Hatori Sohma - Tumblr Posts

5 years ago
These Were My Favorite Screencaps From Episode 10 Of The Fruits Basket Reboot. The First One Will Be
These Were My Favorite Screencaps From Episode 10 Of The Fruits Basket Reboot. The First One Will Be
These Were My Favorite Screencaps From Episode 10 Of The Fruits Basket Reboot. The First One Will Be

These were my favorite screencaps from Episode 10 of the Fruits Basket reboot. The first one will be my desktop wallpaper for awhile. Yuki is my absolute favorite, so of course I loved that shot of him. Hatori is #husbandmaterial in his close-up. And as much as I loathe Shigure I had to get him and chibi-Hatori with his arms all crossed. Dr. Seahorse is so put upon, I swear.

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9 years ago



✿— “Somethin’ I can help you with? You wouldn’t happen to be the one here to pick up a wedding dress, would you? If so you are more than welcome to come and try it on before you take it home!”

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9 years ago



⊰ ♞ ⊱ —— …And that in and of itself was almost enough to send the dragon running for the hills. He had known Mine for quite a few years now; her boyfriend being one of Hatori’s closest confidants, it was not surprising that he was subject to couples dinners with her and the serpent. Couples being the key word here, as Hatori was quite single and the couples dinners more or less ended with him being the third wheel to their well-oiled machine of a relationship.

If anything, Mine was teasing him- at least, that was what Hatori had hoped for. She didn’t truly believe Hatori was the type of man who would wear a wedding dress, did she?

Oh, God… Did she?

“No,” Hatori snapped, his tone more sharp than he had intended. His brow furrowing, he reached up and held his forehead, a clear sign of frustration. Steadying his timbre to much more polite monotone, he continued. “I… I stopped by to visit Ayame. Seeing as I don’t currently hear his deafening voice, I can only assume he is out on errands. Am I correct in my assumption, Mine?”


✿— Mine couldn’t help the giggle that bubbled out of her having seen the other’s reaction, trying her very best to bite back a grin. It wasn’t her fault that Hatori was so very easy to tease. When he looked about ready to make a run for it she lifted her hands up and waved them, chuckling softly. 

“I’m just teasin’, Hatori~!” 

She rather enjoyed having someone so easily flustered, seeing as how Ayame and she were anything but the sort to act in such a manner; both being very much comfortable with what they did. The seamstress turned and began gathering up some trimmed pieces of fabric off of the floor, placing them into a bag to use at a later date if the need ever arose. At the mention of Ayame she peeks over her shoulder at the other. 

“Hmm? Yep! He should be back in time for dinner tonight as long as everything goes well--- you’re more than welcome to stay and wait for him though!”

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9 years ago



⊰ ♞ ⊱ —— There she was- giggling again. It seemed as if every time he spoke, Mine would find something to giggle at. He didn’t understand it- he didn’t tell a joke, so why did she seem so amused? Hatori wasn’t even sure if he knew any jokes if he did want to tell any. It was just another mystery to add the every growing pile. Women were such foreign creatures to him.

His guard dropped when she confirmed that she indeed was merely just teasing- that settled his nerves a bit. Strolling over, he decided to take her up on her offer- after all, it was Sunday, his only day off during the week, and he had made the trip out here. It would be a waste to turn around and head home now. Besides, he needed a bit of fresh air and a scenery change.

Slipping his hand into his pocket, he glanced over and watched as she dutifully cleaned up the area- something Ayame wouldn’t have thought to do. Yes, Mine certainly kept the snake in line… Usually. The velvet couch caught his attention, and with another heavy sigh, he decided to take a seat there while they waited. He might as well make conversation, correct? Mine was nice company, Hatori thought, so they should seize the moment.

“Has it busy today? You’re not too exhausted, are you, Mine?”


✿— “Mm.. Not any busier than it’s been this last week or so. We have quite a few people wishing to put in orders to have them done by the holidays though!” 

She finished sprucing up before excusing herself to go and lock the doors to the shop, turning the open sign around to closed. When she returned she noticed the other lounging on the couch. With a smile the seamstress picked up the folds of her dress before walking over and happily taking a seat in Hatori’s lap, making herself comfortable. 

“What about you? I’m sure you get all kinds of patients this time of year! You know, you should learn to take a breather every now and then. Why don’t you stay the night here? I’m sure Ayame would love to have you for company!”

