millysastroblog - ☆*: .。. Millys_Astro_Blog .。.:*☆
☆*: .。. Millys_Astro_Blog .。.:*☆

« I do insightful Astrology content about Solar Return Charts, Bodystrology, Astrocatography and so much more. »

31 posts

Millysastroblog - ☆*: .。. Millys_Astro_Blog .。.:*☆



#unpopular opinion & # 18+ edition

millysastroblog - ☆*: .。. Millys_Astro_Blog .。.:*☆

🤦🏾‍♀️Why is it that people with mars in the 10th house get sooo much hate for literally existing, ppl find all reasons to not like them # weak as hoes # yes I am pressed!!

🤦🏾‍♀️ Uranus in the 1st house can you illiterate ass bitches shut the fuck up and stop screaming my name to shock or surprise me # you are not unique by doing that shit 😬!

🤦🏾‍♀️Mercury in the 12th house are never truly given the chance to speak up and voice their opinions ppl don’t give two fucks about what they have to say# sad 😞

🤦🏾‍♀️Moon /Mars conjunct Uranus are one of the most chaotic ppl ever # 🧠 🫠

🤦🏾‍♀️Aries stelliums/ 1st stelliums if not mixed with water placements really don’t have self conscious minds nor shame, they have a harder time realizing how they might have been impacted people negatively by their actions! Refusing to take responsibility !#me me me me first mentality 🫤! # Immature# underdeveloped

🤦🏾‍♀️Aquarius placements say it with me : IIE DONT LIKE TO BE WRONGGG!!! #period

🤦🏾‍♀️Jupiter in the 6th …….ummm is one of the most boring placements to have, like yeah we get huge job opportunities, and take great care of our health and body …but for some reason jupiters effects have trouble to really expand in this house especially if afflicted #replaceable at any time !

🤦🏾‍♀️Instead give me some Jupiter in 2nd or 4th house let that 💵 and 🏠 increase honeyyyy😍

🤦🏾‍♀️Mercury square /opposite Neptune, Neptune in the 3rd house stop being a pathological liar# we don’t trust y’all hoes 😒!!

🤦🏾‍♀️Why are we only talking about Composite Charts and Synastry when the Davison Composite Chart literally determines the main purpose and ending of ones relationship!!!!! #Well we are gonna talk about it soon 😉<;3

🤦🏾‍♀️I can’t wait to get out of this capitalistic, money hungry, hustle culture, social media fakeness , influencers and only fans, fake it till you make it and oblivious flex culture , PLUTO CAPRICORN TRANSIT# we are done with this one honey# let the next evolution begin #Pluto in Aquarius😚🎉!!

🤦🏾‍♀️But with Pluto in Aquarius be ready for social media to take its fall, Roboters , technology,aliens taking the world over. For new ways of living ! # transformation of societal structures #LGBTQ+ ? # freedom 🧐???

🤦🏾‍♀️Lilith in the 10th is also a placement that gets demonized by the public especially men for literally existing 😮‍💨# sick and tired of this shit

🤦🏾‍♀️Is it just me as someone who has a Taurus placement, feeling entitled to criticize other peoples food like I am Gordon Ramsay, picking everything on my plate apart, the smell, the taste, fresh meat, frozen beans, seasonings . Taurus ppl nose and mouths are very dangerous when it comes to food # Virgo placements too # chilleee.. lord have mercy on me # I am just playing 😋!!!

🤦🏾‍♀️If the the 10th house in ones chart doesn’t show how ppl perceive you from the jump of meeting you for the first time , then tell me why I am being called mean, aggressive, BITCHY, intimidating even though I barley even talk !!! 🤨. Mars in the 10th house # Capricorn 😡#. Vibes

🤦🏾‍♀️But after knowing me for a while ,they would be like ohh I didn’t know you were this kind, you just seemed so unapproachable , it was the rbf for me . I am like 👍😫!!! # Taurus Rising #Capricorn Rising #Aries Rising# Saturn in the 1st# Mars square Asc, Pluto Square Asc

🤦🏾‍♀️18+ : Lilith , Sappho , Erato, Eros, Nymphe, in gemini/3rd House we know that you guys love some nasty ass erotic films, sounds, voices, and noises they be owning a whole entire ^hentai collection^but nobody really knows abou it 😂😏📚📚📚📚!!!!! #naughty naughty 😈

🤦🏾‍♀️Lilith in the 4th house and their toxic mamas always trying to compete against them, make them feel inferior , less than …😖😖😖😖😖😖😭!# who the hell does that shit# don’t get kids if u want a copy version of yourself

🤦🏾‍♀️Lilith in the 1st/2nd house house have people disrespecting them, stepping over their boundaries, being obsessed with how the look, their body …’s quietly ridiculous 😔!

