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Placements + aspects that make someone love to daydream/have big goals and are able to make them become a reality if they really wanted?
hustling daydreamer placements
° sun/saturn dominant with pisces placements
° mars dominant with neptune influence
° water mars trine/sextile saturn
° leo sun & moon
° cardinal sun + cancer mars
° cancer sun + cardinal mars
° water sun + earth mars
thank you for this interesting question anon, i hope i was able to give you a satisfactory answer. take care
astro notes but there's only one so it's an astro note
° fixed dominants and cardinal dominants always bicker and fight, not because they don't like each other or they're fundamentally incompatible but because fixed dominants are idealists and cardinal dominants are realists. a cardinal dominant likes facts and thinks in a rational way. they have goals but they're realistic and down to earth. they tend to not be daydreamers. on the other hand fixed dominants have utopias in their heads and they hope for the perfect scenario even if it's unlikely. they think that they know what's best for the world and they are quite opinionated. for the similarities, both parties don't hesitate voicing their opinions and they don't back down. they are forceful and often intimidating. these qualities don't help with the conflicts, of course, but what we need to remember is the fact that both of them just try their best to make everyone around them happy
astro notes but there's only one so it's an astro note #2
cancer placements are just as lucky as sagittarius placements but unlike sagittarians, they're generally unaware of their luck
Hi, I saw you answered a similar ask earlier, so I was wondering if you could say something about how a Aries Venus + cancer mars would be in a relationship? Hope you have a nice day :)
aries venus + cancer mars in a relationship
° very family oriented
° may have anger issues if underdeveloped
° has a striking physical appearance
° could be intimidating
° doesn't care about other people's opinions, at times, maybe even yours
° doesn't have many secrets
° will throw hands if someone messes or flirts with their partner
° they protecc, they attacc but most importantly, they have a soft spot
° very romantic and extravagant gestures
° probably really good in bed
° likes the chase
° will probably be the first one to confess
° you know they like you if they're protective of you
° and when they go out of their way to make sure that you notice them
° not likely to cheat but will keep their options open until you guys are official
° will leave you if they feel like they deserve better or they start to think of you as an obstacle between them and their goals
° if you try to break up, they will either beg you to stay or won't care at all
thank you for this question anon, it was fun to answer. i hope you have a nice day too. take care
astro notes because she likes me back! 💕✨💐🏳️🌈
° aquarius teachers love roasting their students
° hanging out with moon in 1st house individuals can be really confusing for many. their mood changes every 0.2 seconds and they make the darkest jokes with a smiley face. but nonetheless they're really endearing and sweet so go give them a virtual hug whenever you can
° having saturn in 5th house could mean that you will receive your most important life lessons through children, whether it be your own or someone else's
° mars in 3rd house people have a strategic mind and therefore they might enjoy playing chess
° mercury in 10th natives have a very fluctuating reputation. yes, they're seen as smart, resourceful and they gain respect easily. but they also have many enemies who twist their words and spread rumors about them so be careful if you have this placement
° venus in 6th house finds beauty and inspiration in very small and simple things. they are the type to look at the flowers on the side of the road for minutes with a smile on their face
° chiron conjunct venus in synastry is the "you're everything I've ever needed" type of connection but it can become codependent if both parties aren't developed
° leo placements love looking at old family albums and reminiscing their past
° pisces ic/neptune in 4th often find comfort in movies or tv shows
° saturn in 12th house people seem like they have everything under control but in reality they have many things they have to deal with behind closed doors
° cancer risings generally have curly hair, a soft voice and sleepy eyes
° mercury dominants are smart, chatty, mischievous and have plenty of nervous energy
° taurus/libra/7th or 2nd house dominant people tend to have many admirers
° virgo placements, especially virgo risings, are really photogenic
° cancer placements work hard and do really well at school
° chiron in 7th house natives learn a lot from their partners and grow through relationships
heyy, i know it's been a while since the last time i made a post. i've been busy with my studies and someone ✨special✨ haha anyways, thanks for sticking around and reading this far. also, don't take these too seriously as im obviously not a professional astrologer and these are just my observations. take care and remember that you're loved!
