1) Instagram 2) Twitter 3) Archive of Our Own 4) Deviantart I love stories / I like to draw / I want to write / My hobby is putting together AU's in my mind. Currently with 25 years old.
477 posts
Miss-conner3 - Miss_conner3 - Tumblr Blog
Excuse me miss.
May I ask, What did Ando thoughts were about their relation with Andy?
Cause, come on! They even slept together, something had to be there.
Anyways, the comic was so cute (Most of it, cause the last part just increased my wishes of seeing that sheep served as lambchops) and I love Andy even more now, that dog deserves something better.
Love ur art, drink water.
I'm glad to know that, I've been working on that comic for weeks and I'm happy that a lot of people liked it (>u<)
And of course, I love questions (ouo)
Let's see...
According to Ando, Andy was his spouse.
Andy proposed marriage and he accepted. They celebrated the wedding. He fulfilled.
But on the other hand, Andy was, at best, a friend. A friendly face that managed to console him from his long and tedious crusades. A reliable companion to whom he could delegate difficult tasks such as gathering supplies or pleasantly integrating new followers.
Andy was a good support and a good listener. Loyal and obedient.
Andy was a good follower.
That's why Ando couldn't reject him.
Ando began the cult with a small mare and the intermittent assistance of Ratau. Thanks to him he learned to work in the large territory that the odious deity deigned to give him, but he was given nothing more than that.
With most of the Red Crown's power blocked and a mouth to feed, Ando was forced to go out, facing the hateful death that seemed to lurk around every corner. Bringing barely enough so that his only follower could survive.
Each journey was accompanied by the constant threat of low faith, disloyalty, and dissatisfaction with the few comforts Ando could barely provide.
Like a bed of leaves under the night sky and a kitchen whose only function paled in the absence of food.
The temple had barely begun its construction.
Ando needed help and support, but at the same time, he could not afford to bring more people.
The disappointment of the previous bearer made him know that he could not count on him either, beyond occasional help and some practical advice.
And Ando couldn't blame him. No.
If he had had the option... he too...
His cult was not in a position to accept more people.
At least, for a while.
His second follower was the first boss of the Chaos Bishop; things calmed down a bit, and Ando achieved enough stability within the cult to consider bringing in a new follower.
And he found Andy.
He saved him from being sacrificed by heretics, took him by the hand, and told him that everything would be okay. And Andy believed him, despite his tired look and his multiple wounds, and agreed to be sent to the cult.
He disappeared behind the teleportation portal, and when Ando returned, Andy was the first to greet him. With praise and happiness.
It was the best thing he had brought to the cult after all Ando had been dealing with.
Andy was a comfort.
But if Ando is honest, if he had the option to do things differently, he would have done so.
Because, despite his actions, Ando never intended to hurt Andy. Or anyone.
Except, of course… Narinder.
This doesn't justify it, but I hope I've given some context to your question (ouo)
There's a lot more I want to say about this, but I'll leave it at that for now.
¡Thanks for asking!
¿You know? Since I've done my angst with my sheep and his puppy, I think it's the turn of a certain lamb of mine and his kitten (ouo)

En Español: Aquí
“The Only One”
Being the leader's first spouse was an experience that Andy could never forget.
If only that could have lasted… a little longer.
Based on an answer to a question I received (ouo)/
The lyrics were taken from the song “I Can Read Your Mind” by The Orion Experience, which fit perfectly with what I wanted to express here <(owo)>
Although I feel like I missed the opportunity to make an animatic about it... What a pity, it will be for the next time.
¡I hope you like it!
Extra: Textless version, because you know, they look pretty like this too (owo)

¡Hi! Apparently, I've been on this account for 9 years now, and Tumblr reminded me of that XD
And I noticed it quite late haha… oh…
I don't have a drawing for the occasion, buuut I can share a little about my upcoming drawings to at least acknowledge it.
But I'll just show you a little bit, ¿okay? <(UuO)>

I have a few more things, but these are closer to finishing since I have the habit of trying to finish my most worked drawings or I don't do anything.
Although in this case, I came up with 3 drawings.
So if I'm not posting anything, it's because I'm drawing, and well, I draw slowly (owo)/
Anyway, thanks for reading this.
¡And good night!
Sometimes I want a cat and a sheep to kiss each other. And that's usually not a problem.
Then I remember I have two sheep...

