mintvender - Forest Of Oasis
Forest Of Oasis

- something that provides refuge, relief, or pleasant contrast Mint + LavenderMint/Yumeko | She/Her | Writer | Stories | Strong Female Lead Writings | Beta-Readers-Shortage | Guide

107 posts

Would You Guys Prefer Regular Chapters That Come Out Regularly (chap/2-3 Week) Or Longer Ones That Takes

Would you guys prefer regular chapters that come out regularly (chap/2-3 week) or longer ones that takes longer and are irregular?

I prefer longer ones :D

Interesting... I guess each option comes with their own pros & cons. I also prefer the longer ones since that would allow the plot to be more in depth.

Thanks, hun. I’ll keep that in mind. 🌿 💚💚

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More Posts from Mintvender

3 years ago

No specific reason, I just like the flower! I have one in my room lol

And about the personality, I don't really mind, Probably because I have a friend kinda similar.

Also, I can agree. If the merchant to meet Taehyung, I'm already having so many possible scenarios

-🌹 Anon

I also like the flower; from the beauty surrounded by thorns to the passionate meaning, the flower has a special place in my inventory.

Y/n must have a weakness in some way other the other right, so why not have them sucked at conveying their feelings. It provides me opportunities to create ✨ drama 🎭 ✨, even if the upcoming chapters will already be messy on its own ( ohh was that a spoiler 🙂 ).

With the both of them present in one scene, there will be no chance of it ever being a peaceful one, cause:

Cheeky Tiger + Sly Minx = CHAOS

BTW, how is the plot going? Are the chapters too long or short? I’m planning something so just wanted an input since it will be quite lengthy.

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3 years ago


hi guys! i dont normally make posts like this, but i feel like i need to speak out due to the platform i have on this app. recently, i’m sure you’ve been made aware of the violent and disgusting covid-based hate crimes targeted towards asians lately, not only in america, but pretty much everywhere. this type of behavior towards someone based on their race or ethnicity is absolutely inexcusable and vile. whether the attacks are micro-aggressions or physical assault, it is still harming the asian community and further associating asians with covid-19.

while this post may be informative, i am still white passing, meaning i have not experienced racism targeted towards me before. i can only provide so much information, as i have not been the target of racism-fueled attacks. i highly recommend that you read other resources written by bipoc in order to get a better understanding of what’s happening!

what can you do to help?

firstly, if you see a person getting attacked (verbally, physically, etc.) protect them! calmly intervene if it is safe for you to do so or inform the nearest authority figure near you.

reprimand your peers for their racism! racism comes in all shapes and form; it doesn’t just boil down to hate crimes and slurs. racist stereotypes you may think are ‘jokes’, micro-aggressions, and even drawing harmful assumptions on a person just because of their race are all examples of racism.

amplify asian voices! the asian community is speaking up against the surge of hate crimes, however, a lot of it is covered by media and algorithms! do research, listen to podcasts, watch interviews, repost, etc! the asian community is speaking, we have to listen.

use your privilege for the better. if you are white or white passing, it’s a given that you are born with more privileges based off of your appearance. while this privilege is unfair, we can still use our privileges for the better. if you see someone being discriminated against do not be afraid to speak up and say something! protect anyone you witness being the victim of racism-fueled aggression. use your platform to speak up about hate crimes!!

do not speak over bipoc voices! do not dismiss it if a bipoc person is telling you they would feel more comfortable if you did or didn’t do something; listen if they tell you a certain thing you or another person said or did was racist or wrong; let them use their voice! you can do this by allowing them to speak up on your platform (no matter the size), supporting them if they make a post or statement surrounding their experience as a bipoc, or just by listening to them!

finally, here are some resources that you should go read/support that will help you understand what is happening to the asian community and how you can help! this brief post i’ve made is only the tip of the iceberg, there is so much more you can do!

important + informational websites and articles

- report instances of hate crimes

- bystander intervention training

- learn about america’s long history of scapegoating its asian citizens

- ‘model minority’ myth

- the importance of asian and black solidarity

- stop covid-19 disinformation

- how you can help curb the surge of anti-asian violence

- what you can do about anti-asian violence


- stop aapi hate

- hate is a virus

- act to change

- asian americans advancing justice

- national council of asian pacific americans

- asian leaders alliance


- support the cause against anti-asian violence

- gofundme for vicha ratanapakdee

- (please message or send an ask if you have a personal gofundme or know of another gofundme surrounding this issue that you’d like me to add)

due to the fact that i am american, a lot of the resources are targeted more towards helping asian-americans. if you’re not from the states and have resources that could help support the asian community somewhere else, i highly recommend that you provide it whether it be in your own post or a reblog of this post!

please amplify asian voices! this post is not as informative as the ones i’ve linked and other posts that the asian community has made! please support those!!


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3 years ago


Would you guys prefer regular chapters that come out regularly (chap/2-3 week) or longer ones that takes longer and are irregular?

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3 years ago

Wouldn’t this be fun? 🌿

Fanfic Writers: Director’s Cut

Reblog this if you want readers to come into your ask box and ask for the “director’s commentary” on a particular story, section of a story, or set of lines. 

Or, send in a ⭐star⭐  to have the author select a section they’ve been dying to talk about!

3 years ago

The length is perfect! Not too long nor too short! 💯

-🌹 Anon

Thanks, hun. Really appreciate it. Makes my deadline easier to swallow.

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