Miranda L Pellegrino: Illustrator & Painter See my fandom art at http://miranda6961.tumblr.com
19 posts
Mlp-art - The Artwork Of MLP - Tumblr Blog
I miss making art so much... I wish I had the energy to make something and comments to help me with a concept for this fun challenge. I'm exhausted. Don't recommend being an art teacher and graduate student during a worldwide pandemic and having lots of people you care about die. Bad times.

I did the unicorn challenge over on twitter! The result is You Can Tell Me to Die But You’ll Have to Live With it. She is angry.
The various parts:
spiral tusk horn
styracosaurus frill
saiga head that splits into 3 parts
crab antennae -white goat eyes
fire mane
kudu body with pangolin scales, knives
tapir hooves
long luxurious tail
psychedelic colors
dies on command

Another work from 2013, inspired by “Torment of St. Anthony” that I was lucky enough to view in person. “Torment of Gouda” is pen on illustration paper.

“Beloved Mocha” Water based oils on hand stretched canvas, painted of my deceased rat Mocha in 2013. Was my first real painting and spent about 20 hours on it.

A digital color study for an upcoming monster painting. Not sure if I’ll paint it with watercolor, acrylic, gouache, or oil... tough decisions!
The monster is a bony skin balloon light bulb... totally makes sense right?

Surrealism painting of a “Hand Tree” in acrylic on canvas panel. Fun experiment doing something otherworldly and creepy, but using bright and vibrant colors.

Another monster concept I’m working on. This is a digital color study of a sketch. More soon!

Tried some new techniques that I found strange but very fun. Acrylic on hand stretched canvas.

Painting on unfinished wood, no primer, very strange sensation... Inspired by Gary Baseman!

A sort of abstract expressionist styled owl. Had lots of fun.

More spooky monsters. This time it’s gouache on paper. Similar color palettes abound!

Acrylic painting with collage of my own print. Spooky monster looms over a baby carriage.

Another charcoal portrait with some white conte for highlights.

Monster Me - gouache self portrait of a monsterous inner me. Love how gouache looks, hate painting with it. It’s an unstable love affair...

Working on some monster designs in watercolor and pen.

Cookie monster abstract painting in acrylic paints. Really fun =)