hi i’m lara and i (try to) write // twitter.com/minijmins
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HIII, I just stumble with. one of your aus on twt and i just wanted to come and say I really loveeeeeddd the story I couldn't stop reading it, I wake up to watch Jimin's commentary at 3 am and then i kept reading cause I couldn't stop, I just finished it and now i'm having post book/reading depression cause I really didn't wanted to end but the ending was perfect and i don't know.. you really make me feel all the characters emotions, I cried, I yelled, I koo and I fall in loved and i'm still crying, but i'm really grateful and happy that you write it, thank you sincerely
It was this au btw:
#jikookau in which korea’s favorite idol jungkook is just as lonely as he is loved. maybe that’s why he starts feeling so drawn to jimin, a call-boy with lots of secrets of his own.
hi! wow thank you sooo much, that means a lot to me! i am so happy you like my writing and the characters (and knowing that they sparked all of these emotions in you is the biggest compliment). seriously, thank you for this message — it’s made me super happy. hopefully whatever i write next will come close to that for you hh. ❤️
Hey! I read your AUs on Twitter. I like all the update as I read them, when I get back to those same updates my likes have disappeared. Is there a setting I need to change? Are they actually removing my likes from your posts? I love showing appreciation through likes and I want to be sure my likes actually stay.
hi! first of all, thank you, that’s super sweet and i’m happy you like my writing :) i’m not sure why your likes would disappear, unfortunately. twitter has been a bit of a mess lately (thanks elon) so maybe it’s that. honestly getting a message like yours makes up for any disappearing likes though ❤️
hi, did you delete your ao3 fic? it's not in my bookmarks anymore and i can't find it under your username :(
hellooo! yep, i’m rewriting chapter one because after reading it a few times, there were a lot of things i thought i could do better. it’ll probably be up by the end of the weekend, and it’s already a lot longer than it was originally. :)
Hi Lara, I hope you're doing well. I'm tired of a lot of things that are happening to me and I don't have time to stop and read what you write now. I hope to do this soon tho, bc I love what your writing. I hope you know that you have a lot of talent :)
hello! i totally understand being too busy/stressed/upset/depressed/whatever to sit down and read fanfic. it means a lot you still took the time to send me this message — i hope you’ll feel better and that your worries will ease soon. ❤️
hello lara. I hope you're doing okay :)💖 Im guessing that you lost motivation to continue the tinder AU. I understand very well that motivation comes and goes but please don't forget that many people (including me) love your writing and would love to see what happens next ! I hope you'll feel better about this soon 🥰
hello! thank you so much for your message. don’t worry about the mix up, i knew which au you were talking about even before the follow up message you sent <3 i still like the prompt for that au so i decided to keep it going and hope for motivation to make a return as i write lol. let’s keep our fingers crossed ❤️
Hi. I just wanted to say this in regards to your twitter thread and low engagements. You started that work in '21. 2 years ago. The fandom has changed so much in 2 years. I'm sure that ppl are still reading. Just maybe not the OG readers that may have been around when you first posted it. I know, personally, that I have a couple of your works bookmarked and waiting on updates. But, I'm not rude enough to hound you for them. So write when you can and want to, the readers will come!! Good luck!
