Pro-hero Katsuki Bakugo - Tumblr Posts

5 years ago

Aaand scene!

Katsuki continued to just stare at the man sitting across from him and another person -an  agent from the government- as he and the detective talked about some things about the recent case Katsuki was also a part of.

At least that’s what Katsuki knows that they are talking about.

His mind blocked everything out ever since the man across from him came in the room.

It was definitely out of his expectations.

He never even thought about this ever happening in his entire life time.

Deku is now in front of him again after who knows how long has it been.

It’s almost been a decade he thinks. The pro hero has never seen or heard from the greenette ever since middle school. Sure, their mothers are still good friends and Inko gets to have dinner with them from time to time but, not once has Izuku been with her.

Katsuki’s own mother told hiim not to bring Izuku up in any of their conversations -not that he wanted to talk about him anyway (way out of character in his mind and he is definitely not concerned by the nerd at all, yup, not at all).

He thought it was weird at first. Hell, it was weird through out everything. But he couldn’t take his mind of it.

Guess he knows why now.

Midoriya Izuku now sits across from him, a tired look on his face -a very tired look. Bloodshot eyes and dark bags under his eyes. Complexion pale as a ghost. A small scar -most probably from a blade- rested on the left side of his jaw. Even from where Katsuki was sitting, the blond could smell the faint scent of alcohol coming from the greenette. 

He drinks? What the hell has he been doing? 

Izuku even wore piercings in his ear and when he opened his mouth, Katsuki see another one resting on the tip of his mouth.

Does his mother approve of that? Katsuki doesn’t think so.

All through out the meeting Katsuki sat there in silence not knowing what to do, what to say, all he could do at the moment was think about whatever was right in front of him now was a dream or not.

The pro hero came to when it ended and Izuku stood to leave -same with the agent, but as of now Katsuki doesn’t care about him.

“Mind if you leave us for a second.”Katsuki spoke up finally to the agent without taking his gaze off of Izuku.

The agent was about to say something but Izuku cut him off. “What if I mind?” Izuku asked, brows furrowing slightly.

“Come on, Izuku, don’t give me that attitude.” Katsuki growled.

Izuku rolled his eyes. “You’re saying that as if you didn’t give me a shitty attitude when we were children.”


There’s no way Katsuki could deny that one.

Katsuki pursed his lips together, clenched teeth underneath, trying hard not to lash out. He can do that now.... one way or another. At least he doesn’t just instantly screams at people now.

“It’s just a talk, what’s so wrong about it?” Katsuki asked.

“You of all people want to “talk?” Izuku raised an eyebrow.  “Never thought that’s a phrase that’ll come out of your mouth.”

“Deku...” Katsuki growled lowly, his patience nearing its end. As the air of the room started to get heavy the agent thought it was best for him to leave the room silently -mostly because hhe doesn’t want to be in the blond’s range if he did started to blowing things up.

He values his life and well being very much.

“Aaand there’s that old nickname, thought it was weird you started using my name over there. Thought something possessed you or something.” Izuku said with a sarcastic tone.

A vein popped in Katsuki head, expression changing to a full scowl. 

I think you’re the one possessed.

“What the hell happened to you?” The blond asked, preferring to just get things in track rather than start to scream and start punching something.

Izuku’s expression darkened, eyes narrowin dark green boring into red.

“Why do you care?” Izuku said lowly.

“Is that a problem too?”

“Yes, cause you never cared about anything else other than yourself.” Izuku answered, hardly even thinking about it before he said it. “Much less if it’s me.” He added.


That was a hard blow.

But he changed. Katsuki is better than he was back at middle school, actually if he could he wants to go back to that time and take all the things he did back, to apologize, to make things better.

And maybe -just maybe- things wouldd be different right now. Maybe Izuku won’t turn out like this. Maybe Izuku would be doing better. Maybe Katsuki and Izuku would be in better terms. Maybe they would have been good friends until now.

That wouldn’t happen.

