mourningbluebells - MourningBluebells

Don’t really know how Tumblr works yet, just wanted to see more pretty fanart. 2002, They/IT

53 posts

Mourningbluebells - MourningBluebells - Tumblr Blog

6 months ago
6 months ago

etho in TIES. if you even care

Etho In TIES. If You Even Care

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7 months ago
Long Time No Oh Snappers.....

long time no oh snappers.....

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7 months ago

Every so often someone draws an Etho that actually looks like the Etho in my head.



7 months ago
Long Time No Etho

long time no etho

aka i keep thinking about those pixelmon flygon clips

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7 months ago

Also Etho Pixelmon. Theres good Nebtho crumbs in Pixelmon. Nebris jokes that the reward for winning a competition is “a night with Etho.”

nebtho masterpost

alright. alright its time, ive put together enough for this-- this is more so a means to expose/explain to new fans an old era of mcyt thats is kinda hard to access. admittedly i only kept this to nebris/etho because itd just be too hard to piece all missing bits of Death Games together.... its not nearly as wild or in depth as present day things but its dear to me.... old fan art/fic is what got me obsessed w these two back in the day and their dynamic is fun!! and i think its worth exposing ppl to some of this old etho lore :)

nebris+ethoslab was a popular pair back in 2012-2014 era Mindcrack fandom. i assume most of yall know who etho is but nebris was also a member of the server. He was often regarded as cunning and sly, and referred to as "cheaty nebris" for various reasons (whether it was the insane amount of obsidian he managed to acquire for his base, or how he miraculously survived a fight in UHC while barely losing a heart). now why did they become a popular pair?? well.

Death games-- Etho's "game" he came up with in mindcrack s3, is mostly where it took off. They had many interactions in the forms of pranks and whatnot prior (nebris with 'team america', pranking team canada), but this is kinda where a dynamic formed-- Etho's pov starts with him getting back at mcgamer and nebris for killing pause multiple times (streamed here). The game's rules are that etho kills them a total of four times, or they can kill each other to reduce the kill count on their heads. This is definitely where etho gained his reputation of being scary back then lol. Nebris' first perspective on the matter is here.

in both of those first videos, Etho's ganged up on them in a livestream with nebris, mc, and millbee when they went to his base... in which he quickly kills them off with ease. From there is escalates!

s3 death games encounters (from oldest onward) are here:

Nebris pov, july 4th, 2012 - nebris falls to his death when trying to fight etho. a fun fact: nebris tried to keep etho out by blocking his portal with clay... since etho wouldnt break clay.

Etho pov, july 5th, 2012 - same episode as above, also showing how etho had a secret room right behind nebris' bed, which allowed him to die and respawn there without using a portal.

Etho pov, july 6th, 2012 - in which etho attempts and succeeds at killing nebris.

Nebris pov, july 6th, 2012 - same episode as etho's from that day.

theres undoubtedly potentially more bits of interactions out there and that is one of the problems of these old videos... theres lots of them, theyre long, and not all the titles give away if its related. Eventually i will build a more solid playlist but this is just death games!

there is a good backlog of fanfiction out there, i can tell you that. dig into the depths of dreamwidth, even. im sure theres quite a lot of fan art strewn across tumblr entirely untagged. regardless, its was surely one the first popular ships that characterized etho in his exaggerated mysterious self that people do with him today.

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7 months ago

etho psychological torture chamber (OOGE)

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7 months ago
Wanna Be Boy Best Friends

wanna be boy best friends

7 months ago
Ethoslab And Pokmon!

Ethoslab and Pokémon!

When I got this card, I immediatly knew I wanted to draw Hermits with Pokémon

Ethoslab And Pokmon!

