mr-silly - writing in the dark
writing in the dark

Anansi | INTP | Student | Certified Genius Goofer & Goober

22 posts

Mr-silly - Writing In The Dark - Tumblr Blog

4 years ago
mr-silly - writing in the dark
4 years ago

Awe this is so cute, thanks for the tag!

@r-b-b-171 @i-kin-too-many-characters @sarah-truly @luminary-of-the-clouds​ if any of you want to do it, no pressure! :)

I wasn’t tagged by anyone lmao😄 but I saw it and I liked it  here


Tagging @hugunderthestars​ @teamnick​ @kachoobu​ @carlasmina​ @tidemakar​ @thescorpioracer​ @thesilverrqueen​ @misselesava​ @hauntedfinnick​ @carolineskam​ @geetalkstv​

4 years ago
The Queen And The Rook

the Queen and the Rook

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4 years ago
Just Peachy

just peachy 🍑

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4 years ago
Best Girl

Best 👑 Girl 👑

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4 years ago
Panel From An Unfinished Comic Ft. Best Boy

panel from an unfinished comic ft. best boy

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4 years ago
Old Friends; Old Memories

old friends; old memories 

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4 years ago
Happy Birthday To The Fire Boy!

Happy birthday to the fire boy!🔥🔥🔥


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4 years ago
A Salty Fish For 4/13 :)

a salty fish for 4/13 :)

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4 years ago
Happy 4/13! Take A Kool Kid B)

Happy 4/13! Take a Kool Kid B)

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4 years ago
Space Lesbians :)

Space lesbians :)

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4 years ago
 Problematic Artist

♡ problematic artist  ♡

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5 years ago

Blank Memes

Blank Memes
Blank Memes
Blank Memes
Blank Memes
Blank Memes
Blank Memes
Blank Memes
Blank Memes
Blank Memes
Blank Memes
Blank Memes
Blank Memes
Blank Memes
Blank Memes
Blank Memes
Blank Memes
Blank Memes
Blank Memes
Blank Memes
Blank Memes
Blank Memes
Blank Memes
Blank Memes
Blank Memes
Blank Memes
5 years ago

sometimes making tea is less about drinking it and more ab it keeping you company

6 years ago

Writing is not always writing.

Writing is being on the train and mentally seeing your OCs stumble into other people, or flinching away from the germ-ridden handrails, or sleeping on each others’ shoulders.

Writing is hearing a song on the radio and watching one of your scenes play out to the lyrics.

Writing is laying on your floor or sitting by your computer and spending hours collaging newspaper clippings or pictures or people or plants together and making something that is completely, uniquely, your story.

Writing is drawing your characters in your notebooks, and making tea only your one, picky character would drink, and writing an open letter to all your characters just to remind them you love them.

Writing is moodboards, and playlists, and crafts, and asks, and prompts, and pictures, and memories, and you.

So never think that just because you’re not putting words on a page, you’re not a real writer. Writing is something that follows you everywhere, beyond the word document, and beyond the screen.

Because writing isn’t something you do. It’s something you are.

6 years ago
Reblog This Or Die.

Reblog this or die.

6 years ago

“how’s ur wip going?”

i know which characters like pomegranates and why but i don’t have a plot yet

6 years ago


I thought I might not be the only writer out there who likes to put symbolism in their stories so I found some things and what they represent!!


Alligator - stealth, survival

Ant - diligence, industry, community, remarkable strength, hard working, success, patience

Antelope - action

Armadillo - boundaries, self protection

Badger - aggressiveness, passion and drive

Bat - rebirth, longevity, joy, good luck

Bear - gentle strength, dreaming, introspection, power, protection

Beaver - builder, accomplishing goals

Bee - divine messenger, love, service, gathering, community

Bird - enlightenment, perspective, swiftness, vision, prophetic knowledge

Boar - nature-based wealth, prosperity, success, protection, courage

Buffalo - prayer, abundance, survival needs met, good fortune, healing

Bulls’ horns - a good symbol in meditation for motivation

Butterfly - rebirth, the soul, transformation, the three phases of life

Cat - feminine energy, mystical power, used to keep the wearer safe in travel, wholeness