🤦🏾‍♀️Lilith in 11th attracting jealousy and envy from their peers! # only insecure bitches can’t stand them !!!

🤦🏾‍♀️18+: The Queen Titel of the kinkiest placement goes to Mars/Uranus ,Venus - Uranus, Aqaurius in the 8th, Uranus in the 8th we know that …………………………..BUT ….. what about Lilith - Venus/Mars/Pluto aspects , Lilith in the 8th aspects. # we know you are crazy kiiiiinkkkkky 😉🤫🥵⛓️⛓️⛓️⛓️⛓️⛓️⛓️🔥🔥🔥🔥

🤦🏾‍♀️ Every time I met someone with a fire Mercury we always curse each other out for no reason at all like small children #i love it 🫣# Mercury in Leo, Mercury in Sagittarius, Mercury in Aries

🤦🏾‍♀️Once Taurus and Scorpio Placements are done with you ,best believe you’ll remain just as dust and air to them🫡# goodbye

🤦🏾‍♀️ Venus in Cancers like to be fed by their partners. Sit on their lap. Lay on them. Love to be called baby ! Maybe even breastfeed 🤱 #googoogaagaa bitch 🥹🤣🍼!

🤦🏾‍♀️ How to know if a Venus in Aries or Venus in Capricorn likes you ? Well if they are mean,BITCHY , sarcastic, provocative towards you making fun of your entire existence ,they surely like you😳. # jackpot 😍

🤦🏾‍♀️18+ : Mars in Taurus especially if aspected with Jupiter have very high libidos only for their partners. They like to constantly touch and feel their lovers body and the same in return bite meeeee 🔥🫦sluts !

🤦🏾‍♀️18+: Mars in Sagittarius, Aries, Mars - Jupiter /Mars- Saturn aspects can ride you like a 🐎 all night long #endless stamina

🤦🏾‍♀️18+ : While Mars in Capricorn are secretly horny ass slut waiting for their master to discipline and punish the shit out of them. They also have high expectations for their sexual partners to literally make them cum 15 times in a row, better not disappoint them #workaholic sluts 🤭🫶🏽!

millysastroblog - ☆*: .。. Millys_Astro_Blog .。.:*☆



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More Posts from Millysastroblog

2 years ago

Short Bodystrology Observation

Short Bodystrology Observation
Short Bodystrology Observation

Disclamer: Not everything I describe here has to resonate with your physical appearance. These are just random observations that I have noticed not facts 😉( for further informations and predictions look at natal ASC) Thanks 😘!

💚Whichever house Saturn sits in your natal chart can indicate what tends to be our smaller, thinner or tinier body part:

💚Saturn in the 12th house can give someone smaller feet. 💚Saturn in the 10th : smaller teeth or teet that look very strong and healthy. 💚Saturn in the 3rd house can have skinny and smaller hands. 💚Saturn in the 4th can give a female smaller breasts and a boney chest.

💚Saturn Dominatns in general are prone to be skinier, thiner and having a defined boned strucutre.

💚7th house in natal chart could show how our butts look based on sigs and planet’s:

💚Cancer in the 7th= soft, jiggly, nice, paler butt. 💚Jupiter in the 7th = big butt, round, lots of fat tissue, excessive skin. 💚Scorpio in the 7th= sexy and attractive butt, darker butt . 💚Saturn in the 7th= smaller butt, strong muscles in butt, defined, less skin tissue.

💚Whatever Jupiter aspects and sits in can enhance certain features on our physical body:

💚Jupiter aspecting Asc can make your head bigger and rounder. 💚Jupiter in the 4th: bigger boobs and chest. 💚Jupiter in the 2nd: louder and stronger voice, bigger neck and shoulders. 💚Mars aspecting Jupiter: athlectic body, strong and defined muscles. 💚Jupiter in the 10th: strong, big kness and bones.