Also if you have any suggestions/ideas for some Pokémon that would fit different hermits/lifers then please share, I'd love to hear them!!!🫶

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7 months ago

please tell us more about the mall au, specifically etho and his pipe bomb, i need an entire thing of him running from the cops (i am your number one fan ignore that i only just found out about you that doesnt matter)

Please Tell Us More About The Mall Au, Specifically Etho And His Pipe Bomb, I Need An Entire Thing Of
Please Tell Us More About The Mall Au, Specifically Etho And His Pipe Bomb, I Need An Entire Thing Of
Please Tell Us More About The Mall Au, Specifically Etho And His Pipe Bomb, I Need An Entire Thing Of
Please Tell Us More About The Mall Au, Specifically Etho And His Pipe Bomb, I Need An Entire Thing Of
Please Tell Us More About The Mall Au, Specifically Etho And His Pipe Bomb, I Need An Entire Thing Of
Please Tell Us More About The Mall Au, Specifically Etho And His Pipe Bomb, I Need An Entire Thing Of
Please Tell Us More About The Mall Au, Specifically Etho And His Pipe Bomb, I Need An Entire Thing Of

hey guys. wanna hear about white castle pipe bomb c plot?

this may come as a surprise to some, but etho is a natural at customer service. he’s always been a pretty chill guy- it takes a lot to faze him, probably a consequence of his proclivity towards explosives in his early years. that calm exterior translates well to working the front desk of a local electronics repair store (not that he had needed a summer job, really, but doc and beef both went home for the summer, and someone kept leaving him visa-friendly job applications in every nook and cranny of his dorm- he found one in his cereal a few weeks before finals, and even that one had nothing on the one he found folded up in his toothpaste).

that being said, being good at customer service doesn’t mean that he’s completely immune to the agonies of said customer service. being good at customer service just means that after the eighteenth laptop he has to factory reset while a teenaged boy swears up and down he had not in fact clicked on a link for sexy singles in his area, etho’s able to wait until the boy leaves before attempting to gouge out his other eye.

he’s searching for a screwdriver when his phone buzzes with a text, and after a longing look at his toolbox etho flips his sign to closed and heads over to the white castle. he makes a quick stop at the arcade tango mans to set a new high score on the pinball machine, effectively guaranteeing tango will be glued to the pinball machine until he regains the top leaderboard spot, and then continues on his way to the white castle, spirits high. 

etho’s good mood abruptly vanishes after stepping into the white castle, as bdubs has apparently deemed etho’s delay in arrival unforgivable and is now withholding the free fries etho had been promised.

etho slumps himself over the front counter, not unlike a wet cat, and starts causing a scene, whining about his awful day full of idiot teens and potential self mutilation that can only be staved off with free food. bdubs staunchly ignores him and cleo threatens to pour hot oil on his head.

eventually actual paying customers come in and etho’s continued presence becomes a problem, so bdubs heaves a sigh and offers the fries to etho as long as he pays full price for them, to which etho, an extreme couponer, reacts appropriately.

etho’s eye narrows as he peels himself off of the front counter, demanding the fries free of charge. bdubs refuses. cleo smacks bdubs on the back of the head and tells him to just give etho the fries so he'll go away.

etho gives bdubs one last chance to give him the fries for free, and by the time bdubs physically removes him from the premises etho is already plotting his revenge and heading straight back to the art store to collect a favor.

(you see, somewhere between the fifth and eighth laptop etho had to factory reset, tango texted him that he managed to jailbreak the pinball machine to accept a quarter for unlimited plays, and etho abandoned his job immediately to take advantage of the incredible deal.  

that was his intention, anyway. but what happened is this: etho had never really shaken off the hold explosives have over him. after he’d been put on a five different government watchlists by the time he was seventeen he’d taken a step back and started focusing more on computing and getting into college and other projects that were less likely to necessitate seizure by the canadian government. he’s clean. he left that life behind him.


when the sound of an explosion comes from the cute little art shop as etho walks past, there’s not a second of hesitation before he swung the front doors open and entered the shop.

it hadn’t taken him long to locate the source of the explosion, following a trail of smoke down a half hidden flight of stairs to a door with a hastily scrawled sign on it reading 'SUPER TALL AND HANDSOME EMPLOYEES ONLY.’

etho opened the door, walking into what has to be the world’s most pathetic meth lab. in the corner there was a stack of cardboard boxes labeled NOT DRUGS/DEFINITELY LEGAL SUBSTANCES. beakers filled with unidentifiable substances were bubbling over onto the table. a laptop near etho’s foot displayed results for a google search of ‘how to tell if a cut needs stitches and also how long can you set yourself on fire without going to hospital.’