astro notes because my girlfriend likes reading these 😌🤧💖💞
° sagittarius mars loves sports and working out. bonus points if it makes positive aspects with the ascendant
° taurus/libra moon, moon in 2nd/7th, moon on a venusian degree loves fashion
° mars-saturn positive aspects tend to be stubborn. they don't give up easily
° lilith conjunct north node could mean that the native has to come to terms with their sexuality and darker side of their femininity as a part of their life purpose
° pisces mercury, mercury aspecting neptune, mercury on a pisces degree, mercury in 3rd/10th/12th people could write great songs and/or poems
° libra/pisces mars is great at solving conflicts peacefully as they don't like physical confrontation
° neptune conjunct mars could make the person be fascinated by the human body/medicine/medical procedures
° moon opposite ascendant may manifest as having a mother who doesn't let the native dress/present themself freely
° venus conjunct jupiter can easily make friends, earn money and create art
° having a planet conjuncting one's sun is both a blessing and a curse. it's a blessing because gifts of that planet come really easily to the native, they usually don't even have to try. but it's also a curse because the native is so used to having those gifts, they might take them for granted and never unlock their full potential
° aries placements can be really patient and detail oriented
° aquarius/leo placements either make and laugh at bad puns all the time or resent them altogether
° pisces moons make great therapists or counselors as they're really understanding and non-judgemental
° it's super fun to chat with sagittarius mercuries as they have many great stories, ideas and memes to share
° venus conjunct moon in synastry just feels warm and home-like
° 11th house stellium in composite chart could mean that the couple might start a social media account together and if it's aspected nicely, they can actually be quite successful in their endeavor
° almost every virgo/gemini mercury is obsessed with something and they know everything about that. it could be something simple and general like different kinds of pasta or something extremely niche like how did the people of portugal decorate their houses in 16th century
° capricorn placements/saturn dominants tend to like and be good at maths
heyy, thank you for reading this far! as always, take everything here with a grain of salt because obviously im not a professional astrologer and these are just my observations. hydrate, remember that you're loved and take care <3
astro notes because i adopted a cat 🥳🐈🌻💕
t/cw: brief mention of death, war, military and sexual matters
° pisces placements tend to suffer from frequent headaches or migraines
° earth mars/ascendant people get cold easily
° capricorn placements hate typos and, sometimes, slang words
° all of the soldiers i know in real life are tauruses. i think it might have something to do with it's sister sign scorpio being co-ruled by mars which signifies war. also taurus is an earth sign so they probably don't have a hard time with discipline either
° jupiter opposite ic people may move out from their parents' house at an early age
° ruler of the 11th house conjuncting venus could manifest as a person who uses art to voice their thoughts and opinions
° mercury trine/sextile neptune people will always find something sweet to say about others
° moon in 7th house is easily loved by others and they are quite popular
° saturn in 3rd/9th/5th house people can take jokes personally and easily get upset by them
° we may often find ourselves wishing for the traits of the planets we have natally in retrograde
° satrun in the 8th house might accept and understand the concept of death and sexual matters early in life
° scorpio 12th house/pluto in 12th house people may have very vivid, intense and possibly prophetic dreams. they could benefit from writing them down to see possible messages and/or patterns
° ruler of the ic being in 12th house could make the native feel disconnected from their roots
° mercury in leo is very good at hair styling (mercury rules hands/dexterity and leo rules hair)
° pisces ascendant/mars can have an easier time practicing astral projection
° jupiter harshly aspecting saturn could manifest as a person who doesn't believe in luck and/or fate
° lilith in 6th house/venus aspecting saturn people look great in suits/formal wear
° 29th of february being in the pisces season makes so much sense as neptune conceals/hides things and that date is literally "missing" from our calendars most of the time
° i've observed that twins who have fixed suns look pretty similar but twins with mutable suns look really different
° one might have a harder time relating to their sun sign if they have their sun on a mutable degree/in a mutable house
that was one long post, wasn't it? i hope you enjoyed reading my notes and didn't take any of them too seriously because the person who wrote them is just a gay girl with a cat named jupiter, not a professional astrologer haha anyways remember to drink some water and stay safe you amazing person!
