misscutiebex - Rebecca

36 posts

I'm On My Kennash Spree Today. I Just Love Them

I'm on my Kennash spree today. I just love them đŸ˜­đŸ’œđŸ„”đŸ”„

do nsfw for kennash

All of them? Ooookay.

How often do they have sex, if at all? Maybe not daily, but pretty darn close. And sometimes (often) multiple times in a day. They’re basically rabbits but even cuter.

Who brings ideas? Who initiates? Kenna is more likely to have “interesting” ideas - more vivid imagination and all that. As for initiation, I’d say they’re about even.

Any kinks they clash on? Don’t think so.

Oddest place they’d have sex? A lesser garden, once or twice (Kenna swears it’s private, Bash is not totally sure she’s right but who the hell is he to say no to his lady).

Favourite positions? They go through a variety, I think. Routines are boring.

Dom/top? Sub/bottom? Any switches? Both of them are the switchiest little creatures ever, although he's slightly more likely to top on an average day.

Favourite erogenous zones? His hipbones, her waist.

Quickest turn ons? Immediate turn offs? Dirty talk is such a thing for them and the very moment one of them starts talking about what they’d like to do
 oy. As for turn-offs, it is never a good sign if past lovers accidentally get mentioned.

First to orgasm? Last to orgasm? Who comes the most? Does someone ever end up unfinished? She comes first and more frequently because he’s a gentleman like that (and because he loves going down on her and she loves that). But on a good session, multiple orgasms are had by both participants.

Favourite romantic gestures during sex/orgasm? He messes with her hair - she didn’t know she liked that but it’s kinda cute. She gets all octopus-like when she’s blissed-out.

How are their afterglows? Very sweet. They cuddle and sometimes talk about things that have nothing to do with what’s just happened.

Who’s loud? Who’s quiet? Does one try to make the other louder/quieter? How? He’s louder. She is totally cool with this. He’s determined to push her further but she’s not letting that happen easily.

Lights on or off? Do they look at each other? Or is someone embarrassed? Lights on, eye contact, everything. This is about them.

Open or closed relationship? Do they sometimes share? Very, very closed relationship. They’re territorial, bless them.

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More Posts from Misscutiebex

3 years ago
There HAS To Be A Reason For This

there HAS to be a reason for this

3 years ago
Bash, I Love You To Pieces But I Want To Throttle You! Lets See, You Basically Cant Forgive Kenna For
Bash, I Love You To Pieces But I Want To Throttle You! Lets See, You Basically Cant Forgive Kenna For
Bash, I Love You To Pieces But I Want To Throttle You! Lets See, You Basically Cant Forgive Kenna For

Bash, I love you to pieces but I want to throttle you! Let’s see, you basically can’t forgive Kenna for (a) loving your father at some point (b) playing games way back when which could have cost you your life. Both very reasonable reasons if you were on some other show and some other character!

You were clearly able to get over the fact that she was your father’s mistress. It wasn’t something hidden - everyone knew about it. Hell, the two of you discussed it! Back way when you gave her tips on keeping his attention! Your acceptance shouldn’t be something you do take-backs on! You can indicate all you like that it’s different because you now discover she also loved him and it wasn’t just for power except you blame her for ambitious/power-seeking actions as well (her plan to get rid of Diane). So you get pissed when she wants to keep Henry for status and get pissed if she loved him. She can’t win. 

Oh, and the whole ‘your plan could have got me killed’ - pick whether you are pissed because she was a woman in love OR because she was cold-blooded. You really can’t go for both. Not to mention that Bash, of all people, should understand doing shady things to achieve one’s goals - look at what he did to that poor cleric in the last ep, or that poor thief in s1! Pot, meet kettle. 

And even after she tries to explain what it’s like to be a woman in his world, he shuts her out.

Ultimately, what makes me so angry is that he got under Kenna’s shields. He told her to forget every other man except him, basically telling her that her past did not matter. And she trusted him and did. And then, in the last ep, he threw her past in her face. Badly done, Bash, badly done. 

3 years ago



gotta be the equivalent to this

3 years ago

1x19 Francis tries to enlist Bash for the war to get Calais back, but Bash has other things on his mind...

Francis: Bash, come on, we are going to war

Bash: (distracted) Hmm, sex?

Francis: Sex? Urgh. N-No, WAR as in fighting. Something you're good at and I need that right now

Bash: Hmm, I'm also good at sex and well, I need that right now. It's been months since I last got laid. And actually, looks like my schedule has suddenly been filled up for... the next three months


Bash: Do you understand what I'm trying to say?


Bash: I really hate to be doing this to you on such short notice but I'm taking my deserved vacation days. And my honeymoon time off. You know what? Throw in Christmas, I deserve a break, or three. Sorry, not sorry

Francis: Well, we will see who's the favourite son when I come back, shall we?

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3 years ago

so I got into grad school today with my shitty 2.8 gpa and the moral of the story is reblog those good luck posts for the love of god