minexkuramae - 倉前 美音
倉前 美音

{indie Mine Kuramae} { from Fruits Basket } Semi-selective Personal designer and seamstress at Ayame Sohma's clothing shop.

275 posts




⊰ ♞ ⊱ —— Hatori’s breath hitched in his throat. Out of all the seats in the room- why did she chose his lap? The couch was large, and quite long… There was enough room for her to spread out on one end if she wished to, yet Ayame’s partner chose this. Cue Hatori’s pulse thrumming in his ears and his heart-rate increasing.

This was was nothing that he was accustomed to; the curse aside, Hatori never pursued women. It wasn’t often he held the company of one. He stiffened, freezing in place and holding still- perhaps if he didn’t move, she wouldn’t be able to see him.

God, was it suddenly hot in there? The back of his neck was covered in a cold sweat.

Her inquiry was answering by a dragon who was steadily losing his composure, his flat, usual tone wavering as he scrambled to get his thoughts together. “I… I suppose I could stay the night, but I haven’t brought a change of clothes, or…” Should he ask why she was in his lap, or should he ignore it? Best not to mention it, he thought. That would only make this even morepainfully awkward than it already was. An impromptu sleep-over wasn’t a terrible idea, was it?

“If you wouldn’t mind me staying, I… I don’t see why not.”


✿— Mine seemed to either not notice or not be bothered by the sudden change in attitude, instead perfectly happily to remain where she was and watch the other flounder about. How absolutely adorable was he when he got all flustered, if only Ayame had been here to see. There’s a soft chuckle before Mine decides to push a little further, unable to help herself from teasing the stammering dragon. 

“I’m sure Ayame has something you could borrow, and if all else fails we always have some outfits you could try on.” 

The seamstress wraps her arms around the other’s neck and leans against him, humming happily at the close contact. She had always been a rather physical person, and with the curse gone now she was so very happy that she could show her affection to her little family. Her chin rests against Hatori’s chest as she peeks up at him, a small grin forming. 

“You don’t have to be so nervous, Hatori. I don’t bite--- well, I mean I can if you’re into that I guess~!”

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More Posts from Minexkuramae

9 years ago



Farts in your face. So much for cute.


✿—  “...” She sits there quietly for a moment before wrinkling her nose. “How unseemly.”

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9 years ago


Cheeky little shit. Kanda glared daggers while she tightened her hold on his ponytail, straining him back even further along with her absurd demands. In actuality it wasn’t all that big of a deal to just be the bigger person and return what he tossed, but in Kanda’s mind… well, he’s taken a lot worse to have his way.

Kanda momentarily locked eyes with the woman, even if she couldn’t see it. “Bite me.” He scoffed, looking away dismissively. “Do it yourself, hag.”


✿— It had turned into a battle of the stubborn asses, the maid squinting and trying her hardest to lock eyes with him in return. At the mention of biting him she narrows her eyes in the slightest before reaching up with one of her hands and finding his ear, leaning in and doing just that.


The seamstress bit down on Kanda’s ear, one hand still wrapped tightly around his ponytail as she blindly assaulted him.


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9 years ago



✿— Mine hears the bell above the door to the shop jingle, humming softly to herself as she finished the last inch or two left on the hemming of the dress. “I’ll be with you in just a moment!”

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9 years ago
 Im Not Afraid Of Death, So Why The Hell Would I Be Afraid Of You?
 Im Not Afraid Of Death, So Why The Hell Would I Be Afraid Of You?
 Im Not Afraid Of Death, So Why The Hell Would I Be Afraid Of You?
 Im Not Afraid Of Death, So Why The Hell Would I Be Afraid Of You?
 Im Not Afraid Of Death, So Why The Hell Would I Be Afraid Of You?

✿— I’m not afraid of death, so why the hell would I be afraid of you?

;;I like to think that Mine is super sweet until you threaten the ones she loves, then she’s ready to throw down. Obvs this would probably never happen but Mine would have no regrets returning a swing back to Akito even if it got her killed.

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