You Look Amazing Tonight.
“You Look Amazing Tonight.”
Ransom Thrombey/Drysdale x Reader
Rating: T
Warnings: Language, some sexual themes (no smut though) and spoilers (though I did change some of the plot)
(GIF is not mine)
Summary: Being Ransom’s fiance can be tough. But times like this? It makes it all worth it.
Author’s Note: Prompt #14 of this amazing prompt list.

(In this fic, Ransom didn’t kill Harlan. But Harlan still passed away so Marta still inherited everything.)
It was no secret that Ransom’s family was...different. Ransom liked to say that they were ‘batshit crazy’ and while you tried to see the best in everyone, you couldn’t help but agree with him.
Even after the Thrombey/Drysdale bunch was knocked down a peg or two after Marta inherited Harlan’s fortune, it still didn’t help with all of their selfish tendencies. Marta, bless her kind heart, gave them some sort of stability yet they took it for granted, acting like the same idiots they were before their lives were turned upside down.
Walt was offered a job at the publishing company though he still acted like he owned the place, urging everyone to consider making his father’s work into blockbuster films. Joni continued to hound Marta for money, blowing her yearly allowance in one month with trips and the latest trend instead of investing in her business. In fact, most of the money Marta gave them was gone almost immediately, none of them ready to give up their lavish lifestyles that used to come from Harlan’s money.
Richard and Linda divorced. With the prenup, Richard walked away with almost nothing and the last time Ransom heard from him, he was in Hawaii with his latest fling. And Linda? She threw herself into her work. It was as if she forgot she had a son. Her lack of attention towards Ransom was worse and now, she only saw him on the rare family get together, using it to only berate her son rather than give him the love he needed and deserved.
She scolded him on his new line of work, a car company that he built from the ground up. No loan from Harlan needed. She scolded him on his still lavish lifestyle even though he wasn’t relying on Harlan’s money anymore. She scolded his attitude which was...understandable. Ransom was still an asshole to his family. Though you’d never admit it outloud, they kind of deserved it though.
She also scolded him about you. Perhaps it was Linda’s failed marriage but she hated everything about you. From your appearance to how you acted around them, nothing was good enough for Linda Drysdale, now Thrombey.
Which is why you were doing this.
As you fixed the bottom of your short dress, you quickly grabbed your things before leaving the suite Ransom had booked for you. Your short heels clicked against the tile floor as you hastily pressed the elevator button, a big grin on your face as you begged the thing to quickly arrive and take you to the first floor.
Once the doors opened, you saw him leaning against the opposite wall. Dressed in a dark blue button down shirt and a black suit jacket hanging over his arm, it was his signature smirk that drove you crazy. You wanted nothing more than to pull on his arm, leading him back up to your room for the rest of the night. Instead, you stood frozen at the door of the elevator, only jumping when the door began to close. Hastily, you stepped forward, tucking a strand of your (h/c) hair behind your ear as you smiled brightly at him.
“You look amazing tonight.” He chuckled as he immediately pulled you in close. “But of course you do. After all babe, I did pick the outfit.”
He laughed, the sound ringing in your ears as you playfully swatted at his chest. “Shut up. It was your idea to do this. You didn’t even give me a chance to pack.” You pouted, pushing against his chest to move away from his hold. But instead, his grip tightened around you as he leaned down to whisper seductively in your ear.
“Your point? After tonight, I want you naked until we need to board the plane on Monday morning.” He growled, gently nipping at your neck as a deep blush spread across your cheeks. A soft moan escaped your lips as you ran your fingers through his hair, losing yourself in the moment until he spoke again in your ear. “If it wasn’t for the damn venue and their appointment, I’d say fuck it and take you upstairs now.”
That was all you needed to hear. Immediately, you pushed yourself off from him, fixing your now messy hair as you brightly smiled. “What are we waiting for then?”
And there it was. The genuine smile that Ransom saved just for you. It made your knees weak and if it wasn’t for the arm still wrapped around your waist, you were sure you’d have collapsed onto the floor by now. You sighed as Ransom’s other hand took yours, lifting it slowly as he kissed the huge engagement ring that rest on your finger.
“Are you that eager to be a Drysdale?”
