mister-monster-guy - You know me, never a dull moment!
You know me, never a dull moment!

Used to be a roleplay blog with occasional art, now an art blog with occasional roleplay. * -------------- * Non-roleplay blog: Realwerewolveswearshirts

999 posts

"Well Hey There, Little Bud!"

"Well Hey There, Little Bud!"

"Well hey there, little bud!"

More Posts from Mister-monster-guy

11 years ago

-Fun and Goofy M!A Prompts-

Two Left Feet: The muse has very wobbly legs and can’t walk correctly for (anon decides the time).

Surprise!: What’s all this confetti for? Looks like your muse wants to plan a surprise party for (anon inserts other blog url here).

Corduroy Bear: As the muse was rummaging through some old belongings, they discovered their favorite childhood toy! They are very fond of it again and won’t go anywhere without it for (anon specifies time).

Beast Tongue: Your muse can now communicate with all the woodland creatures, but they’re also surrounded by said woodland creatures at all times for (anon specifies time).

In the name of the Moon, I shall punish you!: Your muse just had a spontaneous transformation into a Magical Girl/Boy, and they have to stay this way for (anon specifies time).

Snuggle Bug: The muse is very affectionate and wants to have platonic snuggles with other people for (anon specifies time).

Unleash the Inner Nerd: Your muse suddenly reveals that they’re a die-hard fan of a TV Show/Movie/Video Game/Fandom of the mun’s choice. Anon specifies how long the muse fervently geeks out about it, though.

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11 years ago

((Sorry for the late reply. I was busy. U.U))Sable head footsteps behind her and turned around,her eye color yellow.

(No worries, I understand.)

Monster quickly ducked out of sight through reflex, it was always hard to tell how new people would react to him. And do humans usually have yellow eyes? It seemed unusual, but who was he to judge.

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11 years ago

Sable turned back around."I swear I just saw somebody..."

It sounded like the girl was leaving, so he went to leave himself when- “Oof!” He tripped while trying to sneak off. Well, so much for that.

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11 years ago

"Is that an oversized plush toy?" Octodad asked, poking the Chesnaught's chest fur, "Or is it one of those weird uh, Pokeymans Tommy's friend was talking about?"

Uh oh. When Octodad touches something, we all know what happens…


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11 years ago

(And I have places to be, but I'll get back you y'all later.)

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