The bridge is already destroyed to bits, it won’t be fixed anymore.

“Deku...” Katsuki called out softly, his feeling was shifted from anger to regret.

“Katsuki...” He called back, the same low, angered tone in his voice. 

The two remained styaed there, in complate silence just looking at each other, Izuku’s eyes looking directly at Katsuki’s eyes, looking if he’ll say anything else.

Izuku sighed then standing from his seat. “You don’t have to know jack shit about me, isn’t worth shit anyway even to me. And please, you don’t have to talk to me during this whole shit. Just carry on with your life, don’t mind a shitty extra like me.” He said before turning around to head to the door.

Katsuki stood immediately. “Deku, wait.”

And Izuku was out the door without a word.

Damn it.

[sorry about this. just wanted to do this scene even though i don’t have a good plot to put it in i just have to get this out of my system. don’t mind this shit.]

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5 years ago

Gray or Black?

He ran. He just ran, to let the thoughts get out of his head to make the thoughts go away. To run away from reality even in just a second longer.

 But he couldn’t.

 Not when the ring wrapped in his finger constantly reminds him of what he’s running away from.

 Katsuki stopped in his tracks, breathing heavily, sweat dripping down his temple.

 The blond wanted to scream. He wants to scream so badly. Wanted to let the pain out as much as he can. He needed to stay strong, and pain hinders him to.

 But he can’t. The blond will seem crazy if he did that. Although he already he has a reputation of screaming and yelling a lot, especially to other people.

 Katsuki raised his left hand, where the ring rested on his ring finger -the ring that connects him to his soulmate. He narrowed his eyes as he found the color of the ring.


 A very dull gray.

 Something that is very appropriate to his soulmate, Deku, who is currently on the hospital bed. In a coma. His body covered with casts, bandages bruises and wounds -Katsuki knows that there will surely be new scars appearing on the nerd’s body somewhere.

 How long has he been like that you ask?

 3 weeks or so? Almost a month? The blond isn’t sure, time was both quick and slow when it came to him. He isn’t sure what day it is today already as well.

 He hated it.

 Not only could he not focus on his job as a hero and that his rank as the top 3 hero is in danger -he’s still on his way to defeat Deku on the No. 1 spot after all (and actually, he doesn’t care about that much right now, the worst they can do is put him the top 10 spot) but he hated that his hero boyfriend over there is a suicidal martyr that without a doubt in his mind would jump into danger to help even just one person while not caring how many injuries, scars and etc. it would leave him.

 It frustrated him to no end but also admired him for it. He won’t say it of course, the blond has a feeling the greenette will get even worse if he says that to him face to face. No one can just do that so easily. Not all heroes can do that. Not even Katsuki.

 And look what the nerd got himself into for that.

 He clenched his teeth as a scowl formed on his face, his hand turning to a fist, his knuckles turning white as he did.

 The sighed out heavily, before pulling the energy to continue his morning run (and running away from reality even just a single moment.

 But before he can even could even take a step, a heavy weight fell to his chest, like all of a sudden, his heart was ripped out of him. Eyes went wide, the blond could feel the blood is draining away from him. He could feel himself trembling where he stood. Katsuki isn’t taking a risk in walking just yet cause he’s sure as hell that he’ll fall to the ground.

 Slowly, the pro hero raised his hand to view. Eyes with horror this time as he saw the color of the ring.


 Pure black.

 Katsuki ran, without him knowing. He ran as fast as he could. He didn’t know if he just ran or he used his quirk to get there but that didn’t matter right now. It didn’t matter at all to be honest.

 All that did matter was Deku.

 The only meaning associated with black is…


 No, no, no, no. Katsuki thought as he ran through the streets, the crowd parting like the red sea as they saw the blond ran, worried looks on their faces.

 Don’t you dare, you nerd. Don’t you fucking dare.

 Katsuki looked at the ring on his hand once more. It was still black but it wasn’t fading, it still hasn’t turned to dust.


 Katsuki shook his head.

