monospider - MonoSpider

Spider-Man is the best(@StriderSpider01 on and ao3)

57 posts

Monospider - MonoSpider - Tumblr Blog

9 months ago
monospider - MonoSpider
monospider - MonoSpider
monospider - MonoSpider
monospider - MonoSpider
monospider - MonoSpider
monospider - MonoSpider
monospider - MonoSpider
monospider - MonoSpider
monospider - MonoSpider
monospider - MonoSpider
9 months ago
monospider - MonoSpider
9 months ago
Cream Vs The End
Cream Vs The End
Cream Vs The End
Cream Vs The End

Cream vs The End

9 months ago
Toaru Series Sketches LOG
Toaru Series Sketches LOG
Toaru Series Sketches LOG
Toaru Series Sketches LOG
Toaru Series Sketches LOG
Toaru Series Sketches LOG
Toaru Series Sketches LOG
Toaru Series Sketches LOG
Toaru Series Sketches LOG

Toaru Series sketches LOG 

Huuu I will stop don’t worry

9 months ago
I Made Another Silly Edit. I Dunno What Compelled Me To Make It But Here It Is Regardless.

I made another silly edit. I dunno what compelled me to make it but here it is regardless.

9 months ago

This is how stand breakdowns happen in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure:

9 months ago

Goku: You wanna go to McDonald’s, son? I’ll get you a happy meal.

Gohan: Dad, I’m 25.

Goku: So you don’t want apple slices and nuggets with a toy?

Gohan: …That would be nice, actually.

9 months ago

fighting game player who gets their students ready for King grabs early


9 months ago
Such A Fitting Last Panel . Thank You So Much Toriyama For The Worlds And Characters You Left Us
Such A Fitting Last Panel . Thank You So Much Toriyama For The Worlds And Characters You Left Us
Such A Fitting Last Panel . Thank You So Much Toriyama For The Worlds And Characters You Left Us
Such A Fitting Last Panel . Thank You So Much Toriyama For The Worlds And Characters You Left Us

Such a fitting last panel . Thank you so much Toriyama for the worlds and characters you left us 💕

9 months ago

We dont talk enough about the fact that Goku wasnt born strong. Gohan, Vegeta, Broly, Goten, Trunks... all born with innate strength. But Goku... Goku was weak. His entire life growing up, there was ALWAYS someone stronger than him.

For a saiyan to be outmatched by earthlings... ridiculous. But he was. Several times over. Every bit of strength Goku has, he had to work for, train relentlessly for. Its easy to forget because hes so strong now and continiously comes out ahead. But thats the POINT.

Vegeta grew up knowing he was the pride of the saiyan race, born strong, elite, a prodigy. He was hopelessly outmatched by frieza and some of his army, but for a saiyan, vegeta was the strongest (or so he believed).

Because the saiyans put so much belief into power you were born with, power you were destined to have. You either had strength or you didnt. And Goku didnt. So he was third class. His destiny wasnt power, it was weakness.

Its why Vegeta is so constantly thrown off by and therefore obsessed with Goku in the beginning. Because how could someone born so weak be THIS strong? It didnt make sense.

We Dont Talk Enough About The Fact That Goku Wasnt Born Strong. Gohan, Vegeta, Broly, Goten, Trunks...
We Dont Talk Enough About The Fact That Goku Wasnt Born Strong. Gohan, Vegeta, Broly, Goten, Trunks...

Then we have Gohan, born with incredible hidden reserves of power. Unlike Goku, Gohan was born with potential. His strength was always there. And sure, he had to work incredibly hard to unlock it but its a story arc we keep seeing repeated with gohan. Either its unlocked with anger or someone unlocks it for him (the grand elder, old kai, etc.)

And then Goten and Trunks, both super saiyan by the age of 7. Power came EASY to them. It was as natural as breathing. Goku, Vegeta, and even Gohan all struggled to reach super saiyan. It took a toll. But Trunks and Goten take that power from literal legend and make it a game.

No one has ever had to work as hard as Goku to achieve strength. And you can argue with me on this all day long if you want to. He didnt have hidden powers. There were no hidden reserves, no one to unlock his innate abilities. When he was a child, his unnatural strength compared to human made him special. But for a saiyan, goku was one of the lowest of their race.

