Me: D&D Has So Many Cool Races To Play As That Are All Interesting With Their Own Pros And ConsAlso Me:
Me: D&D has so many cool races to play as that are all interesting with their own pros and cons Also Me: oh boy time to write and design my 7th tiefling PC
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More Posts from Monster--mama
Inigo: Let us move on before something dead finds us :( Ravenna, nervously: YES THAT WOULD BE HORRIBLE I AGREE LETS GO
So I鈥檓 sure this has been considered before, but d鈥檡a think the whole mermaids singing thing is actually them trying to sing sea shanties they overhear from sailors? Like, the songs are in foreign languages and the mermaids hear them from kinda far away, and so they get the melody but not really any cohesive idea of the lyrics and so instead they just do the thing where you sing a whole bunch of noises that kinda sound similar to the lyrics, but their voices are higher pitched and weird and so it just comes out sounding completely unlike the actual sea shanty.

A cute orange tiefling with vitiligo in progress! I wanted to draw a tiefling with vitiligo and a weird skin tone cause I thought it would be neat :o