multifandommandy - almost heaven
almost heaven

Welcome! My name is Mandy, your friendly 28 year old asian disaster, and I'll be your blogger today. I hope you enjoy your stay!

1141 posts

Request: Harry Hart X Ginger Ale

Request: Harry Hart x Ginger Ale

Sorry, I’m only writing reader inserts right now!


More Posts from Multifandommandy

7 years ago
Look What Weve Survived So Far! We Outran A Sabertooth Tiger, Fought A Giant Crab, Braved A Chamber Of
Look What Weve Survived So Far! We Outran A Sabertooth Tiger, Fought A Giant Crab, Braved A Chamber Of
Look What Weve Survived So Far! We Outran A Sabertooth Tiger, Fought A Giant Crab, Braved A Chamber Of
Look What Weve Survived So Far! We Outran A Sabertooth Tiger, Fought A Giant Crab, Braved A Chamber Of
Look What Weve Survived So Far! We Outran A Sabertooth Tiger, Fought A Giant Crab, Braved A Chamber Of
Look What Weve Survived So Far! We Outran A Sabertooth Tiger, Fought A Giant Crab, Braved A Chamber Of
Look What Weve Survived So Far! We Outran A Sabertooth Tiger, Fought A Giant Crab, Braved A Chamber Of
Look What Weve Survived So Far! We Outran A Sabertooth Tiger, Fought A Giant Crab, Braved A Chamber Of

Look what we’ve survived so far! We outran a sabertooth tiger, fought a giant crab, braved a chamber of magma, outsmarted the Observatory. We’ve faced death a dozen times since we got here… and every time, we beat it. I don’t know what’s going to happen. I don’t know what the Watchers are going to try, or what we’re going to do. But I know I believe in us.

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7 years ago

does sean gayle know i would die for him

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7 years ago
Ever Since They Confirmed Seans Height, This Is All I Could Think Of

ever since they confirmed Sean’s height, this is all I could think of 

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7 years ago

Today I’ll be uploading and working on an extremely fluffy Eggsy oneshot! I may be a bit slow, I got some bad news about a family member’s health so I’ll be working distracted.

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7 years ago

I’m honestly thinking of taking down Little One so I can re-write it. 

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