Mrsoutoftime - Mrs Out Of Time

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More Posts from Mrsoutoftime

@ChrisEvans After 10 long weeks…
Thank you so much! I’m so happy you like it! It’s definitely looking like I’ll be writing a series. I love writing about Ransom and I’ve had so much fun writing this fanfic! :D
Broke (Part 2)
Ransom Thrombey/Drysdale x Reader
Rating: T
Warnings: Language, spoilers (though I did change some of the plot), late night editing, and ANGST
Read Part 1 here!
Author’s Note: Part 3 coming soon! Maybe a series after that too. Depending on what you guys think of the end.

Keep reading
Missing You
Rating: T
Warnings: slight cursing and as always, late night editing and some mediocre writing
(GIF, as always, is not mine)

Chris’ absence had always taken a toll on your daughter but today, on the day of her fall dance recital, the effect was even worse. As you looked down at the little girl tightly holding onto your hand, your heart broke as you took in her expression. She kept her gaze forward, quiet, as the flowers you had bought her nearly dragged on the floor. Tears were brimming in her eyes, threatening to fall and you knew the moment you both made it to the car, they would. For now, your brave little six year old refused to let her friends and their families see how much she missed her daddy. Amazed that she could be so strong, even you wouldn’t have been able to keep it together like that, the feeling quickly passed when you heard her sniffle. Immediately, you swept her into your arms, letting her hide against your neck as you finished the short trek to the car.
Like you predicated, once the door was opened and she was being buckled into her seatbelt did she finally break. Her whimpers had turned into full-blown sobs as she clutched the flowers tightly to her chest, crying her heart out for her daddy.
“I want my daddy. When is daddy coming home?” She whimpered, looking up at you with her now red and puffy eyes, forcing your already broken heart to crumble beyond repair as you struggled to find a solution for her troubles. But with Chris still working on his next film and no chance for the two of you to fly out there right now, all you could do was pull her into your arms and softly rub her back.
“Oh sweetheart. I know you do. Your daddy misses you too. I promise that we’ll see him soon. Soon baby.”
But your words did nothing as she continued to sob, her wet tears staining your shirt as she pressed herself close against you. You didn’t really expect them to though. While she was always your strong little princess, she was still six after all. With a silent sigh, you pulled away to make her look at you. A small smile on your face, you tucked her hair behind her head before wiping away her tears.
“How about we…” You didn’t have time to finish your thought as your phone rang, Chris’ familiar ringtone filling the air.
Just like that, the despair your daughter felt was gone as you quickly scrambled for your phone, letting her take it as soon as you answered. She waved as his face popped up on the facetime call, giggling as Chris’ loud voice echoed in the car.
“Hey princess! How was your dance?!”
While you would have rather stuck around to see your husband, you reluctantly climbed into the front seat and started the long trek back to your home. For now, you’d have to live with only hearing his voice. Yet even that was muffled as your thoughts continued to center around your daughter and how you could fix this.
Just like almost any problem in the Evans house, Disney had become part of the solution. With Chris’ help, the two of you had made it to Disneyland the next weekend. While (y/d/f/n) had resisted at first, claiming it wouldn’t be as fun without her daddy, here you were by the castle.
The two of you sat on a bench nearby, watching families pass by muttering about fast pass times and the next parade. But for once, your daughter didn’t seem to care about the next thing to do as she happily munched on her treat. The dripping Mickey Mouse ice cream bar left marks on her Belle ball gown but it didn’t deter her from trying to finish the giant treat by herself. The Lumiere and Cogsworth doll left forgotten at her side, she continued to nibble her way through the chocolate covered treat while humming along to “Be Our Guest” that the show nearby was playing.
But as always, it was too much. The simple idea made her pause until finally, she reluctantly handed you the rest of the bar.
“Do you want the rest mommy? Daddy usually has it but…” Just like last week, your daughter looked about ready to break down as she thought about the fun times with what she said was ‘the best daddy in whole wide world.’