💚8th house sign could indicate what body part looks the most attractive and sexy :

💚Aquarius in the 8th attractive long legs. 💚Libra in the 8th house beautiful butts. 💚Leo in the 8th nice backs. 💚Taurus in the 8th attractive shoulders, necks. 💚Sagittarius in the 8th, sexy hips and thighs (maybe even butts).

💚2nd house represents how our nose,eyes,lips and cheeks(overall all face)looks:

💚Aphrodite in the 2nd/ Lilith in the 2nd/ Venus in the 2nd house have beautiful plump lips. 💚Jupiter in the 2nd can give a brighter; wider smiles and bigger cheeks. 💚Venus in the 2nd tend to have beautiful voices and soft facial features . 💚Mars in the 2nd house on the other hand possess a harder, stronger, and outstanding facial features.


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2 years ago

✨Solar Return Chart 2023✨

#Birthday Edition 🥳

Solar Return Chart 2023

Hello Hello guys ,I am so happy to be back on track with my Solar Return Chart Series. In the last couple of weeks if found myself to be inspiered by my last Solar Return Chart 2022 that changed my life. So I thought why not share my knowledge and experience for this year since my birthday is today 🎉🥳🥳🥳🥳! Some might wonder how is it possible to experience the manifestations of a SR Chart so soon. For me personally my SR Chart gets activated 3 months prior to my actual birthday.

So let’s start.

✨SR ASC in Virgo:

Oh boy, since the past 3 months my daily routines have been a bit more chaotic and stressful becuase of work and school. I am very busy at work trying to get my task orderly and efficently done. Since SR ASC Virgo has been activted, i feel less emotinal but more analytical, perfectinistic and focused on what needs to fixed and done. Recently i have meet so many different people through my working enviroument that i have help with diffucult or complicated tasks, trying to be the one who carrys the heavy load . My anxiety has increaed out of no where like I get nervous and anxious about the smallest things like attending social gatherings puncutal, my work projects, school, about how I handle my health etc. Speaking off health matters. I try to balance it out with meditations, mindful eating, healthy diets, Yoga etc.

✨SR ASC ruling natal 5th house:

Thankfully I have the SR Rising placement connected to the my natal 5th house ruler and it's surely not boring or draining. It's more of a lighthearted, fun, relaxing energy .that gave or still gives me the opportunity to explore my creative pursuits like a hobby, engaging in things that bring me joy. And interestingly in January I started this Astro Blog. I found writing and reading to be one of my main passions additionally with dancing,cooking, binge watching shows, singing, and yoga .The 5th house also represents children the past couple months i have been bonding with my little sister like crazy, i literally just want to spend every hour of the day just with her. Sadly i haven't had experiences around dating or the romantic sector, maybe it will happen later on, who knows ?  #hobbys, creativity, fun

✨7th house stellium (Sun,Mercury,Neptune) :

Ummmhh love? Relationships? are things I think about frequently. Lately I started to reflect on my past destructive behaviors in my past close connections/relationships and how I used to sabotage them because of my unhealed wounds . Having a 7th house SR Chart Stellium doesn't always determine that someone will be in a relationship but I surely have the desire to connect with different types of people. I have this inner craving to form healthy close bonds and heal from past traumatic relationships . I am kind of still processing my last close connection which i ended 6 months ago thinking about what i could have done better, why i did it, do i regret it, Will i ever be ready for a relationship? and so on.... but I still have hope of finding my soulmate. # life commitment

✨Moon Libra in the 2nd house:

With Moon in Libra the need to have people around me is two times intensified since Libra rules the 7th house. One thing I can definitely say is that my finances (personal income) is fluctuating like ebb and flow. I earn my money normally through my job but I spend huge amounts of it recklessly. It's the emotional impulse that drives me very loose and irresponsible because I feel ( moon) like doing it, but I do gain little finacial gains out my regular income out of know where though. #money honey

✨Chiron, Venus, Jupiter in the 8th house ruled by Aries:

Ohhh god, the packed 8th house....luckily its in Jupiter and Venus which defently helped me with gaining money from other sources like people. Venus showed me how to see beauty in things that are underneath the surface and not tangible. I truly want to have passionate romantic lustful relationship where I can share so many undiscovered, hidden parts that hopefully will be received with acceptance and understanding . Jupiter ummmm... my libido is on skyrockets at this point. Sry to mention it but it's true. Chiron in this house will assist me in healing the ugly and nasty parts about sexual matters, money and deep intimate connections that i am scared and deeply ashamed of. 

