mrsnobodyimportant - Unbetitelt

50 posts

Writing Challenge Day 11: Write About Your Siblings

Writing challenge Day 11: write about your siblings

Okay so, I have two sisters, one is younger than me, I'll call her M, and one is older than me, I'll call her R. They both look a lot like me. I don't see R very often, only around Christmas, Eastern, sometimes Halloween and on her birthday, because she lives kinda far away. She's pretty nice and a little bit clueless sometimes. We always used to play together and watch videos on her computer. She'd also let me write my first stories on it. M on the other hand may look like my twin (except for the eye colour) but we're completely different. She cares a lot about how she looks and stuff while I always look like a sack of potatoes. She also loves math and sport which I hate, while she on the other hand hates history and languages, which I love. People always confuse us, even my friends. I still help her and I am still nice to her though. We all get along very well.

I started Moriarty the patriot btw👍

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Bramcraft Fic Recommendation Timeeeeee


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1 year ago

Writing challenge Day 7: favourite movie

I don't watch much TV, but if I had to pick a movie it would be Bungo Stray Dogs Dead Apple. It's just so amazing😩. Not only do Fyodor, Dazai and Shibusawa look hot as hell, but we also got some spicy Soukoku and partners-in-crime vibes Fukumori. I think the plot twists in general were just fantastic. So yeah, I really love this movie.

I watched it with my gf and my bestie 🤭

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1 year ago

Writing challenge Day 9: write about happiness

I think happiness is the feeling when you don't have to care or worry about anything. When everythings alright and you have everything you want. It's the feeling when everything is just enough. For me, it's the hardest feeling to achieve. Pure happiness isn't a very common feeling. Sure, you're happy when you ,for example, get something you really wanted. But that's not everlasting, true happiness. Happiness is the most wanted feeling of all.

I don't know much about happiness TwT

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1 year ago

Writing challenge Day 8: the power of music

Ah yes music. Everybody has a different taste in it. Music can make you feel happy, sad, angry and more. It makes you feel like you're in a movie. It creates scenarios in your head. It makes memories. It's different for everybody.

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1 year ago

Writing challenge Day 4: places you want to visit

I really really wanna go to Asia one day, especially Japan. And no, not just because I like cosplay and want to go to a con, but because I'm really interested in the culture there. Also, I kinda wanna go to Wales and Ireland, don't ask why. I guess it's also because of the culture. I wanna go to Iceland too, because of the nature and stuff. But yeah, I think that's about it. I'm just a stay-at-home person mixed with a couch potato.

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