“Woah. Are you giving my treat to mommy? Not cool sweet pea!” The new voice in the conversation immediately forced (y/d/f/n)’s head to snap up as she looked around for the familiar voice, a grin stretching across her face when she saw him.
There, in front of the two of you, was your husband. Despite how tired he must be from the non-stop filming, he didn’t show it as he walked toward the bench with a bright smile. He didn’t even try to hide his amusement as he knelt down beside your daughter. But as soon as he did, she reacted, flinging herself into his arms. The ice cream now lying on the floor, she didn’t care as she squealed, pushing herself closer towards her father’s loving embrace.
“Daddy! You’re here!”
Chris chuckled as he happily held onto her, hugging her tight as he kissed the side of her head.
“Well of course I’m here. I couldn’t stand being away from my favorite princess.”
As your two favorite people exchanged hugs and kisses, you recorded the entire thing, only putting it away when they both turned in your direction. The same goofy grin on their faces, they took the few steps closer to reach you before Chris leaned down to finally give you the kiss that you’ve been longing for since the moment he left to film. Your daughter’s soft giggles interrupted the two of you quickly though as once more, she stole Chris’ attention. Not that you minded. You adored the bond between the two and would happily step aside to make your little one happy.
“Daddy! We didn’t go on your favorite ride yet!”
“What?! Were you waiting for me? Did you know I was coming?” Chris teased while tickling her, making her once soft giggles turn into shrieks of amusement as she squirmed in her father’s arms. But you knew that she’d happily take the tickle torture if it meant staying in his arms.
You chuckled as you gathered your things before taking Chris’ free hand. With (y/d/f/n) distracted as she scooped up her plush friends, you smiled up at the man you loved.
“I missed you.” You whispered, smiling when he leaned down to softly kiss you once more.
“God (y/n), I missed you too. So damn much. I couldn’t stop thinking about the two of you when I was filming. When I brought up the idea of a break to see you two, the directors nearly dragged me to the taxi hoping that I’d come back more focused.”
You chuckled, shaking your head as you squeezed his hand gently. “I guess I should be thanking them then. Any more time apart and I think (y/d/f/n) and I would have gone insane.”
Chris couldn’t help himself as he leaned down to kiss you yet again. Not that he really wanted to. Even after years of being married, the two of you still were in the ‘honeymoon’ stage of your relationship. Every day with each other was something you both treasured and you both doubt that feeling would ever change. With a smile, he let go of your hand and instead, pulled you as close as he could to his side.
“Now I can’t have that happen to my best girls, now can I?”
Tag List: @patzammit
Broke (Part 2)
Ransom Thrombey/Drysdale x Reader
Rating: T
Warnings: Language, spoilers (though I did change some of the plot), late night editing, and ANGST
Read Part 1 here!
Author’s Note: Part 3 coming soon! Maybe a series after that too. Depending on what you guys think of the end.

It’s been a month since you last spoke to Ransom.
You knew your husband and his stubborn ways and gave him that long before you contacted a lawyer. Ransom would soon be given the paperwork filing for a legal separation.
Perhaps it was too fast but so was the rest of your relationship with him.
You dated two months before he popped the question. Which, you might add, he only did to prove a point. With the giant rock on your finger, everyone would know that you were his. But you knew how he felt about you and happily accepted his proposal.
You married two weeks after that. With the criticism from his family, it was the perfect way to piss them off. Or so Ransom had said. Once more, you happily accepted the offer. He loved you. That’s all that mattered even if it made you a bigger target for his family’s insults.
What a fool you were.
His words since echoed in your mind, leaving your heart empty and your world numb. You had left signs for Ransom on where you would be. Even your best friend had outright told him you were staying with her but with still no sign of your husband, you quickly lost hope for the love you thought he had for you.
So you took off your wedding ring, slipping it into the envelope that the lawyer delivered to Ransom. You listened to the insecurities that the Drysdales and Thrombey had been telling you for the past two years. How could you not? Ransom even agreed with them now. You were nothing but a mistake. You didn’t belong with them. So with the little pride that you had left, you faked a smile and continued on with your job. Only this time, your free time wasn’t spent with your husband. It was circling apartment ads you found in the newspapers while sitting on your friend’s couch which doubled as your temporary bed.
It was a Saturday. With no class, you sat nursing a glass of wine, cursing your luck for leaving your laptop at your house. Or, was it your old house now? Sitting with your legs underneath the coffee table, you twirled the thick red marker in your hand as your browsed the listings for apartments. But even then, it was hopeless. With a loud sigh, you tossed the pen aside before laying your head against the cool glass table.
You weren’t heartless. Once you left Ransom, you couldn’t find it in you to completely shut him out. You took pride that for years you’ve been saving money for the future but now? Every last cent went to paying off some of Ransom’s credit cards and bills. It wasn’t much and truth be told, he’d still need to sell some of his toys but it was enough to keep him stable until he found a solution.
As much as you hated the bastard right now, you still loved him.
But with your savings depleted and your paycheck barely enough for you to get by, you knew it would take awhile before you could save enough for a deposit on a good apartment. With a sigh, you pushed the papers aside, knowing that it was no use. You wouldn’t be leaving this lumpy old couch for awhile.
As you glanced at your now empty glass of wine, one hand moving to the already half-empty bottle, you jumped when you heard a loud banging on the door. With a sigh, you rubbed your face as you pushed yourself up. Along the way, you knocked over the bottle, spilling the wine onto the tan carpet.
“Shit. There’s another expense.” You mumbled as you ran a hand through your messy (h/c) hair while walking to get the front door. The banging never ceased, making your headache even worse as you screamed.
“Alright asshole! I hear you. Just please...stop it already!” You grumbled as you finally threw the door open, a sharp gasp leaving your lips when you saw the familiar brown jacket. The very same one you remembered buying for your husband during your first Christmas together.
Your hand fell from the door knob as you took a step back, finally getting a look at him. There he stood, in all his glory. His hand resting on the frame of the door, he looked at you with an impassive stare. Nothing was out of place. Not his designer clothes or his perfectly styled hair. He was thriving without you. At least, that’s what your negative thoughts said, ignoring the hint of remorse that lingered in his gaze. With a small groan, your hands clenched into fists as you rubbed harshly at your closed eyes.
“You’re drunk (y/n). Fuck. He isn’t here.”
“Of course I’m here. What the fuck is this?!” He said, breezing past you as he threw the paperwork the lawyer dropped off on top of the apartment ads you were once looking at. The ring was held in his hands though, shaking it in front of your face.
“I see he finally dropped them off. Please tell me you signed them.” You said, giving up on the silly hope that this was all a dream. The last thing you needed was this. What you did need was for Ransom to apologize and sweep you into his arms but that would never happen.
“Like fuck I did. A legal separation?! YOU are my wife and…”
“Was.” You quickly interrupted him. “...Or well, in the process of it.” You threw your hand around, as if dismissing the topic as you moved to the kitchen to fetch some towels. Might as well clean the wine spill. Anything was better than to listen to Ransom’s tantrum.
It was quiet, as if you stunned Ransom too much to continue the argument. The entire apartment fell into an uncomfortable silence as you kneeled down, spraying the stain before starting to scrub at the dark red spot. You didn’t know how much time had passed but he didn’t leave. You could feel his gaze on you the entire time.
“You’re coming home.” That was as close to an apology as you were going to get. But it wasn’t enough. Not this time.
“Like hell am I.”
He growled at your words, taking a step towards you before he paused. “Is this about what I said? Stop acting so petty (y/n). Let it go.”
You knew what he was doing. He wanted to get you angry. Anything would have been better than the almost dismissive way you were acting now. But you wouldn’t give him that satisfaction because the truth was...he was losing you. The hope you felt for this relationship was slowly fading after so much time left alone with your negative thoughts.
“I put up with a lot of your shit Ransom. I gave up so much of myself to be with you.”
“I didn’t ask you to do that.” He interrupted with a scoff. You only sighed at his response.
“No. You didn’t. But I loved you enough to change to make you happy. I gave up things that mattered to me because I wanted to see you smile. But I guess, it wasn’t enough. Was it?” You paused, struggling to keep your tears at bay. “Here I am, sitting like a fool on my friend’s floor and you still won’t apologize to me. You let me stay here, thinking I was your biggest mistake. That everything I did for you, for our relationship, was for nothing. All because you can’t buy shit anymore? Was that the only reason I was there? To be your punching bag?”
You quickly wiped away the few tears that fell, refusing to show him your pain as you continued. You winced as your voice cracked. “But it all ends now. I am not going back with you. I am not going to stop fighting for a separation. I am not going to push aside my own feelings and wants for you anymore.” You hesitated. “I think you need to leave.”
“Not until you come home.” You laughed, the sound broken as you shake your head. You weren’t going to argue though. It was too much.
“Goodbye Ransom. Please stop coming here. Just send the paperwork to the lawyer so I can finally be happy again.”
You heard it. The short gasp from him that followed your last words. But he quickly hid it as he hurried to the door, slamming it on the way out. It was only when you heard him walking away did you finally break, your sobs echoing in the room as you collapsed onto the floor.
He left behind the paperwork and as much as you wanted to believe there was hope, you lost faith in Ransom and his supposed love for you.
Tag List: @jessiejunebug
“I am Home”
Rating: PG
Warnings: Angst and Mediocre writing
(GIF, like always, is not mine)
Author’s Note: Long time no see, huh? I’ve been dying to write again and while this first attempt isn’t great, it’s a start. This is #63 from a recent prompt list I reblogged onto my page. Please feel free to leave a number in my inbox with one of the characters I’ll write for. I’d love some inspiration!

You were a fool.
From the moment Steve volunteered to return the stones, you had assumed he’d come back. That he’d back in a few seconds and sweep you up in his arms before you both helped the world recover from Thanos.
You hoped that he’d choose the life he made with you.
Yet as you fiddled with your wedding ring, leaning against the wall by the open door, your heart broke as you overheard your husband and Bucky talk on the other side.
“You’re really going back to return all those stones?” Bucky asked, leaning against the counter as he watched Steve fasten his gloves. His feet fiddled with some of the damage from the recent fight, his eyes focused on the floor to hide his sullen expression. “Someone has to Buck. I know the locations of where to return the stones and honestly? I don’t think any of the others are fit to do this right now.” Steve sighed, running his hand through his hair as he leaned down to fix his boots next.
Bucky paused. “You’re not coming back, are you?”
“What are you talking about?” Steve finally looked up, watching as Bucky did too to reveal his bloodshot eyes.
“Don’t act like you haven’t thought about it. You have the chance to go back and have a life with her. She’s the love of your life, Steve.” It broke your heart that he didn’t object. Or at least, you didn’t think he did as the room went quiet. You almost jumped when Bucky finally spoke up again. “You deserve a happy ending Steve. You’ve done enough for this time. It’s about time you went back to yours.”
Once again, the silence killed you. You felt like your heart stopped as you painstakingly waited for Steve to speak. Whether to confirm or deny it, you just needed to know. You needed to prepare yourself for a world without your husband. You held your breath as you counted the seconds until someone would speak and break the tension that seemed to haunt the room and the hallway where you were.
“Stop being ridiculous Bucky.” Steve finally said. But his voice was flat, completely unlike the one you came to love. Steve’s voice that you knew was full of conviction, truth laced in each word. Whether it was to save the world or to promise you that he’d be home for Thursday pizza movie nights, you never once doubted him. But this time, you faltered and obviously Bucky did too as he sighed again.
