You’re not crazy,” MJ said, her voice as soft as you’ve ever heard it. She put her hand on your shoulder. “Lately we’ve all kind of had that problem, even though you more than most.” She gestured to the rest of your friends and they nodded too, their faces filled with sympathy. “I know my memory’s been fuzzy and confusing ever since that weird incident with Spider-Man and the Statue of Liberty.” She snorted. “Who knows, maybe that Peter Parker is Spider-Man and made a magician erase him from our memory to protect the world from collapsing in on itself?” Everyone laughed, a little somberly.
“Thanks M, you guys,” you said. “However unlikely that scenario is, I just feel like if I talk to Peter, maybe things will make some sense again.”
“We’re here for you,” Harry nudged. “And if it turns out that he is a perv, just call me and say the word ‘pineapple’.” He whispered the word, as if Peter was still outside, and could hear him.
You grinned, and gave Harry a side hug. “Will do Harry.”
You loved your friends, you really did, and they were really supportive through whatever had happened and whatever was wrong with you, but you couldn’t help but wonder if Peter Parker could help solve your problems.
Exactly at four, you walked up to Peter, who was already at the coffee shop. He was dressed in a blue sweater over a plaid flannel with some nice jeans. You were wearing Peter’s old Midtown sweatshirt, and he knew it was his and not yours because it was much bigger than yours, going down practically to your knees. It made him smile, just like old times.
“Hi,” he said, waving slightly, before cringing at the awkwardness of it.
“Hi,” you replied. “Do you wanna walk around? Or go somewhere?”
“Do you wanna walk down Cornelia Street?” Peter asked. He knew you loved the Taylor Swift song, and ever since you saw the street in real life, you always wanted to live there. You always walked down there together when it was warm enough, making unrealistic plans for the future. “They have really--”
“Awesome and beautiful apartments that would make a great place to live,” you finished, the words coming out of your mouth before you could even process them.
“Yeah,” Peter said, breathlessly. He wanted to jump up and down at the fact there was still some trace of him within your memory after all. “You took the words right out of my mouth.”
You walked side by side next to Peter in silence for a few minutes as you walked the route to Cornelia Street. “I like your bracelet,” Peter said. “All of the charms are really cool.”
“Thanks,” you said, taking the lightsaber charm in your left hand. “I really like it.”
“Where’d you get?” He asked, hoping to partially jog your memory. “It looks custom.”
You bit your lip and avoided eye contact. “Um, I’m actually not sure.”
“Oh,” Peter replied, trying to hide his disappointment. “Well it’s still cool.”
“Yeah, I think the charms each have a meaning, but my memory’s been really weird lately and I can’t remember what they are,” you said.
Peter knew exactly what the meanings were. A lightsaber for the first movie you ever watched together when you were eight being “A New Hope”. A camera for how Peter always loved to take photo shoots of you ever since he got his first camera. A boombox for how you both loved to watch cheesy 90s rom-coms together. A trident for your Greek mythology-Percy Jackson phase in sixth grade.
Peter could go on. He spent hours looking through jewelry stores trying to find specific ones to fit your memories together, starting with a small web charm (for Spider-Man, obviously), and buying another couple each holiday. You told him it was probably the best and most thoughtful gift you had ever gotten.
He wanted to grab you by the shoulders and shout the meanings and the memories he had gotten those charms for, making it the thing that made you remember everything, and then kiss you to make up for all the lost time. But instead Peter simply replied, “My memory’s been weird too.”
You turned your head to face him as you kept walking. “Really? I thought I was crazy, I feel like it’s only me and my friends who’ve felt like it.”
He shook his head. “No, yeah, I’ve been having gaps ever since that weird thing with the crack in the sky and the Statue of Liberty.”
“Me too!” You exclaimed. “And the strangest things keep happening to me, like, I feel urges to send a text to someone, and make sure they’re okay, but I have no idea who. Or I want to open my window to let someone in, even though my apartment is on the fourth floor, and no one could make it up there since we don’t have a fire escape. I even find clothes in my closet that I know aren’t mine, but I don’t know whose they are.” You turned to Peter, who was nodding his head, genuinely interested. “And sometimes I feel this physical pain in my chest, this overflow of emotions I don’t understand, like I’m supposed to be grieving something or someone, but I don’t know who. Like I’m missing something important inside of me.” You paused, worried that Peter would run at this strangeness. “Does that make sense?”
“Yeah,” Peter said softly. “It does.”
You nodded, taking a deep breath before you continued. “And I know this probably sounds crazy, cause I know we only met a few hours ago, but you look so familiar to me. In a way that I can’t even describe. It’s like I’ve known you forever. And you make that pain in my chest and my head want to disappear. It doesn’t make any sense.”
What you were telling him astounded Peter. He didn’t imagine in a million years that this would’ve happened. His absence was actually causing you physical pain. It was like your mind wanted to continue your life as if Peter was still in it, even though you didn’t know who he was. Peter felt he owed it to you to tell you the truth after all he heard. And even if he hadn’t crafted the perfect ‘not sound insane’ speech, Peter thought you could believe him.
Right as you finished, you turned the corner onto Cornelia Street. The sun was setting, and the orange-pink skies over the luxurious apartments made it look breathtaking.
In a rush of adrenaline, Peter intertwined your fingers together, and led you over to a bench and sat down, you next to him.
He took a deep breath. “Do you remember that flash in the sky that happened a couple weeks ago, near the Statue of Liberty?” You nodded, eyes squinted a little in confusion. “That was a spell that a wizard named Dr. Strange cast that ripped a hole in the multiverse, well technically the second one fixed the hole in the multiverse, the first one made the hole.”
You blinked a couple of times, trying to make sure you heard him right. “What?”
