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Soi Made A Ko-fi Account If Anybody Is Interested In Supporting Me :) Obviously Its Not Mandatory Or
so…i made a ko-fi account if anybody is interested in supporting me :) obviously it’s not mandatory or anything like that, but it would really be appreciated! thank you for all the love i’ve received on here!

greensbitterriver liked this · 1 year ago
agi-ppangx liked this · 1 year ago
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this was so gorgeous 🥹 thank you so much nova! ugh so sad but oh so so sweet. also, how did you know i have a secret obsession with lockets??? it’s literally a dream for someone to gift me one tbh

me after reading this fic ^


Pairing: Park Sunghoon x gn!reader
Genre: Fluff, comfort
Warnings: Mention of death, crying
Words: 949
Summary: You don't enjoy your birthday much, but Sunghoon is determined to make you feel special, even if he has to keep it low-key.
A/n: Happy early birthday, green! I hope you have a lovely birthday, because you deserve it. (Ps tumblr, for some reason, wouldn't let me edit this after I started it, so I had to delete it and copy and paste what I had already. That's why I had to take a screenshot of your ask 😭 Sorry it took so long, but I hope you enjoy it!)
Sunghoon knows you don't like your birthday very much, and he knows the reason why, but he also knows that he wants to make you happy in every possible way he can. So even if he can't throw a big celebration for you like he wishes he could (because that's what he believes you deserve), he still wants to do something.
"Happy birthday, sleepy love," he spoke gently from behind you, rubbing your arm over the fluffy blanket that decorated your bed. You stirred awake when you heard his voice, but your eyes still haven't opened. He chuckles softly before leaning over to press feather light kisses to your eyelids.
He's always quiet and loving with you in the morning, so nothing is different in that aspect. A slight smile appears on your face as you turn your body over further to face him, finally opening your eyes to peek up at him. Your vision was still a bit blurry from just having woken up, but you could see the faint outline of him. "I almost forgot."
"About your birthday?" he asked with faux surprise. He knows you didn't forget, but you wish you could. It makes him a little sad, but he never pushes. "Well it's a good thing I'm here to remember, because it's my favorite day of the year."
You scoff playfully at him, but you knew he was the farthest thing from joking. If there's one thing about Sunghoon, it's that he will follow you to the ends of the earth. He adores you more than he's ever adored anything. That's not something to take lightly with him.
"So what do you have planned for today? I know you have something planned," you asked with a slight squint of your eyes. He smiles before kissing your nose and quickly getting out of bed, leaving the room. You hardly had time to register that he left you before he was returning with his hands behind his back. "What do you have there?"
He didn't respond as he sat on the bed, looking down at you with loving eyes. You also sat up to come eye level with him, waiting to see what was behind his back. "Close your eyes," he finally said. You did as he asked, letting your sleepy eyes fall shut. "Hold out your hands, too," he spoke gently, watching as you did so.
The next moment, you felt a small box being placed in your hands. You opened your eyes after he told you it was okay, and just as you suspected, a small, black box sat in the palms of your hands. You opened it with a small smile, and what you see when you lift the lid is a necklace. A beautiful golden locket hanging off the end of a thin gold chain.
"Go on, open the locket," Sunghoon urged you, his eyes darting between you and the piece of jewelry like an excited kid on christmas. You set the lid of the box down before opening the locket. Your eyes were nearly immediately filled with tears when you were met with a picture of your mother. She died three years ago, a day before your birthday.
It took a moment for you to say or do anything as you stared down at the picture. A few moments later, you looked back up at Sunghoon, and not to your surprise, his eyes were also glossy. He loved your mom, and when she passed, it was hard on him, too. He helped you through one of the toughest points of your life, and that makes this gift all the more special and meaningful.
"Oh, Hoon, it's beautiful." You finally set the box aside before wrapping your arms around him, burying your face in his neck. His arms immediately brought you closer as you both let the tears fall down your cheeks. Silence washed over you, but not an awkward silence, no. It was the kind of silence where no words needed to be said in order to understand.
"I know you don't like your birthday, and I don't blame you for it at all, but I also know that your mom would want you to be happy on a day like this. She would want you to celebrate because you deserve to be celebrated."
His words on top of the already lovely and heart-wrenching gift had you breaking down and sobbing in his arms. He only held you tighter as you let out what you'd been holding for a while. After multiple minutes passed and you finally got your breathing under control, you pulled away from him just enough to place your forehead on his.
"I don't know what I did to deserve you, but I love you so much," you spoke barely above a whisper. His tear stained cheeks scrunched up as he smiled at you, his shining eyes filled with love and adoration for you.
"You deserve all of me and more, baby. I love you more than you could know." He placed the most gentle and tender, yet passionate kiss on your lips. It instantly filled your stomach to the brim with butterflies as you kissed back, your lips meshing together perfectly like they have so many times before.
Once you both were finally ready to get out of bed, Sunghoon made you your favorite breakfast, and you watched a movie together. He also ordered dinner for the both of you, as well as a special dessert. That was all the day was. You got a few happy birthday texts from friends and family, but you spent the whole day with Sunghoon. You wouldn't have it any other way.
Small Announcement from Green !
For those who do not know, I have an ongoing series called I Can’t Change (Bisexual!Felix x Male Reader). It’s about the Reader’s journey while in conversion therapy after being caught at a secret queer party.
Anyway, I have been feeling a little bit stuck with said story and I really couldn’t figure out why until recently. There was, admittedly, a lot of lack of planning on my part. However, I think I have a more solid idea of what I want out of this story. That means, though, that I will be deleting the chapters I have posted so far, rewriting them, and then posting them again.
It makes me sad to have to do this, truly, but I feel this is the best solution for me if I want to salvage this story and actually finish it. Hopefully, the rewrites can be done quickly and I can post them as soon as possible and carry on posting newer chapters. Hopefully!
Thank you to everyone who’s supported my series, it’s meant the whole world to me. I’m sorry for the inconvenience but I hope to make it up to you 💕