Hi please answer my question !!
Which placements and aspects indicates having anger issues and will be very scary when angry ?
heyy, i want to start by saying that i get super sweet and endearing vibes from you haha
t/cw: multiple mentions of anger issues
hot-headed placements 💣💢🔥
° leo/aries/(sometimes)gemini suns
° mars/pluto in 1st/10th house
° mars/pluto in 4th house/conjunct ic
° aries moon/moon on an aries degree
° moon square/opposite mars
° moon square/opposite pluto
° pluto conjunct mars
° uranus conjunct mars
° scorpio/fire rising
honorable mentions/notes
° afflicted libra/pisces placements may bottle up their anger and because of this they're prone to having outbursts of anger from time to time if that makes sense
° mars in 3rd/11th house people tend to have things they're sensitive about so they can get angry and defensive when they're provoked
° out of all the sun signs leos seem to be more likely to have public arguments/outbursts of anger
thank you for this question, anon. i hope i was able to give you a satisfactory answer. take care and stay safe
Hello, which placements would indicate someone being a dancer? Whether it be professionally or just dancing around all the time for fun? 💘
hi! this is such a sweet question! but before i get to my answer i want you to remember that even if you don't have any of the things i listed here you can still be a great dancer if that's your dream. please don't ever give up doing something you love because "you don't have the proper placements for it". now that i got my disclaimer out of the way, let's get started
dancer placements 💖💃🕺🎶
° leo/cancer/libra/pisces sun
° pisces/capricorn/libra/taurus mars
° leo/libra/water moon
° pisces/sagittarius/libra/scorpio rising
° mars/ascendant aspecting neptune/venus/sun/moon
° sun aspecting venus/neptune
° neptune in 1st/5th/10th house
° mars in 1st/5th/10th house
thank you for this question anon. i hope i was able to give you a satisfactory answer. take care and stay safe
astro notes for no apparent reason 🌺✨🍬🔮
° mercury conjunct uranus people have amazing ideas and they are really good problem solvers
° scorpio placements tend to love chaos. they are the ones to stop on their tracks just to watch some people fighting on the streets (me and my 1st house pluto are guilty of this too so no judgment lol)
° sagittarius risings are huge advocates for justice and equality (libra 11th house)
° virgo placements and aries risings (virgo 6th house) always do a new cleanse, try a diet, buy an amazing skin care product etc. because they care a lot about their health and appearance
° gemini placements (especially rising and mercury) are literal walking life hacks. they always know and actively look for shortcuts and loopholes
° leos and libras work great together on creative projects
° neptune-ascendant aspects are great at acting
° aquarius lilith/lilith conjunct uranus/lilith in 11th house are brave, stubborn and they always defend what they believe in
° venus in 2nd house/libra & taurus venus people dress really well and they're quite artistic
° moon trine/sextile neptune in synastry feels almost magical. both parties understand each other on a spiritual level and they seem like they live in their own little world
° mars opposite jupiter people are assertive and fun to have around but they are also very ambitious and competitive because they are never fully satisfied with what they already have so they always work more to achieve their next goal
° sun opposite neptune natives have an amazing potential to be spiritually evolved and intuitive but they must let go of their unhealthy ego to make that happen
° jupiter in the 3rd/9th house people are are loved by teachers and they always get good grades even if they don't study too much
° your dominant sign can reveal your favorite colors or colors that could bring you luck
° mercury in 10th/virgo & capricorn mercury natives give really good and down to earth advice
° capricorn risings may throw things out super easily because they have aquarius over their 2nd house of possessions which can make them detached from material things
° moon in 11th house people are super friendly and smart
° people with leo, cancer and virgo placements are really crafty
° chiron in 11th house/aquarius people might have problems with voicing their opinions or being independent
° moon in 9th house people could turn to their religion/belief system to find comfort
welp, this was it for today's post. thanks for reading. as always, stay safe, hydrate and be kind to yourself <3
Which placements and aspects indicates having a high chance of getting famous or having a celebrity charm/aura?
