mrreindeerface - Yeet Yourself Into The Abyss
Yeet Yourself Into The Abyss

MrReindeerface . mrsini . ieatrubberbands . LJ Nicolson

48 posts

Its Certainly A Different Dynamic Between Them, Even In Their Solo Routes To Their Personal Routes. I

It’s certainly a different dynamic between them, even in their solo routes to their personal routes. I personally thought it was really interesting to see Alkar take on a different role (?) in the relationship when he’s in the poly route if that makes sense. But poly route or not the way the friendship between Omen and Alkar is portrayed is fantastic to me. They’re both so loveable. If you ever get curious I would say give it a try but if it doesn’t feel right to you don’t force it? There’s good lines in it but ultimately Alkar in a babe any way you romance him so…

Not doing the poly route first was the smartest thing you could have done IMO. Trying to go back and do the solo routes afterwards was agonizing… Like I’ve already had you together why do I have to have you separate? (For the CGs… they give me life). I fully intended to do Piper’s route first but Ezra’s first CG completely derailed me I couldn’t just not romance him to start. And then I got invested in my hunter’s backstory and stressed over how to do it and ended up with Finn so my first playthrough was just a complete fail all around. Enjoyable though!

The soft option to condem but lie is still hard for me. I don’t like them thinking I would betray everything we worked for! But it was done in such a compelling way. I know someday I’ll fully play the Pledge route but I just can’t. Poor August. Their route especially was so much pain. It’s so interesting to see what happens to your Hunter when you chose that route but the emotional toll is distressing.

I like that there’s a different feel to the poly route to start depending on who you initiated with. I personally for replays go with Ezra first but I just love going through the Lunar Festival with him is just such a nice, light break. And I love that you get to decide if you’re going to lead or let him lead – I don’t see that much in these kinds of games so that was super exciting!

(Finnzra owns my heart I’m so sorry I could go on about the two of them for years)

The mini-story is gold in my opinion. I laughed through it every time (and I replayed it for every route just to see). But Alkar is such a treat in it. Peak Alkar behavior. Do yourself a favor and experience him.

I made different characters for each route too – three hunters and I just headcanoned the fourth into a witch (since that isn’t an in-game option) just because I wanted to shake it up a little. I totally get where you’re coming from with not reusing characters because I’m the same way.

Please tell me about Greer!! Here or in a separate post!! Her and Brighid and all of them!! I love all Hunters equally – plus it’s so interesting to see the different ways people interpret the universe and cast. I just want all the content.

mrreindeerface replied to your post: I said before I’d be back. Now, I mean it. Despite…

WTNC is such a fantastic game you made a wonderful choice but also welcome to the spiral


I’ve since played everyone’s monogamous routes and have initiated Ezra/Finn’s polymance but I don’t think I started properly as it didn’t feel as organic as I’d hoped (I started with Finn first and added Ezra; I think it would feel more natural going the other way). The only route I have no intentions of doing is the Alkar/Omen/MC polymance. Alkar and Omen just…don’t feel like a couple to me? They read more as an affectionate friendship for me. I just don’t see it. Also Alkar is with my Greer and they just work too well together

I also did a Disaster Hunter playthrough last night and holy shit it broke me

I love every LI in that game. They are all such wonderful amazing people full of depth. But Alkar is definitely my favorite.

Don’t encourage me to talk about Greer. Because I will. At far too much length.

And also the headcanons I’ve been building to try to explain some of the worldbuilding and whatnot. I have so much I could say. So. Much.

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More Posts from Mrreindeerface

7 years ago

Had to have a conversation with three different people last night about kinks because we had a daddy bring his princess shopping at like midnight and she kept wandering away from him so they were calling for each other through the store. Like she legitimately sounded like a child and the other customers were concerned there was a lost kid in the store.

Like if you’re both consenting adults that’s fine go nuts but if you want to do that in public you have to know people aren’t going to react well like don’t get mad at me because Susan came in for her prescription and got weirded out you were roleplaying in a drugstore at fuckall hour of the day.

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2 years ago

My sexuality is “im not fucking you, so don’t worry about it”

9 years ago

Porn for Jay - 2

Obviously NSFW (I think)

Ven belongs to me

Mei belongs to Jay

It started out innocently enough, but then again everything in her life started out innocently enough and ended up somewhere on the opposite end of the spectrum. Her modeling job, relationships, dates, everything she did it seemed somehow went from kissing teddy bears to making out in the hall closet. Movie nights with Ven started the same way.

She liked Ven, she really did. She was sweet and unobtrusive, she did her work and then left. Mei wasn’t sure about dating people from work, it had always felt unsteady to her, and especially after what happened the last time she was on her guard, but Ven was different.

Ven had her own things, her own life to worry about. Not that she didn’t care about Mei, because she did, if the coffees and reassuring hugs and “I know you can do it”s were anything to go by. But Ven cared enough not to push where Mei pulled away and, for the first time in a long time, Mei found herself wanting to step forward.

But she was, as usual, at a total loss on how to proceed. It’s not like she could just walk up to Ven and say “Hey I kind of want us to have sex”, especially since the one time things had gotten remotely steamy between them before, Mei was the one who backed off.