“I know it sounds crazy, but it’s true,” Peter insisted, grabbing your hands. “The second spell he cast made everyone forget me. Because it was the only way to fix everything. You were there. You cried and begged me not to do it. You said you didn’t want to forget.”
You looked at the ground, mouth slightly agape. “Why didn’t I want to forget you? We don’t know each other,” your voice sounded reluctantly incredulous, like you didn’t want to believe him. “What would I have to forget?”
Peter moved his head lower, so you would look at him. “Me. Us. Before all of this crazy stuff happened we were in love, and before that we were best friends since we were kids.” You looked up Peter, unreadable expression.
“Really?” You whispered, slight pain in your voice. “You’re really telling the truth?”
“Yeah,” Peter replied. “I promise I am.”
“You’re Peter Parker,” you said, more to yourself than to him. “And the spell made me forget you?”
“Yeah,” he said again softly. “That pain in your chest, the gaps in your memory, the part of you that you feel is missing?” You nodded at his pause. “That’s me.”
“I believe you,” you said. “As crazy as it sounds, despite the fact that I probably shouldn't, I believe you.” Peter smiled, laughing a little.
“Do you think if you kissed me, all of my memories come back in a rush montage like in the movies with amnesiacs?” You asked, rubbing the back of your neck.
Peter shrugged. “I think it’s worth a shot.”
Peter took your face in his hand and you both looked into each other's eyes for a few seconds, sharing a moment of silent healing for both of you. You leaned in, and he pulled you in, feeling the infamous ‘spark’ as your lips connected. You stayed that way for a second, and when you pulled away to breath, you searched your memory, trying to remember anything, any memory of Peter.
“Did it work?” He asked eagerly. “Do you remember?”
“No.” You shook your head sadly, but a second after you did, you grabbed Peter’s wrist, and pulled a bracelet from underneath his sleeve before you even realized what you were doing. It was a red and blue beaded bracelet, like the kind of plastic ones you gave out to all your friends as a kid. Still acting on instinct, you pressed the blue bead right before the knot that held it together.
A red projection of the Spider-Man mask appeared before the both of you on the bench. Peter had worn the bracelet ever since you gave it to him in fifth grade, and added the projection to it after he found no actual use to it in his Stark suit, but still wanted to keep it nonetheless. You always liked to mess with the bracelet and put up the projection when you were bored.
You both gasped, looking at each other in awe.
“How did you know how to do that?”
You shrugged, adrenaline rushing through your veins. “Muscle memory, I think.”
“Maybe if we kiss again, you’ll remember something else?” Peter suggested. “Like one kiss equals one memory?”
You couldn’t help but laugh, but pulled him in and kissed him once again, feeling nothing but pure bliss.
When you pulled away, you picked up your wrist to look at your charm bracelet on instinct. “You gave me this,” you said, eyes wide. “You gave me this for my birthday.”
“Yeah,” Peter nodded enthusiastically. “I did.”
“And-and this charm,” you picked up the black dahlia charm. “You got it because you tried to buy me a necklace with one in Venice but it broke because you were fighting the dude with the fishbowl head, so you got the charm instead!”
“That’s exactly what happened!” Peter exclaimed.
“Oh my god, I remember what all of these mean,” you said, taking a bunch of them in your hand. “The Empire State Building is for both me being obsessed with it in second grade and you swung me up there the first time you took me swinging. The-The fridge is for that time at three AM when we wanted to dance, but your living room needed new light bulbs, so we just kept the refrigerator door open as a light and played ‘Home’ by Bruno Major on a loop.”
“Yes. Yes. Yes,” Peter repeated, unable to believe this was happening. Unable to believe that you remembered. “We almost melted all of May’s coffee ice cream and she was so mad.”
“But not as mad as that one time when we were kids and decided it would be a good idea to give each other Sharpie tattoos,” you said, breathless as the words rushed out of your mouth. “I still have part of the Black Widow hourglass on my ankle.” You laughed, pulling your legging up to show him. “That’s what that was!”
“Yeah,” Peter said, pulling up his right sleeve. “And I still have the face of the Iron Man mask!”
You gasped again, getting up quickly and confirming your suspicions. Your initials and Peter’s initials were carved in a heart on the back of the wood(ish) bench. “We carved our initials into this bench. So when we have money and can afford to rent a place on this street we could just sit here and talk.”
“Exactly,” Peter said faintly. “Exactly.” You knocked your foreheads together, both just enjoying being together.
“I don’t remember everything,” you murmured. “Some things, but not all of them.”
“That’s okay, I’m just glad you remember anything,” he replied. “I can tell you about things you don’t remember and we can make new memories too.”
“That sounds good.” You shifted, leaning your head on Peter’s shoulder. “Can you tell me some now?”
“Sure,” Peter said, putting his head half on top of yours. “On Valentine’s day, sophomore year, the first Valentine’s day after we started dating, I put chocolates in your locker, and got you the earbuds charm for your bracelet--”
“Because we liked to share earbuds and make each other playlists,” you finished.
Peter smiled. “Yeah. And you waited until after school to give me your present. We decided to eat at Delmar’s in fancy clothes, to seem like adults, and after we were finished eating, you pulled out this gallon sized bag full of candy hearts, and they were personalized with funny messages and pick up lines, like ‘are you copper and tellurium? because you’re CuTe’ and ‘you must be the force because Yoda only one for me’” Peter chuckled. “You also got me a new sweater, but the fact that you took the time to write like fifty different pick up lines for me really warmed my heart and made it my favorite gift.”
You giggled. “That definitely sounds like something I would do. You deserve to have a billion pick up lines.”
You sat there for a moment, enjoying the peaceful noise of New York, enjoying the comfort of having each other there for them.
“Peter?” You asked, not moving from the position you were in.
You bit your lip, deciding to tell him what you were thinking. “Do you think we’ll be able to give each other the peace we’re looking for?”
Peter turned his head towards you at that. “What do you mean?”