“THIS ISN’T WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE.” a man who etho vaguely recognized from grian's beginning of summer introductions had shouted, throwing his body over the contents of the table in a desperate attempt to hide the beakers from view. a few shattered under his weight and etho heard him stifle a whimper. “everything here is perfectly normal and also legal.”

breaking bad played quietly from a tv somewhere in the background.

etho raised an eyebrow.)

in the end, they manage to work out a deal: etho would not call the cops or tell anyone about joel's secret little operation and in return, joel owed etho a favor.

and now etho will cash that favor in.

(“so let me get this straight. you’re pissed your friend wouldn’t give you chips for free and your first instinct is to go to a meth lab and steal my meth supplies to get back at him.”

“failed meth lab. and yup.”

“there’s something wrong with you.”

“at least i know how to make meth.”

“wait, you what.”)

they start small. prank calls, anonymous yelp reviews calling the really loud cashier short, launching fireworks through the drive-thru window. it doesn’t take long for them to get bored with that though, which leads to bdubs walking into the white castle one morning to discover a horse standing in the middle of the lobby. 

the horse seems very at peace with the situation, wandering over to chew on bdub’s hair as he sputters and cleo ignores the situation entirely. bdubs is left with the task of removing the horse from the store, except the horse seems to be taller than the doorway and not particularly interested in leaving, so eventually bdubs is forced to give up. There’s just a horse in their lobby now. 

it doesn’t take bdubs very long to become attached to the horse, much to the detriment of cleo. she’s running the white castle single handedly by the end of the second day, serving customers and manning the kitchen while bdubs whispers sweet nothings to the horse in the makeshift horse stall he made in the women’s restroom. 

it’s pointless to try and reason with bdubs, so cleo makes her way over to the art store basement where joel and etho have set up their base of operations. ignoring the now functioning meth lab, she demands the horse be removed from the premises in exchange for a reasonable one free small fry per week. 

reasonable to cleo, and least. both jeol and etho scoff at her offer and demand at least one large fry per day each, to which cleo laughs in their faces. she doesn’t bother making a counter offer, simply turning on her heel and walking out of the basement. she pauses for a moment at the front of the shop to make sure she hadn’t been followed before grabbing her lighter from her pocket, casually flicking it on and taking a step towards the tissue paper.

by the time joel and etho notice something is amiss the fire department has arrived, and they’re barely able to hide the evidence of their operation before firefighters are breaking down the door, carrying them out through the art shop, entirely engulfed in flames. 

(“so in retrospect, ripping all the smoke detectors out of the ceiling probably wasn’t a great idea on your part.”

“how was i to know i was gonna get into a war with an arsonist, all i wanted to do was mind my own business and make meth!”

“fail at making meth.”

“shut up.”)

now relocated behind the counter at etho’s repair shop, joel and etho prepare their final attack.

the plan is simple: using supplies salvaged from the meth lab, etho will construct a smoke bomb and throw it through the white castle drive through window while joel takes advantage of the distraction and steals all the fries the white castle possesses.

making the smoke bomb is a piece of cake, and when joel isn't looking etho sneaks a few of his own more... volatile substances into his backpack. just in case.

joel enters the white castle and cleo immediately clocks him due to joel being the most suspicious person alive always, but she cannot be arsed to investigate. it’s been a long fucking week. joel knows what will happen if he messes with her.

bdubs, however, feels an impending sense of doom through his Etho Senses and rushes over to the drive-thru window and whips it open, immediately screaming at the sight of etho across the road winding up his arm with a smoke bomb in his hand.

and that’s when things really start to go wrong.

because here’s the thing: etho’s been missing an eye for most of his life. he knows his depth perception is shit. but he’s so caught up in the adrenaline of the moment, and bdubs screaming isn’t exactly helping him focus, and listen the baseball scene in canada isn’t exactly thriving-

all of this is to say that etho activates the smoke bomb, winds up, and promptly chucks it five feet to the left of the drive through window. it bounces off the side of the building and rolls to a stop against the tire of the car that had been pulling up to order.

several things happen in very quick succession:

1. the smoke bomb begins pouring out smoke, completely obscuring etho from view and flooding into the white castle

