They/it/any 22~AuDHD[bpd&cptsd,2 many triggers to list lmao. DNI inconsiderate asshole ig]~i am A Queer
392 posts
Midnightsimmmer - Yeetus - Tumblr Blog
Hearing is not like seeing and witnessing in reality. Here I am, witnessing my family's suffering, but I find myself unable to describe this horrifying ordeal that chills the bones. I couldn't last more than a few hours as they shared with me the details of their living conditions in the hell of this camp through a video call. I wonder how my family managed to live there and endure its hardships. I stand in solidarity with them in this suffering, which none of us could possibly bear.
Shall I start by describing the water they call drinkable, which is definitely unfit for human consumption? Or the bathrooms that lack water and cleanliness, causing the spread of various diseases, and the foul odors? Not to mention the high temperatures under the tent, making it difficult to relax or take an afternoon nap, and the dust and dirt that visit every tent, being an unwelcome guest for everyone, among many other hardships that are hard to mention.

In short, the displacement camp is nothing but a stigma on the forehead of humanity and the international community. However, I come today with hope, standing before these compassionate hearts, hoping to help what remains of my family and provide them with better living conditions, so they can live in peace and safety.

Please donate if you can and share our story widely as you're able to🙏🙏
i can’t stop thinking about how people in the global south, whose currencies are valued less than the euro/usd/pound because they too are exploited by the west, are sacrificing large amounts of money and fundraising for palestinians and sudanese, meanwhile americans are coming up with bullshit excuses for why their $20usd (there’s some people who don’t make that kind of money in an entire year!! that’s a thousand six hundred indian rupees!) won’t matter as much as their vote for the genocider’s right hand woman a few months from now.
if you live in the united states, canada, australia, the european union, the uk, or israel or the uae, god forbid,
it is your RESPONSIBILITY to do as much as you can, to donate as much as you can, so that the palestinians you see every day on your feed may have a shot at living again.
it is our countries that continue to finance these genocides and it is for the promise of our comfort that they continue to produce mass death. i don't care how this motivates you. whether you donate out of guilt over our blood soaked currencies, or out of a desire to appear moral, or because something about that individual gfm resonated with soemthing personal to you, or because you've seen people like me and my friends get angry, what matters most is that you are donating. because you are in the best position to donate, therefore it is what you must do.
it should motivate you.
here are three palestinian and two sudanese gofundmes. the sudanese gofundmes are both older and less successful.
donate to Wafaa to help her family escape genocide
donate to Siraj to help him fight to keep his home
donate to Shahed to help her save her little sisters
donate to Sajida to help her family get to safety
donate to Hassan to help his friend escape war
(these are all verified fundraisers, they can be found on my blog!)
0/108-?? so far, please keep sharing and please keep d*nating if possible
My sister us out of her meds (shes been on for 8 years) without them she has bad withdrawl slips into a deep depression& risky behavior. We have nothing for the kids or anybody to eat rest of the week. Our cupboards are empty, I know ppl are tired of my posts but we have no other choice. I'm not asking for thousands. But I'm feeding 7. If ppl could please donate or reblog, I need any help, cause I've abt given up. It sounds little but one dollar does help us so much u don't have to donate but just so u know every single bit helps.
p3ypal: avatarerin
c3sh app: $avatarpyler
v3nmo: skiesofperiwinkle
k0fi: avatarerin
not sure what to put as the caption but. yeah!!!!
you can now buy a sticker of this design on my Etsy (US shipping only)

Urgent appeal, please support🙏🍉
Donate, donate and participate to perform a bone graft operation in my hand💪, please

This is the donation link.

Thank you, artist Haruka, for your support and backing us up.

Don't pass by without contributing by donating, reblogging and sharing.🙏🍉
@90-ghost @el-shab-hussein @ibtisams @acepumpkinpatrick @just-browsing1222 @gaza @palestine @13ag21k @the-bastard-king @boyvandal-blog @apsswan @youdontknowwhotfiamm @mangocheesecakes @fallahifag @sealuai @palipunk @malcriaada @riding-with-the-wild-hunt @acepumpkinpatrick @nabulsi @fairuzfan

Gyaru Twilight Sparkle✨️💜💅🏾
Tried to give her a manba design but I'm not confident so if any gals have critiques tysmia♡

the battle lasted 3 seconds cuz dash canonically can't rap (S4 E21) bonus twidash kissing bc twitter asked a lot for it 🌈🌠
original image by @/sharksquirt on instagram
remember kids, homelessness is the direct result of flaws in the capitalist system 👍 it is not the result of laziness, addiction, or even misfortune. it is a state of being only possible when profit becomes more important than humanity 👍 homelessness is manufactured as a threat, or a promise of what will happen if you don't give your labor to the ruling class 👍 we can disarm this threat by removing its power to cause fear and by being kind to the homeless 👍

I will not explain at length I just want to tell you that I lost a number of my family members after the bombing of our house in Gaza. The pain that filled my heart after seeing them under the rubble is unbearable for anyone. I cannot bear to lose more of my family. All I have left is Lolo, the only survivor. I do not know what her future will be like without her father and her life as an orphan. Please, any amount will save the rest of my family

@appsa @sayruq @buttercuparry @baby-girl-aaron-dessner @megalo-station @malcriada @blacksailsgf @blackpearlblast

Oh… um! Should we be putting Neil Gaiman above Palestine for the tumblr fandom week in review…
Stop for a while. do not cross . My name is Amna from Gaza. We lost everything, home, dreams, and everything that gives life. My children are living in bad conditions. I ask you to help me for the sake of my children, for the sake of humanity. Those who cannot donate can share the post and link
@occupationsurfer @northgazaupdates @nabulsi @elierlick @evelyn-art-05 @soon-palestine @fairuzfan @bibyebae @riding-with-the-wild-hunt

The Winx play dnd!!
‘you wouldn’t pirate a-’ i would steal anything from any company. anything in the world. i dont even want it i just hate you
Shout out to all the Black ppl that can no longer participate directly in the fandom they love because of the stresses of racism 👍🏾 you contain multitudes of value and I'm sorry that the color of your skin and the power of your voice makes people not want to acknowledge that.