You shrugged. “I know that we’ve found each other somehow, despite a freaking memory erasing spell, and that’s amazing, and I love that, and I’m pretty sure I love you, but,” you sighed. “We’re both kind of looking for a peace within the other that might not be satisfiable.”
“What does that mean?”
“It’s just that you’re looking for me so you can have a piece of your old life back, and I was looking to fill in my memory and problems, a peace of sorts, you know? I know it sounds stupid and that I’m overthinking this, but what if we can’t give each other that thing we’re looking for? What if we try to seek that feeling instead of love?” Your voice cracked as you finished. “What if I can’t give you peace?”
“Hey,” Peter said delicately, putting his hands on your shoulders. “I don’t want peace. I realized a long time ago that my life was never gonna be peaceful. I was looking for you because I love you. Not because I wanted peace. All I want is you, and the love we have. You matter so much to me, and I’m not losing you again. Especially over something as stupid as peace.” He put your foreheads together again. “I love you.”
Silent tears ran down your face as you smiled. How could you have forgotten this person you loved so much? A person who made you feel so happy and so loved. “I love you too.”
“We might not be able to give each other peace,” Peter said. “But I know that we can make each other pretty damn happy.”
the new boy
paring : peter parke (tom holland) X male reader
genre : fluff
summary : Peter introduces the school to the new boy (you) and a friendship with something more begins to blossom.

You were slowly adapting to your new life since you moved with your mother and stepfather. Today was your first day in a new school, and while you were nervous, you were also excited to meet new people and make friends. As you entered the grounds of the school, a sweet-looking boy approached you.
He was smaller than you had imagined, wearing a shirt with a Star Wars design on it, he had brown hair, and seemed timid and kinda jittery, but in a cute way.
"Hey, uh... I just wanted to welcome you... I'm Peter... Peter Parker, and I've been here since first grade, and I'm considered a good student, so... they They I was asked to show you around and stuff..." he whispers "I'm really not sure what to say"
"Hey, eh… nice to meet you Peter, my name is Y/N… and as you probably know I… am new here…" you say with a brief smile.
Peter suddenly noticed he was lost in your smile. It was so radiant and expressive, like the light of the sun had been repressed and now radiating from your face. Peter was caught off-guard and blushed for a moment before becoming stunned, unable to avert his gaze. He was then able to recover himself and continue the conversation, avoiding the awkward moment.
"Well, uh... yeah, I guess I should introduce you to the school now, right?"
"Ah, yeah, sure, I would appreciate that." Peter nodded his head in affirmation "All right, follow me, I'll show you the classrooms and other areas of the school."
As you and Peter walked around the school, you had a blast chatting about all sorts of things you had in common. You discovered that both of you loved reading and collecting comic books about superheroes, building complex Lego sets and even playing similar video games.
You could feel a spark of friendship igniting between you, and it was so nice to have someone to talk to and forge bonds with over shared interests.
✁ ..time cut..

Finally, you two arrived at the end of the tour of the school. Peter had showed you all the classrooms, hallways and areas of the school. You realized that you two shared many interests and you were feeling more and more connected. It was now time for you to part ways, at least temporarily, since both of you had to head back to class.
“Well, I guess it's a temporary goodbye... I really enjoyed showing you around... and I really liked you... I mean... meeting you... sorry...” Peter says feeling his cheeks start to heat up "Okay that's cute" Peter squints his eyes and turns even redder than he was, you laugh a little at his reaction and then continue talking "I felt the same way, thank you for taking the time to do this” You say with a brief smile "You're welcome... well I should get to class. I hope to see you later!" Peter speaks with a small smile on his face.
Before parting ways with Peter, you quickly thought of something and called him. "Hey, hey, before we part ways, do you think we could go out to explore the city this weekend? I don't know much around here, so if you could go with me and show me some fun places... if you want, of course." Peter looked at you for a moment, seemingly a little surprised, then smiled and nodded enthusiastically. "Yeah, sure, it's a great idea, I'd be happy to do that." Peter answered, with a big smile.
"Perfect," you say with a smile "Then... I guess I'll see you at lunch, right?" "Yeah, of course," Peter replies, nodding his head and giving a smile "I liked getting to know you Peter." You say with a smile "You're a cool guy." Peter felt a wave of warmth and happiness wash over his mind and heart "Ah, I..." he said, becoming even more flustered "I... I say the same, it was a pleasure getting to know you too, Y/N." Peter replied, smiling and unaware of just how red he was getting.
“See you at lunch, then," you say, glancing over your shoulder with a brief wave and turning to find your class. While Peter stands there, with an infatuated smile on his face, not realizing just how red he was getting.
It was certainly set to be more than just a great friendship between these two young boys.
ac : Sorry guys this was longer than I thought 😭😭 I hope you liked it ❤️🩹 who knows, we might have a second part of this story…
I don’t know if I’m original for coming up with this like idea (probably not I feel like I’ve never had an original idea in my life) but my half awake/ cold induced brain was like Yk what would be cool?? Bucky Barns x reader x Jason Todd either love triangle or polycule. I also sat there and was like Bucky and Jason are damn near the same mf idk I need someone to write this or point me into the direction of what I’m looking for 🫡👀
Update to this post: I made a fic it’s a Bucky x reader x Jason poly fic It’s my first one so I’m sorry if it’s not good but if you read it hope you like it it’s just a little one shot 🖤
Their Light | Bucky x reader x Jason
ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 ࣪˖⤷ .𖥔 ݁ ˖ ࣪ ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 ˖ ⤷
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x GN!Reader X Jason Todd WC: 1,294 CW: Fluff, kinda angsty, slight talks of anxiety, no use of Y/N, Poly relationship Authors Note: I had this idea the other day and I loved it but I couldn't find anything on this. I never wrote a fic before so this is my first one so im sorry if you hate it
Summary: Just you loving Bucky and Jason

“Buckyyyy.." Bucky couldn't help but smile a little at hearing you whine.