“Just eager to be your wife.” You immediately retorted, leaning up to kiss him quickly before you bent down to retrieve the bouquet. You smirked when the simple action made Ransom moan as he watched. “Damn it (y/n). I take it back. That dress needs to go. If you bend down like that in front of others, you’ll soon be bailing your fiance out of jail.”
You smirked. “Or husband. If we can make it through the ceremony first.”
Ransom rolled his eyes as he once more pulled you close, one hand squeezing your ass as he kissed your roughly. He finally spoke after that, a little out of breath as he rubbed circles on your back. “Are you sure you’re still okay with this? Isn’t it a girl’s dream to have a big wedding or some shit like that? Besides, I wouldn’t mind showing off my girl.”
“All I care about is marrying you Ransom. Plus, if it means avoiding your family or your mother trying to object, it’s just another bonus. Even if it means we have to get married at the most cliche wedding destination.”
Ransom chuckled. “Las Vegas isn’t so bad.”
“At least Elvis isn’t marrying us.”
Ransom chuckled as his hand tried to sneak it’s way up your dress. “Please. Do you really think I’d agree to something like that? We’re here at the finest hotel, I booked the fucking penthouse, and you’re wearing a four thousand dollar dress. Which, I might add, I’m going to rip off of you as soon as we make it back upstairs. Do you really think I’d let a cheap impersonator marry us?”
“You might.” You teased as you swatted his hand away. “You do like to piss me off.”
Ransom, with a long sigh and a small laugh, finally stepped away and lifted his hands in defeat. “Just for today, you’re safe. I want my bride happy. Happy wife means mind blowing sex, right? Isn’t that how the saying goes?”
“Something like that.” You said as you rolled your eyes and lowered one of his hands to lace your fingers with his. “Now hurry up and marry me asshole.” The insult only made Ransom chuckle as he kissed your hand.
“That’s my girl. Now lead the way.”
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More Posts from Mrsoutoftime
Can you do a Peter Parker x reader one-shot where the reader is the female version of Johnny Storm/The Human Torch and she enrolls in Peter’s high school and the other guys at school don’t know she’s dating someone and ask her out and she rejects them all and then to prove Peter’s hers, she passionately kisses him in front of everyone and she decides to be cheeky and grabs Peter’s butt with heated hands and Peter’s a blushing mess because she has never touched him like that before? No smut
Thank you for the request! I really appreciate it!
At the moment, I’m only writing stories for:
Steve Rogers
Chris Evans
Johnny Storm
Frank Adler
I’m thinking of adding more characters later but for now, if you have a suggestion for those four, please feel free to leave me a message!
Meeting with the Enemy
Ransom Drysdale/Thrombey x Reader
Rating: T
Warnings: Language, spoilers, angst, and late night writing/editing.
(Picture is not mine)
Author’s Note: Anon suggested I write an imagine using prompts from a list I’ve been using recently with a scenario of the reader going to visit Ransom once he’s caught. I meant to use the prompts but well...this happened. I used the scenario but I completely forgot about the prompts! I got so caught in this version of Ransom that I lost track of my main goal. :( SORRY! I’ll be sure to use them soon though. Maybe for a part 2? Though a part 2 will have just as much angst as this one. I don’t want to reveal too much of what happens though! I hope you like what I came up with!

When you told your friends and family that you were going to be a Drysdale, you heard a lot of predictions from them.
“He’s going to cheat on you. I give it a month before you find him in bed with another woman.”
“He’ll divorce you. Better take advantage of that wealth while you can. I heard the Drysdales are known for their vicious pre-nups.”
“He just wants you to have his kid. Or kids. He’ll just want to show off to his family. He won’t really care about them. Are you sure that’s what you want in life? A husband like that?”
“His family will never accept you. They’ll think you’re a gold digger. Word of advice, be nice to Harlan. I hear he’s the nicest one out of that miserable bunch.”
You proved them all wrong.
You had been married to Ransom for three years now. Despite his attitude, he was fiercely loyal. Not once did you doubt marrying the man and on the start of your third year married, he was the one that suggested kids. It wasn’t even a one time remark and for the past three months, you both started to plan the possible new changes in your life.
Even the Thrombeys and Drysdales liked you. Or well, as much as they could like someone. While they all had their snide comments, they accepted you into the family. You were ‘the woman that could tame the asshole’ and while you were initially insulted by the description, you happily accepted it because at the end of the day, you were the one that got to see a side of your husband that he didn’t show anyone else. One that eagerly waited until you got home, practically launching at you the minute you walked through the door. One that treated you like a queen, in between teasing you, and showed you that he wasn’t that cocky rich kid that everyone else seemed to think he was.
Yes, you proved them wrong on their accusations but it still wasn’t enough to have a happy life. No one, especially you, guessed that this would happen.
As you stared straight ahead at the white cement walls, you listened to the loud ticking of the clock, waiting for the door to open. Your bag was handed over to the front desk the minute you checked in and instead of clutching onto that for comfort, you fiddled with the end of your scarf. The one piece of yarn that had already started to unravel only grew worse as you continued to pick at it. Your teeth dug into your lip and the constant tapping of your foot made your knee hit the ice cold metal of the table in front of you.
How long would they make you wait? It had already been forty minutes.
You waited another two minutes before you discarded your scarf, throwing it onto the table before hiding your face in your hands. You kept trying to stay calm but it was a lost cause. Your heart continued to race, your stomach churned, and as much as you tried, you couldn’t stop the tears that started to race down your cheeks.
It wasn’t until you heard the loud buzz did you jump, pulling back to wipe at your eyes. But you knew they were already red, your only consolation being that you were too distraught to put any makeup on. If you did, you were sure that you would have looked like a racoon by now.
“You have one hour ma’am.” If only you could tell him that you didn’t need that long but the minute Ransom sat down in front of you, any chance you had at speaking was thrown out the window.
He looked like shit. His hair was a mess, dark circles marred his complexion, and the orange jumpsuit they forced him to wear seemed way too loose. He lost too much weight, losing the body that he constantly boasted about. Yet while you wanted to race over to his side, wrapping your arms around his neck and holding him tight as if to shield him from the torture, what he set on the table made you freeze. His handcuffs hit the metal, the sound vibrating against the walls and echoing in your ears. You winced, leaning back as if to shield yourself from the sound and the cruel reminder of your visit.
Ransom was waiting trial for the murder of his grandfather.
The thought alone made you want to flee the room, race home, and pretend this was all a dream. But the fact that Ransom wasn’t immediately pleading his case made it all too real. Instead, he sat with his hands stretched across the table, a sick smirk on his face as he waited for you to take his hands in yours.
“As much as I love that you came to see me, I hate that you’re tainting your perfect soul coming into this place. It’s bad enough that you have to deal with my family. You should have waited until I got out of this hell hole and I came home, babe.”
You tried to swallow the lump in your throat. It took a few tries but finally, you could talk. The sound was raspy though. You hesitated, trying to come up with a coherent sentence.
“How could you do this?” That was all you could of to say.
Ransom paused at your words, his hands curled into fists for a brief moment before he relaxed once again. He chuckled, lowering his head and for a second, you could see anger flashing before his eyes. For the first time, you feared him.
“Oh come on babe. Do you really believe this horseshit? I didn’t kill my grandfather. The old man killed himself because of a mistake his idiot nurse made.”
“But the recording…”
“The recording that some low level cop made on his Iphone?” Ransom scoffed as he rolled his eyes. “It’s nothing. Last I heard, the idiot accidentally deleted it. Or so my lawyers said. Not that it matters.”
“...and the event? With Benoit and the cops and...and...Marta?” With every word you said, you could see Ransom lose his patience. He wouldn’t even look at you as he answered each question. His words sounded too uniform, as if he practiced the words over and over before he met you.
“I admit I acted badly to the accusation. But I knew the knife was fake. I never meant to kill Marta. I just wanted to shake her up a little.”
You don’t know what you expected. Remorse? It would have killed you to really know he did it but at least then, he would still be the honest man you knew him to be. He wouldn’t be so cold, putting up a front that he used for everyone else. You had thought you were more than that.
You stifled another sob as you took a moment to compose yourself. The silence of the room was heavy, weighing you down as you continued to wipe at your eyes. But you had to do this. You weren’t going to go through this again.
“Bullshit.” Ransom froze at your response before he leaned forward, a dangerous glint in his eyes.
“You’re in grief (y/n). I know it’s hard to believe when I look like this but I’m innocent.”
With a newfound resolve, you hastily stood up from the table, knocking your chair down along the way. “I know what I said Ransom Drysdale. You’re an idiot if you think I believe any of the words that are coming out of your mouth.”
“No!” You interrupted, letting your anger motivate you as you slammed your hands down onto the table, rattling the entire thing. You took comfort that for just a moment, you surprised him. “You think you can fool everyone but you can’t fool me. I know you. You’re a goddamn liar.”
A weak laugh escaped your lips as you held your gaze with his. One hand moved from the table, reaching into your pocket and fiddling with the one thing the officers let you keep as you continued. “You know what I think? I think you opened my things before you went to that party. I think you found it.” You hissed.
“I think it scared you that your dear old grandfather was cutting you off and instead of being a fucking man, you decide the only possible way to get out of this situation is to kill Harlan. If you cover it up well enough, you’ll get your money and it’ll be happily ever after.” You took a step back, pointing at him as your body shook in rage.
It was then, you dropped the paper onto the table, watching for a moment as he took the small sheet into his hands and studied it for a moment. “...If I did...I did it for us. We would have needed the money.” He said.
You scoffed. “You just proved everyone right. You know that, right? You’re a selfish asshole who only thinks about himself. Yes, you can claim it was for me. For us. But really? We. Didn’t. Need. The. Money. You did.” Finally, you took the paper out of his hands, slamming it back onto the table and pointing to it. There, in big letters at the bottom of the picture said Baby Drysdale.
“He or she needed their father. They needed the man who used to stand in the empty bedroom beside ours, already planning out how the nursery was going to look. They needed the man who constantly talked about baby names. They needed the man who was going to love them unconditionally. Not...not this monster before me.”
For the first time since this conversation, you watched his face fall. A look of grief washed over his face as he tried to grab the picture again but you kept it firmly on the table. You wouldn’t let him win again. Not even this.
“Even if your fancy lawyers can lie and get you out of it, I want you to forget I exist. Got that? Don’t look for me. Don’t look for MY child or I swear Ransom, I will ruin you and your family. TELL ME YOU UNDERSTAND!” You screamed. It was the final straw and the door to your room flew open, two officers standing at the door and watching the scene in alarm. But you didn’t focus on them, instead you looked at your husband who just stared at the ultrasound picture.
“Did you even love me? Was this all just a sick joke to you?” You finally said after another moment of silence. It was then that he lifted his head, about to fight back but you silenced him as you raised your hand. “You know what? Don’t answer that. Let me believe I didn’t waste the last three years of my life. But let me make this clear. The only thing I want from you now...I’m taking with me.” You said as you placed a hand on your stomach.
You were quickly losing your confidence and with the short silence that followed your rant, you slipped off your rings, throwing them onto the table beside the picture. “Keep them. You’ll need them for the next foolish girl who believes your sweet lies.”
With that, you were gone, slamming the door behind you. You heard a commotion on the other side, Ransom loudly screaming your name, but you just continued to walk away.
A part two for broke with a fluffy ending?
Well, Part 2 is coming! The fluffy ending...not so much. At least not yet.

@ChrisEvans After 10 long weeks…
“It’s Cold, You Should Take My Jacket.”
Johnny Storm x Reader
Rating: T
Warnings: Innuendos?
(GIF, like always, is not mine)
Summary: Reader meets Johnny
Author’s Note: #81 from this amazing prompt list. Feel free to message me a number with a character from my list! I’d love some input on what to write next!

It was your first Winter in New York and you definitely underestimated the cold. You wrapped your arms around yourself, seeking comfort in the small warmth that came from your long sleeved tee. Your teeth chattered as you quickly made your way through the park, counting the steps until you made it back to the warmth of your apartment. But the odds were stacked against you. Every street light turned red the minute you walked close to it and your idea to take a shortcut through the park? It was just your luck that so many events were going on today, constantly blocking your path.
You cursed as you rubbed your arms, giving up on your brisk pace as you just gave in to the inconveniences. It was your fault anyways. You should have worn something warmer before you went out today. As you slumped down onto a nearby bench, you tried to catch your breath while rubbing your hands together.
“Cold?” You turned to the voice, not even noticing someone sat down next to you until he decided to speak up. He was gorgeous as he lay back against the cold park bench. His hands were tucked inside his leather jacket, his legs crossed and his body turned towards you. He smirked, no doubt holding back a laugh as his bright blue eyes shined.
You blushed, looking down as you fiddled with the sleeves of your shirt. “I’m used to warm weather. Much warmer weather.” You laughed. “Around this time of year, I’d still be lounging around in shorts and a tank top.” “Sexy.” Your head whipped towards him at the comment, watching as he quickly lifted his hands in defense as he laughed. “Hey. You put the image in my head.”
You rolled your eyes, scoffing as you moved to stand up and make the final trek towards your apartment. Before you could step away, his hand covered yours, the warmth from his touch seeming to travel down your body.
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry. It just slipped out.” He held back a laugh as he gestured towards the bench. “Stay with me. Just for a little longer?”
You should have left. With how cold you were, you should have left him there and went home. But you couldn’t stop yourself from sitting down again, not once moving his hand that lay on top of yours. Gosh, he was so warm…
As if he read your mind, he finally moved his hand away, leaning forward to shrug off his jacket. He stood up, leaning over you as he draped his jacket over your shoulders. “It’s cold, you should take my jacket.”
“But what about you?”
“I’ll be fine.” He chuckled, going back to sit beside you as you looked at him in confusion. How could he be fine in this weather? You should have insisted he take it back. You should have taken the jacket off. But it was so toasty and whatever cologne he made you melt.
As you snuggled into the leather jacket, you smiled as you turned to face him again.
“So, used to warmer weather, huh?” He asked, scooting a little closer to you. “What brings you here then?”
“Work. If it wasn’t for the raise that came with the relocation, I’d still be soaking in the sun.” You smiled. “And what about you? You seem used to all this.” “I’ve been here for years. This is nothing.” He shrugged. “This is home. I can’t imagine living anywhere else. And besides, if I wasn’t here, I wouldn’t have met a pretty girl like you.”
You rolled your eyes. “Trying to get me in bed?”
“Depends. Is it working?” You sighed.
“And here I thought you were just being nice.”
“I’m kidding.” He laughed, grabbing your hand again. “I’m known for being quite a flirt. It’s kinda hard to stop.”
“Your charms aren’t working on me.” But the playful pout that appeared on his face from your words proved otherwise. You blushed, quickly focusing on his jacket again.
“How about one date then? Maybe I can change your mind.” “What happened to you ‘trying to stop being a flirt?’ Do you do this with all the girls you meet?”
“Used to. I’ve been trying to get my priorities straight recently. But...there’s something about you that just made me want to try my luck.” Your blushed darkened.
“After everything you’ve just told me, I’m not sure if I should take that as a compliment or not.”
“Compliment. Definitely a compliment.” He said and smiled, about to speak once more before his phone went off. He frowned, cursing the thing under his breath as he slid the phone from his pocket. Once he read the message though, his eyes went wide as he scrambled to his feet. He quickly looked around, his hands clenched into fists as he looked up. But his gaze finally landed on you before his body relaxed and instead, he started taking off in the opposite direction. All the while, he ran backwards while still trying to talk to you.
“Listen, I have to go. I’m sorry. It’s an emergency. Call me!”
“Wait! Your jacket!” You said as you hurry to your feet, trying to shrug off the jacket.
“Keep it! It looks better on you anyways.” He shouted, winking at you before he finally disappeared from sight.
Stunned from the recent events, you stood still. It wasn’t until someone shouted nearby that you looked up, seeing flames burst into the sky and disappear into the city. But you just walked back home, still reeling over the conversation you had with that gorgeous stranger. He never gave you his number. How the hell were you supposed to contact him?
It wasn’t until the next day did you know it was Johnny Storm. You stared at his picture in the newspaper on your way to the mall for more appropriate winter attire. You had unconsciously put on the leather jacket that morning and now, it felt like fate that you did. You smiled as you turned around, heading towards the Baxter building instead.
...Part 2?