 No, not “yet”, I know the nerd won’t just kick the bbucket that easily.

 Finally, Katsuki arrived at the hospital, he rushed inside and through the corridors -the nurses didn’t bother to stop him, not that they can rival the strength of a pro hero anyway, plus they know the situation there anyway.

 The door to his room was open, the blond could see the doctors running in and out of the room, he could here the shouts of commands. When he was at the door, the first thing he saw was the doctor shouting some number for the defibrillator. And pushing it down to Deku’s chest as he said “Clear!”

 Inko was right there beside him, clutching on to her son’s hand like her life depends on it, tears streaming down her cheeks as she talked  - prayed­- to not take her son away from her. Katsuki rushed next to her as he too, grabbed to their joined hands, clutching on to their hands until his knuckles turned white.

 Don’t you dare nerd! Don’t you dare leave me Deku.

 Please don’t leave.

 I don’t know what I’ll do without you.





 The weight on Katsuki’s chest -that godddamn boulder- was finally out of his chest. The blond opened his eyes -he doesn’t remember when he closed them in the first place- red orbs immediately landing on the ring wrapped around his finger.


 It’s back to that dull gray color.

 As much as he hated that one, but he hated the black one more.

 Next time this ring turns black again, Katsuki thought as if he and Deku can communicate with the power of their minds. The next time that happens you little shit I’m gonna beat your ass, got it?

 He got no answer.


 “You’ll definitely wake up,” he whispered, mostly to himself. “You have to.”

 I’ll be waiting…

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5 years ago

So We Meet Again?

The bed sheets rustled as Izuku swung his legs at the edge of the bed as he sat up. He groaned quietly, not wanting to wake up the other person on the bed. They didn’t need to wake up. It was better that way or else they’ll get clingier if they do.

 It’s way more annoying that way. Especially if they start to think that something is happening between them. Trust him, he has experienced one before. One of the few times Izuku overslept and they woke up earlier than him, going flirty all over again. It would be easier if they’re one of those people who understand what a one night stand is.

 Izuku stood up, quietly padding through the room searching for his shirt and pants. The greenette heard the sheets rustled once more while he was zipping up his fly.

 His eyes landed on the figure on the bed, her head raised, eyes barely open to see her cat like eyes.

 “Are you going now?” She asked while she rubbed her eye.

 “Yeah…” He answered immediately –sounding indifferent and without sparing her a single glance-, praying inn his head that she doesn’t beg about staying or stuff like that, it’ll be a huge pain in the ass, while he picked up his shirt and put it on.

 Where did he I leave my jacket again? He thought as he started to make his way to the door.

 “Will I see you again?” she asked when Izuku was at the door way –hopefulness in her tone. Izuku stopped in his tracks freezing.

 He slowly looked back with a blank, empty look on his face.  “I doubt that’ll happen, sweetheart.” He said, dismissively.

 This was nothing more other than a one night stand. He doesn’t even remember her name. He never asked nor did they. He doesn’t expect anything more, they shouldn’t be expecting more either.

 “Bye.” He said before continuing to get out of the room, not bothering to listen to whatever she said as he walked out of the room.


Loud music filled his ears as he downed another glass of whiskey. He knows he’ll be hung over the next day but he didn’t care. He’s used to that already.

 Izuku already forgot what being sober felt like by now with the amount of alcohol he’s been drinking lately. Why, you asked? To forget shit called reality.

 He put down the glass, gesturing to the bartender and good friend of his –Shinso- to give him another one.

 The purple haired man, visibly sagged as he sighed in disappointment. He didn’t care.

 Izuku is used to making people disappointed, to the point that he himself is disappointed with himself.

 “Do you even remember how many drinks you’ve had already?” Shinso asked as he poured another drink.

 Izuku scoffed, rolling his eyes. Are we doing this again? “What do you think?”

 Shinso sighed once more. “Of course, you didn’t.” He shook his head.

 “is he here yet?” izuku asked changing the subject.

 “Who exactly?”