celebrity placements 👩🏿🎤🌟📸📀
° leo/aries/libra/aquarius sun
° aries/scorpio/libra/leo/cancer/rising
° neptune/venus/sun/uranus aspecting/in asc
° pluto/sun/uranus/neptune aspecting/in mc
° jupiter/venus/uranus conjunct sun
° point of fortune in 1st/10th house
° sun/venus/uranus in 1st house
° the ruler of the 1st house conjuncting the ruler of the 10th house
° 1st/5th/10th house stelliums
° leo/libra/aquarius stelliums
thank you for this interesting question anon. i hope i was able to give you a satisfactory answer. stay safe and remember to drink some water
astro notes because i'm stressed lmao 🤘🏻😎💯
⚠️ t/cw: daddy issues, brief mention of manipulation ⚠️

° leo suns with water risings are very animated and their emotions are easy to read from their facial expressions
° cancer venus/venus on a cancer degree/venus in 4th house is smart with money
° having the ruler of their 12th house in their 1st house could make the native have pretty bad eyesight (12th house illusions/blurriness, 1st house eyesight)
° we tend to attract people who's ascendants are one sign before or after ours
° pluto in 3rd house natives are hard to manipulate. they're skeptical, analytical and pretty intelligent

° libra placements like getting their body pierced, especially their ears
° uranus in 1st house/uranus square asc can be reckless with their appearance, especially their hair. you can see them getting their hair cut, then dyeing it blue then shaving it in the span of 2 hours
° saturn in 8th could mean that the native's grandparent(s) practiced/had the capacity to practice magick, healing, divination etc.
° having many squares in one's chart is a curse and a blessing. it creates a lot of inner turmoil and restlessness yet gives the native courage and willpower to withstand any hardship
° moon square mc tends to dislike pda

° pisces placements (mainly sun/mercury) tend to believe in conspiracy theories or fall for pyramid schemes if they don't have any prominent earth/air placements. a nicely aspected pluto or saturn could be of help either
° libra risings with afflicted sun/moon/mars could go to extreme lengths just to make sure that everyone likes them. they can't stand being alone or being on bad terms with others
° lilith square sun is almost like an aquarius sun/moon. they're individualistic, courageous and rebellious. they don't hesitate to speak up for themselves or others. this sounds awesome but all these amazing qualities tend to cost them a healthy relationship with their father. in most cases they never get along with their father or they don't even know him.

° ruler of the 6th house aspecting sun/mars can indicate that the native is/will be an entrepreneur
° ruler of the 3rd house/mercury positively aspecting saturn is a sign of strong memory
° every single cancer sun i've ever known loved harry potter
° if your 10th house ruler or your saturn is unaspected/doesn't aspect any inner planets harshly you might be very free spirited and carefree
° mars in 6th house/aires over the 6th house should try studying/working while standing up as doing so could help them focus better

yeah i suppose y'all read the title. but i guess i'll be fine. i wrote this post 2 weeks ago but i just kept postponing finding the proper gifs until i had a 10 min productivity blast this afternoon. ik, it was wild. anyways, stay safe <3

Heyy, can you describe the general vibe of a pisces rising, virgo sun & moon ?