En Español: Aquí
"About Ages and Other Trifles"
Trying one of my drawing styles to make a physical comparison between my two sheep, since my usual COTL style doesn't make it very evident <(UuU)>
Although I could only point out the obvious XD
Like Ando is thin, and the lamb is thicker, among other things.
Like the bones.
But anyway, it's about time I mentioned their ages, ¿right? (ouo)
¡Hope you like it!
are you still in with mk dad au?
any new ideas you think or comics?
Hello (ouo)/
I'm sorry to say that for now, MK Dad AU is on hiatus (U.U)
And it's not because I lack ideas, but because, at the moment, I don't have much interest, and I don't know when I'll get back to it. But I can share with you some sketches I made before I became obsessed with COTL.
Because yeah, I'm a little into that right now hehe...
But anyway, here are some of the sketches I made based on some little ideas I had at the time:
A little interaction with the main MK clones, although I didn't get around to drawing all of them.

I was still figuring out how to draw Lego style. I think that's part of the reason I left it unfinished because by then I had already changed the way I drew them.

¿Can you guess who this last one was? (ouo)
A little interaction between DingBang and his little brother Mao. I think this was intended to be a small animatic or some comic.

These little guys wanted to make a video of their dad to sell for candy or something XD
I think I still have that idea written down somewhere…
Some outfit designs for MK.

Repeating this pose because I liked it for MK (owo)
Some appearances of the mother. (I just remembered I had this.)

This was closer to being finished, but I didn't finish it because... I was embarrassed (owo)
¿What do you think? ¿Do I finish it?
The children. This was a letter of introduction.
They are ordered from oldest to youngest: Dishi, 13 years old, DingBang, 12 years old, Hao, 10 years old, Mao, 8 years old, and BaoBao, 5 years old.

This one just needed a proper background and some corrections to the text, and it would be done.
Uhm… I could (U-U)
But well, this would be all I have saved and boy did it have some interesting things (ouo)
And that's without getting to scribble down all the ideas I had for this AU, but well, only time will tell if I'll come back to it...
I want to believe so, but I don't promise anything.
Anyway, ¡thanks for asking! \(OvO)/
Could you tell us more about the relationship between Ando and Andy? They’re adorable.
¿What can I say to you? (ouo)
It was a pretty sweet relationship, according to Andy; from the day he rescued him until the day he accepted his heart, Andy felt loved and appreciated like no one else in the cult.
Until Ando returned from a crusade, their marriage was perfect.
If only that could have lasted a little longer than 3 days.
Things wouldn't have had to end... the way they did.
Someday I'll show you what happened, but for now, this is all (owo)
¡Thanks for asking!

En Español: Aquí
“¿What's up?”
Looking through my sketches, I found these cute expressions, and since I didn't want to erase them, I painted them and ended up turning them into this little GIF (ouo)
If you look closely, you will notice the other two expressions (7v7)
¡I hope you like it!
Extra: I also share my lamb's expressions, just because yes (owo)

En Español: Aquí
I love the contrast between my two AUs, especially their endings, since they are or will be very different from each other.
I'll just tell you that /(>v<)\
The lyrics were taken from the song "Angel with a Shotgun" by The Cab.
¡I hope you like it!
Extra: Textless version, just for my personal taste (//ouo//)