 “Tsukauchi.” Izuku said as he had another sip on his drink.

 “I don’t think-“ Shinso cut himself off as his tired eyes landed on a familiar figure crossing the crowd of people in the club. “Look who’s here.” Shinso crossed his arms as he pointed to the man with his chin. Izuku turned his head.

 Tsukauchi wore a trench coat over his suit and a fedora, big mistake if you’re going to a place like this, filled with sweaty people partying to their hearts content.

 “Tsukauchi,” Izuku said, his voice starting to become slurry, actually it has been since a while ago, Shinso just didn’t mind it, more like he’s too used to it to point it out at this point. “It isn’t like you to come to our ‘meetings’ late like this.” He said as Tsukauchi sat to the stool next to him, taking off his hat, a drop of sweat dripping down his forehead.

 “Sorry, there has been a bit of delay because I still waited for a few people.” He said as he gestured Shinso to give him a glass of water.

 “What?” Izuku frowned, his tone going low and dark. The greenette preferred to not get involved with a lot of people, he only sees people who he knows is essential for his work and that’s it. No more, no less. Besides if a lot of people knew about his job then it would ruin the point of going under cover in the first place right?

 “I know that you don’t like meeting people, Midoriya. But I assure you that they are essential to the case.”

 “Oh really now?” Izuku said sarcastically, rolling his eyes then took another large drink from the glass nearly emptying the glass. “Usually, I would be the judge of that.”

 “Please, trust me on this one,” Tsukauchi insisted, eyes filled with determination and hopefulness for Izuku to give whoever he brought with him a chance to work with him. “They are both heroes and are very reliable people. I have also made them swore to never disclose anything about anything that is related to you.”

 Green orbs went darker as he stared down his reflection on the glass.

 Promises are always meant to be broken. And Izuku don’t trust anyone, nor look up to anyone, nor have faith in anyone, nor believe in anyone.

 Not even himself.

 The greenette downed the rest of his drink, glass dropping heavily on the counter, hopefully not heavy enough that it cracked the glass or else he’s gonna get an earful from Shinso later on.

 “So where are these trustworthy people you’re talking about?” He said, not actually wanting to hear an answer, he just wants to get his report over with and go drink some more before he goes home and crash at his bed –that is if no one coerces him to… have some fun tonight (or something that’ll keep him distracted for a little while longer..)

 “I think they’re still having a hard time-“ Tsukauchi cut himself off as he turned around to look at the partying crowd behind them only to see the pair of heroes he came her e with. “Oh there they are.”

 Izuku sighed as he turned his head again to face whoever hero the man came with. Hopefully it wasn’t one of the famous ones, like Lemilllion or Hawks –as good as meeting them he absolutely cannot meet them, at least not like this anyway, despite being like this Izuku is still the same hero fanboy somewhere in that heart of his.

 Just not as much as before.

 Especially when he burned every single one of those notebooks before high school…

 There was no point keeping them anymore…

 There was no point in keeping his hope of being hero alive anymore…

 With empty, despaired eyes he looked at two spiky heads (one ash blond, another is crimson red) forced their way through the crowd.

 Izuku’s eyes narrowed his eyes, feeling a sense of familiarity. He felt like he’s seen those before. He should know those. Maybe he should stop on the drinks right now, cause his brain seems to have started to stop functioning.

 “Goddamn, old man, don’t fucking leave us in the goddamn crowd like that.”


 Izuku really, really needs to stop drinking ‘cause now he’s hallucinating a nightmare when he’s wide awake.

 The greenette’s eyes widened as the pair of heroes finally passed the last row of people, now gracing Izuku to see who they really are.

 And boy he didn’t expect him to be here.

 “Come on, bro. Don’t be like that,” The red head –Kirishima Eijiro a.k.a. Red Riot- reprimanded the blond. “Sorry about that Tsukauchi.” Eijiro said with an apologetic look on behalf of the blond since he knows he won’t be apologizing anytime soon.

