ms-scarletwings - Of Carmine Carnations
Of Carmine Carnations

She/her- jack of many trades, brainworm farmer- Memes ‘n Misc. hyper-fixations- Take a snack, leave a snack

978 posts

Very First Time Playing Amnesia: The Dark Decsent Is Going Not Well But It Is Going At Least.

Very First Time Playing Amnesia: The Dark Decsent is going… not well but it is going at least.

Fam, I’ve beaten two dead space games, little nightmares and its sequel, good fractions of multiple Resident Evil games, Haunted Cities,

This damn title is about 13 years old now and it’s got my nerves up so badly I need to walk away from it every here and there. I don’t understand why, but it kind was exactly the hype it had been all this time. I finally get it.

Very First Time Playing Amnesia: The Dark Decsent Is Going Not Well But It Is Going At Least.
Very First Time Playing Amnesia: The Dark Decsent Is Going Not Well But It Is Going At Least.
Very First Time Playing Amnesia: The Dark Decsent Is Going Not Well But It Is Going At Least.
Very First Time Playing Amnesia: The Dark Decsent Is Going Not Well But It Is Going At Least.
Very First Time Playing Amnesia: The Dark Decsent Is Going Not Well But It Is Going At Least.
Very First Time Playing Amnesia: The Dark Decsent Is Going Not Well But It Is Going At Least.
Very First Time Playing Amnesia: The Dark Decsent Is Going Not Well But It Is Going At Least.
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More Posts from Ms-scarletwings

1 year ago


total mystery box world! Uncharted territory! The backwoods freaking space boonies!

You know all those ways we talk about inhabitable planets to freak each other out? Like how it’s a noteworthy fact that there are worlds out there surrounded in a cloud of boiling acid fog or ones where it rains molten iron? I’ve been thinking a lot about all the weird information Zim has and could be sharing about the disturbing alien rock he’s getting by on.

• The environmental water is so contaminated by toxic pollutants that it dissolves your skin on contact. It also sometimes just pours right out of the sky in wide showers, maybe even for hours.

• The dominant native species is a race of simian-descent bipeds, and are braindead primitives. Literally still a type 0 civilization and completely fractured into hundreds of incompetent countries where the stupid lead the dumb. They do shit like throwing themselves down a hill after a roll of curdled bovine secretions and call it a sport. They burn plants and inhale the combustion fumes knowing that they are damaging their fragile organs in ways their medicine still cannot hope to reverse. Despite all of this, they’re…. Tall.

• The polar ends of the world are frigid wastelands of ice and fathomless seas, where carnivorous megafauna sit at the top of the local food chain. To the North even live things such as moose, enormous horned beasts that are only hunted by humans and bears, and even these predators are occasionally killed by them.

• Speaking of the ocean, it’s like 70% of the whole planet’s surface and not even the humans have any idea wtf is down there really.

• Some plants have evolved fruiting bodies that, when eaten by mammals, simulate the sensation of burning alive to their taste receptors. Humans specifically breed some varieties of these crops to inflict even more simulated pain and inflammation when eaten… and then they eat them.

• Advanced Irken vehicles have a bizarre and currently unexplained terminal weakness to colliding with bees.

• Any prolonged eye contact with the closest star for more than a few seconds causes severe cornea burns and completely blinds a person.

• Because it is so undeveloped and teeming with off the rails organic diversity, it’s an unhygienic horror show at the micro level. Fungus. Parasites. Bacteria. Invisible and literally everywhere and anywhere: in the dirt, in the water, in the air, and on the animals- the humans alone are practically walking petri dishes loaded with trillions of germs. Their bodies might as well be more micro-biome than human cells and it’s impossible to forget the fact when they carry the stench of their personal teeny-zoos everywhere with them.

• So there’s this thing called rabies… it could make a formidable weapon against humans, but you gotta hear what this crazy shit does, my Tallest

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1 year ago
Tenement - Kitty Horrorshow, Haunted Cities Vol. 4
Tenement - Kitty Horrorshow, Haunted Cities Vol. 4
Tenement - Kitty Horrorshow, Haunted Cities Vol. 4
Tenement - Kitty Horrorshow, Haunted Cities Vol. 4

Tenement - Kitty Horrorshow, Haunted Cities Vol. 4

one of my favourite games of all time. be sure to check the readme that comes with the files, you'll need it

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1 year ago

Every Dredge Aberration (2024), Part 10

Every Dredge Aberration (2024), Part 10

Medusa Octopus

Encyclopedia #160

Aberrant form of glowing octopus


Eight snapping mouths crawl over each other at the behest of a silent master.

Every Dredge Aberration (2024), Part 10

Comment: Eight times the mouths for eight times the menace. Notably, it has also forsaken the bioluminescence of its natural kin, suggesting alterations to living more as an active hunter in the night, rather than potential prey.

How to catch: A shallow swimmer within the Basin's coral reefs. Only comes out after sundown, but can be passively caught with crab pots (10 meters of above) in addition to the reel. The telltale blue glow of the regular octopi make their harvesting spots easily visible in the darkness.

Bursting Anglerfish

Encyclopedia #161

Aberrant form of anglerfish


The deep faces its own consequences of creation. In the darkness, brutality becomes the ultimate filter.

Every Dredge Aberration (2024), Part 10

Comment: It is aptly put by the first source. Even moreso, there is an additional familiarity that is all too tantalizing to see in this design.

Every Dredge Aberration (2024), Part 10

How to catch: Available through day and night, lurks the abyssal depths around the Basin.

Savage Baracuda

Encyclopedia #162

Aberrant form of baracuda


It thrashes about ruinously, jaws snapping and tearing its own flesh apart. A body sundered by ravenous hatred.

Every Dredge Aberration (2024), Part 10

Comment: It can’t go unsaid that source did a strangely phenomenal job on the art delivery with this. The description as well, since it invokes to me another disfiguring madness I’ve seen before.

Every Dredge Aberration (2024), Part 10

How to catch: A Day-swimmer found in shallow shoals in the Stellar Basin.

Concertina Baracuda

Encyclopedia #163

Aberrant form of baracuda


Its body extends, then collapses together with each gasping breath. Nature dissected into mechanical motion.

Every Dredge Aberration (2024), Part 10

Comment: Your childhood accordion fish paper crafts, brought through the stark filter that is reality.

How to catch: ^^^

Gazing Shark

Encyclopedia #164

Aberrant form of hammerhead


Huge bulbous eyes move about on large fleshy stalks, siphoning energy from its body. Its search is not over.

Every Dredge Aberration (2024), Part 10

Comment: Disfigurement and intrigue aside, what makes this mutation particularly notable is its bounty- starting at base of $425 per head. Prior to the discovery of The Pale Reach, this was actually the most valuable individual aberrant available in the sea. While later outshone by expanded entries in the encyclopedia, it is still not a wretch to be completely overlooked by any means.

How to catch: Giving one of the biggest vanilla bangs for a buck, a couple of these could go a decent length towards your next ship renovation. As with other large sharks, hammerhead spawns are few and far between at oceanic depths. This species called the Stellar Basin its home. While it will be available night and day, it may be worth risking a trip or two into the fog after this beaut, for the slightly raised chance of an aberrant appearance. As with any abominable fish, bait and the fishing tools from the deep can only help in your search. Before anything else, a sturdy and spacious hull must be considered before seeking out the beasts, keeping in mind their 9 Slots of cargo requirements.

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