SI 😱 es el idioma principal en mi casa. Pero sí, es muy agradable conocer a otra persona llamada Green. Siento que ya no estoy loca jajaja
jajajaja te entiendo! en realidad cuando escogí el nombre de green, yo simplemente estaba apuradx por hacer esta cuenta y estaba como que “sabes? mi color favorito es el verde” pero como escribo en inglés, me puse green. cuando se lo conté a mis amistades me miraron tipo 🤨 jajaja
anyway, puedo preguntar de dónde eres o de dónde viene tu familia? mi familia de parte de madre son de puerto rico, aquí mismo crecí
ꖛ ꙳꯬ 🍷 i found a love for me 𓂅 ໋⋅

‧₊° pairing: sunghoon x female reader
‧₊° warnings: suggestive comment if you squint
‧₊° rating: 13+
‧₊° summary: in which sunghoon plans a little birthday celebration for you, whom he adores with his entire being.

The sound of your keys jingling reached Sunghoon’s ears, triggering a series of panicked motions as he finished the final details of your birthday gift before he was caught. He quickly slipped onto the balcony, ensuring that the curtains were closed so that nothing was spoiled as his ears perked up at the sound of your bag being dumped onto the kitchen counter with an exhausted sigh.
“Hoonie?” He could hear you walk around the apartment in search of him, but remained as still and silent as he could. It was only a matter of time before you would walk into your shared bedroom and find the red dress he’d bought for you, surrounded by matching red rose petals scattered all over the room along with some balloons. “Oh—!”
Bingo, he smirked. Sunghoon wished he would have seen your reaction, but this would have to do for now. His patience grew thin as he waited for you to change into the silk material, though he should’ve expected to hear the shower turn on as soon as you realized he had something planned for you on your special day. He huffed half-heartedly as he plopped down onto one of the balcony chairs.
The starry night was chilly, though the heater he’d plugged in certainly helped keep the aesthetics intact. It was a small balcony, though nearly covered in plants and flowers you enjoyed caring for during your free time. There were lit candles on every available surface along with tiny fairy lights lining the ceiling which provided a romantic atmosphere when combined with the gorgeous view of the tranquil city. Dinner was also served, cooked by yours truly with the help of Jay (who quite frankly did most, if not all of the work). Finally, he’d brought a small radio that was connected to his phone via Bluetooth for when you arrived. He even went as far as to buy himself a really nice suit along with a button-up shirt to match your dress. This was a night Sunghoon had been planning for a little over a week now, so to say he was excited to spend this night with you would be a grave understatement.
At the mark of the hour, his phone rang — loudly — as your name flashed across the screen. He let it ring so that you may find your way to him easily, which didn’t take you long as you pulled the curtains apart and gasped at the sight.
Sunghoon had remained seated, though he had fixed his posture a bit for you, and an adoring smile adorned his lips while his eyes twinkled. He seemed to take a moment to take in the beauty that was you in the dress he’d gifted you, proud that it fit just like he’d imagined it would. He stood, towering over you as he opened his arms to pull you into him.
“Happy birthday, my rose.”
“Oh, Hoonie,” you gushed. “You didn’t have to do all of this for me, thank you.”
He smiled pridefully. “I know I didn’t, but I think you deserve all of this and more— it’s your day, after all.”
Despite the heels, you stood on your tip-toes for a loving peck, hands on his chest to steady yourself along with his hands holding your elbows gently.
“It’s beautiful, all of it.”
“I’m glad you like it.” He smiled, then signaled for you to take the same seat he’d occupied a moment prior and you happily obliged. “I made us some dinner.”
“By yourself?” You teased, dramatically raising an eyebrow. Sunghoon repeated your question in a nasal voice, rolling his eyes with a chuckle as you giggled.
“If you must know, Jay came over earlier to help me.”
“Ah,” you nodded. “I’ll thank him later, then.”
Sunghoon laughed sarcastically as he walked inside to bring out the food he’d prepared with his friend, placing everything on a beautiful silver tray that would soon rest on the small table between the two chairs. A bottle of wine was tucked into a small bucket filled halfway with ice to keep it cold. He decided to bring out the food first, smiling at your wide eyes and open mouth at the sight and scent of it all. Before joining you, though, he rushed back inside for the wine and the two empty glasses.