OP isn't exaggerating. There are countless of videos of the IDF shooting at crowds of Palestinians trying to find food for themselves and their starving families. The UN World Food Programme even suspended delivering aid because the IDF won't stop shooting people.

⚠️ ADVISORY: Malicious Mods, Identity Theft, Malware, and You ⚠️
Hey, all! Not sure how many people will see this, but if you do, please reblog. This is a 'little' post regarding a potentially big problem affecting the Sims 4 community. If you download mods/CC at all (and yes I know CC is a type of mod), this applies to you.
TL;DR: For the sake of your personal info, identity, bank account, et cetera, please STOP downloading any mods/CC for the time being. Especially from the following sites: CurseForge, ModTheSims, The Sims Resource. It doesn't matter if you know the creator or not. Give it at least a week while we all figure out what's going on. If you must, I would recommend only downloading directly from a creator's Patreon (assuming they have one).
Other people have written at length about the mods in question, so I'll just share their posts below.
What's going on?
From the Sims 4 After Dark Discord server (a server you should join if you're not in it already):

⚠️If you downloaded any mod listed in the above post and played the game with them installed, this is the cleaner program Kuttoe (creator of the Home Regions and Townie Demographics mods) mentioned in their post: GitHub - overwolf/sims4-social-events-cleaner: Source files and exe release for a tool to clean up your machine if you have downloaded the "Social Events - Unlimited Time" Sims 4 mod ⚠️

Got confirmation from Kuttoe that as long as you didn't boot up the game with the malicious mods installed (or deleted them completely from your computer before playing the game), you *should* be fine. Still, I recommend that anyone who thinks they might have downloaded any of them run the cleaner program.
Here's an explanation from @anadius2 (reposted by Kuttoe) in the Sims 4 After Dark server (not providing a link to prevent brigading or spam, but you can DM me and I'll give you the link) about what the malware will do to your computer:

And a little dive into the back-end coding stuff for the more tech-savvy Simmers out there:

So, to recap:
Fake mods were uploaded to Curseforge, ModTheSims, and The Sims Resource
@msqsimsofficial had their account compromised on 2 of those sites (they are a victim of hacking, so do not send them hate!)
If downloaded, these malicious mods have the ability to steal very sensitive info (your passwords, credit card info if saved somewhere in your browser, data)
As of right now, antivirus software may not be able to detect the malware
Mac and Linux users seem to be safe; Windows users are the ones that could be affected
Why is this happening?
Unsure. Lots of theories are being made by people far more knowledgeable than me, but from the looks of things, could be crypto bullshit and/or an attempt to steal your data and sell it. This is very, very serious, and could wreck your life if said data/personal info falls into the wrong hands.
Identity Theft: What It Is, How to Prevent It, Warning Signs and Tips - NerdWallet
It's always a good idea to change passwords every couple of months or so, but if you think you've been affected, you also need to change your passwords for things like online banking, email and social media accounts, healthcare sites AFTER running the cleaner.
What now?
I want to talk about how we approach modding our games and downloading files in general.
Please STOP downloading mod file folders from people who did not create the specific mods. Period. This includes Sim dumps, building/lots with CC, mod folders promoted on YouTube, etc. This does not mean that anyone sharing them is doing so maliciously. In fact, I appreciate the amount of effort people put into compiling these resources! But unless you're super careful (and super knowledgeable), you run the risk of downloading malware like this on your computer. Make no mistake, the malicious files in question look like run-of-the-mill, everyday mods. Two of them were even posted from a trustworthy creator's actual account! The only way to know what they actually do is to peek into the code, and idk about you, but I don't know Python. So even after this issue is resolved, you really should only download files from the creators themselves.
But what about CC shopping?
Here's how I like to approach it: I stick to lookbooks and combing through the Patreons/accounts of creators who make items I like. If I see a Sim dump with CC that I'm interested, I try to reach out to the poster and ask where they got specific CC. If I can't do that, I see if it was shared via Drive, look at the individual files themselves, then head to the original CC creator's official download page and get it from the source.
That's all I have for you! Stay safe, and happy Simming! 🫶🏾

just learned that a mutual of mine is pro israel (they’re now blocked) so i wanted to take the time to say that if you believe what’s happening in palestine is not a genocide than you are not welcome here. unfollow me block me whatever i don’t want you interacting with me at all
Aaron Bushnell died. The active duty US soldier who self immolated in front of the Israeli embassy died of his wounds - he died screaming “Free Palestine” as he burned. He said he no longer wanted to be complicit in genocide. This is the second person to self immolate because of Palestinian Genocide and I hope his story doesn’t get swept under the rug like the first.

[Image description: a tweet by Twitter user “Kai Heron” (@KaiHeron) that says: "Strengthen Indigenous land rights because they're good stewards of nature" has become a refrain among Western environmentalists. Land Back is vital for Indigenous self-determination and liberation, not because Indigenous peoples do the West a service by conserving nature. /end ID]
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