Chill Chilean Chick // she/they // 20 y/o, bisexual af, trying to pet as many cats as possible in this life, still learning english so correct me if my grammar is terrible. That's it.
118 posts
This Has Been A Weird Day Like, A Friend Of Mine Just Texted Me After A Year And A Half Of Not Talking
This has been a weird day like, a friend of mine just texted me after a year and a half of not talking and I am really happy and also anxious af but one of my favorite singers just died so I'm also sad??? And I literally woke up like two hours ago. How the hell am I supposed to feel now? Lmao fuck everything
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I'm currently in a small vacation trip in the south of my country rn and look what I saw:

Those are Guanacos, they are related to Llamas, Alpacas and Vicuñas (And all four live in the country, mostly north and south), and also related to Camels and Dromedaries.
But just look at this little thing it's beautiful adfkskdjdk

I saw them and my mind just went HUG HUG HUG, like, the colors are beautiful, it looks so fluffy and soft, it even has a little tiny tail, it's adorable af. I think I fell in love with this herbivorous fella <3
Why the fuck there's a gacha life video on the airport's tv

Fun fact, in the legal code of my country, Chile, there's a law in which is specifically illegal to ring a bell to incite a revolution.
It is also illegal to wash your car in the middle of the street, to hang flowerpots from balconies, windows and rooftops, to steal feathers or hair from an animal that's not yours, and to steal messenger pigeons from another person (with the exception of the pigeon arriving on their own, without being influenced in any way, to your property, in that case the pigeon is legally yours)
It's also explicitly illegal to duel, even though the last duel registered was in 1952, by then senator Salvador Allende, who 18 years later became president.
Build a submarine, recruit some of your millionaire friends, go explore a sunken ship in the middle of the ocean and come back when the FBI is gone.
Quick the FBI is here what do I do