I am “Milady”. Welcome to my own space, where I will post both things that I like and things that I have written. A.M.D.G. + J.M.J.
170 posts
Excited To Be Writing Things For Febuwhump! Will I Do All The Days? Nope. Will The Ones I Do Be Released
Excited to be writing things for Febuwhump! Will I do all the days? Nope. Will the ones I do be released on time? Probably not. Will I do them anyway? Absolutely. 😆
More Posts from Miladyh

The LU boys as things my brothers have done: part 1

December Art
Linked Universe Fanfiction
LU x Reader:
Four the Love of a Nutcracker: Four x Reader. Genre: Fluff, Slight Whump, Romance, Crossover. Summary: One Christmas in Hyrule, a girl buys herself a nutcracker with four colors. Before she knows it, mysterious things begin to happen around her. What is the secret of her new “friend”? And who is the one-eyed man who seems to know him? A Linked Universe x Nutcracker crossover. Multichapter, ongoing.
LU (regular):
Time Loop (Febuwhump 2024 - Day 11): Time gets a poisoned wound in battle. Unfortunately, the antidote has some...interesting side effects. Complete.
Burned (Whumptober 2024 - Day 5): Wild gets a sunburn after a day of fun and relaxation. Legend is left to take care of the remorseful and very red Champion. Complete.

redraw where I spent WAY too much effort making them look too pretty
with 2022 originals for comparison below the cut: