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Meeting with the Enemy
Ransom Drysdale/Thrombey x Reader
Rating: T
Warnings: Language, spoilers, angst, and late night writing/editing.
(Picture is not mine)
Author’s Note: Anon suggested I write an imagine using prompts from a list I’ve been using recently with a scenario of the reader going to visit Ransom once he’s caught. I meant to use the prompts but well...this happened. I used the scenario but I completely forgot about the prompts! I got so caught in this version of Ransom that I lost track of my main goal. :( SORRY! I’ll be sure to use them soon though. Maybe for a part 2? Though a part 2 will have just as much angst as this one. I don’t want to reveal too much of what happens though! I hope you like what I came up with!

When you told your friends and family that you were going to be a Drysdale, you heard a lot of predictions from them.
“He’s going to cheat on you. I give it a month before you find him in bed with another woman.”
“He’ll divorce you. Better take advantage of that wealth while you can. I heard the Drysdales are known for their vicious pre-nups.”
“He just wants you to have his kid. Or kids. He’ll just want to show off to his family. He won’t really care about them. Are you sure that’s what you want in life? A husband like that?”
“His family will never accept you. They’ll think you’re a gold digger. Word of advice, be nice to Harlan. I hear he’s the nicest one out of that miserable bunch.”
You proved them all wrong.
You had been married to Ransom for three years now. Despite his attitude, he was fiercely loyal. Not once did you doubt marrying the man and on the start of your third year married, he was the one that suggested kids. It wasn’t even a one time remark and for the past three months, you both started to plan the possible new changes in your life.
Even the Thrombeys and Drysdales liked you. Or well, as much as they could like someone. While they all had their snide comments, they accepted you into the family. You were ‘the woman that could tame the asshole’ and while you were initially insulted by the description, you happily accepted it because at the end of the day, you were the one that got to see a side of your husband that he didn’t show anyone else. One that eagerly waited until you got home, practically launching at you the minute you walked through the door. One that treated you like a queen, in between teasing you, and showed you that he wasn’t that cocky rich kid that everyone else seemed to think he was.
Yes, you proved them wrong on their accusations but it still wasn’t enough to have a happy life. No one, especially you, guessed that this would happen.
As you stared straight ahead at the white cement walls, you listened to the loud ticking of the clock, waiting for the door to open. Your bag was handed over to the front desk the minute you checked in and instead of clutching onto that for comfort, you fiddled with the end of your scarf. The one piece of yarn that had already started to unravel only grew worse as you continued to pick at it. Your teeth dug into your lip and the constant tapping of your foot made your knee hit the ice cold metal of the table in front of you.
How long would they make you wait? It had already been forty minutes.
You waited another two minutes before you discarded your scarf, throwing it onto the table before hiding your face in your hands. You kept trying to stay calm but it was a lost cause. Your heart continued to race, your stomach churned, and as much as you tried, you couldn’t stop the tears that started to race down your cheeks.
It wasn’t until you heard the loud buzz did you jump, pulling back to wipe at your eyes. But you knew they were already red, your only consolation being that you were too distraught to put any makeup on. If you did, you were sure that you would have looked like a racoon by now.
“You have one hour ma’am.” If only you could tell him that you didn’t need that long but the minute Ransom sat down in front of you, any chance you had at speaking was thrown out the window.
He looked like shit. His hair was a mess, dark circles marred his complexion, and the orange jumpsuit they forced him to wear seemed way too loose. He lost too much weight, losing the body that he constantly boasted about. Yet while you wanted to race over to his side, wrapping your arms around his neck and holding him tight as if to shield him from the torture, what he set on the table made you freeze. His handcuffs hit the metal, the sound vibrating against the walls and echoing in your ears. You winced, leaning back as if to shield yourself from the sound and the cruel reminder of your visit.
Ransom was waiting trial for the murder of his grandfather.
The thought alone made you want to flee the room, race home, and pretend this was all a dream. But the fact that Ransom wasn’t immediately pleading his case made it all too real. Instead, he sat with his hands stretched across the table, a sick smirk on his face as he waited for you to take his hands in yours.
“As much as I love that you came to see me, I hate that you’re tainting your perfect soul coming into this place. It’s bad enough that you have to deal with my family. You should have waited until I got out of this hell hole and I came home, babe.”
You tried to swallow the lump in your throat. It took a few tries but finally, you could talk. The sound was raspy though. You hesitated, trying to come up with a coherent sentence.
“How could you do this?” That was all you could of to say.
Ransom paused at your words, his hands curled into fists for a brief moment before he relaxed once again. He chuckled, lowering his head and for a second, you could see anger flashing before his eyes. For the first time, you feared him.
“Oh come on babe. Do you really believe this horseshit? I didn’t kill my grandfather. The old man killed himself because of a mistake his idiot nurse made.”
“But the recording…”
“The recording that some low level cop made on his Iphone?” Ransom scoffed as he rolled his eyes. “It’s nothing. Last I heard, the idiot accidentally deleted it. Or so my lawyers said. Not that it matters.”
“...and the event? With Benoit and the cops and...and...Marta?” With every word you said, you could see Ransom lose his patience. He wouldn’t even look at you as he answered each question. His words sounded too uniform, as if he practiced the words over and over before he met you.
“I admit I acted badly to the accusation. But I knew the knife was fake. I never meant to kill Marta. I just wanted to shake her up a little.”
You don’t know what you expected. Remorse? It would have killed you to really know he did it but at least then, he would still be the honest man you knew him to be. He wouldn’t be so cold, putting up a front that he used for everyone else. You had thought you were more than that.
You stifled another sob as you took a moment to compose yourself. The silence of the room was heavy, weighing you down as you continued to wipe at your eyes. But you had to do this. You weren’t going to go through this again.
“Bullshit.” Ransom froze at your response before he leaned forward, a dangerous glint in his eyes.
“You’re in grief (y/n). I know it’s hard to believe when I look like this but I’m innocent.”
With a newfound resolve, you hastily stood up from the table, knocking your chair down along the way. “I know what I said Ransom Drysdale. You’re an idiot if you think I believe any of the words that are coming out of your mouth.”
“No!” You interrupted, letting your anger motivate you as you slammed your hands down onto the table, rattling the entire thing. You took comfort that for just a moment, you surprised him. “You think you can fool everyone but you can’t fool me. I know you. You’re a goddamn liar.”
A weak laugh escaped your lips as you held your gaze with his. One hand moved from the table, reaching into your pocket and fiddling with the one thing the officers let you keep as you continued. “You know what I think? I think you opened my things before you went to that party. I think you found it.” You hissed.
“I think it scared you that your dear old grandfather was cutting you off and instead of being a fucking man, you decide the only possible way to get out of this situation is to kill Harlan. If you cover it up well enough, you’ll get your money and it’ll be happily ever after.” You took a step back, pointing at him as your body shook in rage.
It was then, you dropped the paper onto the table, watching for a moment as he took the small sheet into his hands and studied it for a moment. “...If I did...I did it for us. We would have needed the money.” He said.
You scoffed. “You just proved everyone right. You know that, right? You’re a selfish asshole who only thinks about himself. Yes, you can claim it was for me. For us. But really? We. Didn’t. Need. The. Money. You did.” Finally, you took the paper out of his hands, slamming it back onto the table and pointing to it. There, in big letters at the bottom of the picture said Baby Drysdale.
“He or she needed their father. They needed the man who used to stand in the empty bedroom beside ours, already planning out how the nursery was going to look. They needed the man who constantly talked about baby names. They needed the man who was going to love them unconditionally. Not...not this monster before me.”
For the first time since this conversation, you watched his face fall. A look of grief washed over his face as he tried to grab the picture again but you kept it firmly on the table. You wouldn’t let him win again. Not even this.
“Even if your fancy lawyers can lie and get you out of it, I want you to forget I exist. Got that? Don’t look for me. Don’t look for MY child or I swear Ransom, I will ruin you and your family. TELL ME YOU UNDERSTAND!” You screamed. It was the final straw and the door to your room flew open, two officers standing at the door and watching the scene in alarm. But you didn’t focus on them, instead you looked at your husband who just stared at the ultrasound picture.
“Did you even love me? Was this all just a sick joke to you?” You finally said after another moment of silence. It was then that he lifted his head, about to fight back but you silenced him as you raised your hand. “You know what? Don’t answer that. Let me believe I didn’t waste the last three years of my life. But let me make this clear. The only thing I want from you now...I’m taking with me.” You said as you placed a hand on your stomach.
You were quickly losing your confidence and with the short silence that followed your rant, you slipped off your rings, throwing them onto the table beside the picture. “Keep them. You’ll need them for the next foolish girl who believes your sweet lies.”
With that, you were gone, slamming the door behind you. You heard a commotion on the other side, Ransom loudly screaming your name, but you just continued to walk away.
Doing the Right Thing
Ransom Thrombey/Drysdale x Reader
Rating: T
Warnings: Language, some sexual themes (nothing too bad though), spoilers though I did change a little bit of the plot, a kind of ooc Ransom, and terrible writing (I blame it on being sick)
(GIF is not mine)
Summary: You knew you were making the right decision but do the Thrombey/Drysdale family agree with you?
Author’s note: The amazing @capshoney gave me prompt 35 and 51 from this prompt list. Since I’ve had so much fun writing about Ransom, I just had to make this a Ransom fanfic too. <3
I really wanted to show how self-centered this family is. Or, at least, how self-centered they seemed to me. I hope everyone likes it. It’s kind of different from the other Ransom fics I’ve been writing. >.<

(In this fanfiction, Ransom didn’t kill Harlan.)
“What did you just say?”
If you weren’t already on some of the Thrombey and Drysdale’s shit list, you certainly were now. You doubt anything would change that so why stop? You shrugged before crossing your arms over your chest, watching as the family lost their minds over the simple action. You couldn’t help the smirk that crossed your lips as Linda continued to lash out at you, leaning forward as if to pounce if it wasn’t for her husband holding her back.
“Do I need to order you a hearing aid Linda? I was pretty clear on what I said.” You chuckled as she gasped, a sharp glare from not only her but everyone else in the room now being thrown in your direction.
“You little bitch. Our family took you in. We helped you!”
You lifted your hands in defense, contradicting the amusing smile that still played on your lips. “No. I believe it was Harlan that helped me.”
It was a simple statement but it left a soft smile on your face as you glanced at the portrait of Harlan. It had been almost twenty years since Harlan had learned from his grandson about your situation and changed your life. You could still remember the grief when he sat down with you at his office, a comforting hand on your shoulder as he confessed he knew about your living conditions.
Your father had passed away two years prior and your mother? She found comfort in a bottle rather than pay attention to her grief stricken daughter. The times she did notice you, it was just to leave another bruise that you hastily tried to hide.
It had been Harlan that put up with your panic, defending the woman you now knew was toxic. It had been Harlan that sent her away, leaving you in the care of your grandmother. A woman who had been trying to see you but was turned away time and time again by her own daughter. It was Harlan that later took you under his wing, giving you the motivation you needed to make something of yourself. To not dwell on the past.
You loved Harlan and he loved you too. But you didn’t expect for this to happen. Harlan had you given you more than enough. He helped you get back on your feet. He helped you find a therapist to work through the trama. He helped you with school work, finding a job, and years later, finding the courage to confess to the man you loved. He gave you his support and you didn’t need any more from him. But he never stopped giving.
When the will was read, you were a wealthy woman. You and Marta would split everything. Marta would receive the house. You would get the publishing company. The money would be split between you two and immediately, you knew exactly what you had to do.
Every last dime you received went to charities across the country, supporting countless abuse victims to help get them back on their feet. It would help give them a second chance just like Harlan did for you.
Of course the selfish people before you didn’t agree with your decision.
You shrugged again. “It’s only right that I follow in his footsteps and help others too.”
“It wasn’t your money to give away!” Linda paused. “And the publishing company?”
“Harlan trusted me to run it. I’m going to do my best to make him proud.”
You knew you were making things worse by telling them you weren’t giving up control of the company but you wanted to see them suffer. After all the snide comments and insults thrown at you, it was only fair...right? But you had taken it a step too far and as Linda broke free from her husband’s arms, a dangerous look in her eyes and her hand raised, you immediately backed away.
You didn’t get far through. A strong arm wrapped around your waist, pulling you tight against a chest you knew all too well. Instinctively, you snuggled closer towards it, taking a deep breath of his scent as you lay a hand on top of his arm. Finally, you looked up, a soft smile on your face to finally see your protector. Though Ransom didn’t notice, too busy glaring at his mother who froze in her spot.
“Don’t you fucking touch her mother.” He said while his grip around you tightened. You couldn’t help but smirk as it was now Linda who backed away from her son’s sharp look. She quickly tried to compose herself as she snapped.
“Did you know about this? Did you know that my father was giving your...your whore…”
“Insult her one more time. I dare you.” He growled, cutting off her rant. He paused. “You know what? Fuck this.”
With that, he led you away from the screaming group towards the front door of the mansion. Once he slammed the door, he didn’t stop and started towards the car.
“Are you happy now?” He asked while not even looking at you. You arched an eyebrow before rolling your eyes.
“That’s rich coming from the jackass that always likes to piss them off.” You were on a roll today. But unlike the family inside, Ransom wasn’t having it. Or at least, he knew how to catch you off guard. He pinned you against the car, his body leaning against yours as he gripped your chin and forced you to look at him. His warm breath fanned against your face and while you knew he wasn’t trying to seduce you, you couldn’t help but feel weak at the knees. Your face was beginning to turn red.
“You’re so god damn stubborn.” He frowned. “Just because you got the money doesn’t mean they’re broke. Who knows what they’ll do to you.”
You scoffed. “I can handle them.” This only made Ransom growl, his grip on you tightened as he slightly shook you.
“Did you not hear the detective? What if they did something to grandad? If they did something to their own family, imagine what they’d do to you?” And there it was. The spark of worry that shined in Ransom’s eyes.
You sighed, finally moving to run a hand through his hair as you moved your face away from his grasp. Instead, you snuggled closer against him as a soft hum escaped your lips. While a lot of people thought your boyfriend was a self-centered rich asshole, you got to see this side of him. It wasn’t perfect but it was more than enough for you. Once again, you thanked Harlan for pushing you two together.
“We can hire a bodyguard. Or better yet, I’ll hire you as my bodyguard.” It was enough to make Ransom chuckle, his body starting to relax as he caressed your lower back. “You make me feel safe Ransom. You make me feel alive. If you stay by my side, we’ll figure this out...together. But I had to do this.”
Ransom sighed as he finally let go of you to slide his sunglasses on. No doubt he was taking a moment to settle down after the mess you made. “...You really had to give it ALL away?”
It wasn’t complete acceptance but then again, when did Ransom ever fully agreed with you? You laugh as you shake your head, tiptoeing to kiss him quickly.
“We’ll go on a vacation once we settle into our roles at the publishing house.”
“Of course. Every CEO needs a good COO.” Ransom laughed as he got into the car, grinning when he started the engine.
“And you think I’m the best choice for that position?”
“Well...no. But it’s a better title for payroll than ‘(y/n)’s personal eye candy.’” You winked before you grabbed your shades from the visor. You were about to put them on before Ransom grabbed your hand.
His eyes locked with yours, he kissed the back of your hand gently. But it wasn’t enough and soon, he pulled you close to him to kiss you. It was rough, which was often the case with Ransom but you could feel the emotion through the gesture. As he left you panting, your lips already starting to swell with the force of his kiss, it was his turn to wink.
“You know...I think your first order as CEO should be to soundproof your office.” He said as he finally started to drive.
You laughed and rolled your eyes before responding. “Keep acting cocky like that and I’ll be banning you from my office.”
“You can’t resist me.” You wanted to scoff and retort with some witty comeback, but it faded away as you looked at your joined hands. You smiled, shaking your head as you looked out the window.
“Come on. We have an empire to run.”
Thank you so much! I’m so happy you like it! It’s definitely looking like I’ll be writing a series. I love writing about Ransom and I’ve had so much fun writing this fanfic! :D
Broke (Part 2)
Ransom Thrombey/Drysdale x Reader
Rating: T
Warnings: Language, spoilers (though I did change some of the plot), late night editing, and ANGST
Read Part 1 here!
Author’s Note: Part 3 coming soon! Maybe a series after that too. Depending on what you guys think of the end.

Keep reading
Broke (Part 2)
Ransom Thrombey/Drysdale x Reader
Rating: T
Warnings: Language, spoilers (though I did change some of the plot), late night editing, and ANGST
Read Part 1 here!
Author’s Note: Part 3 coming soon! Maybe a series after that too. Depending on what you guys think of the end.

It’s been a month since you last spoke to Ransom.
You knew your husband and his stubborn ways and gave him that long before you contacted a lawyer. Ransom would soon be given the paperwork filing for a legal separation.
Perhaps it was too fast but so was the rest of your relationship with him.
You dated two months before he popped the question. Which, you might add, he only did to prove a point. With the giant rock on your finger, everyone would know that you were his. But you knew how he felt about you and happily accepted his proposal.
You married two weeks after that. With the criticism from his family, it was the perfect way to piss them off. Or so Ransom had said. Once more, you happily accepted the offer. He loved you. That’s all that mattered even if it made you a bigger target for his family’s insults.
What a fool you were.
His words since echoed in your mind, leaving your heart empty and your world numb. You had left signs for Ransom on where you would be. Even your best friend had outright told him you were staying with her but with still no sign of your husband, you quickly lost hope for the love you thought he had for you.
So you took off your wedding ring, slipping it into the envelope that the lawyer delivered to Ransom. You listened to the insecurities that the Drysdales and Thrombey had been telling you for the past two years. How could you not? Ransom even agreed with them now. You were nothing but a mistake. You didn’t belong with them. So with the little pride that you had left, you faked a smile and continued on with your job. Only this time, your free time wasn’t spent with your husband. It was circling apartment ads you found in the newspapers while sitting on your friend’s couch which doubled as your temporary bed.
It was a Saturday. With no class, you sat nursing a glass of wine, cursing your luck for leaving your laptop at your house. Or, was it your old house now? Sitting with your legs underneath the coffee table, you twirled the thick red marker in your hand as your browsed the listings for apartments. But even then, it was hopeless. With a loud sigh, you tossed the pen aside before laying your head against the cool glass table.
You weren’t heartless. Once you left Ransom, you couldn’t find it in you to completely shut him out. You took pride that for years you’ve been saving money for the future but now? Every last cent went to paying off some of Ransom’s credit cards and bills. It wasn’t much and truth be told, he’d still need to sell some of his toys but it was enough to keep him stable until he found a solution.
As much as you hated the bastard right now, you still loved him.
But with your savings depleted and your paycheck barely enough for you to get by, you knew it would take awhile before you could save enough for a deposit on a good apartment. With a sigh, you pushed the papers aside, knowing that it was no use. You wouldn’t be leaving this lumpy old couch for awhile.
As you glanced at your now empty glass of wine, one hand moving to the already half-empty bottle, you jumped when you heard a loud banging on the door. With a sigh, you rubbed your face as you pushed yourself up. Along the way, you knocked over the bottle, spilling the wine onto the tan carpet.
“Shit. There’s another expense.” You mumbled as you ran a hand through your messy (h/c) hair while walking to get the front door. The banging never ceased, making your headache even worse as you screamed.
“Alright asshole! I hear you. Just please...stop it already!” You grumbled as you finally threw the door open, a sharp gasp leaving your lips when you saw the familiar brown jacket. The very same one you remembered buying for your husband during your first Christmas together.
Your hand fell from the door knob as you took a step back, finally getting a look at him. There he stood, in all his glory. His hand resting on the frame of the door, he looked at you with an impassive stare. Nothing was out of place. Not his designer clothes or his perfectly styled hair. He was thriving without you. At least, that’s what your negative thoughts said, ignoring the hint of remorse that lingered in his gaze. With a small groan, your hands clenched into fists as you rubbed harshly at your closed eyes.
“You’re drunk (y/n). Fuck. He isn’t here.”
“Of course I’m here. What the fuck is this?!” He said, breezing past you as he threw the paperwork the lawyer dropped off on top of the apartment ads you were once looking at. The ring was held in his hands though, shaking it in front of your face.
“I see he finally dropped them off. Please tell me you signed them.” You said, giving up on the silly hope that this was all a dream. The last thing you needed was this. What you did need was for Ransom to apologize and sweep you into his arms but that would never happen.
“Like fuck I did. A legal separation?! YOU are my wife and…”
“Was.” You quickly interrupted him. “...Or well, in the process of it.” You threw your hand around, as if dismissing the topic as you moved to the kitchen to fetch some towels. Might as well clean the wine spill. Anything was better than to listen to Ransom’s tantrum.
It was quiet, as if you stunned Ransom too much to continue the argument. The entire apartment fell into an uncomfortable silence as you kneeled down, spraying the stain before starting to scrub at the dark red spot. You didn’t know how much time had passed but he didn’t leave. You could feel his gaze on you the entire time.
“You’re coming home.” That was as close to an apology as you were going to get. But it wasn’t enough. Not this time.
“Like hell am I.”
He growled at your words, taking a step towards you before he paused. “Is this about what I said? Stop acting so petty (y/n). Let it go.”
You knew what he was doing. He wanted to get you angry. Anything would have been better than the almost dismissive way you were acting now. But you wouldn’t give him that satisfaction because the truth was...he was losing you. The hope you felt for this relationship was slowly fading after so much time left alone with your negative thoughts.
“I put up with a lot of your shit Ransom. I gave up so much of myself to be with you.”
“I didn’t ask you to do that.” He interrupted with a scoff. You only sighed at his response.
“No. You didn’t. But I loved you enough to change to make you happy. I gave up things that mattered to me because I wanted to see you smile. But I guess, it wasn’t enough. Was it?” You paused, struggling to keep your tears at bay. “Here I am, sitting like a fool on my friend’s floor and you still won’t apologize to me. You let me stay here, thinking I was your biggest mistake. That everything I did for you, for our relationship, was for nothing. All because you can’t buy shit anymore? Was that the only reason I was there? To be your punching bag?”
You quickly wiped away the few tears that fell, refusing to show him your pain as you continued. You winced as your voice cracked. “But it all ends now. I am not going back with you. I am not going to stop fighting for a separation. I am not going to push aside my own feelings and wants for you anymore.” You hesitated. “I think you need to leave.”
“Not until you come home.” You laughed, the sound broken as you shake your head. You weren’t going to argue though. It was too much.
“Goodbye Ransom. Please stop coming here. Just send the paperwork to the lawyer so I can finally be happy again.”
You heard it. The short gasp from him that followed your last words. But he quickly hid it as he hurried to the door, slamming it on the way out. It was only when you heard him walking away did you finally break, your sobs echoing in the room as you collapsed onto the floor.
He left behind the paperwork and as much as you wanted to believe there was hope, you lost faith in Ransom and his supposed love for you.
Tag List: @jessiejunebug
A part two for broke with a fluffy ending?
Well, Part 2 is coming! The fluffy ending...not so much. At least not yet.
you should def do a part 2 of broke like its soooo good
Thank you so much! I can’t begin to explain how much everyone’s encouragement means to me. It feels so nice to be back writing imagines and hearing that people like my new stories is giving me so much motivation. Part 2 will be up in a few hours. Warning...beware of the angst. Though Part 2 did motivate me to do a Part 3 and maybe a series following that? Hopefully you like it!
Ransom Thrombey/Drysdale x Reader
Rating: T
Warnings: Language, some sexual themes (no smut though), spoilers (though I did change some of the plot), and probably not my best writing
(GIF is not mine)
Author’s note: I was working on a request and this happened instead. I’m thinking of a Part 2? Thoughts?

(In this fic, Ransom didn’t kill Harlan. But Harlan still passed away so Marta still inherited everything.)
It was only a matter of time until the money ran out. Since Harlan’s death and the unexpected will reading, not once did Ransom slow down on his frivolous spending.
One day, it had been a new car. The next, a spur of the moment trip to Paris just because he wanted to ‘woo his woman.’ The worst part...it was all non-refundable. While you didn’t complain about the week of exploring the city (well, you spent the majority of your time in the hotel room), the bill you received after the trip left you sick and regretful. Then came the jewelry. Then the latest trends. And who could forget the day you came home to a group of builders at your home? Your husband was waiting for you on the couch with the big surprise that he was remodeling the damn kitchen because you complained about the layout the day before.
Now, as you stared at the bills spread across the coffee table, you knew the time was finally here. Ransom was finally broke. The anger you felt finally bubbled to the surface as you glared at your husband. He continued to read over the same paper, glancing between that and his computer. His checking account, not that there was much to show there, was on display to confirm how badly he had screwed up.
“Are you happy now?” Ransom glared at you before turning back to the papers with a scoff. At least this time, he dropped the envelope in his hand to pick up another one. Though it didn’t matter. It all said the same thing.
“I don’t have time for your bullshit right now (y/n).” His phone in his hand now, he started typing the number of the country club, ready to give a half-assed excuse on why his card was declined for this month’s membership fee.
“No! Now is the perfect time!” You said as you slapped the phone away, watching in satisfaction as it flew from his hand and fell beside him onto the couch before he could click send. “How could you do this Ransom? Harlan died four months ago. Four! Despite his decision on the will, Marta still gave you money to support yourself while you found a job and what did you do? You’ve spent every last dime!”
Ransom sneered at your words, standing up as he ran a hand through his already tousled locks. But you weren’t finished there. You stood too, moving to stand in front of him. Your hands on your hips, you continued your rant.
“You have so many options. Talk to your mother and get a job at her office. Talk to Marta and try to get a job at the publishing company. Hell, Ransom. You have a fucking expensive education. Fucking use it and start searching for a job like the rest of the world does!”
You should have known his words were going to hurt. You knew your husband well enough to know what his change of posture meant. But your anger clouded your senses and with it, you missed the way he faltered for a moment. You ignored the signs that he was thinking, about to throw an insult your way that would leave you hurt for god knows how long. He’s done it before but too lost in the moment, you didn’t prepare for it at all.
“Why the hell are you obsessed with this? I didn’t know I married a gold digger. What? Thinking about getting a divorce now since we’re broke?” He sneered, still not finished as he took a step towards you. Your eyes wide from his words already, you didn’t realize you took a step back when he did. “Ma and the others were right about you. That you cared only about my name and what I could give you. I mean, come on! Before me, you were living off a teacher’s salary. They said marrying you would be the biggest mistake of my life and you know what? They were fucking right!”
You know he didn’t mean it. He never did with you. You knew he always did this...lash out instead of admitting he was wrong. But bringing up what his family said about you? That hurt. You could deal with anything they had to say about you if you had Ransom by your side but now? You couldn’t feel any more alone.
Your eyes filled with tears as you shake your head, trying to save any dignity that you had left.
“Obsessed with this? Ransom, all I’m doing is thinking of our future. You. Have. No. Money. Ransom. What happens when they come for your car, my car...the house? What are we going to do then?” You paused. “You’re right. My salary is nothing so that’s why I’m worried about what our future is going to be like. We’re so in debt because of you that I’m worried about what we’re going to do next! I’m worried about where we’re going to live! How will I get to work so we have any sort of income?!”
You sniffled though you hastily wiped the tears away, not wanting him to see you break from his words. “I know what you’re family thinks of me. I know they wished we never got married but you know what? I never asked for a damn thing. I never wanted your money. I just wanted you.” You weren’t done there though. With a steel gaze, you finally took a step forward, not stopping until you poked him harshly in the chest.
“If I’m such a mistake...maybe you’re right. We don’t belong together. I’ll contact a lawyer in the morning and you can start living a life without your ‘biggest mistake.’”
You didn’t wait for a response. Instead, you turned your back on him and grabbed your bag. Without another glance in his direction, you made it out the front door, slamming it closed behind you. As you lingered by the door, you could hear Ransom on the other side. A loud crash followed your exit, no doubt the coffee mug that once rested on the coffee table.
You knew your husband well. He wouldn’t follow you. Instead, he’d think you’d come crawling back. Sex would be his only version of an apology. Not this time though. With an audible sob, you quickly covered your mouth before rushing to your car.
“You Look Amazing Tonight.”
Ransom Thrombey/Drysdale x Reader
Rating: T
Warnings: Language, some sexual themes (no smut though) and spoilers (though I did change some of the plot)
(GIF is not mine)
Summary: Being Ransom’s fiance can be tough. But times like this? It makes it all worth it.
Author’s Note: Prompt #14 of this amazing prompt list.

(In this fic, Ransom didn’t kill Harlan. But Harlan still passed away so Marta still inherited everything.)
It was no secret that Ransom’s family was...different. Ransom liked to say that they were ‘batshit crazy’ and while you tried to see the best in everyone, you couldn’t help but agree with him.
Even after the Thrombey/Drysdale bunch was knocked down a peg or two after Marta inherited Harlan’s fortune, it still didn’t help with all of their selfish tendencies. Marta, bless her kind heart, gave them some sort of stability yet they took it for granted, acting like the same idiots they were before their lives were turned upside down.
Walt was offered a job at the publishing company though he still acted like he owned the place, urging everyone to consider making his father’s work into blockbuster films. Joni continued to hound Marta for money, blowing her yearly allowance in one month with trips and the latest trend instead of investing in her business. In fact, most of the money Marta gave them was gone almost immediately, none of them ready to give up their lavish lifestyles that used to come from Harlan’s money.
Richard and Linda divorced. With the prenup, Richard walked away with almost nothing and the last time Ransom heard from him, he was in Hawaii with his latest fling. And Linda? She threw herself into her work. It was as if she forgot she had a son. Her lack of attention towards Ransom was worse and now, she only saw him on the rare family get together, using it to only berate her son rather than give him the love he needed and deserved.
She scolded him on his new line of work, a car company that he built from the ground up. No loan from Harlan needed. She scolded him on his still lavish lifestyle even though he wasn’t relying on Harlan’s money anymore. She scolded his attitude which was...understandable. Ransom was still an asshole to his family. Though you’d never admit it outloud, they kind of deserved it though.
She also scolded him about you. Perhaps it was Linda’s failed marriage but she hated everything about you. From your appearance to how you acted around them, nothing was good enough for Linda Drysdale, now Thrombey.
Which is why you were doing this.
As you fixed the bottom of your short dress, you quickly grabbed your things before leaving the suite Ransom had booked for you. Your short heels clicked against the tile floor as you hastily pressed the elevator button, a big grin on your face as you begged the thing to quickly arrive and take you to the first floor.
Once the doors opened, you saw him leaning against the opposite wall. Dressed in a dark blue button down shirt and a black suit jacket hanging over his arm, it was his signature smirk that drove you crazy. You wanted nothing more than to pull on his arm, leading him back up to your room for the rest of the night. Instead, you stood frozen at the door of the elevator, only jumping when the door began to close. Hastily, you stepped forward, tucking a strand of your (h/c) hair behind your ear as you smiled brightly at him.
“You look amazing tonight.” He chuckled as he immediately pulled you in close. “But of course you do. After all babe, I did pick the outfit.”
He laughed, the sound ringing in your ears as you playfully swatted at his chest. “Shut up. It was your idea to do this. You didn’t even give me a chance to pack.” You pouted, pushing against his chest to move away from his hold. But instead, his grip tightened around you as he leaned down to whisper seductively in your ear.
“Your point? After tonight, I want you naked until we need to board the plane on Monday morning.” He growled, gently nipping at your neck as a deep blush spread across your cheeks. A soft moan escaped your lips as you ran your fingers through his hair, losing yourself in the moment until he spoke again in your ear. “If it wasn’t for the damn venue and their appointment, I’d say fuck it and take you upstairs now.”
That was all you needed to hear. Immediately, you pushed yourself off from him, fixing your now messy hair as you brightly smiled. “What are we waiting for then?”
And there it was. The genuine smile that Ransom saved just for you. It made your knees weak and if it wasn’t for the arm still wrapped around your waist, you were sure you’d have collapsed onto the floor by now. You sighed as Ransom’s other hand took yours, lifting it slowly as he kissed the huge engagement ring that rest on your finger.
“Are you that eager to be a Drysdale?”
“Just eager to be your wife.” You immediately retorted, leaning up to kiss him quickly before you bent down to retrieve the bouquet. You smirked when the simple action made Ransom moan as he watched. “Damn it (y/n). I take it back. That dress needs to go. If you bend down like that in front of others, you’ll soon be bailing your fiance out of jail.”
You smirked. “Or husband. If we can make it through the ceremony first.”
Ransom rolled his eyes as he once more pulled you close, one hand squeezing your ass as he kissed your roughly. He finally spoke after that, a little out of breath as he rubbed circles on your back. “Are you sure you’re still okay with this? Isn’t it a girl’s dream to have a big wedding or some shit like that? Besides, I wouldn’t mind showing off my girl.”
“All I care about is marrying you Ransom. Plus, if it means avoiding your family or your mother trying to object, it’s just another bonus. Even if it means we have to get married at the most cliche wedding destination.”
Ransom chuckled. “Las Vegas isn’t so bad.”
“At least Elvis isn’t marrying us.”
Ransom chuckled as his hand tried to sneak it’s way up your dress. “Please. Do you really think I’d agree to something like that? We’re here at the finest hotel, I booked the fucking penthouse, and you’re wearing a four thousand dollar dress. Which, I might add, I’m going to rip off of you as soon as we make it back upstairs. Do you really think I’d let a cheap impersonator marry us?”
“You might.” You teased as you swatted his hand away. “You do like to piss me off.”
Ransom, with a long sigh and a small laugh, finally stepped away and lifted his hands in defeat. “Just for today, you’re safe. I want my bride happy. Happy wife means mind blowing sex, right? Isn’t that how the saying goes?”
“Something like that.” You said as you rolled your eyes and lowered one of his hands to lace your fingers with his. “Now hurry up and marry me asshole.” The insult only made Ransom chuckle as he kissed your hand.
“That’s my girl. Now lead the way.”
Hi ! I am in love with your writing! i was wondering if you can do an imagine with Chris where his and the reader's relationship is still pretty new (not that recent but not too long either lol) and he wants to take the next step (maybe children) in their relationship because he's afraid hes gonna b too old to start a family he's always wanted. However he is scared to ask because again, their relationship hasn't been going on for long. SORRY IDK id that made sense but I'll b happy w/ anything:)
Thank you! I’m honored that you like my work!
Don’t be sorry! Your request was wonderful. I only hope I did your idea justice. It was so much fun to write!
Here’s the link to your story!

Our Future
Chris Evans x Reader
Warning: Language
(GIF, like always, is not mine)
Summary: Chris wants to take the next step in your relationship. The question is...are you ready?
Author’s Note: Thank you for the request, anon! Hopefully you like it!

It had come up a few weeks after their relationship started. For good reason. At thirty-seven, Chris Evans didn’t want another relationship without a future.
He wanted a wife. He wanted someone to come home too, holding her close as he let the stress of the day slowly wash away. He wanted kids. He didn’t want a perfect house anymore. He wanted to maneuver around toys and come home to the little ones racing to the door to greet him.
He wanted a family. And that’s just what he said after he felt your relationship was strong enough to discuss the topic. Even so, it didn’t help with the nerves. He began to sweat when he started the topic with you, his clammy hands holding one of yours as he began to stutter out the words.
It was a relief to hear you agree, a smile on your face as you squeezed his hands before curling into his side. With the promise of a family with one hell of a woman, Chris felt like he had it all.
Now? Six months had passed and the conversation had never come up again.
He watched as you moved about the small kitchen in your apartment, humming softly as you prepared dinner. The television played in the background but he didn’t listen, too focused on the angel that milled about without a care in the world.
Everything he imagined in a perfect family, he wanted it to happen with you. Although some would say it was too early, he had the ring hidden in his drawer for months now. All he needed was the right moment...and a reassurance that they were on the same page. You refused to move in with him. Not when he had to leave soon for another movie. You wanted to focus on what you already had with him, enjoying your time together before he was whisked away to some far off place.
He couldn’t really complain about that. He loved spending time with you. From going out to having simple moments like they did now, he’d take anything he could get. But so desperate to start a future with you, he didn’t want to wait any longer.
Just like last time, his palms began to sweat as he stood up, nervously rubbing his hands against his pants as he made his way to the kitchen. He leaned against the entrance, stuffing his hands in his pockets while you were still oblivious to how close he was. He resisted the urge to take a few steps closer, holding you tight against him. He could leave small kisses against your neck, smiling as he watched you cut vegetables. Even such a mundane thing made him happy.
But instead, he spoke up, silently cursing at how weak his voice sounded.
“Why won’t you move in with me, Y/N?”
You turned to face him, confusion written on your face. But when you saw him, saw his sad expression, the guilt began to eat at you. You sighed, fiddling with his shirt that you wore as you gave him the same answer you did every time.
“I told you Chris. It’s not the right time. You’re leaving to film a new movie. I don’t want to start this next step by living alone.” You bit your lip, refusing to meet his gaze as you continued. “I think this is a step we should do together and until we can, I think it’s best that I stay here.”
“You wouldn’t be alone. I’ll leave Dodger here with you. He can keep you company.” With a small smile, Chris chuckled. “He’s like me. He’ll hog the bed, snore a little, and give you plenty of kisses. It’s not as good as my kisses but…”
You snorted. “You’d leave Dodger here? He’s your buddy at work.”
“I’d be willing to make the sacrifice. As long as you both come to visit me at least once.”
“Chris…” You said, walking away from the counter as you took a seat at your small kitchen table.
This was it. Chris couldn’t wait any longer. He quickly moved, sitting on the other side as he took your hand. Gently, he brushed his thumb against your hand as he continued talking.
“I want to take the next step with you. Shit. Y/N. I’ve never done this before. We can make it work. I can go to set late. We can get you settled in.”
“Chris. Chris.” You said, ending his speech as you squeezed his hand. “I just don’t think this is the right time. Can’t we wait until you come back to talk about this?”
With one last sigh, Chris weakly nodded as you let go of your hand. As you stood up to finish dinner, he didn’t move, still lost in his thoughts.
“Babe, do you mind grabbing me a beer from the fr-...”
“Do you still see a future with me?” He couldn’t take it anymore. He needed to know. His heart raced as he watched as you froze, dropping the knife on the counter as you whirled around to face him again.
“What the hell are you talking about? Of course I do!”
“Shit. I didn’t mean to be so forward. We shouldn’t be talking about this now. I’m sorry.” Terrified that he took things too far, he shook his head as he rubbed his hand over his face. “Can we just forget I said that?”
“No. We can’t.” You forcefully said, scooting your chair in front of his as you took both of his hands. “Where is this coming from?”
“What happens if another movie comes up? Or the press tour? How long will we postpone this?” He took your hands again, squeezing them as if for support while he sighed. “I want a life with you. I think it’s time but I’m...I’m terrified that my job is scaring you away.”
“Of course it isn’t! Chris, I’m here. I’ll be waiting for you when you get back. Nothing will change.”
“But I want it to! I want to share a home with you. I want to learn every quirk you have. I want to come home to find you cuddled on the couch with Dodger. Or be there waiting to comfort you as you’ll complain about a stressful day at work. I want to be there for you.” Before you could argue, he continued.
“I know. I can stay the night here or you can come to my house but it’s more than that. I want to marry you one day. I want to have little ones that are the perfect mix between you and me. I just...I fear that you don’t want to do this with me. That you don’t see a future like this...at least not with me.”
You couldn’t help but gasp as you quickly moved onto his lap, gently stroking his cheek as you lay your forehead against his.
“I’m sorry.” He said again. “I’m just...I don’t want to wake up one day and realize I’m too old for all of that. I don’t want to waste any time. Not when I finally found the perfect girl to share this life with.”
You shushed him before he could continue, kissing him and effectively shutting him up. “I’m not saying no Chris. My feelings haven’t changed. Chris Evans, I want to spend the rest of my life with you. But I want to do it WITH you. Not when you’re away.” You kissed his cheek. “After this movie, I’ll move in with you. We’ll work out everything else after that. Until then, I’ll start packing, deal?”
His answering smile was enough of a reward. He quickly nodded to the promise, squeezing you tight as he kept kissing you over and over.
“Of course baby.”
You giggled, wrapping your arms around his neck as you curled up close to him. How could he have doubted you? You wanted a future together just as much as he did. As you nuzzled against your neck, simply enjoying the moment, Chris was busy going over plans.
You’d move in with him in a few weeks and then? It was only a matter of time before he finally gave you that ring.
“It’s Cold, You Should Take My Jacket.”
Johnny Storm x Reader
Rating: T
Warnings: Innuendos?
(GIF, like always, is not mine)
Summary: Reader meets Johnny
Author’s Note: #81 from this amazing prompt list. Feel free to message me a number with a character from my list! I’d love some input on what to write next!

It was your first Winter in New York and you definitely underestimated the cold. You wrapped your arms around yourself, seeking comfort in the small warmth that came from your long sleeved tee. Your teeth chattered as you quickly made your way through the park, counting the steps until you made it back to the warmth of your apartment. But the odds were stacked against you. Every street light turned red the minute you walked close to it and your idea to take a shortcut through the park? It was just your luck that so many events were going on today, constantly blocking your path.
You cursed as you rubbed your arms, giving up on your brisk pace as you just gave in to the inconveniences. It was your fault anyways. You should have worn something warmer before you went out today. As you slumped down onto a nearby bench, you tried to catch your breath while rubbing your hands together.
“Cold?” You turned to the voice, not even noticing someone sat down next to you until he decided to speak up. He was gorgeous as he lay back against the cold park bench. His hands were tucked inside his leather jacket, his legs crossed and his body turned towards you. He smirked, no doubt holding back a laugh as his bright blue eyes shined.
You blushed, looking down as you fiddled with the sleeves of your shirt. “I’m used to warm weather. Much warmer weather.” You laughed. “Around this time of year, I’d still be lounging around in shorts and a tank top.” “Sexy.” Your head whipped towards him at the comment, watching as he quickly lifted his hands in defense as he laughed. “Hey. You put the image in my head.”
You rolled your eyes, scoffing as you moved to stand up and make the final trek towards your apartment. Before you could step away, his hand covered yours, the warmth from his touch seeming to travel down your body.
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry. It just slipped out.” He held back a laugh as he gestured towards the bench. “Stay with me. Just for a little longer?”
You should have left. With how cold you were, you should have left him there and went home. But you couldn’t stop yourself from sitting down again, not once moving his hand that lay on top of yours. Gosh, he was so warm…
As if he read your mind, he finally moved his hand away, leaning forward to shrug off his jacket. He stood up, leaning over you as he draped his jacket over your shoulders. “It’s cold, you should take my jacket.”
“But what about you?”
“I’ll be fine.” He chuckled, going back to sit beside you as you looked at him in confusion. How could he be fine in this weather? You should have insisted he take it back. You should have taken the jacket off. But it was so toasty and whatever cologne he wore...it made you melt.
As you snuggled into the leather jacket, you smiled as you turned to face him again.
“So, used to warmer weather, huh?” He asked, scooting a little closer to you. “What brings you here then?”
“Work. If it wasn’t for the raise that came with the relocation, I’d still be soaking in the sun.” You smiled. “And what about you? You seem used to all this.” “I’ve been here for years. This is nothing.” He shrugged. “This is home. I can’t imagine living anywhere else. And besides, if I wasn’t here, I wouldn’t have met a pretty girl like you.”
You rolled your eyes. “Trying to get me in bed?”
“Depends. Is it working?” You sighed.
“And here I thought you were just being nice.”
“I’m kidding.” He laughed, grabbing your hand again. “I’m known for being quite a flirt. It’s kinda hard to stop.”
“Your charms aren’t working on me.” But the playful pout that appeared on his face from your words proved otherwise. You blushed, quickly focusing on his jacket again.
“How about one date then? Maybe I can change your mind.” “What happened to you ‘trying to stop being a flirt?’ Do you do this with all the girls you meet?”
“Used to. I’ve been trying to get my priorities straight recently. But...there’s something about you that just made me want to try my luck.” Your blushed darkened.
“After everything you’ve just told me, I’m not sure if I should take that as a compliment or not.”
“Compliment. Definitely a compliment.” He said and smiled, about to speak once more before his phone went off. He frowned, cursing the thing under his breath as he slid the phone from his pocket. Once he read the message though, his eyes went wide as he scrambled to his feet. He quickly looked around, his hands clenched into fists as he looked up. But his gaze finally landed on you before his body relaxed and instead, he started taking off in the opposite direction. All the while, he ran backwards while still trying to talk to you.
“Listen, I have to go. I’m sorry. It’s an emergency. Call me!”
“Wait! Your jacket!” You said as you hurry to your feet, trying to shrug off the jacket.
“Keep it! It looks better on you anyways.” He shouted, winking at you before he finally disappeared from sight.
Stunned from the recent events, you stood still. It wasn’t until someone shouted nearby that you looked up, seeing flames burst into the sky and disappear into the city. But you just walked back home, still reeling over the conversation you had with that gorgeous stranger. He never gave you his number. How the hell were you supposed to contact him?
It wasn’t until the next day did you know it was Johnny Storm. You stared at his picture in the newspaper on your way to the mall for more appropriate winter attire. You had unconsciously put on the leather jacket that morning and now, it felt like fate that you did. You smiled as you turned around, heading towards the Baxter building instead.
...Part 2?
Can you do a Peter Parker x reader one-shot where the reader is the female version of Johnny Storm/The Human Torch and she enrolls in Peter’s high school and the other guys at school don’t know she’s dating someone and ask her out and she rejects them all and then to prove Peter’s hers, she passionately kisses him in front of everyone and she decides to be cheeky and grabs Peter’s butt with heated hands and Peter’s a blushing mess because she has never touched him like that before? No smut
Thank you for the request! I really appreciate it!
At the moment, I’m only writing stories for:
Steve Rogers
Chris Evans
Johnny Storm
Frank Adler
I’m thinking of adding more characters later but for now, if you have a suggestion for those four, please feel free to leave me a message!
Hi! I just found your blog today and I think I read everything you've written. They are all very good. I hope write more.
I’ve been gone from Tumblr for so long that when I posted my latest story yesterday, I wasn’t sure if anyone still wanted to read my work. It made my day to get this message the first day I came back.
“I am Home”
Rating: PG
Warnings: Angst and Mediocre writing
(GIF, like always, is not mine)
Author’s Note: Long time no see, huh? I’ve been dying to write again and while this first attempt isn’t great, it’s a start. This is #63 from a recent prompt list I reblogged onto my page. Please feel free to leave a number in my inbox with one of the characters I’ll write for. I’d love some inspiration!

You were a fool.
From the moment Steve volunteered to return the stones, you had assumed he’d come back. That he’d back in a few seconds and sweep you up in his arms before you both helped the world recover from Thanos.
You hoped that he’d choose the life he made with you.
Yet as you fiddled with your wedding ring, leaning against the wall by the open door, your heart broke as you overheard your husband and Bucky talk on the other side.
“You’re really going back to return all those stones?” Bucky asked, leaning against the counter as he watched Steve fasten his gloves. His feet fiddled with some of the damage from the recent fight, his eyes focused on the floor to hide his sullen expression. “Someone has to Buck. I know the locations of where to return the stones and honestly? I don’t think any of the others are fit to do this right now.” Steve sighed, running his hand through his hair as he leaned down to fix his boots next.
Bucky paused. “You’re not coming back, are you?”
“What are you talking about?” Steve finally looked up, watching as Bucky did too to reveal his bloodshot eyes.
“Don’t act like you haven’t thought about it. You have the chance to go back and have a life with her. She’s the love of your life, Steve.” It broke your heart that he didn’t object. Or at least, you didn’t think he did as the room went quiet. You almost jumped when Bucky finally spoke up again. “You deserve a happy ending Steve. You’ve done enough for this time. It’s about time you went back to yours.”
Once again, the silence killed you. You felt like your heart stopped as you painstakingly waited for Steve to speak. Whether to confirm or deny it, you just needed to know. You needed to prepare yourself for a world without your husband. You held your breath as you counted the seconds until someone would speak and break the tension that seemed to haunt the room and the hallway where you were.
“Stop being ridiculous Bucky.” Steve finally said. But his voice was flat, completely unlike the one you came to love. Steve’s voice that you knew was full of conviction, truth laced in each word. Whether it was to save the world or to promise you that he’d be home for Thursday pizza movie nights, you never once doubted him. But this time, you faltered and obviously Bucky did too as he sighed again.
“Whatever you say pal. I’ll see you over there.”
You needed to go. You didn’t want them to catch you eavesdropping. But you stood frozen in your spot. The tears raced down your face as a hand flew over your mouth to hide the sobs. Your ring scraped over your lips, as if reminding you of all the precious memories you had and the ones you would lose the opportunity to experience if he chose to leave you behind.
Bucky froze when you saw you on the other side. He didn’t alert Steve of your presence though. Instead, his arm wrapped over your shoulders as he steered you away while he whispered words of comfort in your ear. But nothing helped. The only thing that could would be to see the man you loved return back with an empty briefcase and a smile on his face.
The three of you were silent as Bruce and Steve discussed the details of the mission. Sam had been oblivious just like you had been, hands tucked into his pockets as he waited nearby. But you and Bucky knew better. Bucky hovered near the end of the clearing, hands tucked into his pockets while you...you didn’t know what to do. You stood next to the platform, struggling to find the strength to speak when Steve finally came your way. You were losing him. What could you say?
It all happened so fast though. The briefcase was locked, Mjolnir was picked up, and in just a few moments Steve was standing by your side. A small smile was on his face as he took your hand, lifting it to his lips to kiss it gently.
“Why the long face, doll? I’ll be back before you know it.” Lies. But you couldn’t say it as tears welled up in your ears. It felt hard to breath as he gently placed his hand against your cheek. You held it tighter against your skin and savored the feeling. With shaky hands, you finally took his hand and kissed his wedding ring.
“I hope I made you happy. Even if it was just for a small amount of time.” Steve looked at you in confusion.
“Doll, I don’t understand.” He said, letting out a weak chuckle as he pulled you close against him. “Is this another one of your song references? Because now really isn’t the time.”
You just shook his head, trying to force a smile on your face. “I love you.”
Steve smiled. “I love you too. Always.” He kissed your forehead before he finally let go. You missed his touch, your arms instinctively reaching out to grab for him before they fell limp against your side. No. There was nothing you could do to change his mind. Not when his best girl was waiting for him.
As he finally took a step onto the platform, he shot you one last smile before he disappeared. Then there was nothing. You were nothing. Your arms wrapped around yourself as you stepped away from the scene, venturing off towards the nearby lake to clear your head.
Steve had left you. He left the life he made with you. It made you feel insecure. Did you mean that little to him? You’ve been with him since the attack on New York but it meant nothing compared to the little time he spent with his precious Peggy. But you didn’t blame him. She was perfect. Unlike you. The bitter thoughts in your head kept repeating your insecurities, the panic attack that hit you making it hard to breath.
You didn’t even hide the tears as you fell to your knees, clutching the grass as you struggled to catch your breath. You missed him. You missed everything about him and it was too late. It was too late to tell him to stay. It was too late to tell him how much you needed him.
How quickly you crumbled apart without him. As you still struggled with your thoughts, you felt a hand on your shoulder. Quickly, you shook it off as you tried and failed to wipe the tears from your face.
“Leave me alone Bucky.” But it wasn’t his voice that said your name next. You gasped as you whipped your head around. It was like seeing Steve after years apart and not trusting your legs, you remained sitting there, looking at him in shock. Your mouth was wide open, your eyes wide as you struggled to speak.
“You thought I’d stay?” He asked, kneeling beside you as he gently helped wipe your eyes. Your silence was enough of an answer as he weakly chuckled, leaning forward to rest his forehead on yours. “How could I leave my best girl?”
It was then that you pulled away, constantly shaking your head as you struggled to put some distance between you two. “Best girl? No Peggy was. Is.” You paused, trying desperately to speak despite the pounding in your head. “You could have stayed in the past. You could have gone home.”
Steve couldn’t stand the distance. He pulled you close, not that you objected, holding you tight as he looked in your eyes. His voice was firm, the same truthful tone was back as he leaned closer to whisper against your lips.
“Love, I am home.”
Angst/fluff Prompt List
Please don’t repost (stealing isn’t cool, but reblog if you wish) <3 <3
“I love you, please don’t go.”
“Stay here tonight.”
“Please don’t walk out of that door.”
“I thought things were going great.”
“Don’t you love me?”
“You make every day worth living.”
“I’ll keep you warm.”
“I’m never letting you go.”
“You meant too much to me.”
“I won’t let you.”
“How could you ask me that?”
“Don’t you trust me?”
“I won’t let anyone hurt you, you’re safe with me.”
“You look amazing tonight.”
“Shouldn’t you be with him/her?”
“I’ve got you.”
“I can’t sleep, can I stay here?”
“It’s late. Shouldn’t you be asleep?”
“How are you feeling today?”
“You look amazing tonight.”
“We’ll figure this out.”
“This isn’t goodbye.”
“What’s cookin’ good lookin’?”
“Wanna go grab a drink?”
“What the hell were you thinking?!”
“Here, let me help you.”
“Kiss me.”
“I care about you.”
“You could have warned me!”
“That was unexpected.”
“You haven’t lost me.”
“Why are you doing this?”
“Don’t cry.”
“Please don’t do this.”
“You make me feel safe.”
“You’ve shown me what love can feel like.”
“Thank you, for everything.”
“All I wanted was for you to be happy.”
“I can’t do this on my own.”
“I wasn’t lying when I said that I loved you.”
“Don’t be afraid.”
“You’re always on my mind.”
“You have no idea how much I want you right now.”
“You’ve always felt like home.”
“I can’t imagine this world without you.”
“Dance with me.”
“Trust me.”
“Why are you crying?”
“Who hurt you?”
“Nothing is wrong with you.”
“You make me feel alive.”
“I wouldn’t change a thing about you.”
“Who cares about what they think?”
“Let’s go.”
“I’m not going anywhere.”
“Tell me what’s wrong.”
“You’ve always got me.”
“I’ve waited for this moment for a long time.”
“Is this okay?”
“You look like you could use a hug.”
“Did you need something?”
“Do you have a ride home?”
“I am home.”
“What happened back there?”
“That’s not gonna happen.”
“Why me?”
“I’m right where I belong.”
“What do you want me to say?”
“After everything we’ve been through, you still don’t think that I love you?”
“You’ve been drinking tonight, haven’t you?”
“You need sleep.”
“Excuse me?”
“What are you doing?”
“What did you expect?”
“You’re not alone.”
“We’re meant for each other.”
“You’re worth it.”
“I don’t care what anyone else thinks.”
“I’ve always been honest with you.”
“It’s cold, you should take my jacket.”
“Just breathe, okay?”
“When I’m with you, I’m happy.”
“Going somewhere?”
“Don’t lie to me.”
“Don’t be scared, I’m right here.”
“You’re so adorable.”
“I’m better, now that you’re here.”
“I could never forget you.”
“Forget it.”
“That’s in the past.”
“You make me happy.”
“You’re more than that.”
“I won’t lose you too.”
“Come cuddle.”
“Can’t you stay a little longer?”
“It’s not that easy.”
“I’ve had enough.”
“I fell in love with you, not them.”
“You’re the only one I wanna wake up next to.”
Missing You
Rating: T
Warnings: slight cursing and as always, late night editing and some mediocre writing
(GIF, as always, is not mine)

Chris’ absence had always taken a toll on your daughter but today, on the day of her fall dance recital, the effect was even worse. As you looked down at the little girl tightly holding onto your hand, your heart broke as you took in her expression. She kept her gaze forward, quiet, as the flowers you had bought her nearly dragged on the floor. Tears were brimming in her eyes, threatening to fall and you knew the moment you both made it to the car, they would. For now, your brave little six year old refused to let her friends and their families see how much she missed her daddy. Amazed that she could be so strong, even you wouldn’t have been able to keep it together like that, the feeling quickly passed when you heard her sniffle. Immediately, you swept her into your arms, letting her hide against your neck as you finished the short trek to the car.
Like you predicated, once the door was opened and she was being buckled into her seatbelt did she finally break. Her whimpers had turned into full-blown sobs as she clutched the flowers tightly to her chest, crying her heart out for her daddy.
“I want my daddy. When is daddy coming home?” She whimpered, looking up at you with her now red and puffy eyes, forcing your already broken heart to crumble beyond repair as you struggled to find a solution for her troubles. But with Chris still working on his next film and no chance for the two of you to fly out there right now, all you could do was pull her into your arms and softly rub her back.
“Oh sweetheart. I know you do. Your daddy misses you too. I promise that we’ll see him soon. Soon baby.”
But your words did nothing as she continued to sob, her wet tears staining your shirt as she pressed herself close against you. You didn’t really expect them to though. While she was always your strong little princess, she was still six after all. With a silent sigh, you pulled away to make her look at you. A small smile on your face, you tucked her hair behind her head before wiping away her tears.
“How about we…” You didn’t have time to finish your thought as your phone rang, Chris’ familiar ringtone filling the air.
Just like that, the despair your daughter felt was gone as you quickly scrambled for your phone, letting her take it as soon as you answered. She waved as his face popped up on the facetime call, giggling as Chris’ loud voice echoed in the car.
“Hey princess! How was your dance?!”
While you would have rather stuck around to see your husband, you reluctantly climbed into the front seat and started the long trek back to your home. For now, you’d have to live with only hearing his voice. Yet even that was muffled as your thoughts continued to center around your daughter and how you could fix this.
Just like almost any problem in the Evans house, Disney had become part of the solution. With Chris’ help, the two of you had made it to Disneyland the next weekend. While (y/d/f/n) had resisted at first, claiming it wouldn’t be as fun without her daddy, here you were by the castle.
The two of you sat on a bench nearby, watching families pass by muttering about fast pass times and the next parade. But for once, your daughter didn’t seem to care about the next thing to do as she happily munched on her treat. The dripping Mickey Mouse ice cream bar left marks on her Belle ball gown but it didn’t deter her from trying to finish the giant treat by herself. The Lumiere and Cogsworth doll left forgotten at her side, she continued to nibble her way through the chocolate covered treat while humming along to “Be Our Guest” that the show nearby was playing.
But as always, it was too much. The simple idea made her pause until finally, she reluctantly handed you the rest of the bar.
“Do you want the rest mommy? Daddy usually has it but…” Just like last week, your daughter looked about ready to break down as she thought about the fun times with what she said was ‘the best daddy in whole wide world.’
“Woah. Are you giving my treat to mommy? Not cool sweet pea!” The new voice in the conversation immediately forced (y/d/f/n)’s head to snap up as she looked around for the familiar voice, a grin stretching across her face when she saw him.
There, in front of the two of you, was your husband. Despite how tired he must be from the non-stop filming, he didn’t show it as he walked toward the bench with a bright smile. He didn’t even try to hide his amusement as he knelt down beside your daughter. But as soon as he did, she reacted, flinging herself into his arms. The ice cream now lying on the floor, she didn’t care as she squealed, pushing herself closer towards her father’s loving embrace.
“Daddy! You’re here!”
Chris chuckled as he happily held onto her, hugging her tight as he kissed the side of her head.
“Well of course I’m here. I couldn’t stand being away from my favorite princess.”
As your two favorite people exchanged hugs and kisses, you recorded the entire thing, only putting it away when they both turned in your direction. The same goofy grin on their faces, they took the few steps closer to reach you before Chris leaned down to finally give you the kiss that you’ve been longing for since the moment he left to film. Your daughter’s soft giggles interrupted the two of you quickly though as once more, she stole Chris’ attention. Not that you minded. You adored the bond between the two and would happily step aside to make your little one happy.
“Daddy! We didn’t go on your favorite ride yet!”
“What?! Were you waiting for me? Did you know I was coming?” Chris teased while tickling her, making her once soft giggles turn into shrieks of amusement as she squirmed in her father’s arms. But you knew that she’d happily take the tickle torture if it meant staying in his arms.
You chuckled as you gathered your things before taking Chris’ free hand. With (y/d/f/n) distracted as she scooped up her plush friends, you smiled up at the man you loved.
“I missed you.” You whispered, smiling when he leaned down to softly kiss you once more.
“God (y/n), I missed you too. So damn much. I couldn’t stop thinking about the two of you when I was filming. When I brought up the idea of a break to see you two, the directors nearly dragged me to the taxi hoping that I’d come back more focused.”
You chuckled, shaking your head as you squeezed his hand gently. “I guess I should be thanking them then. Any more time apart and I think (y/d/f/n) and I would have gone insane.”
Chris couldn’t help himself as he leaned down to kiss you yet again. Not that he really wanted to. Even after years of being married, the two of you still were in the ‘honeymoon’ stage of your relationship. Every day with each other was something you both treasured and you both doubt that feeling would ever change. With a smile, he let go of your hand and instead, pulled you as close as he could to his side.
“Now I can’t have that happen to my best girls, now can I?”
Tag List: @patzammit

@ChrisEvans After 10 long weeks…
Rating: T
Warnings: Swearing, innuendos, crappy writing and late night editing.
Author’s Note: It’s been...eight months since my last imagine?! I can’t believe how fast time went by! Due to personal issues, I lost the energy and passion to write during that time. It hurt to not find the motivation to write my own stories but I’m thankful to be here now. I’m ready to write again! Forgive my crappy start back and hopefully, this isn’t as bad as I think it is.
(GIF not mine as always)

A silent gasp escaped your lips as you saw him walk up to you, a big smile on his face as he looked around the empty room. You were an hour early, as always, and previously thinking it would be that way for a while, shock was the only emotion now plastered on your face.
That and the desire to just pull your husband close and kiss him. Damn that flannel shirt. All red, blue, and…perfect.
Quickly, you snapped out of your thoughts as he loudly coughed to grab your attention once more. With a smirk, he leaned over your chair and slowly, he moved to rest his lips close to yours. His hot breath fanned across your face, making you blush a deep red color, while one hand moved to touch your cheek.
“Hey gorgeous.”
Despite being married to the man, all you could do was stutter as you worked towards a response. But finding it difficult to do even that, you did the next best thing and set your earlier plan to motion. Quickly, your arms hooked around his neck, pulling him the rest of the way down to kiss him passionately. His chest rumbled with a chuckle as he happily pulled you up out of your chair, bringing you both to his without breaking the kiss that was quickly becoming a little too steamy for a public setting. But your sense of judgment was gone as you weaved your hands through his long hair, pulling it gently as you longed for this moment to last.
Yet it did too soon to your liking and with a pout, you pulled away gasping for air. You moved, resting your forehead against his shoulder, smiling as you felt his body vibrate from the laughter that came from him. He squeezed you tightly, pressing you flush against him as he worked through the chuckles to softly lay kisses down the side of your neck.
“Surprised?” He asked as his hands moved down your back. You groaned in delight.
“Confused.” You mumbled, waiting for your racing heart to settle until you pulled away to look at his happy expression.
“My new agent booked an interview with your company weeks ago. I know you usually handle this sort of things and come on babe, it was too good to pass up. I had to surprise you.”
“You succeeded.” You chuckled. With the bright smile on his face, how could you be anything but happy anyways? Besides, when were you not excited to be with your husband? With a smile that seemed to rival his own, you kissed him quickly before standing and retrieving the sheets of paper that scattered to the floor when Chris picked you up. “So what, I’m supposed to interview you?”
“That is your job.” You shot a glare at Chris leading him to raise his arms in defense. He chuckled while trying again. “Just act like I’m just another guest on your show babe. It’ll be fine.”
You rolled your eyes while setting the papers back on your chair before once more going to sit on Chris’ lap. Snuggled close to your husband, you sighed in content before you nodded to the idea. Honestly, you would have agreed to anything if the promise of Chris’ amazing hugs were part of the package. Your eyes closed and with a deep breath, you indulged in the little moment the two of you shared. But of course, it didn’t last for long as you played with the sleeve of his shirt, groaning as you finally looked up at him.
“I’m pissed too by the way.” You chuckled as the smile on Chris’ face dropped, his eyes quickly searching yours for a clue as to why. But the tension that had already seemed to grow within him faded when he saw that adorable pout he fell in love with, your bright (e/c) eyes trying their best to look sad.
“You promised you wouldn’t wear that shirt anymore outside of the house.”
Chris couldn’t help himself. He laughed, the sound echoing in the room as he moved to squeeze his left boob. His eyes clenched shut, he threw his head back as he let the amusement of what you said, and the memories of your past promise, wash over him. You couldn’t help but chuckle alongside him, remembering when you saw the interview where he showcased the flannel shirt. Halfway across the country, the sight of your husband and how that damn shirt looked on him almost sent you in a panic to buy a ticket and fly out there to meet him.
If he had that effect on you, his wife, how would anyone else think? While jealously wasn’t something you often showed during this relationship, that damn shirt had led to it as you keep staring at Chris on the screen of your phone. Combine that with his signature beard and his overall adorable self, you were certain at that point that the flannel shirt needed to go. Or be for your personal eyes only. If you had to share your man, the least you could take was one shirt away from the public. Something only for you to see on him.
The thought of that shirt lingered in your mind until he came home a few days later. Immediately, he was greeted with a welcome that was far more than a simple kiss and after that, you voiced your thoughts about the flannel. The reaction had been the same as now and with a chuckle, promised you that the shirt would be for you only if you did the same with that (your favorite color) dress that he loved.
“You started it. You wore that damn dress to Sebastian’s party last month in New York.”
“I forgot all my other dresses at home!” You retorted while going back to pouting.
“Still…” Chris was still laughing, moving to wipe his eyes before he looked down at you once more. “I told you that you looked stunning in that dress and I was right. All his single friends kept hitting on you and…damn it (y/n). Call me selfish but I didn’t want anyone else to see how beautiful you looked then. It was for my eyes only.”
“Now you know how I feel when you’re in that fucking flannel.”
“Noted.” Chris chuckled. Finally, he was starting to calm down. His eyes focused on you and his thumb rubbed against your bottom lip as he smiled. “I promise to head home after this. Plus, this is just a voice interview. No one will see me in the shirt. Happy?”
With a grin on your face, you leaned forward. After voicing your approval against his lips, you happily indulged in the small make-out session that happened right after
Till the End of Time
Pre-serum Steve Rogers x Reader
Rating: T
Warning: A few innuendos and horrible editing! Oh. Also…an unoriginal title.
Author’s Note: Well, my first story after this long hiatus is finally out. It’s not as good as I hoped it would be but it’s definitely helping me get out of this writer’s block.
Song Inspiration - Doris Day’s Till the End of Time
(I understand the year of the song doesn’t match the timeline of the story but I love it! Just imagine it does ;) )

(As always, this is not my gif)
When the gig was offered, no details over the troop you were performing for were revealed. As you looked past the curtain to the crowd of men beyond, it was a welcome surprise when you had immediately caught sight of the blond hair you had fallen in love with. His gaze focused on the floor, he shuffled his feet as he stood at the sidelines. His hands stuffed in his pockets, he didn’t make any notion to watch, let alone enjoy, the show. Even with the few nudges from the same doctor who hired you that now stood beside him, he simply shook his head, trying to push past and leave the area.
Like you’d let him leave that easily.
With your heels clicking against the wooden stage, a smile spread across your lips as the crowd hollered, obscenities thrown your way amidst the screams. With the deep blue curtain still closed behind you, you carefully held the microphone stand, taking a small breath before starting to sing. Your sweet voice filled the air as you started the familiar tune, the one you had always claimed was for Steve and the one you had officially deemed as your favorite song to preform for that same reason. With the first few words sung, you watched with a smile to see his head immediately snap up, his eyes showing the confusion of your sudden arrival. But above all, you couldn’t help but match the intensity of his grin as the reality of your presence finally kicked in.
Till the end of time
Long as stars are in the blue
Long as there’s a spring, a bird to sing
I’ll go on loving you
With the end of the song, the curtain had finally raised, revealing the real show for the men, the USO girls. With their big smiles and short outfits, they paraded around you as you continued song after song but your eyes stayed focused on Steve. With his own gaze not drifting from you, he kept edging towards the stage, mouthing the words to the songs he had heard countless times before. But as he approached, he was constantly shoved aside, the men starting to swarm the front of the crowd as they tried to get as close as possible to the women whose pictures littered their books and beds. You chuckled, stepping back to avoid grabbing hands as you continued, the band playing somewhere in the corner. Their tempo overwhelmed your senses, letting you wash away with the euphoria of the music and the man standing so close by. Finally reaching the end, you repeated the opening song once more, your big (e/c) eyes batting to the crowd as you sang the last few lines for the show.
So, take my heart in sweet surrender
And tenderly say that I’m
The one you love and live for
Till of the end of time.
With the cheers of the men around you, your quiet thanks were all you offered as you left the stage. While the interaction with them was abrupt, they were easily satisfied with the girls adorned in red, white, and blue as they sat on the edge of the stage. Their legs dangling over, they happily conversed with each man whose legs seemed to buckle at the attention of the women.
But to you, your attention was focused elsewhere, looking for those piercing blue eyes that you had once been staring at. Yet as you reached the spot you once saw them, your confusion only doubled, as your man wasn’t there. With a frown, you spun in a circle, the skirt of your dress twirling around you with each turn you made. About to look further for him, you froze as a crowd started to form around you. With a smile appearing once more on your face, you signed each piece of paper thrown your way, shook hands, and answered as many questions as you could. But as time went by and your hands started to cramp, your eyes constantly looking for an escape, one of the men stood out from the crowd. He stood too close for comfort, the smirk on his face trying, and failing, to be appealing as he towered over your petite form.
“Mighty fine show darling.” You inwardly cringed as his greasy hands touched your bare shoulder, his meaty fingers trailing down your skin to soon land on your waist. Not wanting him to see your reaction through, you kept your composure as you nodded, the same smile plastered on your face.
“Why thank you soldier. It’s the least I can do for you fine men.”
With your words, he only grew more confident as he leaned forward. His breath seemed to reek of booze as he whispered in your ear, causing the hairs on the back of your neck to stand on edge.
“Want to do more for your men in uniform? Why don’t you give me another show? Privately, in my bunk.” With your eyes now wide at his blunt request, you tried to push back only to freeze when you saw Steve once more. With his confused and angry gaze, he quickly locked eyes with you before advancing, only stopping as your hand came out of the man’s embrace to halt him. Calm now with your man’s presence, you took a deep breath as you slowly pulled away. Tucking the strands of your curled hair behind your ear, you soon adorned a smirk that seemed to rival his.
“Sorry darling…” You used the same nickname he had tried with you, mocking him with a raised brow. “You may be in the army but that doesn’t make you a man. I only go for the true heroes.”
With that, you gently tapped his cheek before moving away. As you escaped the circle of men now laughing at your rejected ‘suitor,’ your heels were quickly discarded as you raced towards Steve, throwing your arms around him as soon as you were close enough. Just towering a few inches above you, he held you close, not caring who saw as he tenderly kissed the top of your head. Ignoring the complaints of the men who surrounded them, you lifted your head, sneaking a quick kiss before motioning towards the stage.
“I have a room in the back. Come with me?” You said, your red lips curled into a genuine smile. You watched as he nodded, kissing your forehead before finally pulling away.
“Lead the way love.”
With his hand in yours, you led him away from it all, weaving past the huddles of men as they watched with open mouths as the two of you escaped to a more private setting. Of all the men who they suspected would get that privilege, never had they thought ‘scrawny Steve Rogers’ would be the succeeding man. Not paying them any heed though, you whistled for the music to start, the USO girls’ individual show beginning to assure no future trouble from drunken men, hasty advances, and Steve’s jealous nature. As the door with your name plastered on the flimsy wood soon came into sight, you hastened your pace. The rocks beneath you stung against your bare feet but you didn’t care, too excited for the prospect of seeing your boyfriend after weeks of being away.
With this mindset, you didn’t waste any time as soon as the door closed behind you two. Your arms now wrapped around his waist, you pushed the two of you onto the couch. Moving to straddle his waist, you cradled his face as you finally kissed him. With his hands immediately on your hips, he didn’t hesitate to reciprocate. The passion that lingered between the two of you was evident as the kiss continued, only pulling apart as you both fought to catch your breath. Your head moved to rest upon his shoulder, his hands rubbing your back as the silence lingered. Neither of you minded though. Both happy to be back in each other’s embrace, you let the moment sink in until finally, you lifted your head to take a peak at his happy expression.
His smile stretched across his face as he looked down at you, his blue eyes traveling over every aspect of your complexion as if to reassure himself that you were real. He kept quiet for a little awhile until he smirked, your eyes staying locked on his lips as you resisted just kissing him and leaving the talking until later. But your next show was tomorrow and wanting to savor the little time you had with your boyfriend, you let him speak.
“How are you here?”
“A man named Dr. Erskine asked me to come down. He said that there was a trial going on. I was supposed to be the show to commend the chosen man and satisfy the rest. But the one show turned into more. This just happens to be my first stop on an army tour with the gals.” You didn’t know he would be here. If anything, you had just let your small hopes guide you to the show, hoping you would see Steve. As luck would have it, you did. As you waited for him to say something, the surprised chuckle that simply left his lips gave you enough of a clue to put two and two together.
“You’re the chosen one. For the trial.” He simply nodded, forcing a cause of emotions to bubble within you. You were excited that he was living his dream but terrified of the consequences that would come with it. This internal turmoil left you struggling to find anything else to say.
“W-what does that mean?” You had finally managed to get out that simple sentence, choking on your words. Not bearing to look at him, you focused on your hands as they moved to fidget on your lap. But he wouldn’t have any of it as he tugged on your chin, making you look at him once more.
“I’ll be fine (y/n). I’m coming home to you, remember that. Now…” He paused, tickling your sides, making you laugh despite the tense air that settled in the room. “Let’s forget about it for now. I can’t believe you’re here. Before I went to the show, I was writing you a letter.”
“Read it to me?”
Curled up in his lap, you smiled as he moved to retrieve it from his back pocket. The embarrassed tone Steve had made his voice shaky as he started reading the letter he had meant to send. But you didn’t care about any of it to be honest. Instead, you took comfort in the sound of his voice as he carried on. Your cheek pressed against his chest, you listened to the slightly irregular pattern of his heart. All that mattered was that he was here. He was with you. Despite the short amount of time you had, you savored it; not knowing when would be the next time you’d get this privilege.
Steve never did divulge the information regarding the experiment. You wouldn’t know about how deadly of a risk it was. You wouldn’t know that Steve was beyond nervous to undergo the process in just a few days time. Steve didn’t want to worry you about it. Instead, he would just leave you in a shock when he’d visit you in a few weeks time, stopping at your apartment door with his new body and a ring in his back pocket.
Both of your lives would be changing but for now, you took hold of the present. You focused on the love that was strong between you, not letting it go for anything the war had to offer.
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You pulled me from the river. Why?

Being cute aka Chris Evans