"Yes doll?" Bucky said, looking up at you.
"What time did Jay say he was coming home?" You asked with a slight pout. Bucky chuckled and smiled softly at your pouting and at the mention of Jason.
When Bucky came back to himself, when he could finally be done being The Winter Soldier, he felt that he was unworthy of love from anyone so he pushed the idea away. Then reluctantly became a member of The earth's mightiest heroes.
Then Bucky made a choice to leave the Avenger to leave New York for Gotham to retire and finally just be James Buchanan Barnes he didn't think that he'd fall for anyone. He wasn’t supposed to fall for anyone.
After everything he did, all the people he hurt, people he killed, the lives he forever altered he thought love would never be in the cards for a guy like him, so it wasn't in the plan to fall for anyone. Especially someone who was a vigilante.
A person who helped keep the citizens of Gotham safe. He didn't think he'd fall for someone let alone Jason, let alone The Red Hood. But he did.
He got lucky with not only finding someone as loving and caring as you but also someone like Jason.
Jason and Bucky understood one another better than he thought two people could ever understand each other. They could walk hand in hand through the darkness in a way no one ever could for either of them, they both had done things that they've grown to regret, things that made them hate themselves, that have made them feel undeserving of love from anyone, undeserving of anyone caring for them.
But then they found each other, then they found you.
You brought them out of the dark, you were a light, their light. You help remind them that there's more to them than the darkness that they carry, that they deserved light despite everything that happened, everything that they had done or whatever they went through.
"He didn't say doll. He should be back any minute, he's usually done around this time." Bucky said while grabbing your hand and giving it a light squeeze to try and help reassure you.
You sighed and closed your eyes, trying to ground yourself for a moment, to lessen the anxiety and the stress you felt. You knew Jason would be home soon. You knew that. You only asked to get some kind of reassurance.
Jason had been a vigilante for years, he knew what he was doing, but accidents happen. Accidents have happened to Jason. But that was before you and Bucky.
The three of you didn't know each other before Jason died you never knew Jason as the trouble making kid that tried to steal tires off the Batmobile in Crime Alley. The kid that got taken away from Bruce, Dick and Alfred too soon. You both got there after. After Red Hood first came (or came back) to Gotham after the fighting, the pushing and pulling between The Batman and Red Hood.
You open your eyes when you hear the window in the kitchen that leads to the fire escape open. You get up from where you and Bucky were sitting in the living room to walk to the kitchen to see someone crawling through the window. That person was your other boyfriend, the infamous Jason Peter Todd. You can't help the smile that spreads across your face when you see him in the kitchen still in his gear from his patrol.
You always felt better when both of your boys were home, where you knew they were safe.
Jason takes off his helmet and looks at you with a smile as you walk up to him to wrap yourself around him. He holds you, his arms wrapped around your back while your arms are around his back, while your head goes on his chest.
"Hi sweets." Jason says softly after kissing the top of your head.
He knows how anxious you can get when he's on patrol so he always gives you a second when he gets back to help reassure you that he's really there. That he's home, he's safe. It only takes a few more seconds before you feel another large body pressed into your back, its Bucky, now you're squished between two of your favorite people.
You treasure moments like this.
While Bucky and Jason greet each other and talk, you sit there and just soak up the moment. You can hear them talk but nothing is really registering to you at the moment. After a little while Bucky pulls away and then Jason grabs your chin with his thumb and pointer finger making you look up at him.
"I'm gonna go shower, alright sweets?" Jason said with a small smile then kisses your head softly as you give a small nod and then he goes off to your shared bedroom.
"Are you okay doll?" Bucky asks after a second.
"Yeah I'm fine, just you know my anxiety can get the best of me sometimes." You say with a small shrug, bucky looks at you with a small smile and wraps his arms around you.
"It's okay I know your mind can get the best of you sometimes but he's safe and he's home okay?" you nod and just lean into bucky for a minute.
"Let's get dinner warmed up doll." Bucky says after a few minutes and you nod at him with a smile.
You and Bucky start to warm up the pasta and chicken that was made earlier. You like eating with all three of you together as much as possible so on nights when you knew Jason or Bucky wouldn't be home till kinda late you'd make dinner so that it can be warmer up later so all of you could eat together.
It was important to you to spend that time together, that was one of the things both men loved about you how you always valued the small moments.
After a few minutes of you and Bucky warming up food, laughing and talking, Jason comes out with black sweats on and towel draped over his wet hair.
He smiles at the sight of you and Bucky just laughing and smiling at each other, it's one of his favorite things to see. The two people he loves more than anything being happy and in love.
Jason walks up behind Bucky and wraps his arms around him and then smiles at you, Bucky smiles and looks over his shoulder at Jason and gives him a kiss after a few seconds they pull away and smile at each other. You can't help but let the sight warm your heart. Jason pulled away from Bucky to walk towards you and put his hands on the counter you were leaning on trapping you between the counter and him, he smiles down at you and gives you a kiss that shamelessly shakes you to your core.
When he pulls away from the kiss, you smile at him and he looks at you with those green eyes that you love so much, those eyes that make you melt in an instant.
"Dinner smells good sweets, Thanks for waiting for me, both of you." Jason says and at the end of his sentence he looks over his shoulder at Bucky while Bucky looks at you both with a smile on his face.
"We'll always wait for you Jay." You say hugging Jason while Bucky walks behind him to hug both of you sandwiching Jason in between you and Bucky.
"Always.” Bucky says without hesitation kissing Jason's head

these moon knight smuts be having me giggling like a baby omfg i need oscar isaac NOW!!!!!

3, 7 and 9 for Loki
It takes a lot to make Loki sick, so when he does he's an absolute bear and wants to be doted on. Plus, kisses make the ache/hurt feel better.