It was their usual Sunday movie night, except Mei had been loading them up with those cheesy romcoms and Ven hadn’t been keeping her hands to herself. It wasn’t a problem until the popcorn bowl was empty and overturned on the floor, and Mei had found herself tangled up with Ven, both of their hands in places they really shouldn’t have been on a work night.

It wasn’t until Ven had her hands up Mei’s shirt that she had remembered the last time she had been there, with another girl whose voice was nothing but honey and sweet nothings and lies.

Ven wasn’t her, wasn’t a reporter out to sell the biggest secrets to the highest bidder, but Mei still couldn’t bring herself to go any further with it, and Ven had been nothing but obliging about it. The next week Mei had popped in one of those generic action/adventure movies and Ven kept her hands above Mei’s shoulders the entire time.

Mei wasn’t sure what she wanted yet, she was almost certain if she asked for sex she would get it (almost because there were times when Ven could be highly unpredictable), though she still hadn’t decided if that was what she wanted.

Ven seemed, as usual, completely oblivious to Mei’s inner turmoil. Neither one of them had a movie picked so they had relied on Netflix to recommend them one based on their previous interests. It seemed decent enough, but Mei was having a hard time focusing on it due to the overbearingly attractive person sprawled out next to her on the couch.

“You’re staring at me,” Ven said softly, eyes never leaving the screen. Mei made one of those embarrassingly obvious oh shit I’ve been caught noises.

“Am not,” Mei defended. Ven just raised an eyebrow and lolled her head to the side so she could stare right back.

“You haven’t been paying any attention to the movie since Leo came on,” Ven pointed out. She had, Mei noticed miserably for the millionth time, the most amazing blue eyes. They couldn’t be real, she had decided one day, but had yet to figure out how Ven was faking them. “And I can see you watching me.”

Mei stuck her bottom lip out in a pout as Ven grinned at her defeat. Before she could convince herself out of it, Mei swung her body over Ven’s, settling down on her hips as she sealed their lips together in a kiss.

Ven’s hands had grabbed her hips out of instinct to help keep her steady, her fingers splayed across Mei’s sides and back as Mei’s hands cupped her jaw, tilting her head up so she could deepen the kiss. She could feel the blush rise on her cheeks as Ven’s fingers flexed, her grip loosening so she could slowly trail her hands down across Mei’s thighs.

Mei had to pull away so she could get air into her lungs, Ven took the opportunity to turn her head and draw one of Mei’s fingers into her mouth before she pulled back further, her fingers digging into Mei’s thighs.

“What’s got your panties in a twist?” she asked, leaning her head back against Mei’s hands once she’d flipped her hair over her shoulder.

“Absolutely nothing,” Mei gasped out before she could stop herself. “I’m not wearing any.” She rushed forward and pressed their lips together again before Ven’s reaction could steal her nerve. Ven kissed back with equal fervor, her hands sliding back up to Mei’s sides, catching the bottom of her shirt as they slowly ascended her body.

It took Mei longer than it should have to remember that, oh right, she wasn’t wearing a bra and, oh right, she wasn’t exactly ready to be 100% naked yet. It was a struggle, but she managed to tear her lips away from Ven’s long enough to speak.


It took a second for the word to register, but Ven’s hands froze somewhere around her ribcage, fingers pressed into her skin. Ven’s eyes were closed, but after a moment she opened them slowly, and blinked owlishly at Mei in question.

“If we, ah, we um, do this.” Mei could feel her face turning redder the more she spoke. “Can I… keep my clothes on?” Ven’s head tilted to the side, sort of like a confused puppy. A ghost of a smile tugged at the corner of her mouth.

“You want to have sex, but keep your clothes on?” Ven asked, voice heavier than Mei remembered.

“I-if that’s okay… I mean, I would feel more comfortable, so…” The tug turned into a full blown smirk as Ven’s eyes trailed down from Mei’s face, along her body to stop at her skirt, which was horribly askew. Mei was suddenly reminded with vivid clarity of her declaration not five minutes before. She didn’t think it was possible for her face to get any redder, but by the time Ven’s eyes made it back to her own, she felt like she would just about burst into flames.

“Sure,” Ven said finally.

“S-sure?” Mei couldn’t keep the surprise out of her voice. Ven managed a shrug.

“I’ve seen you in nothing but bras and panties for most of our relationship,” she pointed out, causing Mei to hide behind her hands in embarrassment. “I’ll just use my imagination to fill in all the gaps.”

“You’re awful,” Mei whined pitifully.

She had her eyes covered so she wasn’t at all prepared for Ven to move, neatly rolling Mei back onto the couch while Ven propped herself up beside her, one arm along the back of the couch for support while the other traced down across her stomach, neatly adjusting her skirt before sliding underneath between her thighs.

“A-are you positive?” Mei managed to gasp out, unconsciously widening her legs as Ven trailed her hand along them, down almost to the hem of the skirt and back up, leaving her skin to skip across to the other. “I can at least take the skirt off…”

“No, it’s fine,” Ven said against her collarbone. “I think I can manage without seeing it.” Mei let out a breathy chuckle.

