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Money Can’t Buy Love
Ransom Drysdale x Reader
Rating: T
Warnings: Language, suggestive content
(Picture is not mine)
Author’s Note: It’s been awhile. I keep trying to get back into writing but life keeps getting in the way. For the first time in a while, I’ve been motivated to write and while this isn’t my best, I decided to upload it.
Enjoy a quick 500 word drabble (ok 564 words) of a soft Ransom because I just watched Knives Out three times this week. The idea came from prompt #34 of this cute prompt list.

Ransom had more money than sense. Your phone was acting slow? You’d find an apple bag on the dining room table the next morning. You lost your favorite bracelet? You woke up to find a Cartier bracelet replacing the $6.99 Target one on your wrist, the matching necklace and earrings waiting in bright red boxes on your nightstand. Your car made an odd sound? Thankfully, you caught him in time for that one. You had hastily yanked the phone from his hand before he could call a dealership. He was pissed at you for a week after that.
Since meeting the famous Ransom Drysdale, you liked to think you had changed him. You had tamed the man that brought chaos wherever he went, getting him to settle down in a more domestic lifestyle. There were no more one night stands. There were no more late night clubs. He was...less of an asshole. You’d be lying if you said that you made him the perfect gentleman. But his ridiculous spending habits? That you couldn’t change.
So instead, you fought him tooth and nail, begging for him to stop spending such obscene amounts of money on you. Every time, you thought you’d gotten into that thick skull of his. He’d pull you close, that signature smirk on his face as he kissed you. He shut you up for the night until you realized just how much of an idiot you were because by the next morning, you’d find bag after bag of gifts waiting for you in the kitchen.
How he got them so fast and without leaving the bed? You didn’t know.
So when you complained one morning about ripping your favorite dress, the one you wore for your first date and the one you’d only bring out on special occasions, you expected to find a replacement waiting for you on the table. No. Not the same one. They stopped making the dress years ago and like hell would Ransom buy it used. It would be a designer piece, the price hastily ripped off to avoid another fight. But instead, as you walked through the door, setting down your bag on one of the kitchen stools, you frowned when you didn’t see a bag. Instead, you just heard a curse somewhere nearby.
“Fuck!” You hesitated as you peeked your head into the living room, catching a glimpse of your boyfriend. His back facing you, he remained hunched over. “Fucking piece of shit.” He muttered again as he ran a hand through his hair. Suddenly, you could hear another voice nearby and quickly, you glanced at the small coffee table in front of him where a video was playing quietly in the distance.
As you tiptoed into the room, you caught a glimpse of the familiar red fabric of your dress. The video, or rather the tailor he was facetiming, guided him through the process on how to save the ripped material.
You left him alone after that, not wanting to ruin the surprise. And for once, you didn’t mind the package that was waiting for you on the table in a few days, a small note waiting for you on the top of the poorly wrapped gift.
I love this dress on you but I love it even more on the floor of our bedroom. Wear this and be ready by 9.
The little things like this is why you loved him so damn much.

50 Wordless Ways to Say “I Love You”
Holding their hands when they are shaking.
Tucking the sheets around them when they stir during the night.
Traveling long distances just to see them.
Making their favorite meal when they are having a hard day.
Giving them a kiss before going to work and they are still in bed.
Tucking your head into their neck during a hug.
Lightly kissing on top of a freshly formed bruise.
Buying them something unrequested because it made you think of them.
Participating in their hobby even if it doesn’t personally interest you.
Sitting in comfortable silence while eating a meal.
Telling them a dumb joke just to see their smile.
Following their family traditions that they enjoy.
Playing your fingers through their hair while sitting next to them on the couch.
Singing and dancing to their favorite song.
Calming them down when they have a bad dream.
Having a tickle fight until you’re breathless.
Folding their clean laundry and putting it away.
Sharing a soft smile across a crowded room.
Bringing them a plate of their favorite sliced fruit.
Washing their back/hair in the shower.
Sharing your umbrella with them in the rain.
Listening to them while they vent.
Taking a picture together to print and hang later.
Tracing your names together in the sand.
Wearing clothes in their favorite color.
Doing a chore for them that you know they aren’t fond of.
Leaving a plate of food in the microwave for when they have a late shift.
Sharing a drink with them from the same straw.
Tucking their hair behind their ear to help them get it out of their face.
Helping scratch that itch on their back they can’t reach.
Pulling a chair out for them to sit down at the table.
Wrapping a blanket around them when they are sitting on the couch and watching a show.
Throwing away their piles of tissues when they have a cold.
Mending an item of their clothing that was ripped.
Running out in the middle of the night to get a food item they’re craving.
Helping brush their hair after a shower.
Making sure to be quiet while they’re taking a nap.
Letting them warm their cold hands under your shirt.
Giving them your dessert when you eat out because it’s their favorite.
Making a goofy face until they notice and laugh.
Giving them space when they express wanting to have some time alone.
Holding their hand while walking, even if there isn’t a crowd.
Holding shopping bags that are too heavy for them.
Standing between them and a busy road.
Rubbing the back of their hand with a thumb.
Giving them a back massage when they flop on the couch or bed.
Staying up half the night to finish a game with them.
Getting them a coffee just the way they like it.
Giving them a tight hug that makes them lose their breath.
Buying them a special treat when you go out shopping.
While I’m writing Part 3 for Broke and Part 2 for Meeting with the Enemy, I have so much motivation to write. Just a friendly reminder that my request box is open. I write for:
Steve Rogers
Chris Evans
Frank Adler
Johnny Storm
Ransom Drysdale
Feel free to send me an ask if you have a request! :D

Thank you so much!! I’ve been so busy with well, life that it feels really good to be writing again. I wasn’t sure I’d be any good at it now but your compliments as well as everyone’s kind words have made my day. You guys motivate me to write more! There will be a part two. Fair warning...more angst is coming. Haha.
Meeting with the Enemy
Ransom Drysdale/Thrombey x Reader
Rating: T
Warnings: Language, spoilers, angst, and late night writing/editing.
(Picture is not mine)
Author’s Note: Anon suggested I write an imagine using prompts from a list I’ve been using recently with a scenario of the reader going to visit Ransom once he’s caught. I meant to use the prompts but well…this happened. I used the scenario but I completely forgot about the prompts! I got so caught in this version of Ransom that I lost track of my main goal. :( SORRY! I’ll be sure to use them soon though. Maybe for a part 2? Though a part 2 will have just as much angst as this one. I don’t want to reveal too much of what happens though! I hope you like what I came up with!

Keep reading
</3 I’M SORRY!!
Meeting with the Enemy
Ransom Drysdale/Thrombey x Reader
Rating: T
Warnings: Language, spoilers, angst, and late night writing/editing.
(Picture is not mine)
Author’s Note: Anon suggested I write an imagine using prompts from a list I’ve been using recently with a scenario of the reader going to visit Ransom once he’s caught. I meant to use the prompts but well…this happened. I used the scenario but I completely forgot about the prompts! I got so caught in this version of Ransom that I lost track of my main goal. :( SORRY! I’ll be sure to use them soon though. Maybe for a part 2? Though a part 2 will have just as much angst as this one. I don’t want to reveal too much of what happens though! I hope you like what I came up with!

Keep reading
Hi, Happy New Years! 1,3,&44 with Ransom; maybe after he’s caught and his wife/fiancée goes and visit him? Thank you! :)
Happy New Year! I’m so sorry this request took me so long to write. A LOT was going on. 😭
I kind of lost track of my goal while writing this cool scenario...😅 Not to give too much away, but I really tried to show Ransom and the reader in a different perspective. I feel so bad that I forgot these prompts. While I’m 100% sure it will be nothing but angst if I made a Part 2, I’m considering using prompt 1,3, and 44 for it. 😊
Thank you so much for requesting a story and I really hope you like the fanfic! ❤️