Dave Strider - Tumblr Posts

This was done before but I had to Bonus:

Uhh this was a gift for friend's bday
It turned out sloppy, but I tried my best XD

Johndavekat sketches for DnD roleplay Xc

and then he threw him off the roof again
hey tumblr, it's a great day .

#godblessouryaoiwarriors 🫡🫡
Homestuck dub in 2024???? more likely than you think!!!!!!!!!!
Closed temporarily.
Hey there homestucks!!!! i am thinking of making my very own homestuck dub!!!!! but in order to have a new dub i am gonna need voice actors!!!! just dm me @ini_vinnie on discord asking for one of these characters with a audio clip of you voicing said character here is the list:
Narrator: Me :33
John/june: waiting on voice clip
Rose: @mulchergeist on discord
Dave: @Bana_biohazard on discord.
Jade: @sugar_rave_rabbit
Jane: free
Dirk: @nyazzy.wad on discord
Roxy: waiting on audio
Jake: free
TROLLSSS (dancestors included)
Karkat: @chewychows
Kankri: free
Aradia: pending voice
Damara: free
Tavros: free
Rufioh: free
sollux: free
Mituna: free
Nepeta: free
Meulin: @auenknown on disc
Kanaya: @aeroargonic on discord.
Porrim: free
Terezi: me >:]
Latula: @auenknown on disc
Vriska: @sunnyskulls on discord
Aranea: free
Equius: free
horuss: free
Gamzee: @spoopybois903 on disc
Kurloz: @spoopybois903 on disc
Eridan: @spoopybois903 on disc
Cronus: @bardofhope on discord
Feferi: free
Meenah: free
Calliope: free
Caliborn: free
I will edit this when voices get taken!!!!!
also just letting you know i am a minor and if you aren't comfortable with that do not audition.

I relate to this picture of Dave so much this is for sure me at yall

Me, @carcin0-88 and @chiotri-loves-davekat at the opening of the HIM Cave...of course Equius has his nesting grounds here so we share that part with him and his eaglet spawn, but they all hunt the hundreds of thousands of rats so I suppose it's necessary. But further inside is RAT and EQUIUS FREE 💯 and is all pibk, feathers and lobsters 💅👠 and black mold 🚬 (for my nutrients)
Help me Ahmed my family 🇵🇸🍉🍉

@jutsomethoughtsihave @leisureical
Sometimes revisiting old fandoms and remembering old aus you used to discuss gives you better clarity on a character's vibes.
Like with the aus where Bro Strider isn't a shit guardian just give me the realization that if that man hadn't been effected by possessed lil cal he would have been the perfect kinda fucked up southern uncle figure.
Like this man would sleep on the couch instead of his own bed with no blanket and would make Dave a bologna sandwich with Kraft singles cheese on it for breakfast while on the phone talking about how someone down the street tried to sell him drugs or something. This man would attempt to fix old four-wheelers in a shed he made out of wooden polls and sheet metal while Dave eats dirt and plays with a stray dog that shows up in the yard because Bro fed it hot dogs a couple times..... If you couldn't tell I wrote this forgetting they live in the city up until now but the point still stands
I had another thought about this: mans is the "he's trying" adult
Like I feel like when he learns something new about Dave's friends and he doesn't fully get it he'll still attempt to understand
Like he'd find out something like someone doesn't celebrate Christmas but still get them a gift card and just hand it to them on a random Tuesday in December like "Dave said you didn't celebrate Christmas and I didn't know if you have a specific day for gift giving so here" real awkward but like he has the spirit
Mans would probably respond to finding out someone Dave's friends with is trans or enby with "well.... do ya like katanas" or something
He would punch someone insulting Dave's friends while holding a beer in the other hand or like holding his hat down so it doesn't fall off
Sometimes revisiting old fandoms and remembering old aus you used to discuss gives you better clarity on a character's vibes.
Like with the aus where Bro Strider isn't a shit guardian just give me the realization that if that man hadn't been effected by possessed lil cal he would have been the perfect kinda fucked up southern uncle figure.
Like this man would sleep on the couch instead of his own bed with no blanket and would make Dave a bologna sandwich with Kraft singles cheese on it for breakfast while on the phone talking about how someone down the street tried to sell him drugs or something. This man would attempt to fix old four-wheelers in a shed he made out of wooden polls and sheet metal while Dave eats dirt and plays with a stray dog that shows up in the yard because Bro fed it hot dogs a couple times..... If you couldn't tell I wrote this forgetting they live in the city up until now but the point still stands
In my au where bro strider is the kinda fucked up uncle figure who's trying alpha Dave is definitely the single father who doesn't fully know what he's doing but is holding it together with a couple parenting books and observation
Like I could see that man finding out about Bluey, turning it on because it's a kids show and Dirk might like it, and then watching himself because he's actually getting parenting tips from it even though Dirk would rather be watching my little pony
That aside he definitely has a notebook to make notes on anything Dirk enjoys/milestone so he can't forget it
Oh Dirk said a certain brand of juice tastes better? Noted
Dirk lost his seventh tooth? Noted with a polaroid of said tooth
Dirk said he likes this very specific pen with this very specific line thickness because it's great for detailing drawings? Made a note to keep that shit stocked up, mans probably buys it in bulk
I stand by the my headcanon that Dave quotes romcoms Karkat likes to be funny
Like he starts with the weirdest and obscure ones that only Karkat would know (because Karkat would be the type to memorize romcoms scripts) but on the rare occasion he says one of the mushy romance quotes "ironically" it just makes Karkat melt
Also he'd say a mushy one like a few times to try and win an argument by distracting Karkat but it would just cause Karkat to vacillate between red and black and get louder as he argues with some "if you weren't so handsome" and "I wanna kiss you to make you shut up" thrown in
Homestuck characters that would make the perfect rp discord rotation:
Calliope, Nepeta, Dave, Jade, Kanaya, Aradia, Feferi
Homestuck characters who would make a hellish rp discord rotation:
Dirk, Eridan, Caliborn, Bro, Gamzee, Nannasprite, Arquissprite, Rose
(this is solely my opinion based on how the characters either react to the concept of rp in the comic or how well or horribly the characters would cooperate in an rp,)