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9 years ago



⊰ ♞ ⊱ —— Hatori’s breath hitched in his throat. Out of all the seats in the room- why did she chose his lap? The couch was large, and quite long… There was enough room for her to spread out on one end if she wished to, yet Ayame’s partner chose this. Cue Hatori’s pulse thrumming in his ears and his heart-rate increasing.

This was was nothing that he was accustomed to; the curse aside, Hatori never pursued women. It wasn’t often he held the company of one. He stiffened, freezing in place and holding still- perhaps if he didn’t move, she wouldn’t be able to see him.

God, was it suddenly hot in there? The back of his neck was covered in a cold sweat.

Her inquiry was answering by a dragon who was steadily losing his composure, his flat, usual tone wavering as he scrambled to get his thoughts together. “I… I suppose I could stay the night, but I haven’t brought a change of clothes, or…” Should he ask why she was in his lap, or should he ignore it? Best not to mention it, he thought. That would only make this even morepainfully awkward than it already was. An impromptu sleep-over wasn’t a terrible idea, was it?

“If you wouldn’t mind me staying, I… I don’t see why not.”


✿— Mine seemed to either not notice or not be bothered by the sudden change in attitude, instead perfectly happily to remain where she was and watch the other flounder about. How absolutely adorable was he when he got all flustered, if only Ayame had been here to see. There’s a soft chuckle before Mine decides to push a little further, unable to help herself from teasing the stammering dragon. 

“I’m sure Ayame has something you could borrow, and if all else fails we always have some outfits you could try on.” 

The seamstress wraps her arms around the other’s neck and leans against him, humming happily at the close contact. She had always been a rather physical person, and with the curse gone now she was so very happy that she could show her affection to her little family. Her chin rests against Hatori’s chest as she peeks up at him, a small grin forming. 

“You don’t have to be so nervous, Hatori. I don’t bite--- well, I mean I can if you’re into that I guess~!”

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9 years ago



⊰ ♞ ⊱ —— …! There was that instinct- for just a fleeting moment, he wanted to escape and push her away as she pressed up against his chest. Hatori even braced himself for it; wrenching his eyes shut and silently praying. However… Nothing happened. No poof, nothing. Just the warmth of her breasts against his chest, her soft words wrapping him in comfort and some slight teasing…

That’s right, I’m free. The curse was broken.

Hatori sighed; not so much as sighed, as exhaled loudly, utterly relieved. “No, I don’t need to try any outfits on, thank you,” Hatori mumbled, a tad awkwardly, and glancing away from her. He thought the worst of it was over, that was, until she asked if he was into biting.

…Into biting?

“I’m not into anything,” Hatori grumbled, shifting and squirming a bit as she dominated him, in his lap and pressed up against his chest. This was more than he could handle, in all truthfulness- the ex-dragon was practically vibrating under her with nerves, trembling at the contact. “I… I’m not like you and Ayame, I don’t partake in those kinds of activities.”


✿— Mine remained perfectly still and patiently waited to see if it was alright for her to continue sitting here, more than willing to slide off of his lap and give him his personal space if the other began to panic or become too uncomfortable.

When he made no effort to push her away she smiled warmly and chuckled at his response, peering up at him and humming to herself. It was always so interesting to see just how different Hatori was from, say, Ayame or Shigure. Not that she minded.

She felt him begin to fidget a bit, a coy grin forming as she nosed at his jawline and lazily played with the hair on the base of his neck. “Activities? You mean sex? It’s not a bad word, Hatori--- you of all people should know it’s natural for people to do.”

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9 years ago

hatori-sohma liked your photo

Hatori-sohma Liked Your Photo

✿— Mine sees you there Hatori and she’s just gonna grin.

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9 years ago



⊰ ♞ ⊱ —— “…Just admiring the new merchandise, that’s all.”


✿— “Is that what we’re calling it?”

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9 years ago



⊰ ♞ ⊱ —— “Natural or not, intimacy shouldn’t be spoken about so freely,” Hatori grumbled under his breath, tilting his head back against the couch involuntarily as her lips found his neck. It took a moment for it to register what exactly it was she was doing, for a fleeting second, he was lost in the pleasurable sensations. Quickly snapping out of nirvana and back to reality, he sat up, looking down at her with alarm clear on his features, flitting across wide, grey orbs..

It wasn’t often Hatori Sohma lost his wits about him.