You Make It Better

Loki x reader
Words: 347
Based on:
3. Acts like a baby when they’re sick
7. Secretly loves nose/forehead kisses
9.Gets cranky when they’re tired
“Darliiiinnggg,” dragged a hoarse voice coming from your bedroom.
“I’m coming,” you say, putting the finishing touches on the hot tea.
Loki was sick, or something of the sort. You didn’t exactly know what it was and at first when you pointed out he was ill, he declined, claiming that he doesn’t get sick. But it was obvious; the tired eyes, the unusual unkempt look, his more irritable than usual tone, it was obvious that he wasn’t well.
After disagreeing with you for about an hour, you’ve somehow done it. You’ve convinced him to take a nap and the moment his body hit your bed, his attitude melted and he did a complete one-eighty.
His voice that was booming before was now soft with each word.
Currently finishing up, you slowly step into the bedroom with the cup in hand. Across the room, there Loki lay waiting for you.
“I made you Peppermint tea,” you said, holding it out.
He gently pushed your hand to the side, “I don’t need foolish tea,” he said. “Okay, what do you need then? Cold water? A warm towel? A cold towel?”
Despite being unwell, that didn’t stop a grin from spreading along on his face, without a word he tugged you downwards and you leaned lowering your head closer. Bringing both of his warm hands to your cheeks he continues to pull you. You expect him to stop sometime, but he pulls you until your lips are against his forehead. Then he leans back satisfied, “much better,” he says with a wink and you shake your head with a grin.
“Get some rest,” you say, turning around to leave the room. “Wait!” He shouts and you turn back, “I need one more thing.”
“What’s that?”
His arms extended out, “Your warmth.”
Although a little bit surprised, you can’t help but grin to yourself, who would’ve thought that the man who used to abhor romance would be laying in front of you begging for your cuddles.
You climbed into his arms making yourself the little spoon before you relaxed against him.
When Did This Happen? Part 1
I’m thinking about this being a 3 parts series. Tell me if I should write the next chapters, already have some ideas in my head. Pairing: Loki x Reader Word Count: 444 Warnings: none

You are an introvert. That means, among other things, that you love alone time and silence. You love your personality, really, but those things always have made it difficult for you to make friends and keep them.
And those things also are what let you to this moment. Alone, in the living room of the Avengers Tower, watching The Office US while the entire team are enjoying the big party the playboy (his words) Tony Stark is throwing tonight. You’re not complaining, though, this allows you to watch your favorite show on the really gigantic TV of the living room.
The party started not so long ago, so you are a little surprised when you hear steps coming from the hallway and getting louder, indicating that someone is approaching. And if you weren’t expecting someone from the team to be there, what you were expecting even less was for Loki being there. He lives in New Asgard with Thor and doesn’t usually go to the tower.
“Loki?” You ask in the moment he passes the doorway and he, just then, seems to notice you. “You need something?”
Instead of answering your question, he stares at you for some time and lets another question out. “What are you doing here? There’s a party out there.”
“Yeah, I’m not really a fan of parties. And I could ask you the same question. Actually, you didn’t answer mine, do you need something?”
One more time, he doesn’t respond and you just roll your eyes and look back at TV, knowing that it would be useless to discuss with the god. He again surprises you when he just sits on the couch you’re onto and starts watching as if this was something normal.
You two keep watching, and laughing, until your eyes start getting heavy and you stand up with a yawn. “I’m going to sleep. You can keep watching if you want, I’ve watched before.”.
“Maybe I will. Can I get your number, though?” Well, you aren’t expecting this, and with your silence he continues. “I’m thinking about keeping watching once I’m back at New Asgard. And if I am going to do this I would like to talk to you about it. That is, if you are good with that.”
You hesitate a little, but think Why not? What could go wrong?. And with that, you give your number to the god.
“I was going to pull a prank.” He says when you are almost out of the room.
“When I came here, I was going to prank the Avengers, you know, to get some fun. But I guess what I found was way better.”
Part 2!
When Did This Happen? Part 2
Pairing: Loki x Reader
Word Count: 585
Warnings: none
Part 1 is here!

You certainly weren’t expecting this to happen, but Loki actually watched The Office and commented about the show with you. What wasn’t a surprise though was Dwight becoming his favorite character.
Beyond talking about the show, as the time passed, your conversations with the god started reaching other topics and now, one month later, you could say that you two are friends. Every morning you’d wake up to a message of “good morning” from Loki and every now and then the two of you would watch or read the same thing at the same time, while on a phone call to comment about it. You were expecting to do this today, since the team is going to be out on a mission and you will be able to keep the living room’s tv all to yourself, but when you asked Loki about it, he said he had other things to do. So, watching all alone it is.
When it is later that day and the team is out, you prepare yourself some popcorn and get some snacks before settling on the couch. When you are about to hit play, a voice comes from the doorway. “Starting without me, darling?”
And when you look at the source of the voice, Loki is there with his arms crossed above his chest and that characteristic grin on his face. “Loki, what are you- I mean, when did you- How did you enter here?”. With that, his mischievous grin just got bigger.
“So many questions. All you need to know is that I have my methods.” He says while walking towards the couch you’re on and sitting casually, exactly like the day of the party. “So, are we going to watch this movie or are we going to continue with the interrogation?”
“You said you had things to do, how are you here now?” At that, he sighs and turns his attention to you.
“Apparently, we are going with the interrogation. I just wanted to make a surprise, I thought we could watch together, really together, like that other night.” He pauses. “But, I can go if that’s what you want.”
“No! I- You can stay here, it’s just that I wasn’t expecting you, that’s all. I’m glad you’re here.” At this point, both you and he are with little smiles on your faces. A few seconds pass, before you look at the tv and press play. A few minutes on the movie, and Loki puts your feet on his lap and starts massaging them, like it’s a normal thing. Maybe it is, you just never had any close friends before. Well, one thing you know, this is way better than being alone.