Chameleons - ever-changing future, inconsistency

Cheetah - speed, focus

Cougar - power, swiftness, balance

Cows - red cows are a symbol of hope, inspiring symbol for nurturing efforts

Coyote - trickster

Crane - longevity. A pair of cranes symbolizes “Long Marriage”

Cricket - good luck charm, singing, Spring, fertility

Crow - sacred law, gateway to supernatural, shape shifting, illusion

Deer - graceful gentleness, sensitivity, compassion, kindness

Dog - companionship, health, service, loyalty, protection, future prosperity

Dolphin - manna, joy, childlike play, helpfulness, breath of life, harmony, intelligence, self connection

Donkey - fertility, easy childbirth, efficiency, health, well-being, and luck

Dove - peace, innocence, fidelity, love, gentleness, kindnes

Dragonfly - good fortune, magic, vision, dreams, luck, and ancient knowledge, illusion

Dragon - wisdom due to long lives and potent magic, royalty, Emperor, eternity, courage, strength, rain, Spring

Eagle - courage, spirit, bravery, strength

Elephant - commitment, strength, astuteness

Elk - stamina, pride, power, majesty

Fish - miracles, providence, sea/water magic, good luck and prosperity, foresight, fortune, salmon in particular, are associated with knowledge

Fox - camouflage, adaptability, integration, tricksters, shape shifters, and possessors of great magic

Frog - healing, cleansing, messages, health, honesty, fluidity, purification

Gazelle - awareness

Giraffe - grounded vision

Goat - tenacity, diligence, can help to achieve goals, endure criticism, and stay safe. Goat’s fur or foot - an anti-evil talisman.

Goose - safe return, love of home

Grasshopper - nobility, prosperity

Hawk - nessenger, strength, foresight, truth

Hippopotamus - emotional depths

Horses - power, stamina, speed, transportation and communication - A black horse with a white marking on its forehead is lucky

Hummingbird - joy, pure love, celebration of life

Ladybug - delight, trust

Lamb - filial piety (dutiful respect or regard for parents).

Lion (baby) cubs - inspire mercy and gentleness.

Lion (grown) - inspire strength, courage

Lions - pride, nobility, cunning, courage, just laws, fairness, the sun, images can protect sacred ground.

Lizard - dreaming, foresight, ancient secrets

Lynx - secrets

Monkey - benevolence, drives away evil

Moose - self-esteem, assertiveness

Mountain Lion - wisdom, leadership

Mouse - frugality, rebirth, scrutiny

Opossum - strategy, diversion

Otter - medicine (woman), balanced feminine energy

Owl - deception, wisdom, clairvoyance, magic

Ox - evil spirits that disturb lakes, rivers, and seas

Peacock - wholeness, dignity, beauty, recognition, self assurance, pride

Pig - rebirth and rejuvenation

Porcupine - innocence

Rabbit - fear, fertility, moon magic, speed, swiftness, longevity, courage, strength