✨Mars in the 10th house ruled by Gemini :

Now this is one of the most intense SR chart placements because I possess mars in the 10th house natally. Ahh again with work my career path is right now very intense, my workaholic nature comes even more out, like a crazy uncontrollable working machine. Lately I have been questioning if my career path is the right one, or if I would want to switch into another department where I can express my truest passions and talents. I haven't had conflicts with bosses or people at work yet but with my mother since she counts as an authority figure which is from a natal standing point nothing knew, but just 10 times intensified. 

✨Saturn in the 6th :

Ohh boy boy work work work literally the only thing that pops up in my SR Chart for this year. So Saturn as we all know represents hardships and restrictions and lately I have been very lazy lacking, energy and motivation for my daily activities .I just feel drained and burnt out from my working life. But the positive thing about Saturn is that it sheds light on certain patterns that are not useful or productive for us. In my case it would be how I overindulge in unhealthy habits like binge watching shows everday, overeating, procrastination and the list goes on. Saturn in the 6th house has had subtle impact on my physical health with constant neck and back pains :(

✨Uranus, North Node in the 9th house :

Now with Uranus in the 9th I have been also traveling a lot of course for work purposes, visited new different places and had interesting experiences. But this is a very disruptive and chaotic energy while traveling long distance or for longer hours, I tend to be so nervous and all over the place losing my cool when I misse my plane or train. I look forward to plane multiple trips for this year :)

✨Pluto in the 5th house:

Pluto made me create an obsession with my hobby’s like posting Astro content. As I mentioned before children can be a huge part , deciding whether I would want to have kids in the future or not at all. This placement gave me introspective and insightful moments about myself who I identify as, what makes me happy and what my passion and talents are.

You guys probably know my entire life story through this Solar Return Observation 😅. I hoped this kind of helped to see how a SR Chart can manifest in real life situations.

Down below there is a question about if you guys might want another Observation from my chart from last year because that is when I can spell some interesting facts and predictions since it lasted a whole entire year.

Im just going to enjoy my birthday and wish u guys a beautiful blessed day 🥰!

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2 years ago

THOUGHTS OF A Hopless Romantic... #Venus in Pisces/Venus in the 12th/Venus-Neptune/Juno in Pisces

THOUGHTS OF A Hopless Romantic... #Venus In Pisces/Venus In The 12th/Venus-Neptune/Juno In Pisces

As a Venus in Pisces love is not easy... it's so interesting to know that Venus is exalted in Pisces since it was originally ruled in ancient astrology by Jupiter, the Planet of luck, abundance, happiness but luck , happiness and commitment tend to not be available in my life . Sadly. It's the last thing the universe has granted me. Luck finding you, luck being in a happy committed relationship. Luck calling you my soulmate…………………..

Since the day I was born I felt the need to love you and be loved by you……….

Time passes by, people pass me by but no one in sight for love? ……………

Daydreaming about you every time I am about to fall asleep, wishing for him to hug me tightly from behind. Smelling my hair . I imagine how he would stroke my cheeks, shoulders , gaze deeply into my eyes and see them sparkle. I imagine how nice it would be to be surprised with a bunch of beautiful roses ……………

I wonder where you are going to propose to me? Where do you live, what's your name except for MY LOVE?......................

It sucks to have a full r&b love playlist and bedroom playlist to end up listening to it all alone, sad and depressed in a bed with no one.

……………It's The same, everyday, everynight.

 I hate that my fantasy world cannot be played out in reality . i really fucking hate not to have you here …………..

My love is deeper than the ocean, wider than the universe, higher than heaven, hotter than the sun. Why does the unberable yearning to meet have to hurt so bad.

Can you not feel how desperate I am for you?........

The disappointment and grief I feel within the depths of my soul tends to make me not want to believe in love. But my heart can't stop feeling, my mind can't stop thinking about YOU.

