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Starting A Cult

Starting a Cult

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More Posts from Mix-feelingz

5 years ago

What’s your fantasy?

5 years ago


His breathing was heavy, as if he was saved from drowning. The grenette felt weak, extremely weak, it was a miracle that he’s even able to stand right now –although he couldn’t move or else he’ll fall, but he’s standing nonetheless.

 Why was he the one standing?

His vision was blurry, Izuku blacked out for a second there, now all he sees is are the debris and rubble surrounding him.

 Everything around him was close to being nothing, every single thing looked nothing to what it looked before.

 Of course it would end up like this.

 Izuku expected that much, most especially his fight is against him of all people. The greenette could predict the amount of damage he could do since the beginning of the fight. It would be much more surprising if they didn’t have at least destroyed the buildings in one block.

 Izuku’s vision started to clear a bit more, at the same time with the dust started to settle making everything clearer. Green orbs zeroed in to the figure lying on the ground, surrounded by a pool of blood.

 Their blood…

 At that moment, the tired feeling he felt left him.

 All of it.

 Even the pain from wounds, bruises and broken bones –although for that last one he’s quite used to that one…- were all gone in an instant. Instead, it was replaced with…

 Pure absolute rage.

 “W-why…?” Izuku rasped out, his voice almost gone due to the amount of screaming and shouting he did when he and the other fought. The greenette had that need to fight him with not only his strength and quirk but also to the amount of screaming. Don’t question him why, cause he also doesn’t know why he did that as well.

 Izuku, unknowingly, gathered the remaining strength he had in his body and took a stepped forward –shaking like a new born deer all the while- he staggered for a moment, knees shaking as he tried to regain his balance before taking another step, slowly but surely walking towards the figure on the ground.

 The greenette surprised himself that he walked, his legs worked completely on their own. But boy, he isn’t complaining for it.



 Pure rage was making his legs work right now. Makes sense.

 No wonder Kacchan is always angry. His energy is anger.

 His knees dug to the ground, not caring if his pants, white sleeves and vest are getting soaked from the splash when he fell to the ground. Izuku didn’t need to care about that right now. Not that he ever cared about it.

 He’ll have Kurogiri clean for him.

 Izuku grabbed the figure’s –the hero’s- shirt by the collar with his hands, hands quickly gripping tightly, threatening to break the hero’s costume, that famed black tight tank top with an orange X across it.

 Izuku’s jaw tightened, his anger overcoming him, trying to somewhat control it but he didn’t know how. He was never this angry before, never even showed it if he’s angry.

 Oh… that’s why…

 All the anger that he had in him was released all at once after years and years of all of it bottled up inside him. He didn’t mind, couldn’t bring himself to mind at the moment.

 “Why…” He started sofly, trying to find his voice, hands starting to tremble from how long he was gripping so tightly to Ground Zero’s shirt, his knuckles starting to turn white.

 “Why didn’t you stop me?!” He finally screamed, viridian eyes filled with anger as those eyes seared at the lifeless body of the hero before him.

 “You were supposed to stop me!” he yelled out shaking Ground Zero in the hopes it would wake him up and finish the job he was supposed to do.

 “You were supposed to stop me!” He repeated.

 Unlike All Might…

 “You were supposed to win against me!”

 You’re my Symbol of Victory, you’re supposed to win.

 “You’re supposed to save the day!”

 Cause you’re the hero.

 “You’re supposed to defeat me! To end me!”

 Cause I’m the villain.

 “It’s not,”  His voice cracked, though he wasn’t sure if it’s because he was already losing his voice then still screamed to the top of his lungs or because of the sadness starting to overcome him. “It’s not supposed to end like this.” He said, his head bowed and his grip starting to get loose.

 Rain started to fall from the sky, immediately covering the area with water, the ground surrounding them turning mud, the pool of blood, Katsuki’s blood, spreading even more.

 Izuku himself didn’t notice the tears flowing down his cheeks, thinking it’s the rain, he could only feel the pricking at his eyes as he stared at the lifeless body of the hero.

 “You’re both the same,” he mumbled out.  “I had faith you’ll beat me, the way All Might was supposed to beat me years ago.”

 It was the same.

 Bodies covered in their own blood, battered and bruised, filled with cuts and wounds, their bones peeking out from the limbs, blood dripped out of the corner of their mouths, panting heavily.

 “Why didn’t you beat me?”

 “Why, why…?” He asked, hoping to get an answer.

 Why did you look like you wanted it? To be beaten up by me? To be killed by me? I don’t get it.

 Why did he look remorseful? Guilty even…

 Katsuki Bakugo is never remorseful, never full of guilt.

 Then why did he look at Izuku that way?

 Why did he look like he got what he deserved at his last moments?