Just imagine that…
Big gods who have equally big disciples (OoO)
I can almost imagine Shamura saying, "Disciples used to be as imposing as the deities they served… sigh… but those were the old days..."
I think I have an idea.
Crosses (COTL)
This may have some spoilers for the Unholy Alliance update, specifically the Pilgrim Pack part…
One thought I had after seeing Jalala's comic is that the crosses on the bishops' heads were more like… ¿arrows that were stuck in their heads than ornamental ornaments?
Let me explain, there is a part where Chemach tells her story and in some of her flashbacks I thought I saw a giant with his head pierced with something that looked like a very long cross and that cross looked similar to the bishops'. At least at the tip.
Someone, I don't remember who, commented that divine wounds never heal and when bishops become followers those crosses are still there…
Maybe it's not relevant.
But I wanted to share this idea since I haven't been able to get it out of my head.
¿What do you think?
It may be, although the first thing I thought when I saw the giant was that he was a "disciple", since now the disciples gain a halo to show their role.
Crosses (COTL)
This may have some spoilers for the Unholy Alliance update, specifically the Pilgrim Pack part…
One thought I had after seeing Jalala's comic is that the crosses on the bishops' heads were more like… ¿arrows that were stuck in their heads than ornamental ornaments?
Let me explain, there is a part where Chemach tells her story and in some of her flashbacks I thought I saw a giant with his head pierced with something that looked like a very long cross and that cross looked similar to the bishops'. At least at the tip.
Someone, I don't remember who, commented that divine wounds never heal and when bishops become followers those crosses are still there…
Maybe it's not relevant.
But I wanted to share this idea since I haven't been able to get it out of my head.
¿What do you think?
Crosses (COTL)
This may have some spoilers for the Unholy Alliance update, specifically the Pilgrim Pack part…
One thought I had after seeing Jalala's comic is that the crosses on the bishops' heads were more like… ¿arrows that were stuck in their heads than ornamental ornaments?
Let me explain, there is a part where Chemach tells her story and in some of her flashbacks I thought I saw a giant with his head pierced with something that looked like a very long cross and that cross looked similar to the bishops'. At least at the tip.
Someone, I don't remember who, commented that divine wounds never heal and when bishops become followers those crosses are still there…
Maybe it's not relevant.
But I wanted to share this idea since I haven't been able to get it out of my head.
¿What do you think?
¿Podrías contarnos más cosas sobre Andy? Como, ¿Por qué cambió tan drásticamente? Me encantó su concepto
Muchas gracias, me hace feliz saber eso (>u<)
Bueno esa es una historia que me gustaría contar aparte, debido a que toca una de las tramas principales del AU de “The Hard Way”, pero aquí respondí un poco sobre la razón de su comportamiento (ouo)/
Espero te sirva.
*Rise the hand to do a question*
Excuse me miss, Will your Au be focused especifically after Ando’s arrival or will it touch to like all the game lore and the postgame relations with the emo cat and the bishops?
Also, talking about the swap Au, Andy looks sooo cute. If Ando made something that hurt them, no matter in wich way, then that lamb should be crucified, cooked, and served as lambchops.
That had been the plan.
Originally, the whole story was going to revolve around Ando and his arrival at the cult and how he was going to adapt… but I realized that I also wanted to explore other things besides that.
Like, for example, the process of Ando's resurrection, the aftermath of the descent of the divinity of the lamb, some internal conflicts with Narinder, and something related to the red crown.
I don't know if I'll put the whole story of the game, although most likely I will, since I have something related to one of the bishops, so... we'll see.
Lamb chops XD
Thanks, I'm glad to know that Andy has received a lot of love from everyone besides his pathetic husband (>v<)
Look how happy he looks too hehe

As for your question…
Ando was a quite capable and intelligent bearer of the red crown, being cautious in his every move, as his time as well as the life imposed on him were not things he was willing to waste.
So every decision he made was made in order to increase his strength and power, so that only then could he face Narinder at his maximum capacity.
Unfortunately, this strategy did not take his followers into account.
To Ando, they were people whose lives were placed under his care, and while he did not despise them, he saw them as needy and fickle in their loyalty and faith. So he only focused on fulfilling his role and abiding by whatever their wishes were, whether they were food, shelter, or love.
So because of that way of thinking, Ando ended up making a mistake.
A mistake that Andy never let him forget.
I'm quite tempted to draw the events that led to their tense dynamic, as well as how it also contributed to the ending that Ando imposed on his own world |vO)
Now that I mention it, I could do it.
¡Thanks for asking! (ouo)/

¡Thank you very much for the gift! (OvO)/
And with this, we finally close this little kissing booth. Thanks to those who dared to participate, I really had a lot of fun (>u<)
¡See you later!

Context: As Ando begins to think about the repercussions of accepting a follower's request, the lamb prepares to receive his first client… hoping that his announcement has gone unnoticed.
“Kissing Booth of the Cult of the Two Sheep” Located in a common tent and managed by the lamb and his older brother, it offers kisses, hugs, and hand-holding. All for the modest price of 5,000 gold coins. Any species is welcome. But it is warned not to exceed the limits already mentioned unless one of the two sheep agrees.
Reblog and participate in this curious booth.
Don't miss it 6(Ou<)9

¡AAWAWA! ¡So cute! (OoO)
Of course, here's a super fluffy hug for 5,000 gold coins.
¡Hope you like it! (>v<)/

Context: As Ando begins to think about the repercussions of accepting a follower's request, the lamb prepares to receive his first client… hoping that his announcement has gone unnoticed.
“Kissing Booth of the Cult of the Two Sheep” Located in a common tent and managed by the lamb and his older brother, it offers kisses, hugs, and hand-holding. All for the modest price of 5,000 gold coins. Any species is welcome. But it is warned not to exceed the limits already mentioned unless one of the two sheep agrees.
Reblog and participate in this curious booth.
Don't miss it 6(Ou<)9

We suppose so (ouo)
So here's a hug for the cost of a golden follower head that will be valued at 5,000 gold coins.
We're making that estimate because we're not sure how much a gold-plated head would cost.
¡I hope you like it!