When the movie ended, you and Loki still kept talking for some time, enjoying each other's company, and he helped you clean things before he went home. You still stayed in the living room until the team came back from the mission and let you know everything went well.
Once in your bedroom, you think back to your day with Loki. You’ve never had anything like this before, someone that would get out of their way to just spend the afternoon hanging out with you, that would send you texts in the morning and updates about their days. It feels good, you think.
When you go to sleep, you are already looking forward to answering the “good morning” text from Loki tomorrow. When you wake up, though, there’s no message from him. That’s never happened before.

˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ 𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐨𝐛𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐫
— ₊⊹ 𝒑𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈 . Natasha Romanoff x reader
— ₊⊹ 𝒔𝒖𝒎𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒚 . in which she finally feels heard, seen.
— ₊⊹ 𝒘𝒂𝒓𝒏𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒔 . angst, emotional breakdown (panic attack), swearing, mentions of scars (sh), mentions of suicidal ideologies. Nat being honest and open about her feelings for once. hurt/comfort.
— ₊⊹ 𝒏𝒐𝒕𝒆𝒔 . english is not my first language (🇧🇷) so i apologize for any spelling errors. rainy days, match sad stories. venting.
divider credits: @saradika-graphics ༉‧₊˚.

the heaviness of the afternoon air settled over Natasha — weighting down what was already heavy. her mind, her body.. everything felt like a weight, a weight she carried since she was born, or even before her soul was incarnated in her body. she felt— no, she knew that she was born in bad news, cursed, and there was no way of getting out of this. it's funny, those were the exact same thoughts she had ever since she was a child— 10, 11, maybe? and in that age, crossed her mind that probably when she grew up, those ideas would vanish and she would be free to have a normal life.
but that certainly didn't happen. and now, she found herself trapped. trapped in web that the more she struggled, more stuck she got, and that was a routine that repeated over and over and over — optimistic, optimistic delusional thoughts that came to battle with the bad ones, telling her that things would someday be okay, and the real, coherent ones, that crushed all the hope, the little sparkle of hope she had within her, making her mind a complete and total mess. chaos behind chaos. sleepless nights, restless days.
god, how good would it be if at least, her body wasn't enchanted. how perfect would it be, to throw herself down a building and don't feel anymore, instead of having just a few scratches here and there. the blade helped, even with the acknowledge that a normal person would feel 10 times more than she did. because the pain was still little, when comparing to everything this woman already endured. the red lines on her arms and thighs were just a reminder of the red on her ledge, and that it was now impossible to wipe away.
in moments like those ones, her brain desperately searched for any solution, any thought to refute her current state — it was the human instinct to survive. (yeah, she's human). her eyes squeeze tight, feet stumbling forward and hands gripping tightly the trailer's window rail, knuckles turning white.
inhale, exhale. inhale— no, let's stick to panting.
her mind would drift back to the little girls who she shared her life with in the red room, remembering each of their personalities, what each one of them would do in a situation like this. ironically, for Natasha, they deserved to be listened and helped. but herself? nah. but in the deep end, she didn't know if they were still breathing, still in this world. what was the point..?
"come on..." she mutters, hissing loudly as her legs start trembling, knees ready to give up. "stop, stop, stop, stop..."
her heart never felt so filled with anguish and pain like right now — yes it did, but it was always like that: whenever that happened, the past experiences felt like they never existed — and the now felt like too much to handle. her ears buzzed, the sounds of the wind blowing across the tree leaves around her went down to volume zero — the hair on her legs and arms went up in a deep shiver, and eyes went wide — realization.
the same fucking realization as always. nobody listens, nobody cares. no one will ever know her true story. no one will ever fix her. she won't be remembered. her life's a waste— why was she even born, when everything that happened was disgrace after disgrace. that's when the thread snaps, and her body reacts before her mind can follow.
her throat closes, as if suffocating — body falling backwards, hitting the floor with full force. her fingers run through her hair and tug on the strands, pulling them strongly, even breaking a few of the auburn locks. tears of desperation threatens to fall down her cheeks, but she doesn't really realize that yet. she's just so out of air, that's impossible to control any other action.
"why won't that fucking—" Natasha manages between gasps. she groans, grabbing on the skin of her thighs and squeezing them harshly, creating moon-shaped little marks, enough to draw blood. "won't it— stop!"
then, she sobs. wait, but.. why did it felt like.. relief? perhaps because now, she was in your arms.
a foreign, strange sensation of warmth, warmth of another human being, enveloped her. she didn't recognize who it was, nor did she care. with pure instinct, her arms wrapped around the person's midsection, clinging for dear life. and now, with the sense of security, she was able to cry freely. she cried silently, something you didn't like. her chest heaved with emotion, but you wished she was louder. she was taught that widows didn't feel pain, wether it was physical or emotional. that's why her small cries sounded as painful and miserable as loud ones. you, sitting on the floor with her, scooped her weeping frame into your arms and held her — her side against your chest, head tucked in the crook of your neck.
sadly, it wasn't the first time, and you knew it wouldn't be the last. you were always in the trailer with her when she had breakdowns like this one. and that was what broke you the most — her brain subconsciously would tell her she was alone, and she didn't know how to deal with intense feelings like those: thus, she didn't know how to ask for help, how to come to you so you both could prevent those mental draining episodes.
when you first met Natasha, the first thing she asked you was to forget that she was a deadly spy, an avenger, or whatever the hell else people knew her as. at least for a day, so you could see where things would go. this fact only, meant that since the beginning, she had a feeling about you.. one she couldn't quite put a finger on, but which made her want to be herself, with no masks or titles around you.
it was common sense everything she went through. but only you knew about her true point of view. when her own self felt like an outside observer regarding to her own life, you were always there to remind her of who she was.
