*Lynnie Is Seen Chatting With One Of The Doormen Grunts When She Sees Chuuya And Fritz*
*Lynnie is seen chatting with one of the doormen grunts when she sees chuuya and fritz*
"Oh there you are doodle, who did you bring back this time?"

*Fritz has gotten loose and made his way over to chuuya. He noses your leg, wanting attention*
Oh! A dog!
Buddy, are you lost...? You have a collar.. come on, let's find your owner.
*Chuuya grabs the lease and starts looking around, looking for someone that might be searching dor a dog.*
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More Posts from Mod-strap
just dye everything green or smthn...
y'know what, yeah. rice n sugar can be a good combination if you add butter, then its dessert rice!
//from @the-greatest-detective-ranp
Really? I should try it... But wait, isn't the butter yellow? Rice and sugar are white.
if you get this, answer with three random facts about yourself and send it to the last seven blogs in your notifs! anon or not, doesn’t matter, let’s get to know the person behind the blog <3/nf
hmm ill make this a chain :3 but! onto the facts
1 - ive been dancing since i was about 2 years old
2 - im in a computer tech trade in my school
3 - and uhhh i like foxes No pressure for the ppl i tag :3 @notthekingofthesheep @jouno-above-justice @casinoownersigma @lilsigma @thenextexec @fukuzawa-armeddaddyagency @swimminginyokohamasrivers
i mostly interact with bsd rp blogs XD
heheh already making more copies
NOPE I have like, twenty other copies even if you were to destroy this one. @teddymochi @mod-strap :) Got the marraige papers guys. -🧀
...I will find and burn them all
what if i made the sugar red? (Magic of food coloring)
Things that aren't considered a tragedy in the ADA:
1. Being an orphan
2. Having a troubled past
3. Coming close to death on multiple occasions
Things that are considered a tragedy in the ADA
1. The market ran out of dino shaped nuggies so I had to buy regular ones
yes he wanders off a lot, always bringing back someone new. Im Lynnie, or Strap, whatever you prefer. Its nice to meet you...?
*she holds out her hand to shake*

*Fritz has gotten loose and made his way over to chuuya. He noses your leg, wanting attention*
Oh! A dog!
Buddy, are you lost...? You have a collar.. come on, let's find your owner.
*Chuuya grabs the lease and starts looking around, looking for someone that might be searching dor a dog.*