 “It’s fine, and forgive me for that, Bakugo.”


 Somebody please fucking pinch him. He is definitely passed out drunk somewhere in his home now that he’s dreaming. Is it even a dream? It’s more like a damn nightmare.

 The blond huffed “Yeah, yeah, just don’t-“ Katsuki cut off his own words as his red eyes landed on Izuku’s green ones.

 Both of them speechless and eyes wide open.

 Silence came to the group, Tsukauchi, Kirishima, and Shinso (yes he’s still there, he made it a task for himself to be the greenette’s bodyguard, mostly to make sure the greenette to not do anything stupid) confused to the sudden awkward, heavy air that came over them.

 “Deku…” Katsuki said a bit breathless from the shock and the horror creeping up to him at the sight of Izuku before him right now.

 “Kacchan…” Izuku called out softly, masking his irritation with a blank look on his face.

 Are you sure he isn’t in some dream/nightmare (he isn’t sure what to make of the situation right now) right now?

[sorry if the plot is all over the place hahahahhahah]

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5 years ago


His breathing was heavy, as if he was saved from drowning. The grenette felt weak, extremely weak, it was a miracle that he’s even able to stand right now –although he couldn’t move or else he’ll fall, but he’s standing nonetheless.

 Why was he the one standing?

His vision was blurry, Izuku blacked out for a second there, now all he sees is are the debris and rubble surrounding him.

 Everything around him was close to being nothing, every single thing looked nothing to what it looked before.

 Of course it would end up like this.

 Izuku expected that much, most especially his fight is against him of all people. The greenette could predict the amount of damage he could do since the beginning of the fight. It would be much more surprising if they didn’t have at least destroyed the buildings in one block.

 Izuku’s vision started to clear a bit more, at the same time with the dust started to settle making everything clearer. Green orbs zeroed in to the figure lying on the ground, surrounded by a pool of blood.

 Their blood…

 At that moment, the tired feeling he felt left him.

 All of it.

 Even the pain from wounds, bruises and broken bones –although for that last one he’s quite used to that one…- were all gone in an instant. Instead, it was replaced with…

 Pure absolute rage.

 “W-why…?” Izuku rasped out, his voice almost gone due to the amount of screaming and shouting he did when he and the other fought. The greenette had that need to fight him with not only his strength and quirk but also to the amount of screaming. Don’t question him why, cause he also doesn’t know why he did that as well.

 Izuku, unknowingly, gathered the remaining strength he had in his body and took a stepped forward –shaking like a new born deer all the while- he staggered for a moment, knees shaking as he tried to regain his balance before taking another step, slowly but surely walking towards the figure on the ground.

 The greenette surprised himself that he walked, his legs worked completely on their own. But boy, he isn’t complaining for it.



 Pure rage was making his legs work right now. Makes sense.

 No wonder Kacchan is always angry. His energy is anger.

 His knees dug to the ground, not caring if his pants, white sleeves and vest are getting soaked from the splash when he fell to the ground. Izuku didn’t need to care about that right now. Not that he ever cared about it.

 He’ll have Kurogiri clean for him.

 Izuku grabbed the figure’s –the hero’s- shirt by the collar with his hands, hands quickly gripping tightly, threatening to break the hero’s costume, that famed black tight tank top with an orange X across it.

 Izuku’s jaw tightened, his anger overcoming him, trying to somewhat control it but he didn’t know how. He was never this angry before, never even showed it if he’s angry.

 Oh… that’s why…

 All the anger that he had in him was released all at once after years and years of all of it bottled up inside him. He didn’t mind, couldn’t bring himself to mind at the moment.

 “Why…” He started sofly, trying to find his voice, hands starting to tremble from how long he was gripping so tightly to Ground Zero’s shirt, his knuckles starting to turn white.

 “Why didn’t you stop me?!” He finally screamed, viridian eyes filled with anger as those eyes seared at the lifeless body of the hero before him.