Every bit of strength, every morsel of power in gokus body, was built through training. He didnt unlock hidden potentials, HE CREATED them. Its why Goku is the mortal who figures out how to unlock ultra instinct. Because he almost never won a battle purely based off a sheer power, no. Goku had to be smart, needed to be clever. He was forced to hone technique just as much as power, was taught by all his masters the importance of harnessing his mind as well as his body. He grew up meditating, sensing energy, learning not to rely on his eyes, but all his senses. He was training to filter out his own extra unnecessary movements all the way back when he first met Korin and then later again with Kami.

We Dont Talk Enough About The Fact That Goku Wasnt Born Strong. Gohan, Vegeta, Broly, Goten, Trunks...

Goku lost fights a lot. All the time. But everytime he lost, he learned. Because he was forced too. Because when Goku lost, there was no backup. He was it. And so he would HAVE to come back stronger, have to find the way to win. Or everyone would be dead.

Maybe its just me but i just think theres something incredibly special about a saiyan labeled as "weak," a saiyan no one bothered to pay any mind to being the first to become legend. He avenged their entire race. That little boy with a tail, born with a power level of 2, became the strongest of them all.

9 months ago

Can you clip the "Sly! You found my 'youre a bitch' degree!" bit from the Sly Cooper fandub if that's okqy? please and thank you

SnapCube's Real-Time Fandub | "Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus" (2018)

9 months ago
LISTEN.I Love Her Character So Much Gdsuhajk

LISTEN….I love her character so much gdsuhajk

9 months ago

Having a Saiyan for a spouse is probably like having an outdoor cat. Goku & Vegeta will go off on their own little adventures from time to time but always come back after a brief period. And sometimes they could bring souvenirs.

Like, one of them would go for a walk then return three hours later with a bison pelt, a hunk of a meteor, or a “Sun’s out, Guns Out” shirt.

Chichi and Bulma definitely compare notes.

10 months ago

Did you know that "Star,Star,Start" is Sora's FIRST original song to hit 1 million views?

Did You Know That "Star,Star,Start" Is Sora's FIRST Original Song To Hit 1 Million Views?

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10 months ago

The many memorable quotes of Tokino Sora

The Many Memorable Quotes Of Tokino Sora
The Many Memorable Quotes Of Tokino Sora
The Many Memorable Quotes Of Tokino Sora
The Many Memorable Quotes Of Tokino Sora

Tags :
1 year ago
Had To Make A Dub Video For This Post I Saw:

Had to make a dub video for this post I saw:

1 year ago
Two Of 'em

two of 'em

1 year ago
Something Based Off A Twitter Post

something based off a twitter post

1 year ago
"postgame" Prompt For Saimatsu Week On Twitter

"postgame" prompt for saimatsu week on twitter

1 year ago

saimatsu week day 3 not on day 3: reunion

they do be sobbing

1 year ago
He Needs Some Milk

he needs some milk

1 year ago
This Has Been In The Works Since July(-ish) And I Wanted To Post It On Release Day, But I'm Impatient

This has been in the works since July(-ish) and I wanted to post it on release day, but I'm impatient and it's Sept 20th, so Happy Exactly One Month Away From Release Day!

This is a redraw of a comic cover by Ron Frenz, which was directly inspired by THIS POST, so go ahead and give the artist some love! They did the redraw first, so full credit to them for the idea.

1 year ago
monospider - MonoSpider
monospider - MonoSpider
monospider - MonoSpider
1 year ago

I’ve done discord chat rants about this topic but now I’m airing it out here because I’m bored!

I’ve seen a few people express this opinion so here’s my two cents, no, it would not have been a more effective ending to kill off the girls in the end of Gakkou Gurashi, In fact it would’ve betrayed the manga’s whole thing! Gakkou Gurashi is literally about these girls relying on each other for survival and how that’s okay and good and how the presence of other people in our lives will literally save us from the worst of situations, idc if the girls dying would have been more realistic or emotionally devastating, those things are not what automatically make a good ending!