Ahhh if live would be a movie, then i could only act it out with you, no one else but You.

I wonder If my dreams are ever going to be fulfilled or erased like the stars in the sky having to say goodbye……….

When are we going to meet in this lifetime? When can I finally hold your hand and put it on my chest for you to feel my heartbeat?

When are we going to intertwine our souls into ONE ?

Does it take years, months, decades , another lifetime ?

! No matter how long it takes I´ll wait for you, my LOVE. !

THOUGHTS OF A Hopless Romantic... #Venus In Pisces/Venus In The 12th/Venus-Neptune/Juno In Pisces

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2 years ago



💄Hello, guys I’m back with a simple decent Astro observation. So yeah , noo dragging and arguments over here. If u want drama and tea you probably will have to wait for a while 😅!

Anyways enjoy yourself as always ;)

💋 Uranus in the 5th house is an underrated creative placement , they come up with the wildest creative ideas ever 💡

💋 Moon air sign in the 4th house ppl love to communicate with their family , these are people who constantly need to call and message their loved ones📞

💋7th house stelliums don’t feel comfortable being all on their own.

💋Moon conjunct Saturn , Saturn in the 4th house look like Stone cold , heartless bitches, but they are not. They hide any kind of vulnerable emotions to protect themselves from criticism, abandonment and being misunderstood . It’s an protective shield that they build from young adolescents . they close their hearts , so nobody can enter in it to use their vulnerability against them. # past childhood trauma # pls give them a hug 🤗

💋moon , Venus Aquarius ,11th house love to be around their friends ,they feel emotionally connected to them , sooooo better not fuck with their friends!!!! ( not in a sexual way, you get what I mean right?? Yeah!)

💋Jupiter in the 2nd and 6th tend to have a huge appetites.

💋Sun square moon can make for indecisive individuals.

💋Sun conjunct moon Moon on the other hand can be very decisive and strong headed . Not always in a negative way , but what they feel or say is something they’ll rarely change for anybody.

💋 Neptune is the 11th use technology , phone, social media as escapism.

💋Neptune in the 7th , Venus- Neptune , Venus in Pisces use relationships as escapism,focus is heavily directed to love life. Forgetting anything and everything when In love 😍!

💋Mercury in Sagittarius, Mercury- Jupiter aspects can cut your soul with their bluntness. #Gordon Ramsay

💋 Venus in 4th, Jupiter in the 4th house can come from a pretty, good, wealthy, stable family’s.

💋 Jupiter in the 12th house are spiritualy connected and protected by the divine ,since birth . They naturally love to practice spiritual stuff like meditation, yoga, tarot, etc.

💋Aries , Gemini, Capricorn ,Scorpio are the most disliked zodiac signs in astrology !

💋Moon in the 4th house if good aspected feel a close connection towards their mummy . 😚

💋Sun in the 4th house are very loyal to their mum.

💋Moon in Aquarius/ 11th house are somehow everybody’s bestie 🦋✌🏽.

💋Moon in the 12th house ppl need isolation and distance from ppl more than everything.

💋Aries , Taurus , Scorpios, Sagittarius ppl can not be controlled or told what to do !

💋 Mars in the 10th house if negatively aspected can argue and fight with their parents, bosses people who have power over them , they hate to be controlled and told what to do , troublemaker for rebelling structures and rules.

💋Mars/ Uranus in the 1st are generally chaotic troublemakers, rebelling against everything and anything that comes their way.

💋Pluto in the 3rd /11th , Lilith in the 3rd/11th house could have been, badly bullied when younger have ppl spitting on them ,cutting their hair, just awful things happening to them # protect these babies 😣😢!!

💋 Uranus in the 1st, 4th,7th, 10th,11th tend to feel weird , unique, different from others .

💋Pluto in the 11th have very profound intense close friendships, they love or hate their friends with all their heart, calling and checking up on them, telling dark hidden secrets to each other, being ride or die friends for one another. When I die I’ll take care of ur family type of friendships, strong, deep sexual friendships ( fwb) situations if connected to the 7th house ruler or Venus !!!

💋Pluto in the 6th house are either very organized, punctual, ocd , clean freak or the complet opposite having a chaotic room, chaotic schedule, doing everything or nothing at the moment , extreme daily living to the point of burn out, exhaustion or even sickness.