“Mine, what are… What are you doing?” Hatori breathed, his hands snaking down the lace of her skirt and wrapping around her hips- this, of course, was to move her out of his lap if need be. For now, he just held her still. “I realize you and Ayame are quite… Open, but I cannot imagine that he would be pleased to come back here and find you in my lap. This… ”


✿— Mine couldn’t help but chuckle softly under her breath, happy when she felt the others hands on her hips. She gave him a small peck on his cheek before sitting back just a little, looking up at him with a warm smile. Obviously Ayame didn’t always tell Hatori everything.

“Isn’t it obvious? I was tryin’ to flirt with you, but I guess it’s better to just be straightforward in your case.” She watched him quietly fret beneath her before adjusting her glasses. “I figured Ayame would have told you, but we’re actually a little more than just open.”

Now whether or not Hatori would fully comprehend was another story.

“Ayame and I are together, yes, but we’re in a polyamorous relationship. He’s free to seek out other partners or see other people, just like how I am! Believe me, I’ve already asked him if he was alright with me pursuing something with you~!”

 If anything the snake was more than happy to hear that someone was willing to try and coax the dragon out of his comfort zone. Mine gave another smile before resting her chin on Hatori’s chest again, peeking up at him and humming. 

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9 years ago



⊰ ♞ ⊱ —— “A break? Do you realize who you’re speaking to?” Hatori won’t show it, but there’s a hint of a smile playing at his lips, hidden behind the long, thick bangs that covered his left eye. “It is nice to see that you’ve come prepared, perhaps I should take you in as my assistant after all. However, i should warn you that I am much less lax about sleeping on the job than Ayame seems to be. If you were to deign to do such a thing in my office, I would have to punish you.”


✿— “Well, yes, I’m speaking to a particularly handsome doctor-- wha--!!” Was... Was her grumpy, dragon actually flirting with her? She’s all but stunned for a moment before pulling away and pretending to be flustered. “Why Hatori, I never knew you could be so kinky...!“ Her darling certainly was growing up. Mine clasps her hands together and looks into the distance, a thousand yard stare adorning her eyes. They would write about this day in the history books. “I admit if I were your assistant I’d spend most of my time being punished, seeing as how you’d serve as a constant distraction, Dr. Sohma.”

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9 years ago



⊰ ♞ ⊱ —— “Flirt?” …She was trying to flirt with him? Why? Why would anyone flirt with him, and more importantly, why was he so hopeless with determining what was flirting and what wasn’t? When on outings with Shigure and Ayame, the two of them would often comment that the women in the shops were flirting with Hatori, but the ex-dragon paid no mind to their ramblings. He would wave off most women anyway, he had no time for their prattling.

Hatori wasn’t one to make niceties and small talk.

However, Mine had just confirmed that she was flirting with him. It was enough to give him goosebumps- not entirely sure if he was frightened, or flattered. Mayhaps both.

Blinking a few times, the physician repeated her own words aloud. “Polyamorous relationship?” He allowed himself a long pause here, registering exactly what she was saying to him. Mine was interested in pursuing something with him? Why would she…?

“Exactly… Exactly what is it you want with me? Is… Is this some kind of joke? Has Ayame put you up to this? I don’t find this very humorous,” Hatori grumbled, shifting in an attempt to try and stand up. He didn’t appreciate being made a fool of, particularly when it came to love and romance. It was the pity that was the worst- oh, poor Hatori. Poor thing. He had his heartbroken. Poor, poor Hatori… Everyone coddled him, everyone pitied him.

Even long after he’d gotten over Kana, it still seemed as if everyone could only focus on his unfortunate love-life. If this was a joke, that someone like Mine would even remotely find interest in him… Hatori was embarrassed, and very, very unhappy. “I’m no imbecile, Mine, I can tell when I’m being teased. Why… Why would you do this to me?”


✿— “Ah, yes...” Mine quietly watched as Hatori seemed to debate with himself, silencing herself and simply waiting for him to respond; she didn’t want to scare him after all. Her smile began to falter as the other adorned a displeased look, making the seamstress debate whether or not she should slide out of his lap and tell him to forget that she had ever mentioned anything.

What followed the initial look of confusion was even more upsetting than she could have expected. Her eyebrows knit together as she realized that he must have mistaken her advances as one big joke. That she took him as a fool. With a soft sigh she sat back just enough to meet his gaze before letting her own lower with a small look of defeat.

“I understand your apprehension given who I am and what I do, but I assure you that status plays no role in this for me--- I don’t think you’re an imbecile at all either for that matter. I thought you would appreciate a more straightforward approach...”

Oh dear, this had quickly turned into one big mess.