"you're safe... you're safe, i am safe.. we're both safe.." you whisper, running your hand up and down her shivery arm, putting the cold away. "okay, Nat? you are safe. i am right here, ready to fight whatever evil that befalls you.''
"i don't know.. i-i just.. i'm exhausted... i'm s-so tired.." she manages between small cries, eyes pleadingly looking up into yours. her hand reaches out and intertwine her fingers with your own, grasping on every sense she had of your presence — because she knew it could fade again, that she could fall in the loop again. and it was torturous. "i never.. no one ever listened to me... i never.. told anyone.. about.. a-about..."
"i know." you nod, arms tightening around her. you crawl a little backwards, just so you could reach the blanket that laid upon the couch and grab it. you wrap it around her with one hand, not letting go of her own. she subconsciously brings the fluffy fabric closer to herself and snuggles up against your body. "but you can tell me. isn't it clear, malyshka? that you're stuck with me?"
malyshka. the endearment term in russian she had taught you. she loved it, so goddamn much. a little weak smile tugs on her lips, the kindness you were showing her easing the tension — as if you were offering to carry the weight with her. compassion, empathy. so foreign.
"i just.." she shakes her head, sniffling and taking a deep, shaky breath. she stays silent for a few minutes, and you wait. voice so quiet, small.. and scared. "before you.. no one ever.. held me. i never had anyone holding me. i never had a touch that didn't mean harm. never had anyone to listen."
"i know, Nat. and that pains me more than you think." you confirm, running your fingers through her hair, and nuzzling the side of your face against her cheek, resting on your shoulder. "but trust me, i will listen for hours, days, years and centuries. if you wanna share every single second of your life with me, i'm here to listen."
"that doesn't make any freaking sense to me." she chuckles humorlessly, a soft groan escaping her throat. she was feeling a little tired. "but.. the truth is.. few people understand what i went through. the little people who lived in the same circumstances as me are probably all dead.. and... i truly don't want you to understand. i don't want you to try and live the same horrors as i did. all i wish for..."
you take a moment to stare at her when she pauses. hurt arms, tear filled face. oh, what you wouldn't do to protect this heart. to keep it safe. never let anything harm it again.
"all i wish for, is for you to be here. to hold me like you're doing, to share your own experiences with me, to live with me. to whisper sweet nothings in my ear by the night. handle my body gently. just be here. be here and i know i'll be forever safe."
that was it. everything you ever wished for. you exhale deeply and shift her carefully, so she was on your lap. she looks down at you, and at your hand.. that slowly comes up to land on her cheek. she leans against it and breathes heavily. you smile, waiting for her next expected words.
"can i..." she clears her throat, hands shyly gripping your shoulders, eyes looking at you from below her eyelashes. "can i cry more?"
"of course." you cradle her again and settle her thighs around your hips. her arms wrap around your neck, and she gently leans her head on your shoulder... allowing herself to cry.. out of relief.
your right hand tenderly caresses her leg, tracing over the self indulged scars she had. the left one, makes slow, soothing circles on her spine, moving up, and down her back. she was letting all her emotions out, all the pain inside her heavy heart, was flowing out of her being. thanks to your patience, your gentleness, and your love.
turns out, love wasn't only for children. goodness gracious, how good it was to be loved...
"god," she sobs, squeezing you tighter, nose brushing against your hair as she allows herself to.. let go. "god, i need you."
"i'm here." you confirm quietly, looking up and kissing her temple. "i'm here, i'm not going anywhere."

please reblog for bigger sample size. have a nice day/night ^^
(if you don't like/read it, just ignore this)
Yandere Namor Headcanon
an: I’ll work on requests I swear, I’ve just been obsessed with this man
tw: yandere themes, Black Panther: Wakanda Forever Spoilers, stalking, overprotective behaviour, kidnapping, captivity, ooc

•Namor, a child without love as he’d been cursed, did not have it within his heart to love another. His love lay with his people. That was until he happened upon you. An inquisitive human who was investigating the legend of K'uk'ulkan. At first, he’d planned to kill you as he did with all others that had come to find him ans Talokan. However, your intentions, unlike the others, was honourable. You only visited out of curiosity, and acted respectfully towards the land and the people of the village. Namor began to observe you. He watched you from afar as you continued to search for him, for any signs for him. He never let you catch on though.
•Frustrated by your fruitless efforts, you decided to leave in resignation. Despite hiding himself from you, Namor wasn’t prepared for you to go. He’d spent so much time watching you that he grew obsessed. He was completely enamoured with you, with your mannerisms, your habits, your laugh, your smile, everything about you. You were a pure being. The cruel surface world was undeserving of you. So, the day you were meant to leave, you visited the beach one last time as a sort of nostalgic end visit. That’s when you saw him, emerging out of the water. You stood there, stunned. Here before you was K'uk'ulkan in all his glory. And he was glorious. He must’ve been the most gorgeous man you’d ever seen. The silence between you two grew as you eyes raked him over, taking him in. Slowly, he moved towards you, then he uttered your name. That single utterance of your name caused your insides to double over, twisting and turning.
“K'uk'ulkan,” you whispered in awe, eyes widened. Smiling, he corrected you, “Namor. You’ve been searching for me.”
Still in awe, you nodded slowly. “You wish to see it, do you not? My home,” asked Namor, outstretching his hand in an unspoken offer. He was inviting you, a mere human, to see his home. Your heart was pounding in your chest as you cautiously took his hand. He pressed a mask to your face and before you could register what was happening, you were being pulled under the water.
•Namor took you to an underwater cave where you didn’t need a mask. This is where you’d be staying, he told you. You didn’t pay any thought towards his ominous tone, too absorbed with the mesmerizing beauty of the cave. Namor then showed you to a high-tech deep-sea diving suit. Once you were suited up, Namor showed you Talokan. The underwater city was ethereal. You marvelled at the sights and the people, all who received you warmly. Namor’s heart swelled watching you interact with his people as if they were your own, well they would be soon.