Context: As Ando begins to think about the repercussions of accepting a follower's request, the lamb prepares to receive his first client… hoping that his announcement has gone unnoticed.
“Kissing Booth of the Cult of the Two Sheep” Located in a common tent and managed by the lamb and his older brother, it offers kisses, hugs, and hand-holding. All for the modest price of 5,000 gold coins. Any species is welcome. But it is warned not to exceed the limits already mentioned unless one of the two sheep agrees.
Reblog and participate in this curious booth.
Don't miss it 6(Ou<)9

Without money there are no kisses.
But thanks for coming (^u^)/

Context: As Ando begins to think about the repercussions of accepting a follower's request, the lamb prepares to receive his first client… hoping that his announcement has gone unnoticed.
“Kissing Booth of the Cult of the Two Sheep” Located in a common tent and managed by the lamb and his older brother, it offers kisses, hugs, and hand-holding. All for the modest price of 5,000 gold coins. Any species is welcome. But it is warned not to exceed the limits already mentioned unless one of the two sheep agrees.
Reblog and participate in this curious booth.
Don't miss it 6(Ou<)9

The brothers are a bit small, but they will do what they can \(ouo)/
So here's a hug for Feannor for 5,000 gold coins.
¡Hope you like it! (>u<)/

Context: As Ando begins to think about the repercussions of accepting a follower's request, the lamb prepares to receive his first client… hoping that his announcement has gone unnoticed.
“Kissing Booth of the Cult of the Two Sheep” Located in a common tent and managed by the lamb and his older brother, it offers kisses, hugs, and hand-holding. All for the modest price of 5,000 gold coins. Any species is welcome. But it is warned not to exceed the limits already mentioned unless one of the two sheep agrees.
Reblog and participate in this curious booth.
Don't miss it 6(Ou<)9

Happy to provide hugs at the right price (owo)
So here's a hug for 10,000 gold coins.
¡Hope you like it!
Note: We're already halfway through, great (ouo)

Context: As Ando begins to think about the repercussions of accepting a follower's request, the lamb prepares to receive his first client… hoping that his announcement has gone unnoticed.
“Kissing Booth of the Cult of the Two Sheep” Located in a common tent and managed by the lamb and his older brother, it offers kisses, hugs, and hand-holding. All for the modest price of 5,000 gold coins. Any species is welcome. But it is warned not to exceed the limits already mentioned unless one of the two sheep agrees.
Reblog and participate in this curious booth.
Don't miss it 6(Ou<)9

It was time for the brothers to take a little break. Thank you very much for suggesting it (ouo)/
A tea break for 5,000 gold coins.
I hope you like it (Ou<)
¡Now back to work!

Context: As Ando begins to think about the repercussions of accepting a follower's request, the lamb prepares to receive his first client… hoping that his announcement has gone unnoticed.
“Kissing Booth of the Cult of the Two Sheep” Located in a common tent and managed by the lamb and his older brother, it offers kisses, hugs, and hand-holding. All for the modest price of 5,000 gold coins. Any species is welcome. But it is warned not to exceed the limits already mentioned unless one of the two sheep agrees.
Reblog and participate in this curious booth.
Don't miss it 6(Ou<)9

¡Our First Kiss! (OoO)
Note how the lamb is shocked to remember that they also offer kisses… Hahaha
A kiss for 5,000 gold coins for your goat.
I hope you like it (UvU)

Context: As Ando begins to think about the repercussions of accepting a follower's request, the lamb prepares to receive his first client… hoping that his announcement has gone unnoticed.
“Kissing Booth of the Cult of the Two Sheep” Located in a common tent and managed by the lamb and his older brother, it offers kisses, hugs, and hand-holding. All for the modest price of 5,000 gold coins. Any species is welcome. But it is warned not to exceed the limits already mentioned unless one of the two sheep agrees.
Reblog and participate in this curious booth.
Don't miss it 6(Ou<)9

They are happy and surprised that there are customers who are encouraged to buy at these prices XD
A hug for 5,000 gold coins for your lamb.
Thanks for coming! (OuO)/

Context: As Ando begins to think about the repercussions of accepting a follower's request, the lamb prepares to receive his first client… hoping that his announcement has gone unnoticed.
“Kissing Booth of the Cult of the Two Sheep” Located in a common tent and managed by the lamb and his older brother, it offers kisses, hugs, and hand-holding. All for the modest price of 5,000 gold coins. Any species is welcome. But it is warned not to exceed the limits already mentioned unless one of the two sheep agrees.
Reblog and participate in this curious booth.
Don't miss it 6(Ou<)9