With a soft apology uttered under he breath she slid out of his lap, giving a quick bow and immediately trying her best to do some damage control. If he did not like her that was fine but she didn’t wish to make things uncomfortable for the other.

“I would never do something so cruel, especially since I do like you a great deal. If you do not wish for me to bother you about it, I won’t, but please don’t mistake my advances for teasing.”

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9 years ago



⊰ ♞ ⊱ —— The sheer delight on the maid’s features embarrassed the absolute hell out of him. His body flushed at just how proud she was of him for his lewd little comment- in truth, it had just slipped out. He supposed that was what would happen when one spent too much time around the force of utter sexuality that was Mine Kuramae. “Don’t… Do not look so pleased with yourself, I was merely joking. It was a tasteless joke, at that. Don’t say such vulgar things about me, what if my staff were to hear you say that? My reputation would be ruined.”


✿— Mine couldn’t help but giggle, wiggling a little bit in place before pausing just long enough to imagine the look on some of his staff’s faces. She blinked before a sly grin began to form, the seamstress turning just enough to side-eye the other with a mischievous glint. “I could name quite a few who would love to hear what we say to one another--- and more.” With a hum she trotted back over to the other, stepping around him and pushing some of the paperwork back before taking a seat directly on his desk so that he had no choice but to direct his attention to her. “And don’t apologize, I actually like hearing what you have to say~”

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7 years ago

@hatori-sohma || STARTER CALL

@hatori-sohma || STARTER CALL

“I really do insist that you take a break, even if it’s just for a moment. I swear you’re just as bad as Ayame...” It’s as though she’s stepping from one organized chaos to another, although instead of the scent of flowers and fabric she’s met with tobacco and whiskey. 

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7 years ago



           “And where exactly did you think Ayame                  learned his fierce work-ethic from?”

With an arched brow, Hatori turned towards the false maid and moved to rest his chin in his palm, and his elbow on his desk. He hadn’t expected company, admittedly, particularly not so from the serpent’s partner. ‘Partner,’ yes, in all senses of the word- that was what Mine was to Ayame. In a way, it was comforting for the physician- to know Aya had a safety net when things grew rough. It was… Relieving.

Hatori found her to be an interesting creature herself, to so readily accept their curse, to join this circus called the Sohma clan while batting her eyelashes innocently. It was… Intriguing.

Snuffing out the cigarette- the scent would ‘cling’ to the expensive fabric, and stain the garment brown (how many times had Mine chided Hatori for it), Hatori moved to now stand, opting to pour his visitor a little drink. A bit cheekily, he extended the glass out towards her, and it was here that he issued a silent challenge: this is one of my best years, how many sips of this scotch will it take before you’re on the floor? Let’s see how you hold your liquor, Mine.

                                “This should loosen us up. Drink.”


“No sex can be a pretty powerful motivator, Tori.” She retorts, adjusting her glasses as if proving a point. A serious expression seems to take over her usual cheerful demeanor, though it only lasts briefly before the corners of her lips twitch into a grin. While she herself was very open about her sexuality, she knew a certain dragon who was not. With a soft chuckle she smooths out the front of her dress, making sure her apron was just right. “All jokes aside, I think it speaks volumes that Aya listens to every word you have to say. I’m sure you definitely had a hand in his discipline when it comes to his craft. He’s about as difficult, if not more so, to pull away from his work.”

Her gaze lingers on the cigarette that he snuffs out, giving him a knowing look before following him as he stood to pour her a drink. It was no secret that Hatori liked his whiskey, and not just any old whiskey; his profession did well to fund his guilty pleasure by allowing him some of the best liquor money could buy. With a nod she accepts the silent challenge, taking the glass and proudly knocking it back before wrinkling her nose a little at the burn. “Ah... I feel honored that you’re sharing a drink with me. Hopefully this means you’ll allow yourself some time to relax. Aya is out of town with some potential clients, so you’ll have to forgive my selfish desire to want to spend time with you. It’s not often enough that it’s just the two of us.”

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9 months ago

How I think the other zodiacs would've reacted if their curse were the 1st to break rather than Kureno's

Shigure - The whole story definitely would've been super different for sure. Shigure would've probably went along with Akito keeping the broken curse a secret and would be happy to have a sexual relationship from the minute Akito wanted so he could pacify Akito's worries about loosing him. Him enabling her would be out of the question at least when it comes to himself, it's very possible he'd let her get away with hurting everyone else. She wouldn't be able to take away his freedom the way she did to Kureno, Shigure's more selfish and independent and wouldn't be afraid to threaten her with the secret of the broken curse if she's unreasonable with him, though I don't think he'd actually ever reveal it, just threaten to.