•You enjoyed your time at Talokan. All your needs and wants were met. You adored spending time with the people, especially the children. However, eventually, the novelty wore off and you grew homesick. You tried to bring it up with Namor but he would either change the course of the conversation or just blow you off entirely. This dodgy behaviour worked up your irritation until it finally spilled over.
“Namor!” you called out. Namor turned around, his face set in an adoring smile. “I need to talk to you.”
“What is it? Is there anything you need?” He asked sweetly.
“I want to leave, and don’t try changing the subject. I love it here in Talokan, but this isn’t my home. I have a home, a life back on the surface that I need to return too,” you said, pleadingly.
Something in Namor’s eyes changed, and he titled his head in confusion. Then, he laughed. “Darling, tell me, what did you expect to happen once you accepted my hand. Did you believe that Talokan has remained hidden for so long through allowing people free range?”
Your heart rate quickened, and you stuttered, trying to formulate a response. You hadn’t thought of the future consequences, lost in the thought of experiencing the myths you’d studied for so long first hand. Chuckling, Namor closed the distance between you two and cupped your face with his hands. “Worry not, beloved. Talokan shall offer you far more than the surface world ever could.”
really into me???

tom!peter parker x f!reader
I love the nerdy! peter x popular girl trope sm🥹
i was surprised to see that a woman like that was really into me”
you’ve always been popular, you were pretty but with popularity comes fake friends,people assuming your a bitch and a long list of expectations.
you wore the best clothes, your hair and makeup were always flawless, you wore cute shoes but that’s not why peter liked you, he liked you because one time in biology class he saw you looking at star wars memes and from that day on he was in love and total utterly obsessed with you. also because he thought you were nice and smart but never in a MILLION years would he think you’d like him back .
ur pov
i walked through the long hallway to get to my locker, i needed to get something… a lightsaber, a star wars replica lightsaber. i wanted peter to talk to me. he was nerdy and he liked star wars which is always a green flag in men, i tried dropping hints that i liked him but he just wasn’t getting it. i hope he didn’t have a gf. i see him sit with michelle watson at lunch all the time but they didn’t seem like a couple.
i reach my locker and put in my combo, i open my locker and grab the toy and quickly shove it in my bag, i slam my locker shut and hurry to biology class.
you reached your classroom and rushed to your seat and just in time the bell rang loudly. peter grinned as you huffed under your breath, the teacher welcomed everyone and wished them a good afternoon. you tuned her out because honestly you were just looking at peter and you hoped he didn’t notice. when the teacher finished talking and gave everyone instructions for the lesson plan. peter turned to you and began spurring out random facts to put in your notes you smiled at him and to your surprise he smiled widely back at you. you felt your heart race.
when the bell rang and class was dismissed before peter had got up to leave you tapped his shoulder and you pulled out the lightsaber and his eyes lit up. “woah that’s scarily accurate. does it turn on” he said with curiosity. you nodded your head and turned it on and the saber lire bright green. “it’s actually uh for you- you seem like a green lightsaber guy” you smiled way to wide you mentally kicked yourself.
“no uh i couldn’t accept this” he was charming and you just wanted to kiss him then and there. “no please do! i have another at home, blue. like obi wan” you softly chuckled. “do you maybe wanna come over and like hangout”. you retracted the saber and put it in his hands. “yeah” he didn’t expect you to actually say yes. you took a marker from the table and wrote it on a piece of paper. “text me soon parker” you got your bag and left. he was in shock. Ned would never believe this.
he almost immediately texted ned and told him everything. ned couldn’t believe it until you waved to him at lunch, ned was now convinced. peter couldn’t wait for your hangout. your friends weren’t supportive of your interest in peter, who you thought was your best friend maddy had actually gagged when you told her you were planning on hanging out with him, sadie thought you were committing social suicide by associating yourself with Peter.
but you didn’t care. you made sure to look extra pretty so you could impress him. you wanted so badly to ask him to the dance but it was to early to tell if he liked you yet, flash asked you twenty times yesterday and you rejected him twenty times. flash sent you roses and chocolate but you thought it was annoying. flash bullied peter and he was just an asshole to everyone who wasn’t popular.
your hangout with Peter was a success. you learned so much about him and you were surprised to learn he already knew everything about you. you two became fast friends. you began hanging out with him two times a week. you studied and watch movies, you even went out to dinner with him and his aunt may. did i mention aunt may was basically the biggest peter x y/n shipper. it was prom week and today was the day you mustered up the courage to ask Peter if he wanted to go with you.
you texted peter to meet you in the hallway during 6th period and you anxiously waited. you cleared your throat and practiced how you’d ask him. you feared he’d reject you or what if he laughed in your face? you’ve never feared rejection before but with peter… it was different. he was different then any guy you had liked before, you genuinely liked hanging out with him and you didn’t just like him cus your friend pushed you towards him practically forcing you.
you saw him walking up to you and he smiled. “hi y/n what happened?” you smiled and finally just blurted it out. “do you wanna be my date for prom?” you reached into your pocket and pulled out a keychain. “you have anakin, i have padmé” you showed him. he looked around the hall but nobody was there. “Am i being pranked?” he frowned and sighed. “what no, why would you think that?”.
“because you’re pretty and one of the most popular girls in school, i thought i was just your new charity case” he looked at you and your heart shattered how could he think you were that shallow. “im just surprised that a girl like you would like a guy like me”
“your handsome and smart and charming. that’s why i like you.” his jaw almost dropped. “I like you to a lot y/n”. “then be my anakin at prom? uh that sounded so cringey. Go out with me?” he smiled. “yes. i would love to be your… date.”