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Weight loss cat!
You’ve been visited by the weight loss kitty, it’s cheering for you.
You’ll lose more than 10 lbs this month, the cat believes.
Reblog to activate!

I accidentally created the most soothing drink in the world after trying to recreate the hot honey drink in Ponyo! I guarantee it will remove all stress and troubles, I’ve had like 3 today because it makes me so happy

What it’s like:
this man adores you
all he wants to do is make you happy
and he succeeds
he has never really made you cry
and whenever you’re upset, who is there to comfort you?
it’s always Johnny
he’ll try to teach you how to skateboard
and he wouldn’t let go of you, even if you got the hang of it
you like to steal his shirts and jackets
he’ll do ‘Johnny’s Fashion Evaluation” on your outfit whenever you’re wearing something of his
you’re both 100% trusting of each other, so there isn’t really much room for jealousy
if he does happen to get jealous, he is very respectful
he likes to show your relationship off
to the boys
to the nctzens
to his family
to every one

he is the big spoon
you tried to be the big spoon once and it just wasn’t working for either of you
he is not afraid to show how he feels about you
with PDA it would be mostly quick, gentle pecks and kisses on the forehead
he likes to hold doors for you
walk beside you with your hand in his
and hug you a lot
when the two of you are alone, things get more heated
the kisses become longer and he is more handsy
whenever you are cuddling with him, he kisses you
not once does a cuddle session not have a little making out

Sexy time:
i see Johnny having a pretty high sex drive
and he can be very dominant
he likes to tease you
and mark your body
he would leave bruises and bite marks on your skin
spanking would be a big thing for him as well

arguments with him are very rare
you only argue about things that are actually a problem
they aren’t petty arguments
if you want to give him the silent treatment, it won’t end well for you
he will make you hash it out with him
he doesn’t stay mad at you for long, though and he always wants to have a rational conversation to fix things
one time the fight got so heated that you almost broke up and he lost his shit
so they never get like that anymore

When he’s away:
he calls you all the time
and facetimes you
but when he doesn’t have time to facetime or call you
he will record a video of his before he goes to sleep (or some other time during the day)
he misses you a lot but doesn’t really show it through his actions because he is so busy
but he will tell you
during phone calls
in his video messages
he thinks about you a lot - even if he’s busy, he makes time
he likes to bring you a few gifts from the places he’s been

Being with Johnny is a smooth ride. He is a big child though, and sometimes you wonder if you’re dating him or if you’re raising him. The two of you are like the ‘class clowns’ of NCT and make everyone laugh. He’s a great boyfriend through and through💕