Raccoon - dexterity, disguise

Raven - magic

Robin - growth, renewal

Rooster - courageous, warlike disposition, warmth and life of the Universe

Scorpion - the “fire within” that often needs careful tending

Seal - inner voice

Sheep - sacrifice

Snake - cunning, evil, supernatural power

Spider - destiny, fate, weaving

Squirrel - gathering

Swan - grace

Tiger - courage, bravery, fierceness, strength, being in the now

Turtle - mother earth

Weasel - stealth

Whale - record keeper

Wolf - teacher, A Guide to the Sacred

Zebra - Individuality


Aloe- Healing, protection, affection

Amaryllis- Pride

Anemone- Forsaken

Angelica- Inspiration

Apple blossom- Preference

Arborvitae- Unchanging friendship

Aster- Symbol of Love, Daintiness

Basil- Good wishes

Bay- Glory

Begonia- Beware

Bittersweet- Truth

Black-eyed Susan- Justice

Bluebell- Humility, kindness

Candytuft- Indifference

Red carnation- My Heart Aches, admiration

- White carnation- Innocence, pure love, women’s good luck gift

- Pink carnation- I’ll never forget you

- Yellow carnation- Disdain, disappointment, rejection

Chamomile- Patience

Chives- Usefulness

Chrysanthemum- Cheerfulness

Clover, white- Think of me

Coreopsis- Always cheerful

Coriander- Hidden worth

Crocus- spring, Youthful gladness

Cumin- Fidelity

Cyclamen- Resignation and good-bye

Daffodil- Regard

Daisy- Innocence, hope

Dill- Powerful against evil

Edelweiss- Courage, devotion

Fennel- Flattery

Fern- Sincerity

Forget-me-not- True love memories

Gardenia- Secret love

Geranium- oak-leavedTrue friendship

Gladiolus- Remembrance

Goldenrod- Encouragement, good fortune

Heliotrope- Eternal love

Holly- Hope

Hollyhock- Ambition

Honeysuckle- Bonds of love

Horehound- Health

Hyacinth- Games and sport, playfulness, rashness

– Blue Hyacinth- Constancy of love

– Purple Hyacinth- Sorrow, forgiveness, regret

– Yellow Hyacinth- Jealousy

– White Hyacinth- Loveliness, prayers for someone

Hydrangea- Gratitude for being understood; frigidity and heartlessness

Hyssop- Sacrifice, cleanliness

Iris- A message

Ivy- Friendship, continuity

Jasmine- white- Sweet love

Lady’s-mantle- Comforting

Lavender- Devotion, virtue

Lemon balm- Sympathy

Lilac- Joy of youth

Lily, calla- Beauty

Lily, day- Chinese emblem for mother

Lily-of-the-valley- Sweetness, purity

Lotus Flower- Purity, enlightenment, self-regeneration, and rebirth

Magnolia- Love of nature

Marjoram- Joy and happiness

Mint- Virtue

Morning glory- Affection

Myrtle- Good luck and love in a marriage

Nasturtium- Patriotism

Oak- Strength

Oregano- Substance

Pansy- Thoughts

Parsley- Festivity

Peony- Bashful, happy life

Pine- Humility

Poppy, red- Consolation

Rhododendron- Danger, flee

Rose, red- Love, I love you.

Rose, dark crimson- Mourning

Rose, pink- Happiness

Rose, white- Purity, heavenly, I’m worthy of you

Rose, yellow- Jealousy, decrease of love

Rosemary- Remembrance

Rue- Grace, clear vision

Sage- Wisdom, immortality

Salvia, blue- I think of you

Salvia, red- Forever mine

Savory Spice-  interest

Sorrel- Affection

Southernwood- Constancy, jest

Sunflower- Adoration

Sweet pea- Pleasures

Sweet William- Gallantry

Sweet woodruff- Humility

Tansy- Hostile thoughts

Tarragon- Lasting interest

Thyme- Courage, strength

Tulip, red- Passion, declaration of love

Tulip, yellow- Sunshine in your smile

Valerian- Readiness

Violet- Loyalty, devotion, faithfulness, modesty

Wallflower- Faithfulness in adversity

Willow- Sadness

Yarrow- Everlasting love

Zinnia- Thoughts of absent friends


Red: Excitement, energy, passion, love, desire, speed, strength, power, heat, aggression, danger, fire, blood, war, violence, all things intense and passionate, sincerity, happiness (Only in Japan)

Pink: love and romance, caring, tenderness, acceptance and calm.

Beige and ivory: symbolize unification. 

Ivory: symbolizes quiet and pleasantness. 

Beige: calm and simplicity.

Yellow: signifies joy, happiness, betrayal, optimism, idealism, imagination, hope, sunshine, summer, gold, philosophy, dishonesty, cowardice, jealousy, covetousness, deceit, illness, hazard and friendship.

Dark Blue: Symbolizes integrity, knowledge, power, and seriousness.

Blue: Peace, tranquility, cold, calm, stability, harmony, unity, trust, truth, confidence, conservatism, security, cleanliness, order, loyalty, sky, water, technology, depression, appetite suppressant.

Turquoise: calm. 

Teal: sophistication. 

Aquamarine: symbolizes water. 

Lighter turquoise: a feminine appeal.

Purple: Royalty, nobility, spirituality, ceremony, mysterious, transformation, wisdom, enlightenment, cruelty, honor, arrogance, mourning, temperance.

Lavender: femininity, grace and elegance.

Orange: Energy, balance, enthusiasm, warmth, vibrant, expansive, flamboyant, demanding of attention.

Green: Nature, environment, healthy, good luck, renewal, youth, spring, generosity, fertility, jealousy, service, inexperience, envy, misfortune, vigor.

Brown: Earth, stability, hearth, home, outdoors, reliability, comfort, endurance, simplicity, and comfort.

Gray: Security, reliability, intelligence, staid, modesty, dignity, maturity, solid, conservative, practical, old age, sadness, boring. Silver symbolizes calm.

White: Reverence, purity, birth, simplicity, cleanliness, peace, humility, precision, innocence, youth, winter, snow, good, sterility, marriage (Western cultures), death (Eastern cultures), cold, clinical.

Black: Power, sexuality, sophistication, formality, elegance, wealth, mystery, fear, evil, unhappiness, depth, style, sadness, remorse, anger, anonymity, underground, good technical color, mourning, death (Western cultures), austerity, detachment.

6 years ago

when i was in middle school nickelodeon on directv broke and it froze on the same frame for five hours. which would not have been so bad, except it was during the episode of spongebob where he goes to live with the jellyfish. specifically the scene where he’s naked and covered in sea urchins and flopping all over the place trying to get them off. and it froze on the frame where spongebob was facedown on the ground, naked. so he was laying there like that in complete silence for five hours. we would change the channel back every so often to see if he’d gotten up, but he was still like that when we went to bed. none of my friends had directv so when i asked them the next day they hadn’t seen it, but my brother and i were pretty convinced that spongebob was dead.

6 years ago

Me: loves a character

That character: fuckin dies

Me: classic

6 years ago

Kingdom’s Stories


Represent power. The Kingdom of Spades is very prosperous as the values of respect and loyalty run strong. Despite their beliefs, the other kingdoms view the Kingdom of Spades as power hungry, war driven, and greedy. Since they present power, the Kingdom of Spades and its citizens get bad reputations among outsiders and are usually the first to be blamed when considering politics. Due to heavily strained relations, the rivalry with the Kingdom of Clubs can be destructive. Clubs have negative stereotypes of Spades and vice versa. The Kingdom of Spades is the Kingdom with the most land under its control, which has caused wars and skirmishes. The Kingdom of Spades consists mostly of forestry and lakes. Due to a long history of war and border disputes with the Kingdom of Clubs, Spades and Clubs are often expected to strongly dislike each other. Spades cuisine consists mainly of meat and grain based dishes. The fish found in the lakes of the Kingdom of Spades don’t taste very good and are in low demand, so seafood and freshwater fish dishes are hard to come by. One thing the Kingdom of Spades is known for is its innovative food, such as the curious thing called cereal and portable pizza pouches. Due to this, in culinary standards, Spades are considered lazy. The Kingdom of Spades is considered the very first kingdom established according to some records, however nobody knows if Spades or Hearts came first, most concluding that the Spades came first because the Heart is just an upside down Spade without the handle, or that Hearts came first because the Spade is a flipped Heart with a handle. Due to their strong bond however, a popular ‘suit’ consisting of a heart inside of a spade is commonly seen in both Hearts and Spades shops, and the similar shapes are usually used as a joke instead of debate material. The very first king and queen of Spades established the Kingdom of Spades in hopes of developing a community that respected and remained loyal to each other. As the first Queen of Spades hailed from an abusive family, she and the king did their best to pioneer, at the time, the rather new idea of respecting females, the elderly, and staying in loyal relationships.


Represent love. The Kingdom of Hearts is mostly farmland and less technologically advanced, just behind the Kingdom of Clubs. Love and compassion are valued in the Kingdom of Hearts. A common stereotype of Hearts are that they’re peace-loving and consist mostly of uneducated farmers even though the literacy rate is second highest among the four Kingdoms. The Kingdom of Hearts has the least amount of land under its control compared to the other three Kingdoms. Most of its land consists of open plains and farmland. The Kingdom of Hearts is considered very vulnerable due to its small territory and open lands, giving them little place to hide, however very valuable as it gives them maximum usage of the land they control, undisputed by the likes of harsh mountains in Clubs, uncooperative sand in Diamonds, and thick, untouchable forests in Spades. Hearts cuisine is wide and varied, though considered simplistic. It consists mostly of beefs, rice, and vegetables, though they do have access to salmon and other freshwater fish. Hearts love seafood, so it’s a common dish. Another thing Hearts are known for are their sweets and desserts. On the other hand, the Kingdom of Hearts is considered the very first kingdom established according to some other records, however nobody knows if Spades or Hearts came first, most concluding that the Spades came first because the Heart is just an upside down Spade without the handle, or that Hearts came first because the Spade is a flipped Heart with a handle.  Due to their strong bond however, a popular 'suit’ consisting of a heart inside of a spade is commonly seen in both Hearts and Spades shops, and the similar shapes are usually used as a joke instead of debate material. The very first king and queen founded the Kingdom of Hearts, already boasting a full family of five rowdy children. As they were often seen openly parenting, Hearts valued raising children to love and share compassion just as their king and queen did, aiming to build the community of openness and love. However, once they’d grown older, three of the king and queen’s children began fighting rather viciously for the inheritance of the throne. Unfortunately, the eldest son fell ill and died, the right decided to go to the second oldest.