 He didn’t get it.

 “Neither of you beat me…”

 If neither of you couldn’t…

 No one can…

 “You didn’t beat me Kacchan,” Izuku said, standing up from his position –wobbling slightly-, looking down on the hero, eyes filled with darkness, filled with despair, intent on spreading  that despair to the rest of the world, wanting to feel the pain –rejection- he felt long ago. “Then the whole world will suffer.”  

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5 years ago

types of love as explained by ao3 tags

Pragma: longstanding love


Eros: sexual love


Philia: deep friendship

Types Of Love As Explained By Ao3 Tags

Storge: love between parents and children


Ludus: playful love


Philautia: love of self


Agape: love for everyone/selfless love

5 years ago

Can someone give an idea for a bucket list?? i have an idea for another bakudeku fic i wanna do. I need help. Please. I wanna make the fic but I am too sleepy to make my brain work harder

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5 years ago

Free Hugs

Katsuki coughed lightly as he was walking down the white halls of the hospital. Surprisingly -especially with his explosive personality and short temper- he’s currently working at a children’s hospital.

It may not be like him but he decided it so no further questions will be answered.

“Hey Doc!” A familiar called out, snapping Katsuki out of his own thoughts. He should stop thinking about work too much.

A gentle gaze crossed his face as he walked towards the wheel chair where the small voice called out to him a moment ago.

“Hey, there kiddo.” He said, squatting down to meet her level and ruffling her white hair.

Eri giggled, used to the blond at this point. Eri has been in the hospital for a few months now, because of her illness. Leukemia. And Katsuki is her appointed doctor. 

The blond’s heart aches whenever he sees her, especially whenever see that  precious smile of hers that seemed like she was one of god’s angels and had descended from the heavens.

The only thing is... she’s terribly sick, to the point she could barely walk by herself anymore, needing the help of a nurse to take her outside for her to get some fresh air.

This is one of the reasons Katsuki prefers to work at this hospital. To save the smiles of these kids, to save the future they’ll lose just cause of this bullshit illness they don’t deserve to have.

“Where have you been last week, doc?” She asked. Eri has changed a lot for the past months, a lot more open than she used to. She barely talked to anyone when she first came to the hospital. Often hiding behind her tired looking father that has bags under his eyes -Aizawa-, peeking shyly behind him and hiding completely when someone even looks at her.

“I met up with someone.” Katsuki answered, standing up gesturing the nurse -Tsuyu- that he’ll take over on taking her outside, to where Tsuyu agreed silently and left with a small smile on her face.

Everyone thinks the blond isn’t the kind of person that should be working in a hospital for children but after watching (cause no one would straight up work with him on the first day of work) the blond work one will no doubt think the blond is great at the job.

“Who did you meet up with?” She asked, being the curious little girl she is, as Katsuki started to push her chair to head outside.

“Just another doctor.” He answered. There’s nothing more that she needs to know anymore than that.

“Oh...” She said, although he knows she’s holding back to keep on pressing Katsuki. “Anyway, have you heard of Izuku?” she asked, changing the subject as she leaned her head back to look at the doctor.


“Yeah. He came here a couple of days ago. He’s really nice.” Eri said.


It’s been a while since he’s heard of that name...

But it isn’t him isn’t he?

It’s been years since he’s been in the slightest been in contact with the nerd. Not that he can after... a very rough childhood, of which he doesn’t have the right to face him. He hasn’t even seen him ever since they finished middle school. The greenette moved out soon after that and his mother barely had any contact with his contact.

“What does he look like?” Katsuki found himself asking, as they passed the doorway to the outside.

“Huh? Hm... well, he has curly green hair, there’s freckles on his cheeks and he gives out free hugs as well!” She said cheerily.

Free hugs? That’s new.

The nerd is cuddly that’s for sure, but he didn’t know the nerd would be so willing to hug anyone. And why do people say ‘free hugs?’ are hugs not given free? Does someone need to pay just to give hugs? Like seriously,..

“Ah! Hey, Izuku-nii-chan!” Eri shouted, waving an arm in the air to get the other’s attention.

Katsuki snapped out of his thoughts, looking up to see what Eri was calling to. 

His eyes went wide as he eyes landed on a familiar figure, stopping in his tracks in the process, shock clearly in his face.

There he was, sitting on one of the benches, giving a warm hug to another young boy. A bright smile on his face looking at the boy as he pulled away and waving the boy goodbye as another nurse lead him back inside the hospital. As he heard Eri’s voice he turned to face Eri, prepared to give a wave but saw Katsuki, his eyes went wide as his emerald green orbs met with crimson red ones.




[i dont know if i’ll continue or not, depends and I might post it on archive... just might cause i aint sure. stay tuned]

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