Hatori - The likelihood Hatori would've acted the most like Kureno out of the non-Kureno zodiac members is 📈📈📈. He'd probably enable her as badly as Kureno did because he already enabled her as much as Kureno did in canon and literally forgave her for torturing Kana and blinding him in one eye.

Ayame - Akito isn't fond of him but I think she'd still have been distraught and hysterical if his bond broke 1st and would've begged him to not leave her. I can't see Ayame letting himself fall under her grasp though, they were never close and he's not a doormat or pushover. I think he'd probably also spill the beans that his curse broke.

Ritsu - His anxious personality would probably irritate her to no end but I can absolutely see Ritsu trying to comfort Akito and agreeing to not leave her if his curse broke. I think if Ritsu managed to keep his broken curse a secret for a couple years Akito may have trusted him with the knowledge of her true gender and begun a sexual relationship with him to keep him close to her.

Kagura - I'm genuinely not sure what Akito would do about her. Akito wouldn't attempt to have a sexual relationship like she would with the men but she'd probably try to get her to promise not to reveal the secret/leave & have Kagura move in close to her to have constant surveillance. If Kagura ever tried to run away Akito might lock her up and find a way to blackmail Kagura to keep her under her thumb. Kagura would tell Kyo if she was able to though, unless Akito threatened to kill him. I believe she cared about Kyo enough that she wouldn't want him to live with the curse especially due to seeing his true form and knowing how much harder it was for him.

Isuzu - Rin would want to bolt from Akito and the clan as fast as she could, but I can see Akito threatening to hurt Haru (maybe even threaten to kill him though Akito probably wouldn't want Haru dead) if Rin defied her wishes and didn't keep it a secret. If Rin did end up running away or something Akito would hunt her down and probably try to kill her herself.

Yuki - If his curse broke during the time Akito had him confined, I don't see Yuki having the will to fight against her. She'd definitely never let him go to Shigure's though if it happened. She might try to have a sexual relationship with him? but there's also a decent possibility she wouldn't & I can't see Yuki consenting at all. I think at 1st Yuki would follow her but eventually he would've found the strength to push back and leave her though. I don't know how long it would've taken him, but he was never as passive of a person as Kureno. He always had a bit of snark and attitude to him shown by how he interacts with Kyo and Ayame.

Kyo - He'd tell everyone. I think he'd even scream it to the entire clan. Yeah, Akito would 100% immediately be screwed if his curse broke 1st.

Momiji - I think Momiji was too strong willed for Akito to be able to keep a hold of him. He wasn't afraid of her and he didn't pity her. He may or may have not keep the secret of his curse being broken but he would not have stayed by her side.

Hatsuharu - Akito threatening Rin might have been enough to keep him with her for a little bit, but Akito would inevitably have hurt Rin and Haru would inevitably stand up to Akito sooner rather than later. He secretly visited Yuki when Akito had him confined, he'd risk everything to be with Rin even if it was only to hook up with Rin behind Akito's back.

Kisa - I can see Akito keeping the poor kid under constant surveillance. I think Kisa would've been too afraid to stand up to Akito anyways but I can definitely see Akito threatening Hiro to keep Kisa in line even more.

Hiro - She'd definitely threaten Kisa to have him keep her secret but I think with such a loving and protective mother like Hiro's, Satsuki 100% would've found out about the broken curse.

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4 years ago
This Took A While For Me To Work On, But I Finally Finished It. I Love The New Fruits Basket Series As
This Took A While For Me To Work On, But I Finally Finished It. I Love The New Fruits Basket Series As
This Took A While For Me To Work On, But I Finally Finished It. I Love The New Fruits Basket Series As
This Took A While For Me To Work On, But I Finally Finished It. I Love The New Fruits Basket Series As
This Took A While For Me To Work On, But I Finally Finished It. I Love The New Fruits Basket Series As
This Took A While For Me To Work On, But I Finally Finished It. I Love The New Fruits Basket Series As
This Took A While For Me To Work On, But I Finally Finished It. I Love The New Fruits Basket Series As
This Took A While For Me To Work On, But I Finally Finished It. I Love The New Fruits Basket Series As

This took a while for me to work on, but I finally finished it. I love the new Fruits Basket series as much as I love the 2001 series.

I also have a speedpaint video to go with this if you want to check it out.


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