“Whatever you say pal. I’ll see you over there.”
You needed to go. You didn’t want them to catch you eavesdropping. But you stood frozen in your spot. The tears raced down your face as a hand flew over your mouth to hide the sobs. Your ring scraped over your lips, as if reminding you of all the precious memories you had and the ones you would lose the opportunity to experience if he chose to leave you behind.
Bucky froze when you saw you on the other side. He didn’t alert Steve of your presence though. Instead, his arm wrapped over your shoulders as he steered you away while he whispered words of comfort in your ear. But nothing helped. The only thing that could would be to see the man you loved return back with an empty briefcase and a smile on his face.
The three of you were silent as Bruce and Steve discussed the details of the mission. Sam had been oblivious just like you had been, hands tucked into his pockets as he waited nearby. But you and Bucky knew better. Bucky hovered near the end of the clearing, hands tucked into his pockets while didn’t know what to do. You stood next to the platform, struggling to find the strength to speak when Steve finally came your way. You were losing him. What could you say?
It all happened so fast though. The briefcase was locked, Mjolnir was picked up, and in just a few moments Steve was standing by your side. A small smile was on his face as he took your hand, lifting it to his lips to kiss it gently.
“Why the long face, doll? I’ll be back before you know it.” Lies. But you couldn’t say it as tears welled up in your ears. It felt hard to breath as he gently placed his hand against your cheek. You held it tighter against your skin and savored the feeling. With shaky hands, you finally took his hand and kissed his wedding ring.
“I hope I made you happy. Even if it was just for a small amount of time.” Steve looked at you in confusion.
“Doll, I don’t understand.” He said, letting out a weak chuckle as he pulled you close against him. “Is this another one of your song references? Because now really isn’t the time.”
You just shook his head, trying to force a smile on your face. “I love you.”
Steve smiled. “I love you too. Always.” He kissed your forehead before he finally let go. You missed his touch, your arms instinctively reaching out to grab for him before they fell limp against your side. No. There was nothing you could do to change his mind. Not when his best girl was waiting for him.
As he finally took a step onto the platform, he shot you one last smile before he disappeared. Then there was nothing. You were nothing. Your arms wrapped around yourself as you stepped away from the scene, venturing off towards the nearby lake to clear your head.
Steve had left you. He left the life he made with you. It made you feel insecure. Did you mean that little to him? You’ve been with him since the attack on New York but it meant nothing compared to the little time he spent with his precious Peggy. But you didn’t blame him. She was perfect. Unlike you. The bitter thoughts in your head kept repeating your insecurities, the panic attack that hit you making it hard to breath.
You didn’t even hide the tears as you fell to your knees, clutching the grass as you struggled to catch your breath. You missed him. You missed everything about him and it was too late. It was too late to tell him to stay. It was too late to tell him how much you needed him.
How quickly you crumbled apart without him. As you still struggled with your thoughts, you felt a hand on your shoulder. Quickly, you shook it off as you tried and failed to wipe the tears from your face.
“Leave me alone Bucky.” But it wasn’t his voice that said your name next. You gasped as you whipped your head around. It was like seeing Steve after years apart and not trusting your legs, you remained sitting there, looking at him in shock. Your mouth was wide open, your eyes wide as you struggled to speak.
“You thought I’d stay?” He asked, kneeling beside you as he gently helped wipe your eyes. Your silence was enough of an answer as he weakly chuckled, leaning forward to rest his forehead on yours. “How could I leave my best girl?”
It was then that you pulled away, constantly shaking your head as you struggled to put some distance between you two. “Best girl? No Peggy was. Is.” You paused, trying desperately to speak despite the pounding in your head. “You could have stayed in the past. You could have gone home.”
Steve couldn’t stand the distance. He pulled you close, not that you objected, holding you tight as he looked in your eyes. His voice was firm, the same truthful tone was back as he leaned closer to whisper against your lips.
“Love, I am home.”