pisces rising & virgo sun & virgo moon culture
° may be underestimated because they look cute and harmless
° probably writes songs/poems/stories
° loves reading, especially fiction
° "i was thinking like this but then i read this article and now i think like this because it makes more sense"
° easy to approach, hard to befriend
° seems indecisive and fickle but actually knows what they want
° it's hard to predict their next move
° ravenclaw vibes
° might be a tad pessimistic
° probably makes super nice moodboards
° could take good care of their health
thank you for this question anon! i hope you liked it
I think it would be great if you share your thoughts about placements as a post like venus signs, mars signs etc 🫶🏻

reminder this is based on my own knowledge/observations of these placements, if it doesn’t completely resonate with you remember other placements, aspects and factors could change how your venus manifests itself and these are meant to be general
Aries Venus: Very affection to your face lovers. There’s emphasis on the effort and excitement of the early stages of initiating relationships which is why it’s said they love the “chase” They’re more impulsive in romance so sometimes they can start/end things VERY quickly or they’re quick when deciding if they’re attracted to/like someone or not. Sometimes if they don’t have placements to stabilize the impulsive energy they can move too fast or expect too much too early. NO aries venus making fun of your crush is NOT the easiest way to express your feelings pls. Enjoys being alone but seethes at couples post. Despite having detached feelings they definitely can be possessive. Need relationships that makes them stop and smell the roses but still feel their autonomy.
Taurus Venus: They love to provide wellness and stability in their relationships. Taurus Venus women are absolutely sweethearts omg they’re such givers and want people they love to be comfortable and taken care of. Taurus Venus being possessive is relatively true but how far they’ll take it depends on other placements/aspects. Taurus Venus is definitely hedonistic, their venus is home at the planet of pleasures. Pretty traditional in relationships (believes in roles, courting, etc) They’re also prone to prefer more steady changing relationships rather than something fast paced and overly intense. They hate when their feelings and relationships are rushed or don’t move at a natural safe pace. Taurus Venus men tend to make very reliable bfs imo unless they have placements that make them stingy/unavailable.
Gemini Venus: Their ideal types, love languages, and what they’re into can change often since they can be easily influenced by information or new things they learn/see about people and relationships. To have them interested you must have them feel intrigued/mentally stimulated. They find intelligence attractive and are the type to be into quirky nerds or people that have wittt humor. They are written off as cheaters since they like variety/versatility but imo they just lose interest quickly if they feel bored or limited, whether they cheat or not is based on their own personhood and other aspects. Their flirt game is super proficient since they have a natural way with words. They tend to crush on people that they admire for their intellect. Their types are almost always never solid unless they have placements that says otherwise.
Cancer Venus: Super sweet and romantic when they don’t have much negative tension from other placements. Similar to Taurus they can be a bit old school or have more traditional relationship ideals. They love emotional intimacy. Very sappy and need a sense of safety within all relationships. They can however get their hearts broken or disappointed because they’ll have high hopes in the people that they date/are interests in but don’t get the energy they give out returned. They can become cold and wall themselves up during times of heartbreak. For cancer venus/mars men their parents/mothers relationship can def impact how they view relationships. If they allow themselves to be vulnerable that’s how you know you got them. Very sentimental and sincere in their relationships and even somewhat emo? I think of beach dates at night when I see them.

Leo Venus: Loves giving/receiving praises and compliments from their crushes, words of affirmation are a big love language trait. Leo venus women have solid standards imo. Wants to brighten up or bring more fun and ease into the lives of people they love, wants to serve a generous purpose to their partners. Very aware of how they feel and whether or not a relationship is satisfying them; they’re also very aware on whether or not their family or friends approve of the person they’re with. Big fans of creative impactful romantic gestures. They can sometimes view their lovers as an extension of themselves and are big on their partners being someone they can have pride in. Ngl their crushes can be celebs that are out of reach 😭. If/when they’re jealous it’s honestly..funny like omg you lost the idgaf war. HATE being embarrassed romantically.