“You’ve really gone above and beyond, baby, it’s all so beautiful!”
You watched as your boyfriend popped the bottle of wine open, serving a decent amount for the two of you and you couldn’t help but feel almost dizzy with the amount of butterflies storming in your stomach. He was far too good for you, though this wasn’t new information.
Music began playing softly in the background before Sunghoon joined you as you consumed his thoughtful meal contentedly, practically having you melting with each bite. Small talk ensued in between mouthfuls as he told you about his morning at work, and you also shared with him about how your coworkers had sung to you during your lunch break — something Sunghoon knew made you deeply uncomfortable, but you were touched they’d remembered at all.
“Save space for desert, by the way,” warned Sunghoon as he set down his own plate. There was a good amount of leftovers, which he’d intended so you could have lunch to bring to work tomorrow.
“Desert too? You know I wouldn’t be able to resist even if I explode!”
He laughed at that. “I’m well aware, but you don’t think the night will end with just that now, do you?”
Sunghoon collected the silver tray and rushed inside before you could respond to that, ears burning. Instead of dwelling on the plans that involved you and your shared bed which was covered in balloons and rose petals, he focused on retrieving your custom-ordered birthday cake. A red heart to match tonight’s theme, chocolate flavored since it was your favorite. On the top was written: I will always love you, in white, cursive font. It came out perfect, and once again Sunghoon found himself giddy to see your reaction. Before he brought it out to you, though, he added a gold candle on the left side of the cake and lit it up.
Your heart skipped a beat as Sunghoon returned to you, a beautiful cake in one hand while the other protected the small candle’s flame. His melodious voice caressed your ears as he sang the birthday song to you, and although you disliked it when it was in front of a group of people, having him do it with only the stars as your witness made you fall in love all over again. The song ended too soon as he placed the cake on the table where the silver tray once rested.
“Make a wish,” he encouraged with the softest smile you’ve ever witnessed on him.
A beat barely passed before you blew the golden candle out with a large grin.
“Did you wish for something? That was fast.”
“I did, don’t worry.”
He hummed happily. “What did you wish for?”
“Hoonie, you’re not supposed to say!” You pouted cutely before standing up before him, kicking your heels off and extending your hand over to him. He hesitated for only a brief second before he followed your actions in slight confusion. “I just wished to be able to dance with you, right now.”
“You’ve just ruined the wish, though.” A light slap on the arm caused a low laugh to burst, and you couldn’t help but follow along as you waited for him to get into position. His laugh died down as his gaze met yours, watching you as though you had been the one to put all the stars in the sky yourself and if you were given the chance to do it, you would, if only to have him look at you like that forever.
The hand that wasn’t holding yours snaked around your waist, pulling you close enough for you to lay your head on his chest and listen to his heartbeat combined with the soft music playing in the background. The two of you swayed to the beat of an English song you adored.
I found a love for me
Darling, just dive right in, and follow my lead
Well, I found a girl, beautiful and sweet
“I love you.” Sunghoon’s voice was almost inaudible, you nearly missed it. You turned your head so that your chin rested on his chest, looking up at him with eyes you hoped would convey the intensity of your feelings for him, and by the way he smiled at you, he seemed to know.

word count: 1.4k 🍷 posted: 12 • 17 • 2023
💬 a note from green;
four days until my birthday 🎂
⨳ ko-fi ⨳

( 🏷️ ) taglist: @grandpafelixx , @agi-ppangx

Mis padres son de la ciudad de México pero yo nací y crecí aquí en los Estados Unidos. y también elegí verde como nombre porque es mi color favorito y mi lógica era que si a la gente se le puede llamar "Azul, Blanca, Red, Jade" ¿por qué no me pueden llamar Green? ja ja

ahh que brutal! yo voy a la uni por allá en los estados unidos pero en las vacaciones tengo que regresar a pr ;-;

tu lógica es inmaculada, tienes toda la razón jajajaja ay no sé es que tengo una conexión con el verde desde siempre, mi vida entera está pinta’o de verde y pues 🤷