hello! I posted the prompt two years ago, but only started writing this summer. I guess I’m just used to people being more communicative whenever i’m writing an au. thanks for the insight though :)
hi! i was wondering if you could accept my follow rq on twitter 😭 i stumbled upon one of your aus and have been in the middle of reading it when u went private. i really got into it and i’d love to finish reading it (and hopefully check out the rest of your aus) because it was amazing ! hope you’re having nice day/night
hi! idk who you are on twitter but since i accepted all of the requests, happy reading! hope you like all of the aus ❤️
so happy to see you writing again 💓💓 hope you'll find the strength and confidence to keep writing. we love what you do and will alwaysssss support you ❤️
thank you sm! your message made me super happy; it truly means a lot to me to have you say all of these nice things about my writing <3
hi! i was wondering on what app you do your socmed aus :) social dummy is not rlly working anymore
hi! i know, i was so sad about social dummy — it’s still my favorite because it had the most options. i’m now using social maker, which is good too but unfortunately you can only ever have one main character so sometimes you have to work around it, which sucks. all in all, it’s a decent app, though i think it’s only available for ios :)
lol just remembered you tweeted to look out for something on ao3 last week and ofc you never posted it this is why ppl lost interest in reading your stuff you’re always saying you’re gonna do something and never end up doing it
i went back to edit once more. it’ll be up tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. you can be annoyed about not getting something you’ll be reading for free on time but you don’t need to be so rude. i read messages like yours and wonder why you think it’s a good idea to click send
hello lara my pretty princess please reconsider what u said about your last AU I was sooo invested !! the story is just beginning maybe you should wait for a couple more updates to see if more people are interested ? also you don't have to make it super long if the lack of interaction annoys you maybe around 50 tweets or something :( I think it's too bad to not finish it but eventually I understand that it is your decision to make <33 I support you anyways. have a good day we miss u on twitter
hi! first of all, thank you for this message. I’m happy you liked the au enough to be sad about it ending <3 I understand where you’re coming from, but I’m just sooo tired of constantly whining about not getting feedback, and even more tired of feeling sad every time I post an update. I remember having such a great time writing all the other aus because of how much people interacted with them, so now I’m extra sad when people don’t because I worry I might not be as good at writing anymore. plus, it made me so sad when I posted that update that said I’d not write this au anymore got the most feedback of all the other updates I spent hours working on lol. maybe in the future I’ll get back to finishing this au or write any others but right now, I’m just honestly tired of twitter. again, thank you for this message! I appreciate it a lot ❤️
your new AU seems so fun☺️☺️ is it going to be short or long ?
yay! i’m happy you think so. short! :)
i love your writing so much!!! i would say you’re my fav au writer. i don’t know how you do it but you nail the giddiness and describe emotions and the atmosphere, in general, so well. i’m always entranced by your stories + i feel that the fact that you don’t post everything all at once helps build expectation and by the time you post again I AM READY
thank you!! i’ve been rereading your message these past two days and it’s made me so happy each time i opened it, so thank you so much. i’m happy you like my writing and i know you said you didn’t mind the time in between updates but ugh i do lol but yeah, i’m happy it apparently doesn’t take anything away from your reading pleasure :) once again: thank you! ❤️
currently reading your new au and can i just say that you always describe the actual feeling of being attracted to someone - especially in those moments when you're flirting, leading up to something - so fucking well. like it's visceral. you're one of the few people i've seen who take the time and effort to describe that feeling and it makes your writing so much more tangible. and that's why i can't wait for your every update and am also very much looking forward to when you post your full actual fic that you've been teasing ❤️
thank you so much! i can’t tell you how happy your message made me; nothing feels better than having people say they actually feel what the characters experience so thank you once again! about the ao3 fic: chapter 1 is finished and will be posted this weekend if i manage to properly go over it one more time just to make sure everything reads well. i am optimistic though :) ❤️
laraaaaa can u pls accept my follow request on twtr. I miss your aus so muchhhh :((((
have fun reading :)
also, do you take prompts ? like if i send a prompt would you consider writing it ? I saw something on the tl and i thought about you. i think you could write a really good story out of it :)
and yes! if there’s something you think might be interesting, please send it to me. i’ll happily see what i can do ❤️
everything about the call boy AU is so great. ive read it many many times but i still get butterflies 🥺 i would love a sequel if you're down for it ♡
thank you sooo much! that means a lot to me :) i don’t know about a sequel but i have lots of other works planned so hopefully you’ll find something else i will write that you’ll like as much as the callboy au ❤️
So sad, I'm gonna miss the tinder babies 😭😭 but on the plus side I'm happy they finally resolved the misunderstanding and will live happily 🫶💜
hi! thank you so much —you’re the only person who sent me a message about the au ending, so yours means a lot to me. i’m happy you liked tinder au jikook and yes, they’re only going to have great communication and fall even more in love now that they’re actually getting to know each other ❤️
Letting you know you follow this person who is teaming up with people who were saying awful things about jm during the release of face in order to block D-Day
thanks for letting me know. i hadn’t seen any of those tweets of theirs :/
I enjoyed your call boy / idol au so much! Spent all day reading because I couldn't put it down. 🥰
oh thank you! i’m so happy you liked it ❤️
when does the AU end? i'm looking forward to new updates!!!!
today! it’s only a few more. i’ll start writing a new au pretty much right after though :)
is the ao3 fix you're writing the kitty gang one? or is it the exes to lovers ?
it’s the exes to lovers fic! i’ve kind of grown a bit tired of the kitty gang one for now 😭
Jm and Jk are so so cute ❤️. Thank you for updating, you don't understand how much it makes my day
thank you! and yes, lol, they’ve both been pining so much for each other 😭
such idiots !!!