Virgo Venus: So cautious in love but has a big desire to connect to someone. Pretty reliable or purposeful partners. Very big on the idea of pure intentions. Pretty picky or have very particular ideals for their crushes. They are lowkey attracted to people that are out the way or don’t bring too much attention on themselves. Not fond of relationship drama and extras that aren’t practical or of substance/usefulness (similar to cap venus). Gets actual butterflies in their stomach bc their anxieties go straight to their digestive 😭. They almost always have a significant relationship experience, example or idea that they model and develop relationships after. Virgo venus people lowkey have to be careful of someone taking advantage of their want to do good by their partner. Can accidentally self sabotage by their anxieties and idealisms towards relationships.
Libra Venus: Secretly strategic in their love life and pursuits like they PLOT on people. Daydreams about their crush’s face or stares at posts of it. Pretty accommodating in relationships. Needs a sense of reciprocation. Romantic in the ways that you see in the media, like if they could live in a romcom they would. They -love- love and the feeling of admiring someone. Can be very fickle with their interest however. Libra Venus girls who are interested in men DEF love pretty boys. Similar to cancer venus they can also be let down when the energy isn’t matched. Their ideal types are pretty open or versatile but they’re still into attractive/photogenic people (placements can affect this). However they hate a pretty face without a personality or talents. SOOO susceptible to falling into situationships or relationships without solid titles pls BE CAREFULL WITH THAT.
Scorpio Venus: Very intentional lovers. Secretly attracted to the loser bf trope 😭. Has very all or nothing views on relationships. Tries to be in control of how their crush perceives them. Needs honesty and transparency from their partner to function in relationships. Very intuitive partners !!Highly observant of the people they love. Stalks their crushes socials tbh. People think they’re all sexual deviants but tbh no a lot of them are highly protective of their intimacy. Desperately needs someone to match their freak, not sexually !! so hard for them to find someone who wants the same things as them. Some scorpio venus men like being ordered/told what to do . Can be prone/susceptible to relationships that are tumultuous or has extremes and can have a power imbalance within it. Sometimes into people who aren’t obvious in their interest towards them.

Sag Venus: Chronically looking for Mr/Mrs.right 🙂↕️. Can’t stand relationships with extreme power imbalances. Let’s their s/o do ANYTHINGGG like genuine favoritism towards their spouses 😭. They try to not allow their feelings to become too complicated. Are actually ok with being single for a while. Attracted to people who are devoted to something whether it is a cause, morals, set of principles, hobby, lifestyle, or religion. Also people with diff backgrounds, cultures and povs. Very comfortable in their sexuality also a lot of sag venus people are…fruity LOL. Hard for them to be mad at their lovers for a long time I’ve noticed ? SOMETIMES they can be hypocritical in relationships 😭. Very generous lovers both the men and women. If not interested in foreigners they’re very into people who have major experience within life that can teach them something.
Capricorn Venus: Why are we the love police like actually LMFAOO. Sacrificial and willing to endure for the people they adore. A part of us dies of embarrassment when disappointed with the people we like. Secretly geeks out abt whoever’s caught their eye in the confines of their room. Hyper realistic when it comes to love ideals. HATEs the dramatics, extras and games. Tries so hard to balance their goals with a love life. Likes people who are self sufficient. Similar to scorpio with all or nothing thinking in relationships. Will phase out of existence when the feelings get too complicated. No guys we can’t plan/imagine the future everytime we are in love with someone. Swear there’s always age difference stuff happening. You can tell how much a cap venus likes you by how much they’re willing to share/give you of anything that’s theirs. Silent pining.
Aqua Venus: Relatively unorthodox lovers. Goated at the friends to lovers trope (honestly anything to lovers). Covert hopeless romantics. Needs a relationship balance where they have time and space to themselves. Quietly protective over their spouses. Never dates or is attracted to the same type of person everytime, there’s always something distinct about them. Secretly strict lovers, yes do as you please but don’t disappoint them. Manages to know you better than anyone else. Also needs someone to match their freak. Studies the person they like so they can be an efficient partner. Hey so like no it’s not normal that everything gives you the ick. They love deep talks or someone who’s observant. Dislikes when a relationship moves too fast. Aqua venus men either hate hookup culture or loves it no in between.