 “You were supposed to stop me!” he yelled out shaking Ground Zero in the hopes it would wake him up and finish the job he was supposed to do.

 “You were supposed to stop me!” He repeated.

 Unlike All Might…

 “You were supposed to win against me!”

 You’re my Symbol of Victory, you’re supposed to win.

 “You’re supposed to save the day!”

 Cause you’re the hero.

 “You’re supposed to defeat me! To end me!”

 Cause I’m the villain.

 “It’s not,”  His voice cracked, though he wasn’t sure if it’s because he was already losing his voice then still screamed to the top of his lungs or because of the sadness starting to overcome him. “It’s not supposed to end like this.” He said, his head bowed and his grip starting to get loose.

 Rain started to fall from the sky, immediately covering the area with water, the ground surrounding them turning mud, the pool of blood, Katsuki’s blood, spreading even more.

 Izuku himself didn’t notice the tears flowing down his cheeks, thinking it’s the rain, he could only feel the pricking at his eyes as he stared at the lifeless body of the hero.

 “You’re both the same,” he mumbled out.  “I had faith you’ll beat me, the way All Might was supposed to beat me years ago.”

 It was the same.

 Bodies covered in their own blood, battered and bruised, filled with cuts and wounds, their bones peeking out from the limbs, blood dripped out of the corner of their mouths, panting heavily.

 “Why didn’t you beat me?”

 “Why, why…?” He asked, hoping to get an answer.

 Why did you look like you wanted it? To be beaten up by me? To be killed by me? I don’t get it.

 Why did he look remorseful? Guilty even…

 Katsuki Bakugo is never remorseful, never full of guilt.

 Then why did he look at Izuku that way?

 Why did he look like he got what he deserved at his last moments?

 He didn’t get it.

 “Neither of you beat me…”

 If neither of you couldn’t…

 No one can…

 “You didn’t beat me Kacchan,” Izuku said, standing up from his position –wobbling slightly-, looking down on the hero, eyes filled with darkness, filled with despair, intent on spreading  that despair to the rest of the world, wanting to feel the pain –rejection- he felt long ago. “Then the whole world will suffer.”  

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4 years ago

Izuku slowly walked up to the kneeling hero in the midst of all the chaos and destruction around them. His suit was bloodied and ripped, even his favorite tie was ripped -couldn’t be helped if the fight was that intense. His freckled face was covered with dirt, bruises, cuts and blood -both his and his enemies.

Green eyes looked down on the hero, still kneeling on his spot, arms limp, breathing short and fast. The hero slowly looked up to Izuku. His piercing red eyes looking directly at Izuku’s green ones.

Slowly, the greenette raised his hand that formed like a finger gun, his quirk activated.

“Choose your last words wisely.” He said in a cold tone that undoubtedly matched the look on his face. A huge difference to the one the ash blond was used to since they were kids.

Katsuki felt a chill down his spine when he saw that look. It felt so wrong. No. 

It is wrong.

It is oh so wrong.

Katsuki swallowed audibly and visibly, only noticing now how thirsty he was.

“I...” Katsuki started softly but his voice cracked. 

“I love you.” The ash blond repeated. Which was true. He didn’t seem nor acted like it but he did. Ever since they were little kids.

But he was stupid for misinterpreting it and ended up hurting Izuku instead.

Izuku smiled. But it wasn’t the heart warming kind, it wasn’t the smile filled with purity and unyielding hope in his eyes.

It was cold and uncaring.

Izuku sneered. “You do?” He asked, before he shot through Katsuki’s head. a gaping hole on the hero’s head as he fell to the ground from the force. a pool of blood surrounding him. 

“Shame.” Izuku drawled out, lowering his hand and looking down on the lifeless body of the hero. 

“If only I even remotely remembered who you were to me I might’ve considered it”

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4 months ago

reblogging to remember this because i’ve been looking for this for MONTHS and always think of it when rewatching mha😭😭

Okay imagine this - (you don't have to do it, you can delete this if it makes you uncomfy, I love you and you have done nothing wrong ever) - but IMAGINE okay?