2. bdubs attempts to continue screaming but immediately regrets it as copious amounts of smoke invade his lungs

3. the car which had previously been pulling up to the drive through attempts to exit the scene as quickly as possible, but due to the aforementioned copious amounts of smoke misjudges where the road turns and makes a hard left directly into the wall of the white castle

the very same wall where bdubs had leashed his horse mere minutes before, and the very same wall joel had been creeping along.

the horse and joel are immediately flattened, and upon seeing this bdubs’ impassioned screaming reaches pitches previously unknown to man, and all hell breaks loose.

cleo starts cackling and arms herself with a makeshift flamethrower thrown together with hairspray and a personalized lighter. bdubs attempts to leap out of the drive-thu window but his foot gets stuck and he falls out of the building, crumpling to the ground in a still screaming heap before scrambling back up through the drive-thru window and into the fray. joel manages to claw his way out of the rubble, finds himself face to face with cleo and her flamethrower, and has half a second to regret the his and hers shrek mugs that trapped him in this stupid country before he’s running for his life. 

etho himself ends up sitting peacefully on the bench outside the white castle entrance, his mask helpfully filtering out most of the smoke. it’s lucky he grabbed some extra materials from joel’s lab really, he knew bdubs wouldn’t hand over the fries without a fight. 

he’s in the middle of assembling a device that’ll definitely get him put on the american government’s watchlist and ignoring the screams coming from inside when two men rush past him into the white castle, shouting something about justice and burgers. etho waits for a second, and almost immediately they come rushing back out. he waves at their retreating figures, one of whom he’s pretty sure is the theater kid that tried to put on a one man show of macbeth during welcome week.

etho wraps the fuse around his pipe bomb and stands up, brushing the debris off of his pants and strolling into the fray.

he finds bdubs almost immediately, the man standing on the counter and clearly audible even over the fire alarms and incessant swearing from joel and cleo, who now both have improvised flamethrowers and are duking it out in the kids play area. despite the smoke bduds and etho lock eyes instantly, bdubs paling a few shades when he sees what etho has in his hand.

bdubs jumps off the counter and attempts to run to etho, but is cut off by an entirely engulfed in flames joel. it seems that bdubs did not learn a single lesson about the flammability of his hair product from his run in with grian at the beginning of the summer, because his hair bursts into flames after the slightest brush from joel, and this time cleo isn’t standing nearby with a fire extinguisher.

it should be noted that most of the white castle is entirely engulfed in flames at this point. etho’s at the center of it all, cradling his pipe bomb like a baby and searching furiously for his promised free french fries. 

he’s stopped by cleo who meets his eyes, smiles wide, and lights the pipe bomb fuse. 


etho and cleo stare at the wreckage of the white castle. look at each other. look back at the rubble.

the sirens in the distance are distinctly closer now, and both etho and cleo abruptly realize how much evidence is contained on their person. 

“joel’s probably fine.” cleo says. “i saw him run into the walk in freezer after i burnt away the last of his clothes and hair.”

etho nods. “bdubs is too short to get crushed by rubble.”

cleo hums agreement. they stand side by side for a moment longer before cleo turns to etho.

“well, i won’t tell if you won’t.”

with that she turns on her heel and walks away. etho sticks around for a few more minutes, watching the flames die down and the last of the white castle crumble. he digs around in his pocket for a moment and pulls out a blackened handful of fries, yanking his mask down to shove them in his mouth as emergency services skid into the parking lot. 

sticking around turns out to be a mistake, etho quickly realizes, as his white hair reflects the light from the police cars and catches the attention of every officer there. he takes off at a sprint, pulling his mask back up and booking it straight into moving traffic, dodging cars and leaving the yells of the police officers and the rubble behind him.

and that’s the last anyone sees of etho that summer.

Please Tell Us More About The Mall Au, Specifically Etho And His Pipe Bomb, I Need An Entire Thing Of

(og link here!)

