miss-conner3 - miss_conner3

1) Instagram 2) Twitter 3) Archive of Our Own 4) Deviantart I love stories / I like to draw / I want to write / My hobby is putting together AU's in my mind. Currently with 25 years old.

477 posts

En Espaol: Aqu

En Espaol: Aqu

En Español: Aquí

Ladybug landed triumphantly on the roofs of one of the many buildings surrounding it, with the light source the beautiful Eiffel Tower, highlighting dazzling under the black cloak of night.

But she had not come here to get lost in one of the charms of the city of Paris, and ignoring its splendor turned to the shadows over the rooftops. Playing a little with his yoyo between his fingers, while trying to locate bright eyes of his companion in the dark.

-¿Chat? –I’m called giving a tired sigh, the yoyo walked around and return to the palm of your hand, wrinkled nose and a little exasperated- if this is some kind of joke...

A decided turn to leave the place he, countless times had been the same, Chat Noir and should know that she was no longer for her pranks childish. And just today, she was not in the mood to walk sportando this.

As soon as she turned around, twirling his yoyo again, a rapid appearance of a blond locks blocking for a moment his vision before meeting with bright eyes of your partner glinting of happiness and fun.

Chat Noir.                                                                                              

-Ah, but look who has decided to appear –smiled sarcastically Ladybug and stopping the movement of your yoyo, folded his arms and his look she hardened- ¿do you have any idea what time it is?

-In effect, my lady –laughed Chat Noir swinging her loose hair off the floor, I was upside down and close to the face of her mistress, who just frown deepened- What hard gaze, but of this mode, it seems that still smiles.

Ladybug closed his eyes for a moment and to laugh. Chat smiled triumphantly at her embarrassment, she sighed again before looking again, a little more relaxed.

-I missed you -whisper Chat shifting his gaze to an abandoned puppy, eager for his attention.

So cute, thought Marinette.

-¿What I want to tell my little pussycat? –replied caressing her cheeks, carried away by the moment, I hear almost Chat purring.

-That my lady shared my suffering and thanks to this meeting which restored the lost hope after our last goodbye… –Chat smiled closing his eyes and leaving pamper.

-I barely been a day –I scold Ladybug his infatuated kitten.

Chat could be a romantic,  but he was also an exasperating cat lover that never leaving her in peace.

-And he felt like eternity, my lady –Chat purred watching her with those intense and anxious eyes.

The same look he ran a second before redden.

-Oh, cherie –corresponds affectionate to their intentions- I also missed you.

-I did most –hummed Chat smiling widely.

-It's not a competition, Chat –cut she before of to immerse themselves in a intensive discussion about this again.

-His love is something worth winning –Chat replied with a flirty look.

-And very easy to lose –tease Ladybug achieving what he the be surprised.

-¡My lady! –Chat complains with anguish.

Giggled, she was already finding the fun, stroked her neck and approached his face.

-Did not the said... seriously, ¿right? –Chat whisper giving a small pout.

-¿And what do you think? –him asked with a soft smile.

This time it fell to Chat Noir to blush.                                

-What... is so beautiful I can not remember –Chat replied shyly, because of the closeness to of his face and his lips.

She smiled a little more.

She always manages to have it where I wanted him.

-Silly cat –whispered before responding to the desires of your heart.

And immerse them in a sweet silence.


hi, what up?

well, I had proposed this days ago but could not find the time or the idea on how to express how much I love this couple =D

why, come on, they are perfect for each other X3

  • cats-of-instagram
    cats-of-instagram liked this · 8 years ago
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    goncagnd96-blog liked this · 8 years ago

More Posts from Miss-conner3

8 years ago
Well, Once I Said That She Was A Florist, I Hope To Have More Of My Dear Kitten With Another Bouquet

Well, once I said that she was a florist, I hope to have more of my dear kitten with another bouquet of different flowers It has been a while since you draw Phoebe I went better (although somewhat rare) since the last time the draw I need help putting your lenses XT I hope you like it!

En Español:

bueno, una vez dije que ella era florista, espero tener más de mi querida gatita con otro ramo de flores diferentes

ha pasado un tiempo desde que dibuje a Phoebe

mi salió mejor (aunque un poco rara) desde la última vez que la dibuje

necesito ayuda para colocar sus lentes XTespero les guste!

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8 years ago
My First Gif:http://suu-itogaru.deviantart.com/art/GIF-Petit-Lapin-654625526And Whom Did I Choose?Well

My first gif: http://suu-itogaru.deviantart.com/art/GIF-Petit-Lapin-654625526 ¿And whom did I choose? Well to my adored Oc of Miraculous Ladybug: Juliette as Petit Lapin along with his little kwami Jaune I hope you like it!

En Español:

mi primer gif: http://suu-itogaru.deviantart.com/art/GIF-Petit-Lapin-654625526

¿Y a quién elegí?

Pues a mi adorada Oc de Miraculous Ladybug: Juliette como Petit Lapin junto con su pequeña kwami Jaune

espero les guste!

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8 years ago
In English: Here

In English: Here

yo quería dibujar un conejo, pero para descansar un momento de Juliette, quedo algo parecida a Judy (de Zootopia)

así, que al verla tan linda, decidí que sería mi segundo Oc de la película Zootopia

se llama: Julie Bardon

Y está es su historia:

“Es una cariñosa y fiel conejita que nació en las Madrigueras dentro de una amorosa y numerosa familia, siendo ella la hija menor, se trasladó a Zootopia debido a sus estudios. Estudia medicina.

Es una conejita muy tímida (y "algo" nerviosa), debido al complejo de hermana menor, pero muy observadora con todo lo que le rodea.

Ella desea ser más segura de sí misma algún día y llegar a ser alguien en el mundo.

A pesar de ser pequeña, tiene grandes sueños.

Y espera que en un futuro su vida vaya a mejorar.”

espero les guste!

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8 years ago
"Please ... Just One?"

"Please ... just one?"

Christmas is coming and I had to do something about it

So call my dear Juliette to solve that

¿Who wants to be the first? =D

 En Español:

"Por favor... solo uno?"

se acerca la Navidad y tenía que hacer algo al respecto

así que llame a mi querida Juliette para resolver eso

¿quién quiere ser el primero? =D

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8 years ago
In English: Here

In English: Here

una vez me planteé esta idea... pero en ese momento dije "ñe, demasiado pronto" pero luego, me enamore de un abrigo color amarillo y pensé que se le vería bien a Juliette, entonces la dibuje... ...con unos años de más XP

“Juliette Bisset, 18 años, después de su dolorosa despedida de París a los 15 años de edad se planteo el objetivo de regresar. París se había convertido en un segundo hogar para ella... al igual que en su responsabilidad. Y además de eso, ella jamás dejaría solo a su pareja.”

eso es todo lo que tengo hasta ahora cualquier queja, sugerencia o opinión lo pueden dejar en los comentarios (claro, si quieren) y que tengan buen día! =D

P.D: su cabello natural es marrón, pero mantuvo las puntas rubias >u<

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