When Does The AU End? I'm Looking Forward To New Updates!!!!
when does the AU end? i'm looking forward to new updates!!!!
today! it’s only a few more. i’ll start writing a new au pretty much right after though :)
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Jm and Jk are so so cute ❤️. Thank you for updating, you don't understand how much it makes my day
thank you! and yes, lol, they’ve both been pining so much for each other 😭
Hey! I read your AUs on Twitter. I like all the update as I read them, when I get back to those same updates my likes have disappeared. Is there a setting I need to change? Are they actually removing my likes from your posts? I love showing appreciation through likes and I want to be sure my likes actually stay.
hi! first of all, thank you, that’s super sweet and i’m happy you like my writing :) i’m not sure why your likes would disappear, unfortunately. twitter has been a bit of a mess lately (thanks elon) so maybe it’s that. honestly getting a message like yours makes up for any disappearing likes though ❤️
hello lara my pretty princess please reconsider what u said about your last AU I was sooo invested !! the story is just beginning maybe you should wait for a couple more updates to see if more people are interested ? also you don't have to make it super long if the lack of interaction annoys you maybe around 50 tweets or something :( I think it's too bad to not finish it but eventually I understand that it is your decision to make <33 I support you anyways. have a good day we miss u on twitter
hi! first of all, thank you for this message. I’m happy you liked the au enough to be sad about it ending <3 I understand where you’re coming from, but I’m just sooo tired of constantly whining about not getting feedback, and even more tired of feeling sad every time I post an update. I remember having such a great time writing all the other aus because of how much people interacted with them, so now I’m extra sad when people don’t because I worry I might not be as good at writing anymore. plus, it made me so sad when I posted that update that said I’d not write this au anymore got the most feedback of all the other updates I spent hours working on lol. maybe in the future I’ll get back to finishing this au or write any others but right now, I’m just honestly tired of twitter. again, thank you for this message! I appreciate it a lot ❤️
laraaaaa can u pls accept my follow request on twtr. I miss your aus so muchhhh :((((
have fun reading :)
so happy to see you writing again 💓💓 hope you'll find the strength and confidence to keep writing. we love what you do and will alwaysssss support you ❤️
thank you sm! your message made me super happy; it truly means a lot to me to have you say all of these nice things about my writing <3