“Aren’t you a little cocky?”

Ven’s fingers trailed back across her crotch, this time pressing down and sliding down the length of her slit. Mei couldn’t help the whimper that escaped from her throat, and the self-satisfied smirk on Ven’s face wasn’t doing much to help. Ven’s fingers trailed back up, this time she took the time to slide two of her fingers across Mei’s clit.

“他妈的!” Mei’s hips rocked off the couch as she was left gasping. She couldn’t control it as she surged forward, a vain attempt to get Ven to fucking do something, but the blonde was already gone, her hand back to trailing across Mei’s thighs.

“你要我摸你吗?还是舔你吗?我可以尝你, 好不好?” The question breathed against her ear made Mei moan, regardless of what the meaning implied.

She had no response, her breathing heavy as Ven continued to tease, gently sliding her lips across Mei’s jaw as her fingers refused to give Mei any sort of reprieve. Mei reached one hand around Ven’s back, knotting her fingers in the collar of the other’s shirt. Her other hand she reached behind her to tangle her fingers with Ven’s in a fruitless attempt to help ground herself.

“美灵,” Ven cooed against her, tongue teasing along her ear before she tugged on it with her teeth. “你必须选择.” Her fingers traced a path back up Mei’s thigh, ghosting along her just enough that sensation only increased her desire instead of satisfying it.

“阿,” She was so worked up that she was finding it difficult to get enough air in her lungs to respond. “摸…摸我.” Ven hummed against her ear, fingers trailing back down across her lips, never dipping inside, and Mei bucked up against them in protest.

“在哪里?” Mei could feel Ven’s smirk against her skin, so she tightened her grip on the back of her neck in protest.

“你知道! ” Mei gasped, turning her head to lock their eyes again. Ven’s smirk only grew, causing another blush to race across Mei’s face.

“好.” Was all the warning she gave before she leaned in and covered Mei’s lips with her own, the surprisingly gentle kiss threw her off guard enough that she wasn’t focused on Ven’s fingers until one of them slid inside of her, curling against her as her hips rolled against them. The mouth over hers managed to swallow most of the sound that left her throat.

Mei had to tear their lips apart so she could breathe, she was left sucking air into her lungs like she had was drowning as Ven peppered soft kisses along her jaw and throat, her hand under Mei’s skirt teasing along her folds as she slowly slid her finger in and out of Mei’s body.

Mei hadn’t stopped to think that Ven, who worked with her hands all day, would be an expert at using her fingers for more than jewelry making. Somehow, she couldn’t make herself mind.

The soft chuckle that sent shivers racing down her spine was less condescending and more amused; Ven had her eyes fixed on Mei’s face, although Mei couldn’t bring herself to meet her eyes for longer than a few seconds.

She was panting and on edge even before Ven added a second finger; they were longer and slid deeper than Mei had ever managed before, eliciting another moan from her. The hand she had wrapped around Ven she moved, using the circle around her throat to drag her in for another kiss, Ven’s body shifting to accommodate the change in position.

Mei let out a whimper as Ven sped up, curling against her walls in search while she used the others to tease along her folds, her thumb circling Mei’s clit but never actually touching it.

Ven was keeping her eyes above Mei’s chest, not that she could see much through the t-shirt that clung to her dewy skin, but the intense regard of her expressions wasn’t helping Mei’s state of mind, not when every cry of ecstasy made Ven’s eyes light up with either pleasure or victory, Mei really couldn’t tell.

Ven arched forward suddenly, driving her fingers deeper inside of Mei as she brushed against something that caused her to arch up off the couch, her mind washed out with pleasure as she cried out, whatever words she had been attempting to say slamming into each other and getting lost.

Ven’s lips were back against her jaw, fingers moving faster as she drove Mei higher and higher, dancing both inside and out of her body until she was lost to the torrent of sensations that rocked her and sent her spiraling out of awareness.

Mei was distantly aware of Ven, still pressed against her, hands carrying her through until she came back down to Earth. Her entire body was tingling with euphoria, even if her lungs were burning as she panted for air. Ven shifted back off of her, reclining next to Mei as she pressed gentle kisses along her collarbone. Their hands were still tangled together and Mei couldn’t help the sound she made as Ven’s fingers slipped out of her body.

Ven pulled her head away long enough to pop them in her mouth, and Mei let out an involuntary moan that she didn’t have enough air for. Once she remembered how to speak she turned her head weakly to stare at the blonde.

“Okay then,” she managed between heavy breaths. “My turn.”

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9 years ago
You Writers Are Just As Important As Us Drawing Artists. Ya Hear Me
You Writers Are Just As Important As Us Drawing Artists. Ya Hear Me
You Writers Are Just As Important As Us Drawing Artists. Ya Hear Me
You Writers Are Just As Important As Us Drawing Artists. Ya Hear Me

You writers are just as important as us drawing artists. Ya hear me


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7 years ago

I’m not sorry

tfw when a friend threatens to comment “Butt” on every chapter of your fic

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