D&d Memes - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago

Me, the GM: it's the beginning of spring break.

One of my PCs: no it isn't

Me: uh what... You can't do that

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3 years ago

MATT MURDOCK + text posts

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1 year ago

Friendly reminder that just because you play a bard doesn't mean you have to "lay" with the dragon at first sight if it makes you uncomfortable.

Some people want to take things slow and that's ok. Take the dragon out to dinner, discuss your ambitions, get to know one another. Make sure you truly are good for each other. Many dragonborns don't get to know one of their parents due to separation. A leading cause to this scenario is miscommunication.

Relationships take time, effort, and commitment. Some people hit it off instantly, others want to form a connection before thinking of anything intimate and that's ok!

But seriously, you are not required to screw the dragon if it makes you uncomfortable. It's a meme that's all in good fun. D&D is a sandbox of imagination. There's nothing wrong with creating a non thirsty bard

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3 years ago

You've heard of Dungeons and Dragons now get ready for....

Crystals and Cauldrons~

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1 year ago
I Introduce You To The Goblin Rogue Pc Of My D&D Campaign, Goobins. We Are All First Time Players. One

I introduce you to the goblin rogue pc of my D&D campaign, Goobins. We are all first time players. One time our sorcerer made him invisible, gave him a bag of holding, and set him loose at an artificers convention so that the rest of us could go over a strategy to infiltrate this important building. The first thing he did with the bag of holding was put another bag of holding inside of it. I love you, Goobins.

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2 years ago

How to keep someone's mind hostage in DnD

The sending spell lets you send 25 words to someone.

How To Keep Someone's Mind Hostage In DnD

The longest word in the English dictionary is Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis, which has 19 syllables. A google search claims people talk at 4-5 syllables per second, so let's assume that this word takes four seconds to say. That means that with all 25 words you can occupy someone's head for 100 seconds, which isn't a lot but is certainly annoying.

Now, a discerning dm might argue that you can't use this word since it's unlikely your character knows the technical word for silicosis. This is where you pull out your pet rat, and give it a fun name, something like:


This is a real name which existed, and assuming an average of 4 letters per syllable (I'm not going to count them), is around 150 syllables, or 33 seconds of talking. This name repeated 25 times will give you around 14 minutes of talking. You could probably invent a longer name, this is DnD after all, but this gives you a baseline grounded in reality.

The sending spell has no save against it, is not constrained by distance, and to my knowledge has not way of being blocked (though I'm sure one exists).

So, if an NPC is annoying, but you can't do anything violent about it, feel free to beam 14 minutes of gibberish into their brain as many times per day as you have the spell slots for. If they want to, they can return the favour, but if you're the kind of bastard to do this in the first place you're petty enough to make that sacrifice.

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4 years ago

Me: D&D has so many cool races to play as that are all interesting with their own pros and cons Also Me: oh boy time to write and design my 7th tiefling PC

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2 years ago

Don’t forget the legendary warlock who had a bit of a falling out with the patron and is now cracking out the books to do things the hard way

idkapersoniguess - Screaming Into A Cold Uncaring Void I Guess

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3 years ago

Any other Critical Role fans been thinking this ?? ☺️ 😜 #AimeeCarerro #she-ra #CriticalRole #Dungeons&Dragons

Any Other Critical Role Fans Been Thinking This ?? #AimeeCarerro #she-ra #CriticalRole #Dungeons&Dragons

free to share 👍 or w/e idk yur life 😜

~EtheriaDearie p.s check out my blog if you like She-ra meta's 🙂

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