Represent luck. The Kingdom of Clubs is generally pristine and “normal”. Citizens and the Kingdom of Clubs in general are known for their energy and boldness, and once was a popular traveling destination for it’s beautiful mountains. Among the other three Kingdoms, Clubs are viewed as drunkards and pushy. The Kingdom of Clubs ha started many wars in the past, especially against the Kingdom of Spades, so it is no longer a popular destination among outsiders right now. Spades have a negative stereotype on Clubs and vice versa. The two Kingdoms have the strongest rivalry among all of the Kingdoms due to their strained relationship. The Kingdom of Clubs resides at the foot of massive mountains. Since this Kingdom is restricted in resources for being in the mountains, they have to rely on the other Kingdoms for resources, which some citizens complain about the dependency. Despite their location, the Kingdom has largely been able to avoid landslides and is surprisingly relatively storm free. The newest form of land the Kingdom of Clubs had claimed is a large chunk of forestry seized from the Spades during the Great War, easing up Club dependency on the other kingdoms, farms springing up almost overnight. Clubs cuisine is very heavily meat based much like Spades, though they’re known for their hot and spicy foods as well. Clubs also consume a lot of noodles and vegetables. The Kingdom of Clubs was founded by a young king who was unmarried for the most of his life, spending most of his time on flings with as many females as he could get to before finally settling with someone he liked. Prideful and energetic, the first king and queen focused on creating an energetic kingdom. Most Clubs at the time didn’t mind the manual labor as it was a value to be a hard worker. Once the king had grown too old to reign any longer, ironically enough, he wanted to appoint his position of power to a friend who hailed from Spades, however, feeling it wasn’t right, the Spade chose an adviser the queen trusted, donning the Club crown for only three days.


Represent wealth. The Kingdom of Diamonds is the wealthiest of the four kingdoms, and the most sophisticated from the outside. Citizens of the Kingdom of Diamonds are generally above average in finances as the kingdom makes most of it’s profit off of the ocean it borders. Despite this, they could easily be considered the most charitable. However, the other three Kingdoms view Diamonds as rich, rude, and self-centered since the kingdom usually remains neutral in times of war. The Kingdom of Diamonds is considered the most desirable for the land it holds. The Kingdom of Diamonds is near the ocean, giving them access to beaches and seafood, although, a portion of the Kingdom of Diamonds is a minor desert and because of its location, the Diamonds often get minor monsoons. Due to their neutrality, Diamonds have been able to stay on relatively decent grounds with the three other kingdoms. Diamonds cuisine is considered the most fancy and flavorful. Due to their riches, Diamonds have access to seafood, spices an due to their neutrality, the Diamonds often trade with all three Kingdoms for other produce and goods. Originally ruled by a wealthy family, the first king and queen worked very hard to build a friendly kingdom, however due to their wealth, they were often viewed in a bad light from jealous lower class foreigners. Striving for a clean kingdom that would be a pioneer in science and intelligence for the good of all Suits, Diamonds are raised to value selflessness, charity, and modesty. Bearing no pups and having severed ties with families, as they were homophobic and unsupportive of a male queen, when the queen died, the king, stricken with grief, gave all of his money to his most trusted adviser and appointed him as the new king before resigning.

8 years ago
The Suffering Never Ends
The Suffering Never Ends
The Suffering Never Ends
The Suffering Never Ends
The Suffering Never Ends

the suffering never ends