Pisces Venus: If they could build a partner from scratch they would 😭. Highly accepting of their partners flaws despite that however. Loves and acknowledges even the smallest most little detail about their partners. Extremely forgiving TOO forgiving almost. Living proof that true adornment can exist. Needs to be careful of confusing admiration with romantic feelings. Can also allow themselves to be single for a pretty long time. Admires their crushes from afar. Also plots on the people they like. Will defend their s/o to the endddd of the earth if need be. Love language depends on the day, time, hour, and what song they recently listened to. Quietly goes insane when in love but tries to be chill about it (they fail). Don’t think I forgot you it’s not normal that anything can give you the ick either pisces venus !
Astrology Observations: Gemini Moons
Gemini moon people, just know that I love y’all and I hope you’re not slowly being driven into insanity from the lack of mental stimulation due to quarantine. ANYWAY. ENJOY LMAO.
☁️ Lighthearted
No matter how heavy the rest of their chart is, these people are lighthearted. While they definitely do have traumatic or painful experiences just like everyone else does, they don’t like to take anything too seriously, and aren’t likely to dwell on darkness or negativity. This can make them seem naive or childish, but they’re really far from it. They aren’t ignorant to the harsh realities of the world; they just choose to rise above it.
☁️ Sociable and witty
These are the people in your social circle that always have some wisecrack remark to make, or can easily lighten an otherwise dark and heavy mood. They often make others laugh by making jokes about observations they’ve made about the environment that no one else probably noticed.
☁️ Street smart
Their playful and childlike nature may lead you to think otherwise, but Gemini moons are actually very aware of the world around them and deeply perceptive, making them adept at reading situations and acting accordingly.
☁️ Curious by nature
Gemini moon people can be labelled “superficial” by others because nothing seems to hold their interest.
☁️ Easygoing
Gemini moons don’t tend to argue about anything. They’re similar to their sister sign, Sagittarius, in the sense that they’re both open-minded and nonjudgmental when listening to other people’s side of an argument. This makes other people feel at ease around them in social settings.
☁️ Can be two-faced
This is a commonality with all Gemini placements, but Gemini moon people are the most deeply two-faced out of all the others (sorry, lunar Geminis, lmao). This is due to their inclination toward intellectualism and attraction toward novelty, even in the realm of feelings. This combined with their naturally changeable nature, thanks to the mutable quality of Gemini, can cause outside parties to see them as inconsistent or “flaky” if they don’t understand the Gemini moon person’s line of reasoning.
☁️ Love feeling validated through words
A Gemini moon’s love language is probably words of affirmation (more likely to give than receive, though, which is fine by them). The blend of the air qualities of Gemini being in the emotional realm of the moon creates a person who is strongly affected by uplifting words and feel nourished by comforting words.
☁️ Nervous/anxious
Gemini moon people crave mental stimulation, and if whatever’s going on around them isn’t able to provide that for them, they can be visibly uncomfortable. From the outside looking in, they can appear anxious. But these people truly are just looking around, simply waiting for something to pique their interest.
Aaaand that’s a wrap on Gemini moons! As a Sag moon, you guys really have a special place in my heart and I don’t think you guys are appreciated enough. Stay tuned for the Cancer Moon post!
My ego is sensitive bruh
okay here’s a super convoluted one but: what is the most sensitive part of your body, what sign/house is it ruled by, and what is the significance of it in ur chart??? my neck is super sensitive, so that’d make mine taurus/2nd house. And then my 7th house is in taurus and I have Jupiter in my 2nd house 🧐

two perseid meteors captured on the 12th of august 2021 in Romania between 01:34-01:46 local time (UTC+3)

The Moon in conjunction with Venus
11 August 2021