Bakugo Katsuki, The Dynamight, number two hero, and his child with you is quirkless (bonus if reader is also quirkless)

Imagine the disappointed ambition - he was so sure the kid would inherit his quirk or something similar, he was so sure - especially since the kid looks like Katsuki - and yet...

I guess I'm in mood for hurt-comfort 😔

Honestly, I see this affecting our dearest mama here, as it’s likely for Katsuki to really fall for someone after being a bully/jerk to them.

Imagine his quirkless sweetheart, desperate to please and impress at all times because they’re just useless without a quirk (thanks to his bullying in the past) and realizing their child inherited their quirkless gene?

Okay Imagine This - (you Don't Have To Do It, You Can Delete This If It Makes You Uncomfy, I Love You

Pro-Hero Katsuki Bakugo x Quirkless Fem! Reader!

Growing Pains

cw: SFW • Language (R) • Hurt/Comfort • Bully to Lovers • Child Care (tis the season) • Pro-Hero Katsuki • Fem! Reader • Marriage • Katsuki learns how to communicate a little better

Okay Imagine This - (you Don't Have To Do It, You Can Delete This If It Makes You Uncomfy, I Love You

A child is a gift so precious one must always be careful never to forsake it.

That’s what his hag-mother always said at least. The endless joy though which his daughter brought truly lived up to her words though. A gift. A precious, incredibly tiny and fragile, gift he swore to never forsake as he held the bundle in his arms at the hospital.

You looked beautiful even after so long in labor. Joy painting your features and making his heart ache from the sugar being injected into his veins. The love and adoration in your eyes only making his resolve harden further, to protect you both and love you two till his last breath.

So what changed from that moment till now? As a normally happy rambunctious toddler sits in complete stillness with eyes wide in horror. You didn’t look any better, skin perspiration more than his own on a usual day, lip being chewed until the skin breaks and he’s forced to grip you tightly.

“Hey—,” his gruff voice wakes you up.

“I’m so sorry…” his brows furrow in confusion, your apology unexpected and odd.

“The fuck are you sorry for?” He feels the atmosphere in the room start to divulge, his child and you both acting as if you’d heard a cancer diagnosis and not something he’d already considered the possibility of. Of course he’d wanted his daughter to have a quirk, but it didn’t call for such a grave reaction.

“It’s all my fault… I’m so sorry baby…” the tears freak him out more, your tears flowing endlessly as you stare at him with such hopeless eyes he’s startled to his core. Dark garnet eyes widening as a sick feeling enters his gut, something churning he can’t even name. “I failed both you and our daughter, making her weak and worthless like me—,” He’s going to be sick for sure, the sterile little clinic room starting close in on him.

He’s Dynamight, number 2 pro hero, and only because shit for brains Deku was better with the media but still, he’s not sure what to do. How to fix it, as you hold your child and cry, asking for forgiveness from him.

It makes him remember every instance of the past he cringes and does his best to avoid thinking on. Every tug of your hair, every shove to the floor, every time he made you feel small for something so superficial as not having a quirk.

Your tears were endless, and they seemed to spur on his daughter as well, her little sniffles making him nearly enraged as the door creeks open at the worst moment and the doctor returns.

The woman’s sympathetic gaze make him want to punch her, the way she seems understanding and not offended as himself.

“It can be a hard acceptance Mrs. Bakugo, I’m happy to recommend some quirkless support groups for the two of you, then we can look at some family care plans—,”

“What. The. Fuck. Are you talking about? Support group? They don’t need a fucking support group, your raggedy ass bitch—!”

“Katsuki!” “Mr. Bakugo?!” “Papa?”

It didn’t matter, he wasn’t hearing words anymore, top blown and his tempter unleashed as he nearly blows the door off after throwing you both over his shoulder and storming out. Cursing the entire way, uncaring of the phones being pulled out and people whispering and recording. He’d get an earful from the agency but it hardly computed in his mind.

