mikaykay1229 - šŸ’–

383 posts

The Ending Is So Sad;;

The Ending Is So Sad;;
The Ending Is So Sad;;
The Ending Is So Sad;;
The Ending Is So Sad;;
The Ending Is So Sad;;

The ending is so sad;;

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More Posts from Mikaykay1229

3 years ago
PSAIf You Wouldnt Say It To Their Face, Dont Say It In The Tags. We See Them.

PSA If you wouldnā€™t say it to their face, donā€™t say it in the tags. We see them.

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4 years ago

The Tumblr writing community is dying.


Itā€™s something Iā€™ve noticed over the past two years of using this site. It was gradual, imperceptible at first, something that most would brush off as a silly concern, or fault Tumblr algorithm for. While itā€™s true that Tumblrā€™s engine leaves a lot to be desired, Iā€™ve noticed that even popular blogs have started to dwindle in terms of interaction or motivation. There could be a lot of reasons for this, but the biggest two Iā€™ve noticed, experienced myself, and asked fellow writers about is this: (1) content being stolen, and (2) lack of feedback or interaction. Iā€™ve never seen any logical person defend content being stolen, so I want to address point 2 instead.

Lack of feedback and interaction. Iā€™m not saying this on my behalf so much as Iā€™m saying this for friends and smaller blogs who have lost motivation to write. I was looking at my yandere writing blogs list the other day and noticed that a good majority of them no longer write. I usually update the list every few months, and by that point, more and more writers have stopped writing entirely. This isnā€™t a problem confined solely to the yandere fandom; in fact, thereā€™s less writing blogs in generalĀ these days, especially ones that are active. I used to run a very popular BNHA blog with some friends, but that dissolved after our content was stolen and our followers stopped interacting as much. Out of our 8,500 followers, we hardly got 0.015% notes (~128 notes) on an average post. Tumblr is to blame for the lack of eyes seeing our posts, for sure, but that also means that at least 128 people saw one post and didnā€™t leave a comment or ask. We were considered a big blog; imagine what itā€™s like on a small blog.

My friend recently made a post that summed this up perfectly:Ā 

ā€œIā€™ve seen people say ā€œBe grateful that people even lurk on your page.ā€ and, while I get the message theyā€™re trying to say, itā€™s more dismissive and hurtful in my opinion. Like youā€™re saying, ā€œOh your writing is mediocre, you should be grateful people even LOOK at it.ā€

Me personally? Iā€™ve heard the argument that AO3 is a better place to post fanfics, and while that might be true, Iā€™ve had friends experience firsthand the lack of interaction there too. Iā€™ve heard the argument that interacting with some writers is intimidating (me included). Iā€™ve heard that argument that followers might be too shy to interact. Iā€™ve heard the argument that writers should write for themselves and not for views / likes / reblogs / etc, and while thatā€™s ideal, itā€™s not sustainable for everyone. What works for one writer wonā€™t work for another, but you know what will? Interaction.

That comment or ask that took you 2 seconds to write? We remember it. That reblog with the compliments in the tags? We remember it. Every singleĀ ā€˜namedā€™ anon we get (heart anon, sunflower anon, etc)? We remember them. And the best part is? Itā€™s actually easier to do these things on Tumblr since you have the option to send anonymous asks or make a sideblog specifically for reblogs! Trust me, whether the lack of interaction is the cause of a lack of motivation or what have you, every writer appreciates feedback (donā€™t be shy to offer some critique or compliments) or even a simple keyboard smash with some emojis. Even sitting down for 5 min a day per week to comment on your favorite writersā€™ new pieces makes a huge difference.Ā Personally, since Tumblrā€™s activity feed is beyond terrible and I have over 1,500 posts, I donā€™t always see new reblogs or comments on my content; asks though? Always see those, can never go wrong with those. If you donā€™t want to reblog or leave a comment, then you can never go wrong with an anonymous ask.Ā 

As my wise friend says: writing is an art, and in order to improve that art, we need other peopleā€™s eyes to see what we donā€™t.


For the sake of every writer (past, present, and future) on this platform, please share this post.

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3 years ago

So is reblog is also not permitted?


Thatā€™s the difference. Reblogs are good! You promote the artist and their work.

At least for me repost is ok only in one condition: you asked permission and the artist saidĀ ā€œyesā€.

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