8 months ago

do you have any dbhc tango to spare….. me n my friends are passing around your art of him like it’s our prized possession

Do You Have Any Dbhc Tango To Spare.. Me N My Friends Are Passing Around Your Art Of Him Like Its Our
Do You Have Any Dbhc Tango To Spare.. Me N My Friends Are Passing Around Your Art Of Him Like Its Our
Do You Have Any Dbhc Tango To Spare.. Me N My Friends Are Passing Around Your Art Of Him Like Its Our
Do You Have Any Dbhc Tango To Spare.. Me N My Friends Are Passing Around Your Art Of Him Like Its Our
Do You Have Any Dbhc Tango To Spare.. Me N My Friends Are Passing Around Your Art Of Him Like Its Our

HEHE SURE! I don’t have very much to share that isn’t part of bigger projects or loredrops (floshed) but have some unfinished sketches and doodles from Decked Out! :D

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8 months ago

In case some of you whipper-snappers have no idea what Beef and Bdubs were talking about when they said that it was the second trial they had been in together, I'd like to share the most chaotic and hilarious saga of Mindcrack S2:

Etho vs The B-Team

Warning: Lots of cross chatter and 11-year-old minecraft graphics

9 months ago
Pokmon Champion Etho! He Doesnt Know How He Got Champion Either

Pokémon champion Etho! He doesn’t know how he got champion either

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9 months ago



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9 months ago
Speaking Of Fucked Up Hermits. I Made Up A Chronic Illness For Redstoners

speaking of fucked up hermits. i made up a chronic illness for redstoners 👍

Speaking Of Fucked Up Hermits. I Made Up A Chronic Illness For Redstoners

most of the other hermits have enough other fucked up shit going on with them that cancels out the redstone poisoning, so tango and etho are the ones with the worst of it. zed is susceptible to redstone poisoning too but he's a good boy and washes his hands so he's okay

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9 months ago
Day 17: Etho

Day 17: Etho

a second, smaller mask underneath

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9 months ago
Day 14: Doc

Day 14: Doc

wassup god of change. always love drawing this guy

9 months ago
10 months ago
These R The Three Options And That Is It.
These R The Three Options And That Is It.
These R The Three Options And That Is It.

these r the three options and that is it.

10 months ago

Varies on what story/au I’m working on, but pretty consistently Etho has some combination of hearing aids, knee brace & cane, prosthetic leg/hand, and/or some sort of chronic pain. Always no depth perception unless I’m giving him some sort of fancy bionic eye.

my favourite physical disability hermit hcs because projection is sexy

•Grian gets chronic pain in his legs and feet. It leads to him flying around a lot and hovering rather than standing around: it gives him some nice rest.

•Keralis has sight issues. He's not blind by any means, but his vision is cloudy and faded out.

•Doc has arthritis in his real hand but instead of just dealing with it, he invented a high-tech version of finger splints with things like a communicator or a map built in as holograms.

•Bdubs has leg and lower back pain. He has a heated blanket waiting in his bed every night for him, and sometimes has a heat pack strapped to his back under his shirt. (The strap-on heat pack is from Pearl.)

•Cleo is a zombie, so sometimes her limbs fall off and she just... goes on without them until she needs them again. Joe has to make a finger delivery to her at least once a month because he finds them lying around.

•Tango has to steam his face every two weeks because his redstone eyes make it difficult to see.

•Iskall only has one eye, so they have no depth perception. Stress thinks it's a little funny to throw things to them instead of passing them.

•Etho has a throat condition where talking is sometimes difficult. He's also immunocompromised, but he had the mask long before he knew that.

•Scar uses mobility aids. He switches between his wheelchair, cane, or leg braces, depending on his vibe that day.

•Impulse uses knee supports. Similar to Scar, he has different colours for different occasions. Cyberpunk, summer, sciencey...

•Zedaph has hearing aids.

•Xisuma uses a cannula under his mask.

please share your disability hermit/traffic headcanons..... i crave them........

10 months ago



We have 25% Hermit saturation this MCC :D

The question of questions is:

Will Etho change his skin for this??? (Probably not)

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10 months ago

place your bets on your phone now: did etho give in to scott’s “if you want to keep playing mcc you have to start streaming”, or did scott give in to etho’s “if you want me in mcc you have to let me not stream”? did the unstoppable force or the immovable object succeed first? is etho’s setup even capable of streaming,

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