Your fault? It seemed clear enough it was his fault. When all he ever did was make you feel belittled for your quirklessness, small and weak because of it, and now what did it do?

It passed on to his own fucking kid. His fault. This was his fucking fault.

His own eyes were admittedly wet as he shuts you both up in the car. Making sure you both are buckled in safely before he nearly screams once he’s seated behind the wheel. He wants to scream more, yell and break something to deal with the flood of guilt and shame washing him like an old friend.

He never apologized, only pushed it all away like the bullying and harassment never occurred when he started courting you. He’d been in love with you, and that bullying was his sick revenge for making him feel so much adoration for a single individual.

His frame engulfs the seat, muscles taunt and wide chest heaving as he calms down slowly to your silent tears and wobbly bottom lip.

“Katsuki… can we not have any discussions with her in the car…? Maybe we…,” you lick your lips as you fumble over yourself like a nervous wreck in the passenger seat, eyes wide and pacifying as you give him a look filled with a plea. “—Maybe we could have her stay with your mother tonight?”

Because you think he’s angry at you and at her.

For being quirkless.

The most defenseless and precious people to him, the two he’d sworn to never hurt or mistreat, now looking at him with complete devastation and heartbreak. His daughter is never usually so silent and still, sitting like a little doll in her car seat.

He’d always been a confident man. Unshakeable and firm in his resolve because he refused to settle and let himself be anything less than the best.

For all he is though, he’s never felt more helpless and human.

You flinch when the first tear falls.

The sight just as jarring as the realization your child is like you.

Katsuki’s eyes widen before narrowing as he grits his teeth and bares them like a hurt animal, tears spilling as he slams his head on the steering wheel in frustration. The windows tinted and thankfully adding a touch of privacy he’s grateful for now.

“I’m sorry—!” It’s wobbly and hissed like a curse, his apology burning his throat as he forces it out. He can’t look at you as he wipes at his face, shaking his head as he clears it to focus long enough to repeat himself.

“I’m so fucking sorry—never, never did I think less of you ‘cuz you didn’t have a damn quirk—! I was an asshole, a piece of shit that didn’t know how to deal with my crush on you, so I fucking ruined it by picking on you.” His eyes are blood shot, kept wide to prevent anymore liquid spillage but the way his entire face and body scrunch up, it’s difficult to believe he’s able to stop himself on sheer will alone.

“Papa…?” It’s like a slap to the face when he looks over at his daughter to see a spitting image of you both in her, features more like him but personality following you in a way that makes him melt.

“Y’listen good,” he gathers himself up better as he addresses your daughter now. “You will never be less than anyone else, quirk or no quirk, y’hear me?”


“No buts. It’s not up for debate. A quirk doesn’t classify a person’s value. It never has. We just associate them with power when in fact, a bunch of useless quirk havin’ shit stains run the country. A quirk ain’t power kid, power is in will, and that’s all you.” He’s glad you kindly dismiss his slip in language, watching as her little eyes widen and well with tears too.

“So I’m not bad?”

“You’re the best damn thing that’s happened since I met your mom. I love your mom, don’t I? She’s great even if she doesn’t have a quirk. Strong and resilient, patient and smarter than I’ll ever be.” He’s gripping the steering wheel so tight it may break soon if he doesn’t release his grip.

Then he’s being met with you. Your arms wrapping around him, your own muffled cries in his shirt. His hands are around you just as quickly, pulling you into him as much as the small space in the vehicle allows, breathing you in and calming himself as he reaches out and unbuckles your daughter to pull her little body into the bear hug too.

“You mean it…?” Your whisper barely audible as he holds you both close.

“I don’t say shit I don’t mean.”

And that’s enough for this moment. While he’s not a great man, Katsuki truly never lies, sometimes honest to a point it’s painful.

This is a bittersweet pain though.

Okay Imagine This - (you Don't Have To Do It, You Can Delete This If It Makes You Uncomfy, I Love You

Dividers/ @cafekitsune

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