💋Venus -Jupiter = over shopping, spending, buying.

💋Venus-Saturn= hoarding money, stingy, observing Bank out daily, making plans on how to increase income.

💋Mercury in Capricorn have an interesting tone of voice, when they speak people tend to quietly listen to what they have to say. Good in arguments. They just can demanding respect because of how serious and engaged they are in a conversation. Business minded 🫰🏽💵

💋Pluto in the 3rd / Mercury - Pluto voices are deeeepp, intense,loud just so intriguing and addictive to listen to, especially the men omg they have the most seductive voices. 🥵

💋Chiron, Neptune in the 3rd might have siblings or classmates who make fun of how they speak, not listening to what they have to say, ignoring them or not believing what comes out their moth.

💋Moon in the 3rd house can be very emotionally attached to their siblings, always communicating and spending lots of time with them.

💋Sun conjunct Neptune are kind, empathetic , sensitive and intuitive souls just like Pisces Sun !

💋Chiron in the 1st/ 10th house don’t like pictures taken of them or being filmed, very self conscious about how they are perceive by others.

💋 Capricorn Rising / Saturn in the 1st are waaaayyy grown before their actual time. These ppl can fake their whole existence based on how old they look, entering in clubs at literally the age of 15 , Early bloomers ! #apperance

💋Taurus Rising/Sagittarius/ Libra is a placement that usually indicates having a big ass, wide hips, and strong big things 🍑👀!

Thx for reading 💕


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2 years ago

Hi, are these aspects bad in synastry?

Moon square moon, mars square mars, Jupiter conjuct Moon, sun sextile mercury, Saturn conjuct Sun, Venus sextile Sun

So lets start with this.....

In Astrology its quietly narrow minded to say that this placement is bad and that is good get what i mean? because there are so many different factors that can change the dynamic of a birth chart, solar return chart, synastry, composite every kind of chart.

To the question if these placements are bad, well if your natal planets are negativly (square, opoosition) aspecting your partners natal planets then yes they can create a stressful , not so god realtionship but in synastry and composite chart negative aspects are needed to build a strong foundation for any kind of realtionship, they activate situations that can help th two of you grow, evolve and learn from past mistakes. If we only have well aspected Synastry with no squares and oppositins, there wouldnt be enough room for opportunties, meanig the relationship might get a little bit boring because everyting is normal and chill. So harsh aspects are not really that bad.

Moon square Moon= might process emotions differently, feeling of being misunderstanding, not being able to really grasp the emotions of the other party. Feelings can clash and cause conflicts. But the heavy energetic field of the sqare can stir intense emotional bonding but with a bit more confusion and disagreements.

Mars square Mars= tension beetwen the two you, trying to compete with one another, rivals, acting impuslive when one is triggerd, competitivness is prominent here, might trigger each others egos not wanting to take any blame while agruing etc.. but with mars square mars in synastry you might feel a very intense se*ual energy with this person (if romantic).

Moon conjunct Jupiter = a really nice synastry placement to have since the moon person feels very comfortable sharing their emotional, sensitve side, even more open to invite jupiter person to their home. Probaly will like expolring and learning different things together. Going on new trips, just enjoy living in the moment together.

Sun sextile Mercury = you both encourage each other to talk about every little thing that might bother you. You probaly have a strong trusting bond. Communication is easy going, fun,chill, playful and exciting :)

Saturn conjuct Sun= Is a synastry aspect that will create an intersting bond because the outcome for each party is different. Due to the suns light and bright energy it could feel like the satrun person is somehow restricting and teaching them certain lessons like a parental figure would. The Sun person could benefit from Saturns wisdom if they are ready to learn and listen. Both take the realtionship seriously and are commited to make things work out. The downside with the Saturn person could possibly be them nitpicking and nagging at the Sun because the dont feel they simply same vibe. End up making the Sun person to shut down and feel inscure :(

Venus sextile Sun = a nice balanced energy that creates mutual understanding and respect between both parties, you might like to compliment eachother, go out shopping, eating having a good spontanious time.

For futher Informations about the Dynamic in your relationship i would advice you to look at the Composite Chart :)

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